Why is General Veers' leader ability just a fragment of Vader's leader ability?



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    Because a 7* Veers is attainable for majority of player base, whereas a 7* Vader is for the elite? I mean, I've rented a 5* Vader before on my Empire team, and it was a beautiful thing, but I'd use a 7* veers if given the opportunity.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    My Vader is 5*, Gear 9, and can hit people with his culling blade for anywhere from 10k to 20k.

    Sometimes it's like 7k, but that's when he is not lead and doesn't Crit or there is only 1 or 2 dots on the enemy.

    Oh, I'm not saying he's not good - he's a beast as lead, especially a secondary lead, with Tarkin as primary. It's just I only have 4* Vader on my roster, and I'll likely 7* Veers before I 6* Vader. A rented Vader is no good anywhere but ls/ds/challenges.
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    Cm3Po wrote: »
    I think they are missing two categories for leader abilities. Potency and accuracy. We need toons that can give us increased potency and accuracy for some battles.


    Magma is useless without a potency boost. I'm going to end up farming 100 cuffs just to see what it is at gear ix. Tarkin isn't much better on potency, but he makes up for it with basic attack ability

    Totally agree! I farmed MT up to 7* only to have the game change so that tm manipulation can be resisted. His special is useless now and his main attack is only good for activating counters and Savage's offense up.

    I got him to 7* after the change, knowing full well of his dismal performance. I did it with the expectation they will fix him, or he'll work well with Empire synergy. He does. Especially with a Vader lead.

    His unique ability is pretty good though and has excellent resistance and tm gain because of it.

    I actually had him at 6* when they nerfed him, but decided I may as well finish him. He has a decent amount of health too. I trust that he will get fixed at some point as well.

    Until he does get fixed though, I think I will try to grab either Veers or the regular ST for the 5th spot on my imperial squad. (Vader, Tarkin, RG, IG-88).
  • Options
    Cm3Po wrote: »
    I think they are missing two categories for leader abilities. Potency and accuracy. We need toons that can give us increased potency and accuracy for some battles.


    Magma is useless without a potency boost. I'm going to end up farming 100 cuffs just to see what it is at gear ix. Tarkin isn't much better on potency, but he makes up for it with basic attack ability

    Totally agree! I farmed MT up to 7* only to have the game change so that tm manipulation can be resisted. His special is useless now and his main attack is only good for activating counters and Savage's offense up.

    I got him to 7* after the change, knowing full well of his dismal performance. I did it with the expectation they will fix him, or he'll work well with Empire synergy. He does. Especially with a Vader lead.

    His unique ability is pretty good though and has excellent resistance and tm gain because of it.

    I actually had him at 6* when they nerfed him, but decided I may as well finish him. He has a decent amount of health too. I trust that he will get fixed at some point as well.

    Until he does get fixed though, I think I will try to grab either Veers or the regular ST for the 5th spot on my imperial squad. (Vader, Tarkin, RG, IG-88).

    I almost have ST 6*, and once I 7*rg, I'll continue with snow trooper. Including Vader, I'll have 6 Empire toons, and by next week most will be 7*. All, aside from Vader, should be ready when Empire event starts.
  • Options
    Cm3Po wrote: »
    I think they are missing two categories for leader abilities. Potency and accuracy. We need toons that can give us increased potency and accuracy for some battles.


    Magma is useless without a potency boost. I'm going to end up farming 100 cuffs just to see what it is at gear ix. Tarkin isn't much better on potency, but he makes up for it with basic attack ability

    Totally agree! I farmed MT up to 7* only to have the game change so that tm manipulation can be resisted. His special is useless now and his main attack is only good for activating counters and Savage's offense up.

    I got him to 7* after the change, knowing full well of his dismal performance. I did it with the expectation they will fix him, or he'll work well with Empire synergy. He does. Especially with a Vader lead.

    His unique ability is pretty good though and has excellent resistance and tm gain because of it.

    I actually had him at 6* when they nerfed him, but decided I may as well finish him. He has a decent amount of health too. I trust that he will get fixed at some point as well.

    Until he does get fixed though, I think I will try to grab either Veers or the regular ST for the 5th spot on my imperial squad. (Vader, Tarkin, RG, IG-88).

    I almost have ST 6*, and once I 7*rg, I'll continue with snow trooper. Including Vader, I'll have 6 Empire toons, and by next week most will be 7*. All, aside from Vader, should be ready when Empire event starts.

    Empire event?

    Yeah I decided to throw in IG-88 for most things even though he is not imperial. His unique ability makes him really effective when paired with Vader. My Tarkin is almost 6*, my RG, is almost 5*, and then MT is 7* with ST and Veers lagging. I probably haven't been playing as long as you. Or you focused on Empire sooner than me.
  • Options
    Cm3Po wrote: »
    I think they are missing two categories for leader abilities. Potency and accuracy. We need toons that can give us increased potency and accuracy for some battles.


    Magma is useless without a potency boost. I'm going to end up farming 100 cuffs just to see what it is at gear ix. Tarkin isn't much better on potency, but he makes up for it with basic attack ability

    Totally agree! I farmed MT up to 7* only to have the game change so that tm manipulation can be resisted. His special is useless now and his main attack is only good for activating counters and Savage's offense up.

    I got him to 7* after the change, knowing full well of his dismal performance. I did it with the expectation they will fix him, or he'll work well with Empire synergy. He does. Especially with a Vader lead.

    His unique ability is pretty good though and has excellent resistance and tm gain because of it.

    I actually had him at 6* when they nerfed him, but decided I may as well finish him. He has a decent amount of health too. I trust that he will get fixed at some point as well.

    Until he does get fixed though, I think I will try to grab either Veers or the regular ST for the 5th spot on my imperial squad. (Vader, Tarkin, RG, IG-88).

    I almost have ST 6*, and once I 7*rg, I'll continue with snow trooper. Including Vader, I'll have 6 Empire toons, and by next week most will be 7*. All, aside from Vader, should be ready when Empire event starts.

    Empire event?

    Yeah I decided to throw in IG-88 for most things even though he is not imperial. His unique ability makes him really effective when paired with Vader. My Tarkin is almost 6*, my RG, is almost 5*, and then MT is 7* with ST and Veers lagging. I probably haven't been playing as long as you. Or you focused on Empire sooner than me.

    Well there has to be an Empire event soon. Jedi event is played out, and with addition of Tarkin to arena, MT to GW, and Snow and RG to cantina an event is almost a sure thing.

    I started Empire after I unlocked 6* Yoda.
    7* MT, 6* RG(almost 7) 6* Tarkin(Almost 7) 5* ST(almost 6) 4* Vader (almost 5) 4* Veers and Snow. So, I guess that makes that 7 Empire toons
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    I made this exact thread a couple months ago. Maybe CG will finally fix it
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Cm3Po wrote: »
    I think they are missing two categories for leader abilities. Potency and accuracy. We need toons that can give us increased potency and accuracy for some battles.


    Magma is useless without a potency boost. I'm going to end up farming 100 cuffs just to see what it is at gear ix. Tarkin isn't much better on potency, but he makes up for it with basic attack ability

    Totally agree! I farmed MT up to 7* only to have the game change so that tm manipulation can be resisted. His special is useless now and his main attack is only good for activating counters and Savage's offense up.

    I got him to 7* after the change, knowing full well of his dismal performance. I did it with the expectation they will fix him, or he'll work well with Empire synergy. He does. Especially with a Vader lead.

    His unique ability is pretty good though and has excellent resistance and tm gain because of it.

    I actually had him at 6* when they nerfed him, but decided I may as well finish him. He has a decent amount of health too. I trust that he will get fixed at some point as well.

    Until he does get fixed though, I think I will try to grab either Veers or the regular ST for the 5th spot on my imperial squad. (Vader, Tarkin, RG, IG-88).

    I almost have ST 6*, and once I 7*rg, I'll continue with snow trooper. Including Vader, I'll have 6 Empire toons, and by next week most will be 7*. All, aside from Vader, should be ready when Empire event starts.

    Empire event?

    Yeah I decided to throw in IG-88 for most things even though he is not imperial. His unique ability makes him really effective when paired with Vader. My Tarkin is almost 6*, my RG, is almost 5*, and then MT is 7* with ST and Veers lagging. I probably haven't been playing as long as you. Or you focused on Empire sooner than me.

    Well there has to be an Empire event soon. Jedi event is played out, and with addition of Tarkin to arena, MT to GW, and Snow and RG to cantina an event is almost a sure thing.

    I started Empire after I unlocked 6* Yoda.
    7* MT, 6* RG(almost 7) 6* Tarkin(Almost 7) 5* ST(almost 6) 4* Vader (almost 5) 4* Veers and Snow. So, I guess that makes that 7 Empire toons

    I'm counting on an empire event for the same reasoning. As for my progress,

    5* Vader
    7* ST
    7* MT
    6* RG
    6* Veers
    5* Tarkin (almost 6)
    4* Snowtrooper (almost 5)
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    I just noticed that Ahsoka's leader ability is also the exact same as Obi Wan's leader ability, but Ahsoka's only works on Jedi and Nightsisters, Obi's works on everyone.
    And Obi's gives 30% turn meter on evade where Ahsoka's only gives 20%
    So why would anyone ever even use Ahsoka's when it's the exact same but worse??
    They should make them more unique and not all the exact same!
  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    I'm fine with Obi and Ahsoka's being similar. Obi is more universal and Ahsoka is faction specific. But Veers is exactly the same only weaker than Vader's so it's redundant as they both only apply to Empire teams. Meaning Veers will never lead an empire team with Vader.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    BWSkynobi wrote: »
    I'm fine with Obi and Ahsoka's being similar. Obi is more universal and Ahsoka is faction specific. But Veers is exactly the same only weaker than Vader's so it's redundant as they both only apply to Empire teams. Meaning Veers will never lead an empire team with Vader.

    They're both exactly the same but worse. This is literally the exact same situation.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    hhooo wrote: »
    BWSkynobi wrote: »
    I'm fine with Obi and Ahsoka's being similar. Obi is more universal and Ahsoka is faction specific. But Veers is exactly the same only weaker than Vader's so it's redundant as they both only apply to Empire teams. Meaning Veers will never lead an empire team with Vader.

    They're both exactly the same but worse. This is literally the exact same situation.

    It's odd that Old Ben's is better and universal, yes
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    I have complained in several places about potency issues regarding imperials, particularly Magmatrooper and Tarkin. I think an interesting solution to that problem and to the problem this thread addresses is to give Veers a smaller offensive buff, but a big potency buff to his imperial allies instead. Maybe something like 15% offense and 35% potency? Would at least be something to play around with.
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Because they have absolutely no idea how to balance any empire characters.
  • Darthenstein
    1205 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    They should add something extra to General Veers, so his Leadership skill isn't redundant .

    He should be able to bring something else to the table than the Dark Lord, maybe add a 30 % chance to gaint Advantage to squadmembers at the start of each turn in addition to the current Offensie-boost?

    General Veers:
    +30 % Offense Boost
    Allies have a 30 % chance to gain (per char) Advantage at the start of each Turn

    Dark Lord Vader:

    +30 % Offense Boost
    Allies have a 25 % chance to remove 10 % turn Meter when they damage an enemy.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You guys are kind of missing some important factors:

    Vader is a premium character. Veers is a suitable fill-in until you get him.

    Ahsoka is a shipment, Ben is Cantina nodes. Shipments are an easier farm.

    Bens leader is strictly better, but offensively Ahsoka is strictly better. Its a trade off.

    Ben was chromium only for a long time.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    You guys are kind of missing some important factors:

    Vader is a premium character. Veers is a suitable fill-in until you get him.

    Ahsoka is a shipment, Ben is Cantina nodes. Shipments are an easier farm.

    Bens leader is strictly better, but offensively Ahsoka is strictly better. Its a trade off.

    Ben was chromium only for a long time.

    That's no way to do game design. You balance for end game, everybody needs a place.
  • Options
    Seku wrote: »
    I just noticed that Ahsoka's leader ability is also the exact same as Obi Wan's leader ability, but Ahsoka's only works on Jedi and Nightsisters, Obi's works on everyone.
    And Obi's gives 30% turn meter on evade where Ahsoka's only gives 20%
    So why would anyone ever even use Ahsoka's when it's the exact same but worse??
    They should make them more unique and not all the exact same!

    Because she has some of the highest damage in the game, she heals, 2 things Old Ben cannot do. Vader has a better leader ability than GV QQ, dude he's darth vader the most difficult character in the game to get to 7*, and arguably the most iconic character in star wars period, and you want him to be = to GV.


    Go QQ some more.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You guys are kind of missing some important factors:

    Vader is a premium character. Veers is a suitable fill-in until you get him.

    Ahsoka is a shipment, Ben is Cantina nodes. Shipments are an easier farm.

    Bens leader is strictly better, but offensively Ahsoka is strictly better. Its a trade off.

    Ben was chromium only for a long time.

    That's no way to do game design. You balance for end game, everybody needs a place.

    I am thinking that the team of people with degrees in game design and years of experience might know what they are doing.

    Also, to whose endgame are you referring? The guy that never managed to unlock Vader, or the guy that decided Ahsoka was easier to farm than Old Ben?
  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    OldBen is a good leader on any team, which makes him good for all aspects of the game.

    Ahsoka's leadership is unique to Nightsister teams, so if there's a Nightsister only event her leader ability comes into play, thus there is a feasible mode of the game where her leadership ability can be used when Old Ben's cannot.

    Veers on the other hand has nothing unique about his ability. Vader's ability 100% encompasses Veers', and then some. Therefore there's no mode of gameplay where Veers would be a better option than Vader.

    Anything Veers can do Vader does better. Vader does everything better than Veers
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You guys are kind of missing some important factors:

    Vader is a premium character. Veers is a suitable fill-in until you get him.

    Ahsoka is a shipment, Ben is Cantina nodes. Shipments are an easier farm.

    Bens leader is strictly better, but offensively Ahsoka is strictly better. Its a trade off.

    Ben was chromium only for a long time.

    That's no way to do game design. You balance for end game, everybody needs a place.

    I am thinking that the team of people with degrees in game design and years of experience might know what they are doing.

    Also, to whose endgame are you referring? The guy that never managed to unlock Vader, or the guy that decided Ahsoka was easier to farm than Old Ben?

    Balancing for end game is a very basic game design principle that is pretty easy for even outsiders to understand. And by endgame I mean assume everything is maxed.

    Neither examples you gave are end game, not even close. And I'm thinking that when you have 80+ characters, many of which were available at the onset of the game, and that most game designers generally want to work on new stuff than dwindle on existing content, that it's very easy for mistakes to be made and never addressed until much later. It's a very common trend that many in the industry admit to.
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