Galactic War



  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    For those who say they auto it, yeah whatever! Try autoing against level 78 teams full gear with omegas, from NODE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with RG and Ct5s in their teams. Good luck!!!!!!!

    If those are the teams you are facing, then you are similar level and gear.
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    It is all in your leader vs their leader
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I beat GW today with my B team, in about 40 mins
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    Galactic war hahaa more like galactic snor. But seriously tho I beat it maybe 6 times in 4 months before the update and now I beat it every day after the update.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    I beat GW today with my B team, in about 40 mins

    I enjoy being able to play and win with my b team in gw

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I propose a one time difficulty selector. If you wish to play with increasing difficulty, you select say yoda mode. If you wish to have a more balanced gw, you select padme mode.
    lol. Why not just add an I-Win button to the top right corner of the screen. Of course everyone selects easier. It's not a single player game. Still have to play other people's toons in Arena. For crytals. For advancing.

    If there is a button to give everyone 50 million credits and 2000 shards for each toon, I think everyone will hit that, too.

    I have seen screenshots of some really brutal GW battles. I remember having level 73 teams at node 4-5, when I had just unlocked GW. But that was before protection. And it only happened a few times, like it was a bug, or something.

    I don't know if it's a glitch or what, but all I can say is at GW works for me. With protection. Average one suicide squad, and about 5 restarts per match. Yeah it takes a little longer. Apparently some people may be getting bugged matchups? Devs are supposedly looking into this.

    The problem is not protection. It's supposedly bugged matchups for certain people.

    Now if your GW squad is weak because you decided to chase after some hard farm toons/synergy teams out of the gate to crush Arena, you screwed up. Learn to play. There are tutorials out there. GW is important, early. Build your GW squad, first. If you dug yourself a hole, not as much sympathy here. You can stick it out, buy yourself out, or start over.

    I didn't star up JC or Lumi for Arena. I had to bite the waste of time and resources I put into certain toons to switch course, in order to strengthen my GW chances. I forced myself to consider the long game. So I dropped my agenda and started the slow process of farming JC. JC was never particularly useful to me for anything else, other than LS and GW. Getting his heal cooldown to -1 was key for GW, pre-protection. Now, I'm not sure he's that crucial, post-protection. I might stop and put some resources into some tanks. And to get gear 7 for some suicide squads.

    Luckily, you can farm Poe and RG without much love from GW. And then go back and beat it. Unless you are really one of those players getting bugged matchups.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    It's the same as ever if you have multiple healers. Sometimes you just don't finish it and that's okay. It's supposed to be an endurance challenge for multiple characters. There was a point where I could only get halfway through and I didn't complain about how hard it was or how boring it was to retreat (I didn't even know you could retreat until recently and I still don't even do it.) I just got my credits from the one's I did beat and eventually my collection was big enough to win mostly consistently. You too can achieve this. Galactic War is fine.
  • gbshow
    89 posts Member
    It is a chore but I still beat it, just takes forty six times as long :( Still don't like it.
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    It is doable. It's just a PITA to do it. The protection slows progress way down.
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    Strategy young Jedi, time everything :smile: usually if u hit the super hard team with high lvls there will be a couple easier teams after it, just my experience maybe? Idk the only reason I stopped finishing them during the week was because they take so darn long!! But now I'm using my B team for the first 3-4 batlles and it's scales way better. Gl!
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Every GW is winnable... every single one.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    For those who say they auto it, yeah whatever! Try autoing against level 78 teams full gear with omegas, from NODE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with RG and Ct5s in their teams. Good luck!!!!!!!

    Rubbish. I'm about 31k power in arena and start with 65s with 6 - 7 stars. The 7 star 76s don't come until node 7 or 8. The 7 star level 77 Rg, Rey, gs, qgj, and daka don't come until 10 or 11. And I never auto anything.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Exaggeration is why this debate continues.

    Oh and outright lies.
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Perhaps if you payed attn to the forums, you would understand I'm usually fighting for the player base, especially free to play players, and timi basically flames everyone, which is the only reason I attack him. I rarely disrespect anyone on here cept the devs and ea.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • clawsofhonor
    370 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Ive got an epic solution that should make everyone happy incidently. Since the people who like gw with its current difficulty and those who want it more difficult seem to care little for anyone but themselves and seem to enjoy their apparent feelings of superiority, I propose a one time difficulty selector. If you wish to play with increasing difficulty, you select say yoda mode. If you wish to have a more balanced gw, you select padme mode. Since many discount the dev acknowled glitch with gws difficulty, said people can enjoy the glitch, struggling with the absurd difficulties, or maybe even loving an increasingly unbeatable difficulty of a mode designed to be a challenging but not absurd resource farm that still provides realistically paltry resources, while the rest of the majority chooses the balanced difficulty that allows them to actually ENJOY the game


    Lol like your opinion matters to anyone

    You reaaaaaly need to matter to someone, huh?

    Rough day at school, tyke?

    This from a guy who often has no information of value to contribute to forum discussions but will still make asinine comments just to be relevant. Good call.
    Post edited by Hozilla on
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    If you think harrassing me will make you popular, you are wrong.

    You arent fighting for anything, just going around setting little fires.

    Contribute something other than forum chaos, and maybe people will care what you think.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    The solution to beating GW is to acquire more characters and upgrade them. Bariss helps a ton as well as Lumi and JC. If you don't have healers, its rough.
  • quigonkenny
    240 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I propose a one time difficulty selector. If you wish to play with increasing difficulty, you select say yoda mode. If you wish to have a more balanced gw, you select padme mode.
    lol. Why not just add an I-Win button to the top right corner of the screen. Of course everyone selects easier. It's not a single player game. Still have to play other people's toons in Arena. For crytals. For advancing.

    If there is a button to give everyone 50 million credits and 2000 shards for each toon, I think everyone will hit that, too.

    I have seen screenshots of some really brutal GW battles. I remember having level 73 teams at node 4-5, when I had just unlocked GW. But that was before protection. And it only happened a few times, like it was a bug, or something.

    I don't know if it's a glitch or what, but all I can say is at GW works for me. With protection. Average one suicide squad, and about 5 restarts per match. Yeah it takes a little longer. Apparently some people may be getting bugged matchups? Devs are supposedly looking into this.

    The problem is not protection. It's supposedly bugged matchups for certain people.

    Now if your GW squad is weak because you decided to chase after some hard farm toons/synergy teams out of the gate to crush Arena, you screwed up. Learn to play. There are tutorials out there. GW is important, early. Build your GW squad, first. If you dug yourself a hole, not as much sympathy here. You can stick it out, buy yourself out, or start over.

    I didn't star up JC or Lumi for Arena. I had to bite the waste of time and resources I put into certain toons to switch course, in order to strengthen my GW chances. I forced myself to consider the long game. So I dropped my agenda and started the slow process of farming JC. JC was never particularly useful to me for anything else, other than LS and GW. Getting his heal cooldown to -1 was key for GW, pre-protection. Now, I'm not sure he's that crucial, post-protection. I might stop and put some resources into some tanks. And to get gear 7 for some suicide squads.

    Luckily, you can farm Poe and RG without much love from GW. And then go back and beat it. Unless you are really one of those players getting bugged matchups.
    Great comment. You can win in the Arena with an ideal GW team, most of the time. A lot harder to win 12 straight GW battles with an ideal Arena team. Arena is all about killing off the other team in less than 5 min. GW is all about leaving a battle as close as possible to the same shape you entered it, if not in better shape. Build your GW team first, and it will give you the resources to build your Arena team. Build your Arena team first, and you're going to have a hard time in GW.
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    Haven't lost GW in over two months. All the update did was let me fight against more diverse teams.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Ive got an epic solution that should make everyone happy incidently. Since the people who like gw with its current difficulty and those who want it more difficult seem to care little for anyone but themselves and seem to enjoy their apparent feelings of superiority, I propose a one time difficulty selector. If you wish to play with increasing difficulty, you select say yoda mode. If you wish to have a more balanced gw, you select padme mode. Since many discount the dev acknowled glitch with gws difficulty, said people can enjoy the glitch, struggling with the absurd difficulties, or maybe even loving an increasingly unbeatable difficulty of a mode designed to be a challenging but not absurd resource farm that still provides realistically paltry resources, while the rest of the majority chooses the balanced difficulty that allows them to actually ENJOY the game


    Lol like your opinion matters to anyone

    You reaaaaaly need to matter to someone, huh?

    Rough day at school, tyke?

    This from a guy who often has no information of value to contribute to forum discussions but will still make asinine comments just to be relevant. Good call nibblenuts

    If you think harrassing me will make you popular, you are wrong.

    You arent fighting for anything, just going around setting little fires.

    Contribute something other than forum chaos, and maybe people will care what you think.

    I do contribute something to the forums. I try to promote change. I try to empower the player base. You act like a tool every chance you get, so much so that even the mods consider you a "known problem" by their words. I dont fight against the player base, and I don't flame every person that feels they have a legit gripe if I don't agree with them. You do. Stop being a hypocritical tool and start being a human being :)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Ive got an epic solution that should make everyone happy incidently. Since the people who like gw with its current difficulty and those who want it more difficult seem to care little for anyone but themselves and seem to enjoy their apparent feelings of superiority, I propose a one time difficulty selector. If you wish to play with increasing difficulty, you select say yoda mode. If you wish to have a more balanced gw, you select padme mode. Since many discount the dev acknowled glitch with gws difficulty, said people can enjoy the glitch, struggling with the absurd difficulties, or maybe even loving an increasingly unbeatable difficulty of a mode designed to be a challenging but not absurd resource farm that still provides realistically paltry resources, while the rest of the majority chooses the balanced difficulty that allows them to actually ENJOY the game


    Lol like your opinion matters to anyone

    You reaaaaaly need to matter to someone, huh?

    Rough day at school, tyke?

    This from a guy who often has no information of value to contribute to forum discussions but will still make asinine comments just to be relevant. Good call nibblenuts

    If you think harrassing me will make you popular, you are wrong.

    You arent fighting for anything, just going around setting little fires.

    Contribute something other than forum chaos, and maybe people will care what you think.

    I do contribute something to the forums. I try to promote change. I try to empower the player base. You act like a tool every chance you get, so much so that even the mods consider you a "known problem" by their words. I dont fight against the player base, and I don't flame every person that feels they have a legit gripe if I don't agree with them. You do. Stop being a hypocritical tool and start being a human being :)

    You should probably seek professional mental health help.

    I meant contribute to the game. With money.

    You keep doing what you are accusing me of, I think you are confused.
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