Battling the same line up over and over and over again

147 posts Member
I am so tired, to the point of deleting this app, of battling the same lineup over and over again. Royal guard, Rey, old Ben, QGJ and GS filled six of the last 12 slots for galactic war today. And every one of them were level 78 or above. Just a joke.

I thought the whole point of the update last month was to encourage diversity in line ups. Mark that as a fail.

And now, after galactic war, I get to play the arena where guess what? You guessed it! More of the exact same lineup. So effing boring.


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    Yep. Pretty much. And the Devs don't want to change it.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • BobAFeet
    147 posts Member
    @cosmicturtle333 , does it help to drop your arena rank so you get some different match ups? I'm not sure how that works...
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    BobAFeet wrote: »
    @cosmicturtle333 , does it help to drop your arena rank so you get some different match ups? I'm not sure how that works...

    No idea.

    I don't think the devs even know.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Mojavelandbaron
    977 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Well, if they hadn't nerfed so many of the other ones that used to be good in the first place, there would BE more of a diversity of viable characters, but since they were ruined, can you blame players for not wanting to use them?
    Post edited by Mojavelandbaron on
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    I think the past changes to GW do not tie to arena rank, but to arena squad power (your best one). So at the very least you don't have to allow your rank to plummet in order to succeed in GW.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    This is anoying I agree, hoped for more diversity and seeing all toons in battle
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    yep.. Rey, RG, Han, GS in top 5.. Only me using yoda, lumi, dooku.. But currently finish #2..
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    This is caused mainly by players following the meta and the talk about who the best toons are... i´m one of them (I don´t have time to invest in toons that i don´t know if they will be good or not). It works like a trend.

    Also you mentioned some if not all of the best characters a f2p can have. So it´s natural they´re going to pop up everywhere.

    This does not mean you can´t succeed with other characters. In my humble opinion it has nothing to do with nerfs or OPs.
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    I also think a large part of the problem is it takes too much time/ability mats/credits on teams that may not be very effective.

    Case in point, i figured the game would eventually move towards tanky teams back when speed was king so i maxed out Phasma, Kylo, Tusken Raider etc and the only tanky heroes i use now are Phasma and Fives, simply because many of the other tanky F2P options are weak or too slow.

    I hope to slowly farm an empire team over the next few months but i am not sure how viable they would be in raids, GW or Arena but it does reduce the monotony somewhat of the flavor the month Dooku,Rey, RG teams that saturate GW and Arena =P
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My last 3 nodes were Jedi teams...
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    I keep saying it, but nobody likes to agree with me. Protection ruined diversity.

    High hp champions became even more high hp
    The only way to break through it is with the fastest, most damaging toons available. Guess who that is? GS/Rey/QGJ.

    RG was an issue before the prot update, but here you have a toon who is getting upwards of 15k protection on top of his 20k life. Meanwhile, other tanks like ST Han and Poe are lucky to have 5k protection. Why would you choose anyone other than RG? He also is relatively fast and stuns 80% of the time. ST Han is the only one close to competing in usefulness due to TM gain, and Poe generally only synergises with droid teams. Oh, but wait, if they get purged by QGJ then they cant taunt immediately when a friend is in danger like RG.

    Protection just put specific characters on pedestals due to their ability to deal with the increase in durability of toons, while other toons who were merely "mediocre" and now "absolute garbage."

    Prior to protection, even mediocre toons could win due to being able to cut through the low amount of hp units had, making things like ewoks/clones/rebels/etc all viable.
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    Have to agree with this, seems like metas are more dominant now than ever. I run a full FO squad in Arena and I can win first rank but only because I totally maxed them out and they add up to about 3,4 K more power than the usual meta squad. I do have a meta squad in reserve which I could use, they make it much easier to win both on offense and defense but I'm kind of stubborn and insist in going against the trend to do it my way.
    Indeed it's getting very annoying to face the same metas in last 4,5 GW nodes everynight, Old Ben's combination of health and ridiculous leading dodge % is absurd, GW just taking way too long to finish.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.

    Not as much as it's too hard as it's become very boring and is taking way too long to complete, well over an hour everyday for me when it use to be 20-30 minutes. I don't think GW was intended to be that kind of a grind.
  • Options
    Sorry guys but I have to disagree. The new meta is not the problem, does it stick out more in this current meta yes, but again it is not the real issue. The problem is synergy, in the new meta synergy is more important than ever. Have to find a way to give our squads an edge when half the teams exploited the pre-craft cheat (allowed or not it is still cheating), another topic though. Because synergy is so important now your leader must synergies with all members of your squad. The bad thing is that there are only a few leaders who can do this. Of those leaders, we have learned that a few of them are not beneficial like crit damage, tenacity or defense. The synergy that gives everyone the best shot at winning when being played by the AI is evasion and it's not even close. With evasion being completely RNG based it means that you and I can not plan for or come up with a strategy against (Like dodge would). On top of that, 2 characters seem to be broken and able us to evade more often, Dooku and Ben. Couple that with there are only 5 great dps characters since the new meta, Q, GS, Leia, 86 and Rey. Now 86 needs other droids to be at his best so it is not as common but of the other 4 they will make up the middle of about 90% of the teams. Tanks wise, RG is by far the best tank in the game. His HP and amazing taunt make him far and away the only true "must have" character in the game.

    These are the reason for what we are seeing, not protection. And before the "nerf" cry why don't we cry to bring the other characters up around them. RG is a perfect tank as Leia, Rey, and Q are perfect attackers. There is no reason why Poe, FOTP and RP can not be brought up along side them like they once were. Honestly it's us who are to blame, we (as players not an individual) constantly cried nerf to every character that was felt to be OP or fix when we thought they were to weak and for the most part the Dervs done it. Now we say they did it to well?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.

    Not as much as it's too hard as it's become very boring and is taking way too long to complete, well over an hour everyday for me when it use to be 20-30 minutes. I don't think GW was intended to be that kind of a grind.

    What makes you think that? Of course it was intended to be a time sink. Its a 12 node daily event. It wasnt meant to be completed by everyone, every day, that is why 50 is an achievement, and 150 an even bigger one.
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    Not sure if my server is older but I almost never see RG in GW. Almost never. I see tons of Phasma, Sid, Dooku, GS, and Luminara though. Sick of that ****. My team might not be meta but at least they're unique AND have synergy.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.

    Not as much as it's too hard as it's become very boring and is taking way too long to complete, well over an hour everyday for me when it use to be 20-30 minutes. I don't think GW was intended to be that kind of a grind.

    What makes you think that? Of course it was intended to be a time sink. Its a 12 node daily event. It wasnt meant to be completed by everyone, every day, that is why 50 is an achievement, and 150 an even bigger one.

    What makes me think that is a post where EA_Jesse once explained it wasn't supposed to take hours, just as they nerfed the Yoda event because they hadn't intended for people to spend hours of trying to beat it.
    We don't have to agree however, a forum is where we can express our different point of views.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.

    Not as much as it's too hard as it's become very boring and is taking way too long to complete, well over an hour everyday for me when it use to be 20-30 minutes. I don't think GW was intended to be that kind of a grind.

    What makes you think that? Of course it was intended to be a time sink. Its a 12 node daily event. It wasnt meant to be completed by everyone, every day, that is why 50 is an achievement, and 150 an even bigger one.

    What makes me think that is a post where EA_Jesse once explained it wasn't supposed to take hours, just as they nerfed the Yoda event because they hadn't intended for people to spend hours of trying to beat it.
    We don't have to agree however, a forum is where we can express our different point of views.

    It isnt supposed to take hours, and doesnt. I complete in like 40 mins on average.

    Also, it can be spread through the day. One hour is not all that long.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Still takes first with non-meta, but claims GW too hard.

    Not as much as it's too hard as it's become very boring and is taking way too long to complete, well over an hour everyday for me when it use to be 20-30 minutes. I don't think GW was intended to be that kind of a grind.

    What makes you think that? Of course it was intended to be a time sink. Its a 12 node daily event. It wasnt meant to be completed by everyone, every day, that is why 50 is an achievement, and 150 an even bigger one.

    The Devs have been messing with GW matchmaking since launch. It's a constant balancing act. They've stated on several occasions they're evaluating the current situation and the length that many players are experiencing.

    I disagree that it wasn't meant to be completed by everyone, every day. It's the primary source of "free" credits, that without them progression would be impossible. It's not designed as endgame content. Months ago I engaged John in a conversation where this was discussed. He agreed that it's a game mode designed to be scaled for each player from mid through end game.

    There is nothing "difficult" about completing it daily aside from finding the motivation to fight the same general squad composition for an hour plus, while liberally using retreat to find the best way of manipulating the seed for the most favorable RNG.

    GW is the least fun game mode for many, to include me, simply because of how annoying it is to fight the same dodge, DPS, RG teams for over an hour across six or more nodes. It's unreasonable considering the rewards don't also scale.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    how many people you think face those teams? and are they the ones who do the exaggerating ?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.


    You first
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.


    You first

    The fact that I often see rank 1 teams beginning at node 6/7 and that start to finish averages an hour. That others report the same thing. The fact that CG has acknowledged length is a concern and that they are evaluating it for adjustment.

    You claimed that "nobody" experienced any of this, which is a direct contradiction of the many players who continue to create topics about this. Hence: source?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.


    You first

    The fact that I often see rank 1 teams beginning at node 6/7 and that start to finish averages an hour. That others report the same thing. The fact that CG has acknowledged length is a concern and that they are evaluating it for adjustment.

    You claimed that "nobody" experienced any of this, which is a direct contradiction of the many players who continue to create topics about this. Hence: source?

    you cant be sure that the people who are creating those threads are the same people who face (according to you) 38k power teams at node 6
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.


    You first

    The fact that I often see rank 1 teams beginning at node 6/7 and that start to finish averages an hour. That others report the same thing. The fact that CG has acknowledged length is a concern and that they are evaluating it for adjustment.

    You claimed that "nobody" experienced any of this, which is a direct contradiction of the many players who continue to create topics about this. Hence: source?

    You have yet to cite anything other than anecdotal evidence. You have already proven your own penchant for exaggeration. You do not even have a method to verify a rank 1 team. Complaints from folks like you have FORCED development to look into the "issue".
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Exaggerating how long it takes really isnt helping anything.

    No ones exaggerating when they say it takes an hour to beat 6 or more nodes of rank 1 38k power, dodge, DPS, RG teams. That's a cheap counter argument.

    Nobody is facing 6 nodes of rank 1 at 38k power.
    You keep exaggerating your claims.


    You first

    The fact that I often see rank 1 teams beginning at node 6/7 and that start to finish averages an hour. That others report the same thing. The fact that CG has acknowledged length is a concern and that they are evaluating it for adjustment.

    You claimed that "nobody" experienced any of this, which is a direct contradiction of the many players who continue to create topics about this. Hence: source?

    you cant be sure that the people who are creating those threads are the same people who face (according to you) 38k power teams at node 6

    There's been numerous threads with people testifying to this.
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