Let's give credit instead of constant crying

204 posts Member
edited May 2016
EA/CG have been good with communication and updates in the past 2 months. Lets give them credit.

But people keep wanting more and more.

People complained about Dooku dodge meta - They nerfed dooku in major way. Now people are using Phasma, Teebo, Ackbar etc.. There is so much variety now...yet people keep crying.

People complained about GW being tough - They reduced enemy turn meter. Now it has become so easy...yet people keep crying. I finish it by using just 7-8 characters and I have 36k arena power. Stop crying people...Having 2 good teams is enough to finish GW.

People complained about credits - They added raid rewards which gives anywhere from 300k to 2 million extra per week depending on how you rank in raids. Yet people keep crying about credits.

People complained about yoda being too tough - They nerfed yoda to easy level. Yet people keep crying.

People complained there is no content - They gave rancor, raids etc... Yet people keep crying.

People complained about lack of communication - They have weekly community updates. Yet people keep crying.

EA/CG has continued to listen to people and keep making improvements to the game. Yet people want more and more. If I were EA/CG, I would get fed up with the constant crying as well.


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    They get my money, that will have to be enough.
  • BWSkynobi
    334 posts Member
    They wipe up our forum tears with the piles of cash we throw at them.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    They have done well up until the raid was released, but now there are still several problems that exist:

    Despite Dookus personal nerf, his leader ability wasn't, so dodge/evasion is still the meta (even though there are other synergies as well) in which the only skill required is choosing old Ben or dooku as your leader.

    People with arena power around 38k+ are having an extremely difficult time in GW facing similar arena teams when we should be facing other players GW teams, not 12 nodes of #1 arena teams that you may not be able to beat even in arena once.

    The credit problem is still huge since it takes nearly 300k just to level 1 toon 1 level. The GW and challenge rewards have not been adjusted for the new level cap and people are blocked from even leveling because of the credit gap.

    While they have done a good job with raids and new content, there is still much to fix.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    The problem is the artificial barrier to entry. Either you're F2P because the prices are ludicrous for stuff that should be pennies and not 10 bucks or you're a whale cause the prices don't matter. Wish there was a middle ground, would happily spend $3 on a furnace or Droid caller, but the costs are out of hand. I spend a little occasionally, would probably actually spend more if digital trinkets were cheaper.
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    The developers have done a great job the past 8 weeks. Thanks guys/gals. It did however, seriously look like they were going to drive the game into the ground before that. And we were all going to lose our investment. Lets hope they continue to add new content and characters and events.
  • Options
    Point is - every time I look forum, there are hundreds of threads complaining.

    People lack patience and want more and more.

    Appreciate how EA/CG has been listening to the community instead of constant crying.
  • Options
    I'll give credit when I receive credits.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • AKK889
    159 posts Member
    Funny title @enigma_jedi , so many people here in the forum crying nonsense or crying things they don't understand, or crying cheats for completely legal actions, or crying for punishments to people who never broke the rules. Cry cry cry me a river. Right? Glad you are NOT one of them :smile:

  • Song
    863 posts Member
    People always complain no matter what lol
  • Kalcor
    92 posts Member
    We pay them money? We cannot cry? Let me spell it out for you... L E G A L
    T E N D E R.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    People complain about precrafting and the gear wall.. no reasonable response.

    People complain about the credit crunch.. no reasonable response. Raid rewards are not enough given the exponentially increasing cost to level characters.

    Those 2 issues are a lot bigger than the ones you listed and they are only exacerbated by guild hopping and circumvention of the currency cap.
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    Make Zader Great Again!
  • BubsSolo
    54 posts Member
    I like that it is a grind...otherwise I would get bored and quit. This game is a challenge, one that I enjoy.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    If we see some positive change, credit is given. The only reasonable change recently has been the Ewok Elder fix, Ackbar's revision, and the very slight beginnings of revising the gear system. There were people thanking them for these changes.

    The huge majority of issues plaguing this game have gone untouched for months, hence, very few appreciative posts in recent months.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Well as long astory EA caves, people will keep crying. It is a fine line between being considerate and responsive to your customer base...

    Vs being a Nero, desperately holding onto control of a sinking ship by catering to the common denominator... and sinking the ship faster in the process.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Literally everything mentioned in the OP is still broken but the Yoda event.
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    I'll give credit when I receive credits.

    This..... And

    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Literally everything mentioned in the OP is still broken but the Yoda event.


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    While i agree with the op that whining is annoying, constructive criticism can only improve the state of the game for all people involved. The more fun the game gets, the more costumers EA will have, who possibly spend money.

    I feel like the lack of credits obtainable limit the fun in the game.
    Since you are only able to stick to a main team of 5-10 characters, you'll always pick the go-to chars who are known to perform well, best example for this are Rey,Rg, Leia, Qui-Gon, Geo, Phasma etc. who seem to be the top characters in everyones Inventory. This way, many characters stay neglected and the meta seems unnecessarily stale. So a way to make us able to level up more characters would be great, and i think to spend real money on the game as the only means to be able to do so will hurt the game in the long run, especially with the increasing costs in higher levels.

    Best way to do so would be to revisit galactic war rewards, since the price you get for the relatively high effort compared to other effort compared to other aspects of the game seems not right. Especially considering how hard galactic war becomes once you reach high squad arena powers. Galactic war often feels like a chore to do, even though the fights and the concept on itself is quite nice imo.

    Changing Galactic War to get a better credit reward would kill two birds with one stone regarding two main concerns of the community for a long time.

    I agree with you on the other mentioned aspects, though. Especially the communication to the community seems really good for an online game compared to other companies (atleast from my online gaming-experience in the last 11 years).
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    Kalcor wrote: »
    We pay them money? We cannot cry? Let me spell it out for you... L E G A L
    T E N D E R.

    Dead right... You agreed to the games terms & conditions. Which means they can easily shut the game down & you my friend have no leg to stand on. Hahaha, you want to legal issues into this but you agreed to the terms & conditions. Your point is invalid!

    I honestly have to agree with the OP, the Devs have made great improvements with the game as a whole! There are still problems but overall, looking at the bigger picture, the game has moved leaps & bounds in the last 2 months!

    GJ Devs!
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    Human nature. The displeased minority is usually louder than the satisfied or content, even when that's the majority. Think about a restaurant...You're not going to hear people raving about how awesome the food is at other tables, but you will hear the loud mouth fussy patron at the other table complaining.

    I love the game personally and credit crunch makes me laugh. There is always going to be a constraint in every game. Just happens in this one it's credits. If credits were in surplus then they would complain about the resource that was in shortage.

    If there wasn't a credit shortage then the complainers would be maxed out and be complaining for new content.

    Try not to let them get you down.
  • Sangraal
    10 posts Member
    I hope people come across my clone team everyday. Maxed, not only mine but all the whale clone teams. Come then and say is easy, you face puppet teams, but soon they will show up, see if you ever finish GW ever again... and i hope im around to say. GW is super easy what are you talking about?
  • Options
    I have and will give ea/cg credit when they earn it. They haven't in a VERY long time
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    This game rocks. The f2p platform is going to attract players of all wallet sizes. The game is a solid piece of fun. Some of our wallets on the other hand...well...I can imagine bigger. Haha! Cheers @enigma_jedi
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Options
    Credit?!? They have my money. :| .. I'd take money over credit anyday. Matter fact, I'm still salty i paid 10 dollars for a stun gun for omega fives, then they tell us about the uhh "glitch", fix. Like dood, can I get a heads up before I waste my time on a character? I could've had qui gon 7 starred. To be honest though, they need to hear our displeasure, they wanna know how the fanbase is feeling and reacting to the game. We wouldn't complain if we didn't like the game..
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    It's more constructive if given in the feedback forums. Unfortunately for us, some of us got used to Fives enjoying a glitch. If you didn't read the tooltip carefully, we just thought Fives was awesome. Turns out any hero who's dishing out more damage than he's supposed to is pretty rad. I'm saying, some things won't be undone, especially if they were never intended in the first place. Best thing is to use Fives anyway; he's still a beast.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • scuba
    14208 posts Member
    Partial credit. Too much still broke. Random client restarts with no warning or explanation. Vague we are looking into it responses with no action. No response on if something is a bug till many have invested resources into.
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