Is Magna Guard good?

57 posts Member
Just wondering. Thinking about putting him on my team...


  • MaxiPriest
    619 posts Member
    Magna guards can fight without heads! Thatz reason enough!
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    I've never ever seen one in arena. So honestly I can't say for sure, but there's probably a reason you never see him.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • C00L_Story
    296 posts Member
    That seems like sound logic..
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    He's an underrated character for raids, I haven't used him but he looks promising. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    Guildie has him at 7* and he almost committed harikari from all the time wasted
  • HK47_1974
    65 posts Member
    I fought a maxed out Magna Guard in Arena and he was a beast. He had a lot of health and high counter. He didn't hit too hard so I treated him like 5's and saved him for last.

    He doesn't really offer anything more than 5's and he's harder to farm, but he was hard to kill.
  • Old_Tallen
    385 posts Member
    Unfortunately he's pretty average. He's not terrible, but there is no logical reason to use him over other droids and definitely no reason to use him in a non droid team.

    However, one day he might be amazing, I remember people having the same discussion about RG when he was useless, now he's amazing :)
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    He is not a 1 on one beast. By that time it is too late. His passive speed and o up wont proc anymore, if he is the sole target.

    He helps your team win by slowing the enemy down. Offense down with his basic, and tm on his aoe, and he takes a few extra hits to chop down. His aoe isn't the worst damage, either. His counter attack is useful against rey and yoda foresight procs. And you can use his aoe without too kuch fear of counterattackers, because his health is so high.

    He is good in raids too, for his offense down. It seems to proc about the same rate as poe, at gear 8.

    I wouldnt call him a musthave. He seems to be useful and he can play with the big boys at only 5 stars. I dont regret starring him up, and i have given him plenty of play time in arena on nondroid teams with success. But i am working on a droid team, so maybe im overly optimistic.
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    Magna guard is only useful in a droid team. Everywhere else he sucks. But with his metal cousins he is playable. He's probably the second best droid behind ig 86 in a full droid team.. His Basic does average damage but it can cause offense down, and he can counter attacks and spread the offense down that way.. His aoe is kinda meh. I don't have him but I've played him a few times and he was pretty strong. If you do choose to use him. You should use HK47's leader ability, it covers up his low speed.
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    The consistent #1 player on my shard has him on his team, not even a droid synergie squad either. And he's been the top ranking player for as long as I can remember. So that's saying something.
  • Dhall
    42 posts Member
    I like him quite a bit. I have him maxed at gear 9, doesn't hit like 86 but he does good damage with a counter that procs often. If you like bulkier characters that can still put out decent damage he's a good pick, he'll take some hits. Only used him in arena on my droid team but I don't run them often. He gets a lot of use in GW and raid for me though.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Have him at 5* gear viii. Useful in darkside battles, better than some 6*s and more surviveability than some 7*. Will finish grinding him eventually.
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    The consistent #1 player on my shard has him on his team, not even a droid synergie squad either. And he's been the top ranking player for as long as I can remember. So that's saying something.

    Out of interest, what's the rest of their squad?
    Sith Yoda:
  • Coward
    27 posts Member
    I used him religiously up until recently. Took a few #1 in arena with him (not droid team) and was rarely ever hit back past 20. He is a jack of all trades. He does nothing exceptionally well, but he has high health, counters, aoe, offense down, turn meter reduction. There's characters that do any of those things better than him but no one else comes to mind that can do all of that.

    With the last changes though he now just throws offense down on tanks with his counters (worthless) and his turn meter reduction (which was already somewhat unreliable) can be resisted. He was a great character when used in the right way on the right teams, but now, unfortunately, he's been retired to my bench.

    A few weeks ago I'd have said to ignore everyone saying he sucks and get him, but now I'd say don't waist your time with him.
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    I once fought a droid team in PvP before the level cap was raised because they had a maxed out Magnaguard and I was curious. He managed to knock off a third of Phasma's health which took me by surprise. However, he was the last to hit and the other two IG-series droids got their second attacks in first.

    Generally, if you have to max out a character to make them somewhat worth using (only for them to get overshadowed even then), it's probably a waste of effort. Alongside Ugnaught (who's now completely useless, even when droids are a problem), he was an unwanted bronzium drop.

    The only trash character I willingly unlocked (before learning he's useless) was CUP. I actually wonder if you can improve his stun chance, but I'm not going to the effort of finding out, and I'm not making the effort with Magnaguard unless he gets a buff.

    Short answer: no (currently).
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  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    i stoped farming him month or so ago, but i heard he is pretty decent in some cases
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Haha just wait till you play against magnaguard on while Leia is stealthed and your only other option is 5's.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    lol ^
  • Bostonmess
    176 posts Member
    It's funny that no one mentioned him in combination with Java engineer. Then IG-100 should shine in a HK lead full droid squad which acts first, gets multiple hits and debuffs directly from start ...
    If this squad is as good as I expect, Magnaguard is the most viable fifth member and by far better than Datcha and Jawa could be
    Really looking forward to this squad
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    100 is great...not exactly an all-star/mvp but **** good at what he does...soaking up dmg/counters and dealing more dmg if ignored. Consider this. Leia (critup) RG (defense-up/taunt) Daka FOST (defenseup/advantage/counter) and 100. Thats alotta tankyness and stun and decent counters. Maybe enough to be a viable defensive 5:00 arena time burner...especially if the daka auto revive ques a few times. Just a thought though. 100 will have critup/defenseup/speedup most of time dealing about 5k avg.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Magnaguard is no good you shouldnt play him ever
  • Khorvog_Karbossa
    1000 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    the beginning of my droid team, not yet g9 or 7*
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Khorvog....i love that team.
  • droidboyz
    316 posts Member
    that was pretty cool
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    that jawa engineer is looking nice also
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    Reading about squad synergies and facing him at high levels makes me change my mind about this one. I might well invest in him after all. He's still fairly low on the priority list, but I have characters I'll likely never level up or invest the gear/time in.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    Jazz66 wrote: »
    The consistent #1 player on my shard has him on his team, not even a droid synergie squad either. And he's been the top ranking player for as long as I can remember. So that's saying something.

    Out of interest, what's the rest of their squad?


    Rex (L), fives, leia, Ayala and ig 100
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    Lol you could put any character as the 5th in that sqaud and it would still be brutal. But seriously ig100 is extrememly underrated
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    the beginning of my droid team, not yet g9 or 7*

    shhhhhhh ;)

    I will have 100 maxed in 2-3 days. Have everyone else at gear 9 7* except JE who is g9 4*. can't wait.
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Shhhhh same
    But I have omega hk lead and maxed grevious
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