Guilds and why I hate them

33 posts Member
We are an international guild, 10 aussies/asians, 20 europeans, 20 americans.

Raids used to start when it was most convenient for the guild leader so he could get in one set of attacks in before midnight and a second set after midnight. The rest of the guild usually has only one chance of attacking. We have agreed on starting at different times now. So it's not the 3 players with the best strategy/toons who get the best rewards.

Raids have 4 phases and they have different difficulty settings. If you haven't got the right characters phase 1 is a pain in the derrière and phase 4 is basically just an enraged version of phase 2 and 3 with a very survival time. So, players wait for others to finish phase 1, which takes pretty long since everyone wants to get a lot of damage in to get better gear, then phase 2 and 3 are over pretty fast leaving the rest to do there tiny damage in phase 4. So it's not the 3 players with the best strategy/toons who get the best reward, but those who can be online during phase 2 and 3. Guess what noone is sharing strategies since they fear you could close up damagewise.

What if some players manage to overcome this and place themselves in the top3 most of the times. During a few weeks they will have a few furnaces and all that other unobtainable gear and do even more damage than the rest of their guild, so they will either have to leave the guild and gather in an elite version of the f2p guild or are stuck at Tier V with their current guild. The concept of guilds destroys teamwork. On the other hand this is just us, a free to play guild with a few dolphins. The Whales and Krakens have their own guilds and do Tier VI and VII. Maybe EA is trying to make this game less appealing to Free2Play users.


  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    At least give the whole guild the same unobtainable chest, if they want to give the top 5 an extra chest of farmable gear I don't think we would care.
  • Whiteroom
    303 posts Member
    To be honest in my guild we are all competitive and we want to be the top of the leaderboard. However no one gets upset if they arent. In fact if someone does really great we do this weird thing called congratulating them.

    Yes they need to tweak rewards a bit but they are so much better than when it was first set up.

    The only issue really is that a lot of people struggle with phase 1 because they dont have cleansers and ewoks. People will get them though and it will even out. It just works out better right now for the people that spent time/effort/money on a group that were pretty useless but now have a great purpose.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    I was in a guild when they first came out where they wouldn't warn members about raids at all. I wouldn't be aware they were going to raid until it was over and I couldn't participate or get rewards. So I created my own guild. But no one joins it, and the very few who did never contribute in any way. So I don't know what to do. There's only 2 people in my guild that even seem to play at all, including myself.

    Anyone interested in joining my guild? I'll supply you my ally code if so. I really want a guild full of people who play often and participate. I don't care what level you are, or arena rank. I'll accept anyone who loves the game and plays often.
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    I agree
  • IamTex
    44 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    I'll join the parade of people agreeing with this. Give everyone (all 50 members) a nice selection of gear (like the gear that is given to the top 3 people, not the gear given to number 40).
  • Lordul
    31 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    I agree

    + 1

    and some rewards for guild rank in the pit
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    I agree, if every one in the guild gets rewards, regardless if they fought in the raid or not. I helped unlock raids, then get no warning they were going to raid and can't participate, thus get no reward. Despite being a major contributor to the fact they got to raid to begin with. Very annoying.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Seems like a lot of people are arguing for communism in the game. The best no longer get the best rewards and the people who don't even raid still get rewards.

    If you have a bad guild that starts raids without notification or don't attack until the stage that is the easiest, join a new guild. If you have a bad team or just started, join a guild with other newbies and do easier raids. It seems like a lot of people are in bad guilds or just want to be carried.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Seems like a lot of people are arguing for communism in the game. The best no longer get the best rewards and the people who don't even raid still get rewards.

    If you have a bad guild that starts raids without notification or don't attack until the stage that is the easiest, join a new guild. If you have a bad team or just started, join a guild with other newbies and do easier raids. It seems like a lot of people are in bad guilds or just want to be carried.

    I just want to be able to participate. I've been in 2 guilds, both **** and just used me to unlock raids that because they wouldn't announce, I couldn't join in. So I help unlock raids, but don't get to participate and get no rewards. So after 2 bad guild experiences, I decided to start my own... But no one will join it. At this rate, I'll never even see a Rancor in this game. So thus far, I'm thinking guilds really, really suck.
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Teague wrote: »
    Haplo wrote: »
    Seems like a lot of people are arguing for communism in the game. The best no longer get the best rewards and the people who don't even raid still get rewards.

    If you have a bad guild that starts raids without notification or don't attack until the stage that is the easiest, join a new guild. If you have a bad team or just started, join a guild with other newbies and do easier raids. It seems like a lot of people are in bad guilds or just want to be carried.

    I just want to be able to participate. I've been in 2 guilds, both *were terrible* and just used me to unlock raids that because they wouldn't announce, I couldn't join in. So I help unlock raids, but don't get to participate and get no rewards. So after 2 bad guild experiences, I decided to start my own... But no one will join it. At this rate, I'll never even see a Rancor in this game. So thus far, I'm thinking guilds really, really *stink*.

    I got censored in this post, despite not really cursing. So I decided to clean it up myself, lol
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    This. This right here is some **** fine, old fashioned common sense.
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    This. This right here is some **** fine, old fashioned common sense.

    ;) unfortunately not all share the opinion. ..
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    This. This right here is some **** fine, old fashioned common sense.

    ;) unfortunately not all share the opinion. ..

    I do mistah' J
  • Options
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    This. This right here is some **** fine, old fashioned common sense.

    ;) unfortunately not all share the opinion. ..

    I do mistah' J

    Always count on you Harley ;).
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    Usho wrote: »
    Usho wrote: »
    raids are fine, rewards must be tweaked again to completly eliminate competition between guildmates.

    This all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.

    This. This right here is some **** fine, old fashioned common sense.

    ;) unfortunately not all share the opinion. ..

    I do mistah' J

    Always count on you Harley ;).

    Thank you puddin.
  • MayCM
    124 posts Member
    Just kick the europeans. Problem solved. Oh, I'm European and my best friends are European too.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Whiteroom wrote: »
    To be honest in my guild we are all competitive and we want to be the top of the leaderboard. However no one gets upset if they arent. In fact if someone does really great we do this weird thing called congratulating them.

    Yes they need to tweak rewards a bit but they are so much better than when it was first set up.

    The only issue really is that a lot of people struggle with phase 1 because they dont have cleansers and ewoks. People will get them though and it will even out. It just works out better right now for the people that spent time/effort/money on a group that were pretty useless but now have a great purpose.

    You broke my brain stop it
  • Options
    If you're having problems, its the guild. join a friendlier guild. I am the guild leader of Casual Elite, and everyone couldn't be nicer. you need a guild with a core group of officers to keep everyone in line, and to form an idea that everyone believes in. For me, it was giving the guild the mission to play like elitists, but have a casual player's attitude.
    107 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I agree that the guild rewards need to be less about internal competition and more about how the team works overall. There could be a different mechanic put in place for determining the reward, such as how fast the raid is cleared.

    I think there should be some kind of stage bonus too. So those guys that work over the Guards would get something that the guys who wait for the Rancor would not. The Rancor is only the first raid though, so it's a good bet that if it doesn't get tweaked, the next one will.

    Some of the other issues people have with guilds got nothing to do with the game though. If your Guild leader can't bother to even send a simple in game message giving notice of when he's going to kick off the next raid, then ask him nicely to, and if he still won't, find another guild where they communicate.

  • Options
    I'm in friendly guild too. But the facts are only a few will finish in top 3 and the rest get stuck in the middle or lower. Past 2 t6 raids I finished at 20 because even in a friendly guild people will attack at phases where damage is easier to get leaving others to finish a phase and get stuck fighting the harder phases. Rewards suck outside of top 10 really out of top 3. It's simple to fix all members who fight should get equal gear. Higher ranks get more tokens and credits. Right now it is almost the exact opposite. Very little change in tokens and credits payout until top 10. The current structure of rewards is actually discouraging me from playing other than to get something and I don't want to be that type of player.
  • Options
    Guilds definitely seem more internally competitive than competitive with other guilds. In other news there's a whale in my guild who had 960 energy spent on dark side battles 20 minutes after the challenge started.
  • Psi
    50 posts Member
    Raid rewards should be equalized - or at least based on participation not damage. It's a team and the best / richest players already get more coins for the shop anyway. (I'm a guild leader and in the top 5 in my guild - level 78 - so this is not sour grapes. Teams should be teams. Everyone wins and loses. Right now there is an unwillingness to share strategy so what's the point?!)
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.
  • Options
    Newsflash: Second place is the first loser. It is known. Raid rewards suck no matter what place you land in. You really aren't missing much
  • Options
    Haplo wrote: »
    Someone in my guild got 1 damage on a tier v raid. One! I didn't even think you could only get one point of damage. I got about 3 million. You really think we should get even close to the same rewards?

    You want to make tiers for damage, I can get behind that. But make everyone get the same gear? That's just asking for people to abuse the system. If you have a team that is similar in power depth to everyone else, you will get the top spots based on your strategies. If you are consistently getting lower ranks, you are getting carried and should join a guild if less powerful teams. If your guild is full of jerks and starting at off times or only attacking in certain stage, get a new guild.

    First lol read this:

    all they need to do is tweak it so everyone is rewarded the same chests and just ranks mean more tokens and credits.

    This one little change will change guilds from a secondary arena between 50 people to an actual guild that is ok working as a team not just for selfish reasons.


    Look I'm a mega whale lol and I have no problem taking my prize from another. But I'd prefer not to fight with guildies but rather work with them to gear everyone so we can push for herioc.

    Even if someone does 20k damage I want them to be rewarded because we invited them into the guild and we will help them gear. We are also on line app all the time talking so more of a feeling of community and wanting to.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    I get what your saying OP, however the furnaces don't seem to drop just for top guys... in fact if anything the fully crafted gear seems more randomly given out than any other reward... top guys get extra dog treats and biscuits for sure but the odds of fully crafted gear almost seem to favor those outside the top 10 in spite of how the descriptions read.... our #7 got a droid caller, 42nd got cuffs and 17th got cuffs
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