How RG and QGJ dictate the meta, and why it's bad


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    senkoujin wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Diversity is a fallacy. People will always min max, so unless all toons have the same exact skills, you will never see it.
    Wise words, young padawan.
    People are smart....if all characters were made with the exact same skills, people would complain about there being no diversity whatsoever other than cosmetics, and the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. People find ways around issues; when there's a will, there's a way.

    When certain people discover an edge using their own free thinking and ingenuity, the ones who didn't think of it first (or is currently stuck in one method) will complain....and when the complainers discover a good counter-measure, the other party would complain. Neverending cycle; TC should accept that there will always be chaos in the world.

    Ho hey so I guess we should not try to make the game better.
    That's alright. Let's not balance it at all actually. Why would we keep the game interesting and challenging after all?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    senkoujin wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Diversity is a fallacy. People will always min max, so unless all toons have the same exact skills, you will never see it.
    Wise words, young padawan.
    People are smart....if all characters were made with the exact same skills, people would complain about there being no diversity whatsoever other than cosmetics, and the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. People find ways around issues; when there's a will, there's a way.

    When certain people discover an edge using their own free thinking and ingenuity, the ones who didn't think of it first (or is currently stuck in one method) will complain....and when the complainers discover a good counter-measure, the other party would complain. Neverending cycle; TC should accept that there will always be chaos in the world.

    Ho hey so I guess we should not try to make the game better.
    That's alright. Let's not balance it at all actually. Why would we keep the game interesting and challenging after all?

    Why would you try to take on this large responsibility for no pay?

    Are you even qualified for this job?

    There are people already doing this job.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    To adress some of the points that were brought up:

    If somebody wishes to offer constructive feedback and solid arguments, please step forward.

    you only adressed some of the points. The reasons why your thread is about a non-issue is in the other points brought up :)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Since no other dispeller can fulfill that role as effectively as him, thanks to his amazing utility and great damage, no other dispeller is used at the moment. (Some run Plo Koon, but he is not the best choice unless you run a clone team. That means being a whale for a 7* Rex)

    My Asajj and Teebo beg to differ.
    Sikho wrote: »
    You now find yourself in a situation where everyone runs QGJ and RG. To counter this, more and more people are shifting to a 2 tanks team, with STHan most of the time as a secondary tank.
    I love this setup, Bring it on. First Opponent gives up another spot that could go to a High damage or other utility character for a setup that some find intimidating, where my Asajj eats it for breakfast.
    Sikho wrote: »
    So what happens? You have to dedicate 2, possibly 3 slots of your 5-man team to predefined characters.

    This severely cripples diversity and creates a boring pvp environment.
    As it is not true PVP it is already crippled. If someone could find the perfect defense team everyone would be running it, and still no diversity, Taunt or no taunt.
    Sikho wrote: »
    When you get to choose 2 characters instead of 5, doesn't that mean that there's a problem with the meta?
    Only "Meta" change I have seen recently is switch from Dooku lead to old ben lead. Same evasion tactic.

    This needs to be changed, and here is what should be done:
    Sikho wrote: »
    Dispell should not remove taunts anymore.
    Yes, it sounds crazy. But think about this: if your taunt can't be dispelled, you don't have to run 2 tanks, and this would actually help tanks become valuable, instead of just being a juicy offense up buff for the enemy team.
    First you don't have to run 2 tanks or what I truly think you meant to say was 2 taunters. You don't have to run anything.
    So you want to nerd every dispeller, inlcuding Sun Fac who has barely made it out of the gate.
    Sikho wrote: »
    "But how can I counter RG if I can't dispell him????1"

    Well the answer is simple: You can't. Which is why he needs to be tuned, and dare I say, nerfed!

    It is not true. Even if you nerfed the dispel ability which I think is a horrible idea, you beat him buy taking him out 1st. Don't let him taunt.

  • Options
    ignore the trolls, RG is overpowered.

    Not a developer priority though. No rebalance coming up. The game is just going to be worse and the META is going to be more narrow because of it.
  • ldkronos
    63 posts Member
    OP..this is a great idea....make it so dispell doesnt remove taunts, then you don't have to run 2 tanks. you know what an even better idea would be? Let's remove taunt completely!!! Then I won't have to run 2 dispellers to deal with taunting. Oh, and lets remove offense up and advantage so that I don't have to carry 2 healers with me in GW. And lets knock everyone's damage down so that I don't have to bring healers at all. Then in the end, we'll all have the same (dis)abilities and it will just be like a match of 5 stormtroopers vs 5 stormtroopers.

    Or you could just learn to deal with the game mechanics. RG (even 7 star) does not discourage me anymore now that I've learned to deal with him. You want to put TWO tanks on your team? Pefect. I dealt with one of those a few days ago...CRUSHED IT!!!! I now would encourage EVERYONE to run 2 tanks (to make it easier for me). Now I need to learn to deal with other top characters. Fives and ObiWan are currently my biggest pains. I suppose I could just ask for their abilities to be removed, or I could work on figuring out the strategy to deal with them.
  • Options
    I used to like back when tenacity up would make taunt unable to be dispelled, but that's just me
  • Swagger
    2 posts Member
    U can use Heroes like Ani, and place BUFF IMMUNITY.....

    So RG cant get Taunt....
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.

    Reaching the top of the leaderboards takes crystals, not a particular team. You are simply wrong on this point, sorry. I have seen a great many different teams in the top 10, though there are definitely a few favorites. RG and QGJ are certainly among them, but so are Phasma, Dooku, Luminara, Daka, GS, IG-100, FOTP, Yoda, Fives, Rey, STH, and Poggle. There are strategies to taunt defenses that you seem unwilling to consider, but that have been proven effective. There will always be a random element, to ensure there are diverse outcomes, and possibilities of upsets.

  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    ldkronos wrote: »
    OP..this is a great idea....make it so dispell doesnt remove taunts, then you don't have to run 2 tanks. you know what an even better idea would be? Let's remove taunt completely!!! Then I won't have to run 2 dispellers to deal with taunting. Oh, and lets remove offense up and advantage so that I don't have to carry 2 healers with me in GW. And lets knock everyone's damage down so that I don't have to bring healers at all. Then in the end, we'll all have the same (dis)abilities and it will just be like a match of 5 stormtroopers vs 5 stormtroopers.

    Or you could just learn to deal with the game mechanics. RG (even 7 star) does not discourage me anymore now that I've learned to deal with him. You want to put TWO tanks on your team? Pefect. I dealt with one of those a few days ago...CRUSHED IT!!!! I now would encourage EVERYONE to run 2 tanks (to make it easier for me). Now I need to learn to deal with other top characters. Fives and ObiWan are currently my biggest pains. I suppose I could just ask for their abilities to be removed, or I could work on figuring out the strategy to deal with them.

    Yes good. You didn't make any point besides "lol i can do it so it's not broken".
    What you failed to understand is that this situation does not make teams impossible to beat. They just reduce the number of slots from 5 to 3 and sometimes 2, because you have to run the said characters.
    I suggest you read the thread before being sarcastic, because it only makes you look overconfident with no reason to be.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.

    Reaching the top of the leaderboards takes crystals, not a particular team. You are simply wrong on this point, sorry. I have seen a great many different teams in the top 10, though there are definitely a few favorites. RG and QGJ are certainly among them, but so are Phasma, Dooku, Luminara, Daka, GS, IG-100, FOTP, Yoda, Fives, Rey, STH, and Poggle. There are strategies to taunt defenses that you seem unwilling to consider, but that have been proven effective. There will always be a random element, to ensure there are diverse outcomes, and possibilities of upsets.

    It takes crystals and RG/QGJ. It's just a fact: They ARE everywhere.
    The other strategies you talks about will always be sub-par. Why would I use someone not as good as QGJ to dispell? Why would I run a tank worse that RG?
    They are mandatory. Don't deny it.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.

    Reaching the top of the leaderboards takes crystals, not a particular team. You are simply wrong on this point, sorry. I have seen a great many different teams in the top 10, though there are definitely a few favorites. RG and QGJ are certainly among them, but so are Phasma, Dooku, Luminara, Daka, GS, IG-100, FOTP, Yoda, Fives, Rey, STH, and Poggle. There are strategies to taunt defenses that you seem unwilling to consider, but that have been proven effective. There will always be a random element, to ensure there are diverse outcomes, and possibilities of upsets.

    It takes crystals and RG/QGJ. It's just a fact: They ARE everywhere.
    The other strategies you talks about will always be sub-par. Why would I use someone not as good as QGJ to dispell? Why would I run a tank worse that RG?
    They are mandatory. Don't deny it.

    Neither of those toons is mandatory. I deny it.
    You do not have to run a taunt at all.
    QGJ is squishy. HB is slow to cool down.
    Many teams I see run Mace, some run both.
    Offense Up is more the reason people choose QGJ.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.

    Reaching the top of the leaderboards takes crystals, not a particular team. You are simply wrong on this point, sorry. I have seen a great many different teams in the top 10, though there are definitely a few favorites. RG and QGJ are certainly among them, but so are Phasma, Dooku, Luminara, Daka, GS, IG-100, FOTP, Yoda, Fives, Rey, STH, and Poggle. There are strategies to taunt defenses that you seem unwilling to consider, but that have been proven effective. There will always be a random element, to ensure there are diverse outcomes, and possibilities of upsets.

    It takes crystals and RG/QGJ. It's just a fact: They ARE everywhere.
    The other strategies you talks about will always be sub-par. Why would I use someone not as good as QGJ to dispell? Why would I run a tank worse that RG?
    They are mandatory. Don't deny it.

    complaining about lack of diversity, but refusing to play with other toons yourself ? seems like you are part of the problem instead of the solution :)

    you can win without them, they arent mandatory. They might be the best, maybe you need to invest some time into finding better compositions instead of complaining about what others are using.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    Diversity? Ummm how about you add Rey, fives, daka to your list of nerf requests ... People run the same few toons, we have limited resources get over it.

    If you really want diversity ask the devs to fix the credit crunch and we can star up and level al the toons we are sitting on.

    Oh yeah you forgot to mention nerf dooku ...
  • ldkronos
    63 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    What you failed to understand is that this situation does not make teams impossible to beat. They just reduce the number of slots from 5 to 3 and sometimes 2, because you have to run the said characters.
    I suggest you read the thread before being sarcastic, because it only makes you look overconfident with no reason to be.

    No, it doesn't reduce slots. You choose to fill those slots. You don't need to choose to fill those slots that way. My server has a few teams at the top running no tanks, healers, or debuffers...just all damage and utility players. They found a way to get top 10 without filling those slots that way, so clearly you don't need to either. Figure out what works for you. There's more than 1 solution.

  • Options
    What a load of bull. Go play something else!

    What a meaningful contribution. "You're saying something I don't like! Get away from my toys!"
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Sikho I'll post a thread with what i think is the real threat in the arena and everywhere else. And i will show you where QGJ and RG in that guy's team. ;)
  • Options
    senkoujin wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Diversity is a fallacy. People will always min max, so unless all toons have the same exact skills, you will never see it.
    Wise words, young padawan.
    People are smart....if all characters were made with the exact same skills, people would complain about there being no diversity whatsoever other than cosmetics, and the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. People find ways around issues; when there's a will, there's a way.

    When certain people discover an edge using their own free thinking and ingenuity, the ones who didn't think of it first (or is currently stuck in one method) will complain....and when the complainers discover a good counter-measure, the other party would complain. Neverending cycle; TC should accept that there will always be chaos in the world.

    A straw man if I ever saw one. Diversity =/= "exact same skills"; it means the developers taking some time to think of more than just new ways to farm players, and devise abilities across the full range of characters that lead to true "ingenuity".
    There is very little scope for ingenuity when only a select group of characters are truly viable for top tier PvP. It's why every shard has a top 100 consisting of roughly 10 characters of which to realistically select from should you wish to remain in the top tier. Virtually every team in my shard has a RG and a QGJ. Just as the OP stated: when 2 out of your 5 characters are practically a necessity, any thought of genuine creativity is nothing more than illusion. This is why I'm fast losing interest in the game, and I know I'm not the only one.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Despite lack of diversity, innovation is still effective.

    I cite Rex lead teams and Ewok teams as examples.

    Rex can't be innovation for 90% of the player base.
    Ewok teams are meh in PvP. Especially since the TM reduction resist fix.
    Their real usefulness is in PvE, raids and GW in particular.

    All diversity teams suffer on defense due to player herd mentality.

    All teams in general are at least somewhat viable on offense.

    The current Evasion meta allows for many different Evasion leads, if people would play them.

    We must also remember that free players will gravitate to similar characters.

    What you call "diversity teams" can't possibly reach the top of the leaderboard because two characters are mandatory to succeed.

    Come on, when was the last time you saw someone in the top 10 without RG or QGJ?
    How can you go through RG and possibly another taunter without a dispell?

    "You just have to know your damage and calculate..."
    NO. One crit or dodge or whatever and your whole strategy is toast. Relying on RNG to even kill 1 toon? Horrible game design.

    Reaching the top of the leaderboards takes crystals, not a particular team. You are simply wrong on this point, sorry. I have seen a great many different teams in the top 10, though there are definitely a few favorites. RG and QGJ are certainly among them, but so are Phasma, Dooku, Luminara, Daka, GS, IG-100, FOTP, Yoda, Fives, Rey, STH, and Poggle. There are strategies to taunt defenses that you seem unwilling to consider, but that have been proven effective. There will always be a random element, to ensure there are diverse outcomes, and possibilities of upsets.

    It takes crystals and RG/QGJ. It's just a fact: They ARE everywhere.
    The other strategies you talks about will always be sub-par. Why would I use someone not as good as QGJ to dispell? Why would I run a tank worse that RG?
    They are mandatory. Don't deny it.

    complaining about lack of diversity, but refusing to play with other toons yourself ? seems like you are part of the problem instead of the solution :)

    you can win without them, they arent mandatory. They might be the best, maybe you need to invest some time into finding better compositions instead of complaining about what others are using.

    Yes, you can periodically win matches without them. But you won't win as much and as reliably.
    If you want to build a lasting team that doesn't drop much overnight, and that is able to take down all enemies.
    They are the best choices. All the time.
    ldkronos wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    What you failed to understand is that this situation does not make teams impossible to beat. They just reduce the number of slots from 5 to 3 and sometimes 2, because you have to run the said characters.
    I suggest you read the thread before being sarcastic, because it only makes you look overconfident with no reason to be.

    No, it doesn't reduce slots. You choose to fill those slots. You don't need to choose to fill those slots that way. My server has a few teams at the top running no tanks, healers, or debuffers...just all damage and utility players. They found a way to get top 10 without filling those slots that way, so clearly you don't need to either. Figure out what works for you. There's more than 1 solution.

    Yes, there are some teams that can sometimes get to the top 50 without them. Count them and you'll realize they are a small minority.

    You can ignore the issue, but it won't make it go away. 90% of the team run either QGJ or RG. A lot run both.

    All the whales run them, unless some who have Sun Fac.

    If you think about it, it will only hurt f2p, because once whales start running Sun Fac, all tanks will become worthless. With my changes, Sun Fac remains relevant without completely destroying balance.
  • Options

    Why would you try to take on this large responsibility for no pay?

    In what reality is starting a forum thread a "large responsibility"? It fuels discussion, which the developers inevitably take notice of.
    Are you even qualified for this job?

    Yes, he plays the game. Seriously, if 90% of people on this forum stopped for 30 seconds to inject a little logic into their posts we wouldn't get so much pointless noise. The developers look to player feedback to garner some idea as to the state of the game.
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    -1 B. S.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    senkoujin wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Diversity is a fallacy. People will always min max, so unless all toons have the same exact skills, you will never see it.
    Wise words, young padawan.
    People are smart....if all characters were made with the exact same skills, people would complain about there being no diversity whatsoever other than cosmetics, and the game wouldn't be nearly as fun. People find ways around issues; when there's a will, there's a way.

    When certain people discover an edge using their own free thinking and ingenuity, the ones who didn't think of it first (or is currently stuck in one method) will complain....and when the complainers discover a good counter-measure, the other party would complain. Neverending cycle; TC should accept that there will always be chaos in the world.

    A straw man if I ever saw one. Diversity =/= "exact same skills"; it means the developers taking some time to think of more than just new ways to farm players, and devise abilities across the full range of characters that lead to true "ingenuity".
    There is very little scope for ingenuity when only a select group of characters are truly viable for top tier PvP. It's why every shard has a top 100 consisting of roughly 10 characters of which to realistically select from should you wish to remain in the top tier. Virtually every team in my shard has a RG and a QGJ. Just as the OP stated: when 2 out of your 5 characters are practically a necessity, any thought of genuine creativity is nothing more than illusion. This is why I'm fast losing interest in the game, and I know I'm not the only one.

    may i ask how many toons you have at a viable level, stars and abilitys ? And how you choose a toon you are going to lvl star and abi up ?
    ppl tend to only invest into toons that they know are "viable" for top tier PvP, could that be the reason why all the teams look pretty much the same ? maybe RG and QGJ arent a necessity at all, personally i would be amazed if they actually were a necessity, they are a what you can call a "sure thing" though. understandable because of the amounts of resources needed to get a toon "arena ready" is earned very slowly
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    I used to run the two tank team before it was cool but I actually just dropped RG from my arena team and switched in Ackbar as my lead instead of QGJ. Been having lots of fun, granted I do have omega skills at level 78 with most gear 9 and QGJ 10
  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual
  • Options

    My Asajj and Teebo beg to differ.

    Both are sub-par options for top tier pvp. QGJ has far superior speed and gains access to his status removal at quicker intervals. Given the frequency with which RG taunts, it makes Asajj and Teebo poor substitutes for QGJ - even with Asajj as lead with her speed buff. This is coming from someone who is something of a fan of Asajj and has experimented with multiple team combinations with her included.
    And Teebo is really only viable with other Ewoks.
    As it is not true PVP it is already crippled. If someone could find the perfect defense team everyone would be running it, and still no diversity, Taunt or no taunt.

    Does that mean people shouldn't try to find ways to improve the situation? And no one is seriously suggesting having a "perfect" defence team. What's needed is more than the current cookie-cutter approach.
    It is not true. Even if you nerfed the dispel ability which I think is a horrible idea, you beat him buy taking him out 1st. Don't let him taunt.

    Ah, no. When a team consists of the likes of RG, Daka, Rey, QGJ and GS, while you're beating on the stone pillar that is the RG, the rest of the team is taking you apart. And as an added insult, once you do manage to kill him, Daka simply revives him. There are viable strategies for taking on such teams, but merely focusing the RG isn't a viable blanket approach.

  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual

    Please explain your point of view and show me that i'm wrong.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    Oh look, it's the daily Sikho whine thread! This one makes even less sense than usual

    Please explain your point of view and show me that i'm wrong.

    did you create @MichelleT82 for some backup on your own threads ?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    My Asajj and Teebo beg to differ.

    Both are sub-par options for top tier pvp. QGJ has far superior speed and gains access to his status removal at quicker intervals. Given the frequency with which RG taunts, it makes Asajj and Teebo poor substitutes for QGJ - even with Asajj as lead with her speed buff. This is coming from someone who is something of a fan of Asajj and has experimented with multiple team combinations with her included.
    And Teebo is really only viable with other Ewoks.
    Again my top 10 Arena Asajj begs to differ. Just because most do use a character does not make them sub-par options. I will partially give you teebo comment. He is better with full ewok squad but he still dispels with out them and can stealth him self and gain TM reduction.
    As it is not true PVP it is already crippled. If someone could find the perfect defense team everyone would be running it, and still no diversity, Taunt or no taunt.

    Does that mean people shouldn't try to find ways to improve the situation? And no one is seriously suggesting having a "perfect" defence team. What's needed is more than the current cookie-cutter approach.
    I am have no problems with finding ways to improve a situation. IMO removing taunt or removing the dispel of taunt will not fixed the cookie cutter teams and is not the way to go. The majority of the suggestions in this thread are opinion based. I disagree with those opinions.
    It is not true. Even if you nerfed the dispel ability which I think is a horrible idea, you beat him buy taking him out 1st. Don't let him taunt.

    Ah, no. When a team consists of the likes of RG, Daka, Rey, QGJ and GS, while you're beating on the stone pillar that is the RG, the rest of the team is taking you apart. And as an added insult, once you do manage to kill him, Daka simply revives him. There are viable strategies for taking on such teams, but merely focusing the RG isn't a viable blanket approach.

    To take a character out first does not mean you have to solely focus on them. I hardly ever focus on just one character when I battle.
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