Cad Bane in GW

So who's excited to finally have this guy in Galactic Wars store? Any ideas when he'll be available?


  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Probably no one that has heard how absolutely terrible a character he is. There are a dozen+ much much better people for everyone to farm.
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    He might not be DPS... But he doesn't have an awful kit
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    Cad Bane is a terrible addition. Options that should be farmed prior include lumi, teebo, poggle, ig 86, rp, tusken and phasma... still after those i would be unsure if cad bane would be the next best...
  • Chewplebcca
    774 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm the vocal minority looking forward to being able to max Cad. I have plans for him with my scoundrel team.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Cad is about the only toon that promoting to convert extra shards for the shard shop makes you think you're happier with your credits lol....
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    Out of the money I've spent on this game I've got Cad Bane 10 shards away from 7* and I'm mad. Every single time he popped up I raged and turned off my phone. I'm just hoping a scoundrel event comes out so I can use him more than just a back up.
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    RG, Dooku, Daka, Ventress, and Bane. You now have a five person stun team. I hate to admit defeat, but this might be the closest to stacking stuns as we'll ever get.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I love how everyone condemns a character they have never used.
  • isreal
    200 posts Member
    I have him 7* g8

    I only use him with the stunners to fight the savage oppress challenge
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I love how people assume no one has ever used a character.

    I have used him. He has low damage, low health, low speed, a stun on a 3 turn cooldown which is only 'ok' if you use it on a jedi with 50%+ turn metre. He can stun glove QGJ after QGJ has already taken a turn and given his team offense up, then becomes an easy kill.

    Even those that have not used him should see that he is bad by looking at his numbers, as he does not have many abilities to his kit, and the abilities he does have relies on the target being a jedi to even be considered anywhere near 'ok'
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    Apparently he's great for raids, though. Reducing turn meter is very effective there.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    garublador wrote: »
    Apparently he's great for raids, though. Reducing turn meter is very effective there.

    No, no, no, you heard them, he is horrible, end of discussion...
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    Looks like I'm farming magmatrooper or resistance pilot then..
  • drdavee
    155 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    I love how everyone condemns a character they have never used.

    It is because all these people will only use "meta' heroes instead of getting creative with their teams and enjoying the full potential of the game.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Akster wrote: »
    Probably no one that has heard how absolutely terrible a character he is. There are a dozen+ much much better people for everyone to farm.
    drdavee wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    I love how everyone condemns a character they have never used.

    It is because all these people will only use "meta' heroes instead of getting creative with their teams and enjoying the full potential of the game.

  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    RG, Dooku, Daka, Ventress, and Bane. You now have a five person stun team. I hate to admit defeat, but this might be the closest to stacking stuns as we'll ever get.

    You will disappoint me if you don't build this team and take it to #1.
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    If ever that data mined info about a scoundrel event happens, you'll all be glad cad is for the grabs.
  • LRMoser
    139 posts Member
    I have Cad pretty high leveled up and I think people saying he is worthless are overstating it. He is not like RG, Rey, or QGJ who work well with almost any team in any mode (areana, GW, ect). In general Cad gets the best value when he is the lead (I run Cad, Greedo, Lando, Chewy, and Fett) because his evasion and Turn Meter increase. Cad is squishy, slow, and to just do an ok amount of damage he has to double shot and his stun cool down takes too long to refresh but his value comes with synergy.

    Arena- He is really not useful because there are so many much better teams you can make. There are just not many really strong scoundrels to make a team viable in arena.

    GW- I use this team until they die (usually around Node 3-4 due to no healing). I use Cad to stun biggest threat or on Jedi healer. That is his role on this team

    Raids- Like everyone else says Turn Meter reduction works really well against Rancor and works well vs. pigs when I use him with Rex, Jin, Chewy, and Tuskin Raider. Kiled the guards and then kept TM down.

    Cantina/Light/Dark- Don't know I sim all these battles.

    Challenges- use him all the time vs. Savage

    If you do choose to farm Cad make sure to have Chewy really high too. They seem to work the best together because gets a bunch of TM increases because of taunt and it allows him to heal before getting taken out.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    ZarLatho wrote: »
    RG, Dooku, Daka, Ventress, and Bane. You now have a five person stun team. I hate to admit defeat, but this might be the closest to stacking stuns as we'll ever get.

    You will disappoint me if you don't build this team and take it to #1.

    I'm nearly there. 7* RG, almost 7* daka and Ventress, 6* Bane, and just unlocked Dooku (accidentally). Dooku will be an easy farm to 7. I have EK and yoda right now, which I could use as a substitute for Dooku arena.

    I will hunt down everyone who mocked my stacking stuns! And those pigs... I'll show them too!

    I'll show everyone!
  • Fighton
    308 posts Member
    Cad is a huge disappointment , u can find utility, for almost any toon. But for a crono only toon from launch, he just sucks. That's where all the cad bitterness comes from. I say farm him n join us , atleast you'll get him for free, n after u witness how underwhelming he is ( he does have his moments ) u can join the cad "why does he blow" family.
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    @CG Jesse mentioned that shards of CB is now available in GW shpmt. .I have yet to see him there. Does anyone have him available there ?.if so why am I not seeing him. Can Jesse please care to comment. Is it exclusive to only a select few ?
  • SlyKrysis
    101 posts Member
    He will show up with the next update.

    He's pretty useless as a character though, but he will be there soon.
  • Options
    SlyKrysis wrote: »
    He will show up with the next update.

    He's pretty useless as a character though, but he will be there soon.

    Hi sly
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    SlyKrysis wrote: »
    He will show up with the next update.

    He's pretty useless as a character though, but he will be there soon.

    Is is very useful in non-heroic raids. He has 100% chance at TM reduction and stun on his special. He is never going to equal QGJ or Rey but he's far from the Ugnaughts of the world.
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    I was just planning of hoarding GW tokens for him then i read every comment in here and immediately took Teebo shards instead and i'll follow up that up with some RP shards too
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I was just planning of hoarding GW tokens for him then i read every comment in here and immediately took Teebo shards instead and i'll follow up that up with some RP shards too

    Way to be an independent thinker!
  • SlyKrysis
    101 posts Member
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    SlyKrysis wrote: »
    He will show up with the next update.

    He's pretty useless as a character though, but he will be there soon.

    Is is very useful in non-heroic raids. He has 100% chance at TM reduction and stun on his special. He is never going to equal QGJ or Rey but he's far from the Ugnaughts of the world.

    "If the target is a jedi..."
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    It really bugs me when people describe characters as useless.
    It is rarely true.
  • Kevez
    148 posts Member
    There is so much negativity on this forum. They almost certainly track data on this game, and almost certainly some people will farm Cad (including some that never bought chromiums and had him unlocked). When lots of people, especially f2p (which they do keep track of for aurodium), have Cad unlocked but not used, they almost certainly will look at him like they did RG.

    I am not saying that post buff he will be meta, because he only needs to be viable, but I hope he becomes the next meta. So the ones that enjoy upgrading their favorite characters and looking at future potential can enjoy a long swim with the whales before the rest.
  • SlyKrysis
    101 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    It really bugs me when people describe characters as useless.
    It is rarely true.

    When do you see Bane in an arena team? How about GW? What about raids?

    Oh, he's just fodder on a D or an E team.
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