Just 7* wedge Antilles..,

44 posts Member
**** he is da bomb!!! At lvl 76 and 1 item away from tier VII all abilities at lvl 7... Teamed with Biggs/Lando/Luke a tank (currently using a 7* RG but thinking bout getting Han Solo for synergy) and a healer either 7* Barris or Lumi... His 30% offence buff for rebels and heal on kill leader ability is bloody amazing!!!!! I have a 7* Biggs but Luke is 6* and Lando 5* with leia and ackbar also at 5*... Can't wait to see what the rebel synergy will be like with a full 7* team... And it only cost me approx 10,000 crystals... o.O ahh well at least I got 25% bonus lol


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    Screenshot verification requested. Otherwise...

  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Dimmy wrote: »
    .. And it only cost me approx 10,000 crystals...

    Not buying this part. Sorry. But yea he's cool.
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    How do you post a screen shot on this forum?
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Did that work?
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    Ok I figured out how to upload pics through imgur... As for the 10,000 crystals... I had 19,000 I have like 3,000 left I spent a ton on credit packs to power lvl wedge so yeah it cost 10,000 crystals approximately
    355 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    You need to post your photo to imgur, not just upload it. Almost had it...
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  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    edited May 2016
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    I did upload to imgur didn't that above link work? It works when I click it...
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member

    Thank you mate not sure how you got my picture to do that all I could do was get the link lol newb i guess
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    So that's what €55,- worth of pixels look like!
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    I bought 16 Packs and not even once i got a full char only shards of him
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    Lol yeah about $100 or so Australian... Well it was either that or pay off another $100 towards my aerial camera drone only another $650 of the $1500 left to pay... I suppose the $100 would have been better spent there but meh **** it... I've never paid for an aurodian pack before and haven't bought a chromium since January so with the 25% bonus crystals I thought **** it I'll celebrate may the 4th with a shiny new over priced wedge Antilles.. I'm happy with that lol
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    This makes me sad. Literally just completed my rebel team only to find out this dude came out. I'd love to see his AoE and Landos AoE in a fight together. The other team wouldn't even know what hit them.

    Sad part is I'm a F2P and you can't get him anywhere unless you spend money.

    Oh well. I'll watch from the side lines. If you ever feel like letting me borrow him let me know lol
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    BMoney wrote: »
    Oh well. I'll watch from the side lines. If you ever feel like letting me borrow him let me know lol

    Lol anytime bro and yeah the Lando/wedge combo is sweet I just wish my Han was higher than 4 bloody stars >.<
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Whats his heal on kill like? Is it legit enough to say the Rebels finally have a healer, or is it a nickel and dime heal like AA?
  • Dimmy
    44 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Lol it's helpful but too unreliable to call him a healer it's a nice "bonus" to the 30% offence buff but in my use I still find I need a dedicated non rebel healer like Lumi or Barris
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Well I hope you enjoy him bro. Maybe now the Rebel teams can make some noise in the arena. Provided you get that 4 star Han leveled up lol
  • BMoney
    264 posts Member
    Mine will be in there soon enough. AA lead, Lando, Biggs, HRS, and ST Han. I don't even know who I'd swap out for Wedge. Maybe Biggs? I mean I won't be getting Wedge anytime soon, but a guy can dream right? Lol
  • chainsaw
    359 posts Member
    You need to post your photo to imgur, not just upload it. Almost had it...

    Don't be petty because he called your call out meme :)
  • ReeYees
    39 posts Member
    I cant understand aurodium packs... I mean, some people spend more than 200$ and EA want we pay more? You arent grateful with who is giving life to this game (and money to you). Will be more fair and "human" if you put aurodiums to everywhere and 50% off who has spended more than "x" dollars... is just ridiculous your greediness... a millionare company...

    Sorry for my english, I dont want write to much cause i think i look a little anormal xD. But EA, youre the most greed company I have ever seen, I really hate you so much
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    10k crystals? How many full toons did u pull to only pay that? I would have thought 25k minimum
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    ReeYees wrote: »
    I cant understand aurodium packs... I mean, some people spend more than 200$ and EA want we pay more? You arent grateful with who is giving life to this game (and money to you). Will be more fair and "human" if you put aurodiums to everywhere and 50% off who has spended more than "x" dollars... is just ridiculous your greediness... a millionare company...

    Sorry for my english, I dont want write to much cause i think i look a little anormal xD. But EA, youre the most greed company I have ever seen, I really hate you so much

    It will probably cost an average of 30k+ crystals to 7* him. So buy 2 vaults and subscription pack and go to town.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    10k crystals? How many full toons did u pull to only pay that? I would have thought 25k minimum

    Yea it's about 25k-35k to 7* him.
  • GroggY
    33 posts Member
    How often will you get a full char instead of 4 shards? Can someone handle me some %?
    Thanks a lot.
  • M9silent
    821 posts Member
    @Dimmy so you really like him huh? I've been considering him myself, but yet to pull the trigger. Couldn't decide if he was worth it. He looks great on paper.

    So what would you say to this team? Wedge L, Leia, Lando, HR Scout, ST Han. All Rebel synergy, which I would love. Think that would work?

    Oh, and congratulations man. He looks awesome :)
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    I stopped audorium packs when I bought 7 packs for Tusken Shaman and still don't have that character at all. Congrats though, he looks cool and I am jealous :)
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    10k crystals? How many full toons did u pull to only pay that? I would have thought 25k minimum

    He was saying that he spent 10k crystals for leveling mats to max him out. Credits/mats/droids/etc.
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    For all the have-nots, don't feel bad, he'll be nerfed in a few months anyway or released to F2P and new concerns will be created...
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