Underused characters for community update

212 posts Member

Having just read the community update asking for our feelings on underused characters I thought I would share a few that I feel need a major rework to be made viable in game and add some more variety to the teams that are worth using

JEDI GUARDIAN - currently useful for just about nothing the Jedi Guardian could be made instantly viable by adding the same auto taunt feature that the Royal Guard has. Keep her other abilities exactly the same as they are now but by adding auto taunt you would give players an alternative to Royal Guard and make a place for this character.

BOBA FETT - Probably the most expensive character to gear in the game needing both a Furnace and Droid caller to get to gear 9 Boba Fett currently serves no purpose. Poor damage and ridiculously slow speed make him unuseable in any current game mode. His leader ability is decent and unique is interesting but who cares if Fett revives 10 times in a row, he will get shot straight back down again without inflicting any damage. I propose dramatically increasing his speed to somewhere in line with Geonoshan Soldier. Also increase the damage of his basic and special to make the galaxies most feared bounty hunter viable.

CAD BANE - Cad Bane has a decent skill set, howeve he is to slow and too squishy to be currently viable in any game mode. I propose keeping his abilities exactly as they are but increasing his speed, health and evasion making him a huge anti Jedi asset whereas currently he is dead against any Jedi team before he gets a shot in Qui Gon led or otherwise

ASAAJ VENTRESS - An agile Sith/night sister assassin and yet currently one of the slowest characters in the game and without a doubt the worst AI. Like Bane, Ventress has a great skill set but is to slow to ever use it. The AI also uses her AOE heal when she doesn't need healing and when there are no buffs present. She has found a niche use in phase 1 of raids but still needs some major work. I propose dramatically increasing her speed to make her one of the quickest characters in the game on a par with Rey/Leia, also fix her AI so she is used as intended as currently any team with Ventress is easy pickings in the arena. I would keep her skill set exactly as it is because it has the potential to be great

DARTH MAUL - In the same vein as Ventress Maul is an agile assassin and yet the slowest and most squishy character in the game, and he is chromium exclusive so those of lucky to have him and paid for him cannot use him because he is dead before he gets an attack. He has the potential to be a wrecking ball but is far too slow. I propose moving his health in line with Rey who is a high damage character with moderate health and his speed also in line with Rey/Leia as this would make him a viable counter to these two and would make an iconic character viable in any game environment.

PLO KOON - A character seeing an increased use due to the rise of the clones but still currently pretty much unusable due to his poor damage output and low health. His clone synergy is good, his leader ability has the potential to be a great counter to Leia teams so I propose increasing the damage of both his basic and special and increase his health to the level of other tank characters Chewie etc

CHEWIE - Unlike others on this list I have no issue with Chewie's speed, my problem is is ridiculous damage output. We all saw in the force awakens what a potent weapon the bowcaster is and yet in game it hits like a wet fish. I simply propose at least doubling the damage of his basic to make him useful in raids and probably GW as well

FIRST ORDER STORMTROOPER - Like Fett FOST is one of the most expensive characters to gear and yet serves no purpose in anything other than a first order team. His damage output is fine, his AI needs a rework as he will use his buff special even if already buffed from Phasma. He is also INCREDIBLY tough to farm so players should be rewarded with someone useful after spending months grinding his hard nodes. I propose giving him the same auto taunt as Royal Guard giving players another taunting tank to chose from and making this otherwise useless and highly expensive character viable.

I'll be interested to hear other people's thoughts on these, and any others, I know Anakin is currently useless but seeing as I don't have him unlocked I can't really comment on him.


  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    I can't speak for all these character but here's my opinion:

    BOBA FETT - I completely agree. Collecting 2x Syringe, 1x Furnace, 1x Droid Caller is a nightmare for gear IX. Boba is one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars. He is even getting his own movie! And in SWGH he is nothing more than a very slow mosquito who dies in a few hit... get's up.... dies again... get's up... dies again... His leader ability is pretty useful. His resurrect is funny but nothing more. His AOE is nice, although his potency is too low to make it any good. But why doesn't he shoot the freaking rocket on his back? His normal attack which is called "Execute" can't even kill a dying ewok in an open field. And the bonus on it has no purpose after the implementation of protection.

    CLONE WARS CHEWBACCA - Again I completely agree. I like chewie, but that bowcaster damage output should be higher. And Defiant roar could get a buff, gained health he looses next attack anyways, so what is the point on using this skill. Maybe also add 40% protection or Offence Down for the enemy team. His roar should be terrifying!

    JEDI KNIGHT ANAKIN - For a jedi attacker his damage is really poor. After the implementation of protection "Righteous Fury" has no use anymore and his AOE damage output makes the changed of getting Offence Up close to zero. I would suggest changing "Righteous Fury" into a good single target attack.

    GREEDO - We all know that Han shot first right? Because Greedo first threw a Thermal detonator! Which went off 2 minutes after Han left the Cantina (killing several members of the modal nodes). Really, remove that 2 turns part. He is also a bit too squishy.

    BIGGS DARKLIGHTER - Because he has a mustage! I like his abilities, but somehow he doesn't work in battles. It could be his really low speed or the absence of an X-wing.

    CAD BANE - I started to collect him after he was added to GW. But making him only anti jedi makes him not really interesting to level up. Besides his speed I wouldn't change Bane himself, but add a raid battle "ATTACK ON JEDI TEMPLE" where he will shine!

    EETH KOTH - He is anti droid. But there is absolutely no reason to use this jedi against droids because his damage output is so extremely low. Buff his damage. Nothing wrong with his skill set.

    DATCHA - Jawa's are funny and you laugh when you find yourself against this little guy. Because the only thing he can do is tickle. His AOE must be the lowest in the game and bonus has a high fail change. His jawa synergy will become very nice once that are more jawa's. I don't see much use for his leader ability against droids tho.

    JEDI CONSULAR - Used early in the game, but replaced by Luminara once GW is unlocked because her attack and heal is better. Weird, because JC should be the healer. A buff on his special attack maybe. It deals less damage than his normal attack and gives almost no healing.
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    Boba fett rework

    Basic: "execute/wrist rocket" this attack ignores protection, if next time this attack is used it is targeted on the same opponent, inflicts armour reduction too for one turn. Or this attack ignores protection and can't miss.

    Special: "death from above" attack all enemies, with a 65% chance to inflict ability block plus either a chance to inflict dodge reduction or a chance to expose for two turns.

    Leader: if his stats are gonna be spiced up a bit then none, with such changes would be powerful enough. Otherwise leave it as it is.

    Unique: either "lone hunter" any time Boba attacks a debuffed opponent, he gains 20-30% TM or "when I get paid?" whenever an enemy is defeated Boba get his CD reset and gains speed for 2 turns.


    You want it to be high pressure?

    Basic: Deft bladework "deal physical damage with a 65% chance to inflict heal and buff immunity", plus either "if any debuff is applied then gain 30% TM", or "this attack cannot be evaded or resisted".

    Special: Smite "deal physical damage to all enemies" plus either "with a 55% chance to inflict reduced speed for two turns" or "with a 35% to stun for one turn" or "with a 65% to attack again any enemy with a positive effect"

    Leader: fine as it is

    Unique: Righteous fury "whenever an ally suffer a critical hit, Anakin counterattacks and gain 15% TM. This ability cannot occur more then twice per enemy attack"

    Leave his stats as they are, excepted for a potency buff, make him at least 110%.
    Res non verba
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    I think they need to fix heros that see NO use.
    I don't agree with Chewy. His taunt is 2 turns at 80, has a strong self heal and his basic has good utility. I even see him in top 200 on my server(where most people are lvl 78)
    JC also is still fine he does his job as rapid fire heals. Used a TON in GW
    Eeth is also ok, High potency, High stun chance, good damage vs droids. Does his job. I see him aswell in GW and Arena,

    Character that NEEDs it is CUP.
    No potency on a kit that relies on debuffs. His basic is nothing compared to RGs or Dakas
    No HP/Speed/Potency/Damage

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Lobot--a character so under-used that even the thread about under-used characters under-uses him ;)

    Lobot looks to have been designed as a Light Side alternative to Poggle the Lesser, with the obvious drawback that Light Side currently has no Droids. Now, that's not much of a problem in general, after all, everyone loves the Jawa Engineer. However, he's also severely outclassed by Poggle and the new Jawa. It feels like since his passive abilities are Droid-dependent, they made his active abilities generic so he would still be useful in regular missions.

    It's hard to judge him against Poggle statistically because Lobot is very, very hard to farm and rank up. So all I can suggest is reworking Optimize somehow. Poggle gives Offense Up to everyone, which is incredibly useful in all situations, while Optimize has a narrow usefulness in specific situations.

    Maybe he's fine the way he is, and it's just the lack of Light Side Droids that's holding him back. But within the game as it stands, he's pretty unimpressive aside from his puffy shirt.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Also, the gear system in this game is ridiculous and terrible. Some characters need 7 pieces of raid gear while others need two, some characters need 1000+ purples while others need 300 (for no discernible difference in performance!), and many characters have insane stats that they never use, high potency on characters that don't need it, low potency on those that do, it's a complete mess, and will have to be rethought sooner rather than later.
  • DJC_Chris
    212 posts Member
    Agreed with @Ironicspade on the CUP, he has no synergy whatsoever. He is classed purely as support. Now as I believe from the clone wars cartoon this guy is a droid he should certainly have some droid synergy and both his basic and special should have 100% chance of success at omega level and also a big boost to his potency to reduce the chance of these abilities being resisted.

    Lobot is now incredibly viable in raids as optimise can remove death mark and the DOT effects that the gammoreans inflict. As one of only 4 debuff removers he is pretty much essential for heroic raids. He is geared towards being a great droid leader but as @NicWester mentioned there are currently no lightside droids although as already discussed surely CUP should be classed as one. Outside of raids he may not serve much purpose but without either Lobot, Rex, Ewok Elder or Ackbar phase 1 is impossible. What I would do is make him available in either GW or Cantina as he is such a grind to farm.

    Speaking on debuff removers I really believe with the invent of raids that 4 are not enough especially when 2 of them are rebels. I would propose that General good for nothing Veers has his Aggressive Taction ability reworked to make him remove all negative status effects on all allies making him certainly viable in raids and a good support character for people trying to build empire teams. I have literally never seen Veers in arena or GW. Similarly Bariss who you could technically class as a debuff remover could have her unique reworked to make it a castable ability which removes debuffs for Jedi team synergy.

    This brings me to my last mention Darth Sidious, the staple of every arena and GW team at lower levels, as soon as you pass level 60 he becomes less and less viable and by 70 is useless. He has good speed and evasion but his potency needs a massive boost as at high levels both his healing immunity and DOT effects are resisted making him unusable in any game mode
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    I'm wary of adding this auto taunt to multiple characters.... Can you imagine a team that had rg, the guardian and fost if they all had auto taunt? Pair it with someone like barris and you could run out the arena timer..... Too much tankyness I think...
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    I like Plo but he could use a slight buff like the one you mentioned
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    I'm wary of adding this auto taunt to multiple characters.... Can you imagine a team that had rg, the guardian and fost if they all had auto taunt? Pair it with someone like barris and you could run out the arena timer..... Too much tankyness I think...

    I would say that it's a good idea with the caveat that they cannot taunt if they themselves are below fifty percent health.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    Personally I think EA need to overhaul all the characters!!!!! Specially since they added raiding to the game... Every character should be viable for raids and any other future events they plan on adding to the game
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    DARTH MUAL- shouldn't have leadership ability! Reason why is because he was still an apprentice.... I would suggest changing his leadership ability out for something different if that's possible
    Post edited by VeeDee on
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    To add to this post I will add my 2 cents...

    Darth Maul - slow but deals a lot of damage. Currently underused really because the risk is always greater than the gain because his extremely low hp pool and spped get him killed for any game mode really.

    Boba Fett - give this kid a bone, anything really. Slow , hits like a noodle, and completely situational basic/auto which combined with his low damage Does not seem to be a good combo. It would be nice to see a perk or ability added where he would gain passive buffs or get a finisher when enemies are on low hp. Oh and please for the love of all that is good make his basic use his blaster or take it away, either one. Makes no sense to carry a blaster and not use it once.

    Asaaja Ventress - I haven't seen the tv series but all the talk is how she is agile and super fast in the tv series and in this game she is one of the slowest characters by far. And I know game/tv series are different but when you have other characters literally twice as fast as her there needs to be something done. Simple speed buff would be nice or buff her damage immensely. If a character is going to be so slow that another character can get two turns she needs to hit like a Mac Truck. Awesome kit though.

    Cad Bane - slow, low damage. Nice kit but needs simple stat buffs to me to make him viable.

    Ugnaught - not sure what to say about this guy other than poor kit, too geared for droids.

    Plo Koon - definitely another leader ability. Too geared for stealth. Damage would be nice.

    Mob enforcer, Nute Gunray, Greedo - 3 people have the same ability (thermal detenator). Can we do something about that please? Very lackluster, all of which are underused.

    Hoth Rebel Soldier - to me, tanks need to be threatening in some sense: Poe reduces TM, applies offense down, and exposes, Chewy is an absolute beast who is a vanguard for the team, Stormtrooper Han reduces TM like crazy. HR Soldier is really not that threatening as a tank. Nothing is special about him.

    Lobot - this dude synergies with droids but all droids are dark side and he is light side...other than that, Admiral Ackbar copy except AA fits the role better.

    General Thoughts and Opinions: scoundrels in general need some love, tanks in this game need to be threatening in some sense if they want to see some play time, better leader skills (pigeon holed still to only a couple of viable leaders), and less characters geared towards very specific synergies or enemies (Plo Koon, UrURR'rrrr, Ugnaught, Eeth Koth, etc)

    On a side note, characters I would like added to the game:

    Darth Sion
    Darth Nihulis
    Mandalore (light or dark)
    Mandalorian trooper
    Jedi Luke Skywalker (he is on the front cover, let's make it happen)
    Jango Fett (this would be awesome, please)
    Ki-adi Mundo
    A taunting driod (General Grevious does not count)
    A taunting Jedi
    A sith focused leader ability that is actually good (savage is not in that category)
    A sith healer that drains Hp to heal (see KoToR, death field ability)
    The Exile from KoToR (a gray Jedi would be cool to have in the game)
    Exar Kun (do your research)
    Revan (in some shape or fashion please)
    Bastilia from KoToR
    Darth Malak
    Emperor Papltine (need to be playable)

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    I think Mace Windu needs to get Vaapad reworked. If you know what Vaapad is in the actual Star Wars universe then you know it should work as a sort of counter to sith. I think this would be a great addition as it would make not only Windu, but Jedi teams much more viable. I've seen lots off people complain about having too many jedi counters, notably Dooku-high chance for stun and ability block, Sidious-boost to evaision, and Maul-bonus damage to jedi. these three sith (if Maul gets the buff everyone is asking for) could shut down any jedi team easily without needing two other team members. If Windu were to be made a sith counter it would be a great way to reduce the number of Dooku leads that all the best players seem to be useing, make jedi teams more viable making all the Yoda grinding have a larger pay off, and it would be a great way to have a counter to maul in case he gets a much needed buff that ends up being a little too much. Also, Windu is an iconic character that tons of players that don't necessarily know much about Star Wars like. He's also said to be the best jedi duelist, on par with Yoda, Sidious and Dooku, three characters that are powerful both in the game, and in the lore/movies. By changing Vaapad and buffing Windu, it would help balance the game, make it line up with the movies and lore, and make a lot of well-liked characters (jedi) more usable (ie: fan servace that will positively effect game-play).

    Please share this idea in other discussions to help the people at EA see it. I strongly believe that this change to Vaapad as well as certain other buffs, Maul specifically, will positively effect the game for both competitive and casual players. #GiveWinduSomeLove
  • MasterSeedy
    5148 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sith healer should be Darth Plagueis: when he strikes a deathblow, the finished character's max health is divided up among DP's allies, then DP gets a 10% max-health healing effect. The first part of the effect is "Health Redistribution" like Barriss' ability, and like that ability it is unaffected by healing immunity.

    Possible twist: Since DP was said to have conquered death, if DP has at least one ally that has already been killed, DP's deathblow has a 50% chance to heal as described, but a 50% chance to instead bring back one previously-killed ally. The current health of that ally will be the MaxHealth of the toon that was struck by DP's finishing blow, or the MaxHealth of the character resurrected, whichever is less (basically, the character is healed up to the MaxHealth of the killed toon). If a character is resurrected, DP (but no other ally) still gets the 10% healing effect.
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    @cameronaitken56 agreed on Windu he needs a bit of a rework, making him anti Sith via vaapad would make perfect sense as you are right there are no Sith counters in the game as of yet. His basic and special are fine as they are but shatterpoint should be reworked to grant 100% expose chance on a random opponent and for the love of God fix his AI so when shatterpoint exposes an opponent AI Windu actually attacks that opponent instead of a different one. This would make Windu viable in PVP for sure and make him a priority target as you know his AI will actually the exposed character.

    @SpencersSocks the disadvantage of these proposed auto taunt characters is they inflict little damage so by putting 3 of them in one team you would be giving yourself a major handicap. Every top tier PVP team has RG whereas Jedi Guardian is not used at all and neither is FOST outside of First Order teams. I would like more auto taunters so that players have a choice and some variety in the teams we face rather than purely RG
    517 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    KYLO REN - He just has health. But his basic hits as a noodle. His special is weak and worthless now that theres protection.

    RP - Used to be useful on the right team. Now she hits lower, not worth to be on any team.

    FOTP - Hard to farm, hard to work on its survivality but a heavy hitter... until you nerfed him.

    POE - He was OP on the past, then you nerfed his stats, his basic, his special, his passive buff.
    Why not reverting this nerf? Now the mechanics changed a lot and would be nice to see him on a few setups. Hes too weak in the current game.

    ASAJJ - Too slow, squishy and weak. Only usable on DS nodes

    There are other minor characters that need a deep look... or a potency/tenacity rework
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    Hoth soldier is actually decent he has good counter chance(and taunt). He also puts offense down on his basic.
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    Luke, Biggs and General Veers are also in need of some love.
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    Cad Bane--needs a simple fix to his special. I think they should make the stun anavoidable. A guaranteed stun everytime you use it will make his kit more unique and it would defintately provide more reason to use him.
  • Oodd_B_Narr
    24 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    LOBOT - He has over 3,000 special damage at gear IX and most of his gear gives him this stat, yet he doesn't have a single skill that uses special damage. He only has a basic physical attack and a debuff remover. Not to mention he has the same HP/Protection pool as Rey. What does this guy do that warrants such a low hp/prot pool? Is speeding up low hp robots so dangerous that he must have a low hp pool too to keep him from being overpowered?
    Post edited by Oodd_B_Narr on
  • DJC_Chris
    212 posts Member
    Cad Bane--needs a simple fix to his special. I think they should make the stun anavoidable. A guaranteed stun everytime you use it will make his kit more unique and it would defintately provide more reason to use him.

    I agree with this however in his current form he is so slow he never even gets a chance to use it, I'm farming him from GW and I've tried dropping him in against a few all Jedi teams normally always QGJ lead and he rarely gets a shot off unless RG is in the team. Maybe once he is 7 starred and gear 9 it might be different but at four star gear 8 he is unviable
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    Boba Fett, Stormtrooper and Cad Bane. Rework Ventress awful AI.
    517 posts Member
    I forgot about Finn! I dont have him, but I used from an ally and he just have his basic first shot with good damage for being a tank...
  • Avelenus
    54 posts Member
    More dark side healers. Talia doesn't do much because she dies too fast. Ewok elder takes so long to raise that running a team of ewoks sucks plus I don't think even at a higher level he will be very effective. I agree with the taunting. Several on the light side rock because of it. I wish there were more variety of good characters. Between Luminara QGJ and DS. I think everyone in the top 150 on my server has those three Another thought would be a way to test characters so we know if we spend the time to raise them we don't feel like it's a waste.
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    Assaj AI is awful. As stated in OP. A speed boost would be great, make her leadership skill include herself at a minimum. I think her damage is just fine. She needs her AI fixed because she is far and away the best Nightsister leader, and I still love Daka and Initiate.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Please buff characters that you don't see used.

    Such as...

    Mob enforcer
    Cad bane
    Hoth soldier
    Urrrrogoorr or what ever his name is
    Various empire units (snow trooper, storm trooper)
    Various night sisters

    All thermal detonators (simply make them unavoidable, but still able to dispel)

    I personally will be disappointed if other toons such as anakin, mace, chewy, Kylo or anyone else gets a buff before the characters listed above do. The characters listed above never get used at all, while anakin, mace, chewy, ect are still seen in the game.

    Please buff the worst characters in the game before buffing those that are simply "ok", just like you did with RG.

    Thank you!
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    His name is URoRuR'R'R
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    So lets talk about Anakin.

    He's good looking. Well animated. All but completely useless for any play outside of C-Team action. As the shameful owner of a G9 Ani I am really hoping he receives a (successful, cough Mace) rework now that the Devs seem to be shifting focus to the balancing aspect of GoH. Here are some analysis points and potential suggestions, please fire critiques and suggestions at will with 20% chance for assist.

    Starting off pretty broad, lets revisit the definition of an Attacker class unit. Given his character in Star Wars lore, I'd say I like Anakin being an aggressive and belligerent character who likes being dirty. He should definitely remain in the Attacker class, I think he can be successful with a few kit tweaks and buffs. The fundamental drawback he suffers from is the lack of threat he presents to opponents. He is SUPPOSED to constantly hit things when his teammates die and constantly threaten AOE offense up, thus causing serious annoyance to the player and being dealt with high priority. His base stats suggest the initial design attempt to make him consistently annoying rather than squishy but dangerous, as suggested by his oddly arranged stats.

    Here are his base stats at max gear level 80.

    Power - 8220

    Speed - 144

    Health - 18,907

    Strength (8.4) - 960

    Agility (5.6) - 714

    Intelligence (4.7) - 609

    This points to his primary stat line being one prioritizing Strength over Agility, that is what makes him so different from Rey who is an Agility based attacker. Rey gains mostly offensive buffs while Anakin gains defensive buffs with his primary physical damage buffer. This forces him into lower damage to avoid the existence of a tanky Rey. As demonstrated by the current state of Anakin, Kylo, and Kit, low damage attackers simply cannot muster the necessary threat to gain viability use despite any utility they may have. Attackers must be the first to be eliminated because of their scary damage and Anakin simply cannot have this imposing damage because of his high health.

    To fix, lets start with a basic a stat realignment focusing on damage and sacrificing health and speed. We can look at something like a

    Basic damage Interval increase (3389-3745) -> (4.1K-4.6K)

    Speed reduction 144 -> 132

    Health reduction 18,907 -> 14,000 range

    This makes him hit respectably hard on basic while suffering drawbacks in health and speed. This will balance the improvements to his abilities which boost his overall productivity and team contribution. His basic damage must be kept in moderation to account for the significant buff he provides as leader.

    On to abilities. I'll state their current state, why they suck, and what the need to be useful and compliment his stat line under the terms I reworked it into.

    Deft Bladework - Deals physical damage to enemy with 55% chance for healing and buff immunity for 2 turns.

    This is just not reliable enough to be good. As a player I look for consistency in units as well as power. This is no doubt powerful (Anakin has the potency to back it up too), but 55% will never be worth gambling on for a basic attack.

    My suggestion:

    Deal physical damage with a 85% chance to apply buff immunity for 3 turns.

    Buff immunity is no doubt underrated because it is so uncommon. I think it is quite good against RG in particular, but buffs are so common that I think this places Anakin in a great niche place for countering excessive buff teams.

    Smite - Deals physical damage to all enemies and buffs allies offense up for 2 turns on a kill.

    The consistency on this one is TERRIBLE as well, it is so situational that you will never get your buff when you need it. Add dodging to ruin it even more. Offense up is to help the team win more and secure a kill, if I already killed a guy it is almost not even necessary. I think this exists to prevent Anakin from boosting Jedi damage too easily (leader is +30%, Offense Up is another 50%). Thing is, Jedi suck because of Dooku. This is not nearly good enough to make them overpowered and it hurts Anakins utility beyond belief.


    Smite - Deal physical damage to all enemies. If all survive grant Jedi allies offense up for 2 turns and all other allies offense up for one turn.

    This fix decreases the overall effect of the buff while promoting Jedi synergy. It is still decent with non-Jedi but is actually useful. Most AOE are used to kill an almost dead unit anyways, this is an unusual opposite effect of buffing the team to help get a kill. A damage decrease for this AOE may be necessary to balance.

    Lead from the Front - Jedi allies gain 30% Offense

    This is a really good ability. QGJ assist is like dropping a small building on the target when Snips goes to help. Barriss actually brakes 3K on a crit. Please clap, she really tries.

    I would like his Omega to be the effect applies to all allies and cap the buff at +25%. Ani should lead everyone - Jedi teams suck so badly and this is not your average evasion leader. I'd even take the effect being halved for non-Jedi.

    Passive. Here is the fun part. It currently reads

    Righteous Fury - Whenever an ally is defeated, Anakin takes an extra turn and deals 75% more damage. (+25% from Omega)

    This is bad for a few reasons. First off, it means diddly squat when Ani hits you with his pathetic basic damage. The boost makes it more of a smack but one attack will never be enough to recover from losing a character. Secondly, it is almost worthless due to the rarity of activation. The entire point of GW is to NOT lose characters, LS/DS/Cantina missions need all units to survive in order for 3 stars. Losing characters is only inevitable during Raiding and his damage is still not nearly potent enough to justify running over Rey, Leia, or GS. From testing this passive for a few weeks, it has activated 4 times total over the course of two games that I lost through LS/Cantina/GW modes. It wasn't enough to even bring me back into a position to secure a kill and catch up. Bottom line is it's too infrequent and not even close to impactful enough to function as the catch-up mechanism that it is intended to be and not threatening enough to justify killing Anakin with high priority.

    I honestly think the best treatment for this situation is the RG way. Changing his passive to

    "Whenever an ally drops below 50% health, Anakin takes an extra turn"

    This greatly increases the frequency of passive activations while maintaining balance through discarding the damage boost. With this mechanic players can actively use him by manipulating heals to gain extra turns, and it also maintains its current function of a catch-up ability when losing.

    The real goal of the passive is to supplement the improved Smite ability, allowing Anakin to quickly cycle through turns and repeatedly blow short lived allied offense up buffs as he is left alive - the ultimate goal of this combination is to make Anakin highly irritating/threatening when he is living on the field. He focuses on boosting entire team DPS while left alive and still providing decent DPS himself.

    This makes him rather average in damage output for an attacker (when not used as leader) and utterly unimpressive in terms of health/speed but raises his productivity through the roof. Think of him in terms of Poggle, who can boost offense for 3 turns every three turns. Anakin takes the same aggressive supportive role while buffing Jedi over droids and Geonosians and focusing more on DPS with extra attacks. Poggle is similar but would lose DPS in favor of better health/speed/evasion etc. Anakin wouldn't really be a support unit, just a team focused offensive hitter. Ideally he'd have similar DPS to QGJ with more prevalent offense buffing - still not on par with Rey and Leia but his extra damage contribution would stem from allied buffs.

    To sum it all up, take an unproductive attacker with the goal of boosting his potential for threat and DPS by improving upon overly-situational abilities and weakening base stats to compensate. Anakin faces speed and health reduction, slight damage boost on basic, boosted consistancy for lesser effect on debuff, slight decrease in duration for a massive increase in utility of team Offense Up, slight decrease in Leader buff in exchange for feasibility outside his crappy synergy set, and heavy decrease in damage for increased activation and player control of his unique passive. His overall gain in turns serves to increase the frequency of allied buffs, thus contributing to the required necessity to remove him quickly less he rain massive damage. Lets all remember no matter the changes (with egregious exceptions of course) that no unit with the Jedi tag will ever break the game in an overpowered sense while Dooku is in his current stat. The best they will do is rise to viability in all modes but Arena. Long wall I know, any and all thoughts appreciated! Maybe we can catch a Dev eye for the Chosen One
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