Rancor bonus packs

11 posts Member
edited May 2016
HI i was super excited to buy rancor bonus packs because the display makes it look like yo7 are getting 9/22 shards per character per pack. When I read the fine print it suggests you only get 9/22 shards in TOTAL... randomly from the different characters? If that is the case it seems like a ripoff but what do I know. Freemium games are expensive especially when they are "online" games that require a server.


  • scuba
    14125 posts Member
    Good rule of thumb for this game, probably any fremium game, if you are thinking wow this is an awsome deal! It probably is not.

    And yes the packs are 9 or 22 shards total.
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    Okay ty and yea i agree my first interpretation was too good to be true but also the way it is advertised is somewhat misleading
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Yeah they're very poorly labeled and have very poor rewards unfortunately.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Hey, don't forget about the 2 purple mats that are of no use by themselves or the measly amount of credits you get as well.

    EA here's a heads up for you
    1. Next time make it pure shards (don't need ability mats and credit fillers)
    2. Split the packs - 7 toons split over 2 packs instead of 1 pack of 14 (more people will buy if odds are more in your favour to get a toon you need)
    3. Make them better value by removing the crumby toons
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Well, I'm ftp and I already have half the characters at 6* or 7*. Of all the possible drops only Leia is chromium, while lobot and Hoth Rebel Soldier are both hard to farm. Everyone else in there is either easily farmable like Teebo, or moderately easy to farm like Qui-Gon. So selection wise it's not that amazing.

    Then there is the cost. 1320/22= 60 crystals per shard + up to 144k credits. Of corse this assumes you don't have any wasted shards for characters already at 7*. Compare that to 50 crystals/shard in shipments. And now YOU CAN BUY LEIA in shipments for 80 crystals a piece!


    I would suggest you farm whoever it is you want, and if that includes Leia buy her shards from shipments. It will take you longer, but save you a lot in the long run.
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    IMHO there have been only two reasonably priced packs. $5 Dooku and $25 Droid. Otherwise, its money down the drain.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Man these packs are so bad. They make chromium look very very attractive... The toons they picked arent event the best for the raid in reality. The best 5 toons for heroic scoring in from what I have seen only Rey is included... These are sad...

    I love the limited to 10 a day thing. Like wha... Trick you into thinking it is a deal... DONT!!!
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Wow only 22 shards total? That's so bad lol
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    This has been a very well done and informative feedback discussion. EA will be sure to file it in to "pull out when you need a laugh" file. They aren't interested in adding value to anything.
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    I think they also changed/updated the language because it used to be written differently if I remember right. Now it says a mix of blah blah shards blah blah in total. Caught a lot of people. Personally I think if it where 14 shards or 22 shards of 1 character cool but instead you may get a few...really not worth it unless your gonna buy 10 a day for 10 days then it has value or possibility of a lot is shards.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    You are right widget but these forums are all about educating people. I played this game for 4 months and realized chromiums were an AWFUL value.

    To be honest if you like this game and wanna spend $300 on pixels they are an awesome value right now... Much better than aurodium. And that was okay value for this game's economics.

    For months it was purples for crystal refreshes... I would argue that is not the value it once was...
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