We are being trained like seals ...

50 posts Member
edited May 2016
... and conditioned towards addiction.

Came across a very interesting post in the Star Trek Timelines forum, full thread can be found HERE. Admittedly that game has more problems than SWGOH (namely no real gameplay) but the parallels are striking nevertheless.

Some people respond to forum complaints about this game with: *sneer* “Well, why do you play then? Why did you spend money if you don’t like it?” Accordingly, I thought it would be useful to talk about why I (or any Trek fan) wanted to play a Trek mobile game, was even willing to spend some money, but also became fundamentally **** off at this point. I wasn’t always so disappointed, but looking at the past four months objectively it is the only logical conclusion.

I. Things You Would Want In A Trek Game

Here are some highlights regarding what one might want or expect in a Trek-based mobile game:
Collecting Characters - Anyone who likes the franchise of course likes the idea of collecting their favorite Crew (along with whatever crew are strongest or funnest) to play with in-game. It is an immediate hook into the game.
Advancing Characters - Growing your characters abilities, even maxing them out, is a hallmark of all RPGs and many games that aren’t strictly RPGs, but instead are other gaming genres.
Collecting & Advancing Ships - Same as for Crew, really. Iconic ships that I can play with in ship battles against other iconic ships.
Playing a Game - Whether turn-based or real-time strategy, 2D platformer or RPG, we all would like to have some FUN playing with these Crew/Ships and there are some time-worn ways of doing so (it ain’t warp-core science).
Social Gaming - The chance to compete in events, either to win or just for the fun of competing with fellow Trek fans.

II. How What You Want Is Ruthlessly Used Against You In A Trek Game

Largely, this game includes all but one of these elements. It should be said that it is fundamentally lacking gameplay—and that may be it’s most unforgivable flaw. However, the things that it does have (Collecting, Advancing, Social) are all implemented in the most offensive, greedy and disrespectful fashion. It cannot be understated how this game is designed to exploit addictive behavioral patterns that exist in all human beings (some more than others).

Anything that could conceivably involve money does. Not just acquiring Crew and Ships, but speeding up shuttles, or playing Dabo, or buying Chronitons, or buying Credits, or buying Items, or buying Cadet Tickets… (pauses to catch breath). This game has four… (no, wait, FIVE!) ...forms of fictional currency (Chronitons, Credits, Merits, Cadet Tickets & Dilithium). Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the real currency: our money (Dollars, Euros, Rupees, what-have-you).

But that’s not enough, the game also cannot be fun. Here’s why: if you have any fun, you won’t be bored/impatient enough to spend money. Chronitons exist and accrue at a modest rate, Shuttle missions are timed, Cadet Challenges are timed. By getting you to log in multiple times a day, they are training you like a seal to develop a repetitive habit of checking in. This isn’t a game you can devote a few hours to on a weekend, you have to check in every three hours about five times a day.

RNG: let’s talk about that. It serves at least two purposes: 1) it involves no real thought. The developer isn’t making a level of a game that involves strategy or timing or puzzle-solving, it’s just RNG so they save a lot of time they would otherwise have spent building an actual game. 2) You can set the RNG to a low enough level that people can spend hundreds of dollars and still not have every Crew or Ship in the game and, oh yeah, not have the items they need to advance their Crew.

III. How They Ease You In

In the early days of this game, I enjoyed getting Crew and Ships and trying to complete missions and advance. But after awhile I realized that I wasn’t “playing” anything. I was, however, constantly being incentivized to spend a little more money to try and get crew that would more easily complete higher level missions, or speed up a shuttle so I could move up in Event rankings. They don’t hit you with the need to spend money upfront, because they know you would just leave. So they present you with many ways to get invested in the game AND THEN create a ton of pain-points and bottlenecks that can only really be solved by spending money.

IV. The Voyage Home (I mean, Conclusion)

Sadly, this isn’t a game. It is a carefully-crafted, highly addictive drug masquerading as a game. I bet if you asked some of the game developers without any repercussions, they would admit how depressed they are. These are people who want to build games that are fun to play, but instead they are building a slot machine that exploits a beloved franchise and deliberately triggers addictive behavior in the pursuit of profit.

The fact that huge chunks of the gaming industry have moved in this direction doesn’t exonerate it. We already know from the Panama Papers that thousands of politicians and millionaires have been evading taxes for years—that doesn’t change the morality of it.
Post edited by Kurki on


  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    I think many people are going to snap out of it when they realize the cost demands of lvl 80+ and gear X+
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    It's just the freemium model. Nothing new.
    It's free to play, pay to win. Always be that way.

    We knew what we were getting into the moment we downloaded the game. It didn't stop us, because deep down, we like this kind of game.

    Paying players like to pay to crush competition, free players like to be able to compete with paying players to show they have superior skills.

    They're making profit off our egos, and we love it.
  • Options
    yowsers. Painfully similar in nearly every way. Does EA make this game by chance? its amazing to me that they have this forumla 100% locked down and vanilla pasted to every game on the market. Would i be playing this game if it wasnt star wars bases? absolutely not. Would i be playing this game if i wasnt a star wars nut? no sir. I NEVER play any other mobile games because i know they are an incredible time sink and the pay off never happens. Star wars **** me into this one. But never again. absolutely not, never in my life will i even consider downloading another mobile game. Probably never touch another EA console game again either, and thats sad, because what they seem to provide on the surface is a fantastic idea. but they are ruining the fruit by squeezing it so hard.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My investment is paying off quite nicely...

    Maybe you need to spend more?
  • Options
    yowsers. Painfully similar in nearly every way. Does EA make this game by chance? its amazing to me that they have this forumla 100% locked down and vanilla pasted to every game on the market. Would i be playing this game if it wasnt star wars bases? absolutely not. Would i be playing this game if i wasnt a star wars nut? no sir. I NEVER play any other mobile games because i know they are an incredible time sink and the pay off never happens. Star wars **** me into this one. But never again. absolutely not, never in my life will i even consider downloading another mobile game. Probably never touch another EA console game again either, and thats sad, because what they seem to provide on the surface is a fantastic idea. but they are ruining the fruit by squeezing it so hard.

    I have to echo your post, my thoughts exactly.
    Btw, I'm taking a wild guess that this thread will breach TOS in all sorts of unforgivable manner and soon be closed or deleted so read while you can.
  • Options
    Closed in 3.2.1..
    Really it was a great story and not far from the truth, we all know how freemium works but still its very hard to accept. :/
  • Options
    They have already deleted a thread where we questionned their motives for moving threads, this one will be gone too, nice work mods... just put duct tape over our mouth
  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    Thats basically every freemium mobile game ever
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    It's just the freemium model. Nothing new.
    It's free to play, pay to win. Always be that way.

    We knew what we were getting into the moment we downloaded the game. It didn't stop us, because deep down, we like this kind of game.

    Paying players like to pay to crush competition, free players like to be able to compete with paying players to show they have superior skills.

    They're making profit off our egos, and we love it.

    Say that to people that get tunnel visioned through addiction and don't realise they have paid so much money that they can no longer afford their rent that month and their card gets locked out.

    Generalising a little bit too much. Gambling ruins some peoples lives. What you said applies to SOME of the player base, not all.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Akster wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    It's just the freemium model. Nothing new.
    It's free to play, pay to win. Always be that way.

    We knew what we were getting into the moment we downloaded the game. It didn't stop us, because deep down, we like this kind of game.

    Paying players like to pay to crush competition, free players like to be able to compete with paying players to show they have superior skills.

    They're making profit off our egos, and we love it.

    Say that to people that get tunnel visioned through addiction and don't realise they have paid so much money that they can no longer afford their rent that month and their card gets locked out.

    Generalising a little bit too much. Gambling ruins some peoples lives. What you said applies to SOME of the player base, not all.

    Guy starves to death because he spends his money on a game is called natural selection.
  • Kurki
    50 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    We knew what we were getting into the moment we downloaded the game. It didn't stop us, because deep down, we like this kind of game.

    No, deep down, we like Star Wars, and the promise of collecting and developing the characters associated with that franchise. EA exploits that not by delivering, but by NOT delivering, which is what is supposed to trigger the vicious cycle of addiction and spending.

    we all know how freemium works but still its very hard to accept.
    It's not the freemium or P2W concept that is at fault here, it is its application in StarTrekTimelines that the original poster from that forum is complaining about. People are hooked by a franchise and a promise that is by design never fulfilled. The game is designed to be NOT FUN, or at the very least frustrating, and that is what makes people spend.

    Timitock wrote: »
    Guy starves to death because he spends his money on a game is called natural selection.

    Company that turns it's back on this problem and does not acknowledge its responsibility in the equation is immoral and no better than a drug dealer.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i am amazed that people are suprised when they find out how a freemium model works.
    on a side note, you can be game addicted without spending money in freemium games, eventhough you play freemium games.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kurki
    50 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    you can be game addicted without spending money in freemium games, eventhough you play freemium games.
    That is actually my case, I am an addict but have not spent a penny on SWGOH, I learned my lesson years ago with a similar freemium model.

  • Options
    Posting in a soon to be locked thread!
    "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."
  • Kurki
    50 posts Member
    No reason to lock, we are simply discussing EA's business model and asking them to be responsible to the people who are paying them. Ethics and morality are as much a part of business as profit.
  • dvl009
    529 posts Member
    star trek and star wars are two different things?? WutFace
  • Azraelrulez
    1908 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Guy starves to death because he spends his money on a game is called natural selection.

    Point to be noted!
    564 posts Member
    Kurki wrote: »
    No reason to lock, we are simply discussing EA's business model and asking them to be responsible to the people who are paying them. Ethics and morality are as much a part of business as profit.

    There is nothing unethical about charging a price that people are willing to pay. Also, the only person responsible for an individual's "addiction" is that individual.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Akster wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    It's just the freemium model. Nothing new.
    It's free to play, pay to win. Always be that way.

    We knew what we were getting into the moment we downloaded the game. It didn't stop us, because deep down, we like this kind of game.

    Paying players like to pay to crush competition, free players like to be able to compete with paying players to show they have superior skills.

    They're making profit off our egos, and we love it.

    Say that to people that get tunnel visioned through addiction and don't realise they have paid so much money that they can no longer afford their rent that month and their card gets locked out.

    Generalising a little bit too much. Gambling ruins some peoples lives. What you said applies to SOME of the player base, not all.

    They do so because they like it. They enjoy playing these games, they enjoy the gambling.

    But they knew what they were getting into.
    You don't enter a casino thinking "I'm just going to spend 20$".
  • Kurki
    50 posts Member
    Ahh but Casinos, gambling, lotteries, scratch cards and other such things are regulated in most societies, because people are aware of the associated hazards. How are these types of games regulated?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Kurki wrote: »
    Ahh but Casinos, gambling, lotteries, scratch cards and other such things are regulated in most societies, because people are aware of the associated hazards. How are these types of games regulated?

    Regulations dont keep addicts away... its not even in the scope of their intent.

    564 posts Member
    They are regulated to ensure the government gets its cut. The government doesn't like competition
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    ABNRAS wrote: »
    Kurki wrote: »
    No reason to lock, we are simply discussing EA's business model and asking them to be responsible to the people who are paying them. Ethics and morality are as much a part of business as profit.

    There is nothing unethical about charging a price that people are willing to pay. Also, the only person responsible for an individual's "addiction" is that individual.

    true and false.
    gambling is regulated. (most) drugs are illegal. ponzi schemes are illegal. Sometimes its the job of the overseeing authority to protect the population against addiction or any other issue that might damage them.
    it wouldnt suprice me if freemium games would get regulated in the near future.

    But i do agree that it is each individual's own responsebility to not get hooked on a freemium game up to a point where its not healthy any more for them. comparable with when you go to a loanshark and end up having your leggs broken, you knew this was a possibility before hand.
    Save water, drink champagne!
    564 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    ABNRAS wrote: »
    Kurki wrote: »
    No reason to lock, we are simply discussing EA's business model and asking them to be responsible to the people who are paying them. Ethics and morality are as much a part of business as profit.

    There is nothing unethical about charging a price that people are willing to pay. Also, the only person responsible for an individual's "addiction" is that individual.

    true and false.
    gambling is regulated. (most) drugs are illegal. ponzi schemes are illegal. Sometimes its the job of the overseeing authority to protect the population against addiction or any other issue that might damage them.
    it wouldnt suprice me if freemium games would get regulated in the near future.

    But i do agree that it is each individual's own responsebility to not get hooked on a freemium game up to a point where its not healthy any more for them. comparable with when you go to a loanshark and end up having your leggs broken, you knew this was a possibility before hand.

    Drugs in many cases are illegal because many can be deadly. Ponzi schemes are illegal because it is a scam and misleading. No logica comparison here. I see nothing misleading in this game. Just high prices. As far as regulation, IMO that is incredibly silly. Governments already waste way too much time protecting people from themselves.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    ABNRAS wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    ABNRAS wrote: »
    Kurki wrote: »
    No reason to lock, we are simply discussing EA's business model and asking them to be responsible to the people who are paying them. Ethics and morality are as much a part of business as profit.

    There is nothing unethical about charging a price that people are willing to pay. Also, the only person responsible for an individual's "addiction" is that individual.

    true and false.
    gambling is regulated. (most) drugs are illegal. ponzi schemes are illegal. Sometimes its the job of the overseeing authority to protect the population against addiction or any other issue that might damage them.
    it wouldnt suprice me if freemium games would get regulated in the near future.

    But i do agree that it is each individual's own responsebility to not get hooked on a freemium game up to a point where its not healthy any more for them. comparable with when you go to a loanshark and end up having your leggs broken, you knew this was a possibility before hand.

    Drugs in many cases are illegal because many can be deadly. Ponzi schemes are illegal because it is a scam and misleading. No logica comparison here. I see nothing misleading in this game. Just high prices. As far as regulation, IMO that is incredibly silly. Governments already waste way too much time protecting people from themselves.

    Let's not forget that gambling in certain states is illegal.... unless you gamble in the state sponsored POWER BALL!! WOOOOO!!!!
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    This is just a standard business model for the vast majority of games. Almost all go down the same path and have the same constant critical reviews by long time players. But yet, new people come in and the wheel keeps turning. As long as $$ keeps rolling in, it won't change.
  • HanSlowMo
    235 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    "So they present you with many ways to get invested in the game AND THEN create a ton of pain-points and bottlenecks that can only really be solved by spending money."

    That sounds eerily familiar....wait a minute!!

    -enter fusion furnace-


    Worst thing to happen to this game yet. And I can guarantee more stuff like this is on the way...

    What do we have, 7 currencies now, 8? I lose track. I'm sure at least two more will be added with ships.
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    yowsers. Painfully similar in nearly every way. Does EA make this game by chance? its amazing to me that they have this forumla 100% locked down and vanilla pasted to every game on the market. Would i be playing this game if it wasnt star wars bases? absolutely not. Would i be playing this game if i wasnt a star wars nut? no sir. I NEVER play any other mobile games because i know they are an incredible time sink and the pay off never happens. Star wars **** me into this one. But never again. absolutely not, never in my life will i even consider downloading another mobile game. Probably never touch another EA console game again either, and thats sad, because what they seem to provide on the surface is a fantastic idea. but they are ruining the fruit by squeezing it so hard.

    Most should agree with this statement....
  • Options
    They have already deleted a thread where we questionned their motives for moving threads, this one will be gone too, nice work mods... just put duct tape over our mouth

    Mods know their reputation is in the toilet. Everyone knows they on a power trip. So they are in full on damage control
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    We should really be bringing up the fact that the mods are in the top raiding guild...
This discussion has been closed.