Do you still use a healing character in arena?

188 posts Member
edited May 2016
If so why and who... Feel free to say why and the strategies behind it...(you don't have to obviously)

(Decided to change it to be more specific)
Post edited by Lcb12321 on

Do you still use a healing character in arena? 160 votes

PokebreakervincentlondonArenHamottomadduxRedSixJedi_YodaDreamwalk3rgarubladorsithhappens44142Daddyngo007NonValidUserjedii_2040xSkandarGraunxAngus87Dang3sCatoSanHarlodpeterSkarchaAstrisIT_L1V3S 84 votes
GenakumaClintos_FreshmakerAksterBoro_Smooth1VarlieKTroy24MBL_66MizoDrakeIXCorndog131TrisbouilleZekexKennyKonifOwexBaillEllo_AstyDal_ZubaKYLO_SAM84RyAshDingleTingleK_G0sling 76 votes


  • dokvader
    30 posts Member
    JC, Lumi, and Talia need them for GW. Currently unlocking, Barris and Daka.
  • Options
    I use them in GW, and in the LS/DS battles but never challenges or arena
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    If you're talking about GW, then I don't know what to say to you.
    I assume you're talking about arena though, so yes, I use Daka primarily because of her great stun and the revives are also very helpful. It adds another very dangerous character to my squad, leaving the opponent to decide who to take out first (Daka, rey, or QGJ). I get rank 1 everyday, so I don't see why I should change anything.
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    Sorry I meant in arena
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    Haven't for months, but with the advent of JE, I'll be testing it out soonish.
  • Zephon
    122 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I swapped out Lumi for Royal Guard.
  • Rotor
    473 posts Member
    A healer is not going to prolong the battle much. Besides the AI doesnt always heal before the character is death.
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    Rotor wrote: »
    A healer is not going to prolong the battle much. Besides the AI doesnt always heal before the character is death.

    True but there are characters that can revive and heal...

    And there a characters with healing properties that also excel in other areas lumi has fairly nice attack, dodge potential and pretty strong special that can inflict ability block on top...

    I mainly asking this question in order to discern whether or not protection has made healing obsolete or not as viable....

    Even though I still see a lot of teams using 1 or 2 healers I know it's becoming less popular....

    Maybe something like heal over time could be implemented?
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Used to use lumi all the time until now. I stopped since protection was added. It's very late in the battle before I have to use heal now so I rather have a tank or big hitter instead
  • Drlolum
    54 posts Member
    I am usin Luminara in a Jedi + STHAN team. I need some healing for STHan.
    May the Chromiun packs be with you
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Drlolum wrote: »
    I am usin Luminara in a Jedi + STHAN team. I need some healing for STHan.
    This is one time i think it makes complete sense to still use a healer. Han is the TM God. The longer he can taunt the easier the battle gets
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    I still use Daka in Arena, along with Dooku (L), RG, Rey and QGJ (no no no not a cookie cutter team because everybody has switched to Ackbar and Old Ben lead with Fives and Leia and and Lando now LOL)
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    ^ true even better under a Ben/dooku lead....

    And how do u deal with debuffers try to take him out before activating Hans taunt?
  • thee_pdx
    302 posts Member
    i use lumi ld, st han, ig86, gs and rg. st han does all the tm stuff, but gets wasted (need a furnace to progress). Lumi therefore heals, and also has decent basic/special, rg covers the rest, ig and gs for dps. ive tried replacing lumi with rp and while on attack i do really well, i plummet in defense so had to bench rp.

    not really got any other good toons at the moment anyway.
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    thee_pdx wrote: »
    i use lumi ld, st han, ig86, gs and rg. st han does all the tm stuff, but gets wasted (need a furnace to progress). Lumi therefore heals, and also has decent basic/special, rg covers the rest, ig and gs for dps. ive tried replacing lumi with rp and while on attack i do really well, i plummet in defense so had to bench rp.

    not really got any other good toons at the moment anyway.

    I started out with an arena team of Phasma (lead), RG, GS, Rey and Daka, but recently switched out Daka for ST Han simply because I hate fighting the RG/STH combo. However, I feel like my team could greatly benefit from having Daka back. Mostly to heal while the two tanks are taunting. The only option would be to switch out Phasma (because I feel like I need two heavy damage dealers), but who would I put into lead then? ST Han?
  • Options
    I use Lumi, but she's brilliant as an attacker and has always been a real asset in all parts of the game. I ran with JC for some time but recently swapped him out with Dooku when I realised I don't actually need the extra healer for PVP (though he's on my GW A-team, where a focus on defense and survival is far more important).

    Dooku isn't much better at defense, but I find he has better utility in PVP since most squads run at least one Jedi, and his attacks are generally, well, better. I still fall places overnight, but not quite as quickly. He's also the only other toon I have completely trained up AND geared/starred as much as possible.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
  • thee_pdx
    302 posts Member
    i took out daka to make room for sth. shes still better in a lot of ways, and im not 100% happy. maybe sthan L, ig, gs, daka and rg. daka is 6* but a slow farm, especially now im trying to star up qgj. im working on phasma but only 4* at the mo.
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    Well, I use Daka, but more for her stuns than her heals. Though it is nice to be able to put RG and another toon back in the green again from time to time.
  • Bialaska
    74 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I run with Lumi and Daka. Daka has excellent stuns, and she heals and rezzes, and Lumi does have good damage. However as I am running with an Ackbar lead, each time I activate healing Leia or Ackbar gets a shot, so healing is no longer time 'wasted'.
  • Haihs
    151 posts Member
    Luminara isnt a straight healer, she is also an attacker so She is pretty **** good both ways
  • Bialaska
    74 posts Member
    Haihs wrote: »
    Luminara isnt a straight healer, she is also an attacker so She is pretty **** good both ways

    Yeah. I have found her healing to be useful for Rey too, as it provides a buff, which Rey can then use to get Offense Up with her special attack, rather than foresight.
  • Options
    Lumi is a good attacker, have a more than decent amount of life, and is a good (if not the best) healer as a bonus. Run a rooster with 2 tanks, and a healer, and the defense is pretty good, prolonging the fight.
  • Tayvyer
    115 posts Member
    Yes, Jawa Engineer, funny enough, is a healer :P
    I am Norwegian!
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Lcb12321 wrote: »
    If so why and who... Feel free to say why and the strategies behind it...(you don't have to obviously)

    (Decided to change it to be more specific)

    I'd say right off the bat most of the people in here are LIARS. Lumi is a Tier 1 arena team.

    The order is Dooku, QGJ, then Lumi, so apparently most top tier players have Lumi on their Arena team, so to answer your question Lumi is on the majority of teams..whether or not you USE healing is another matter, but they HAVE a "healer" on their team..

    Lumi is still awesome and given that you can reduce her special cool downs by 1 that makes her even better..

  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Lcb12321 wrote: »
    Rotor wrote: »
    A healer is not going to prolong the battle much. Besides the AI doesnt always heal before the character is death.

    Maybe something like heal over time could be implemented?

    READ Lumi details it *IS* a heal over time, you get 40% immediate and something like 20% over the next 2 rounds...

  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    If I ever use a healer in arena, it is Daka or Ewok Elder for their revive abilities and Daka's stun.
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    No. But if I did it would be Daka.
  • Lcb12321
    188 posts Member
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Lcb12321 wrote: »
    Rotor wrote: »
    A healer is not going to prolong the battle much. Besides the AI doesnt always heal before the character is death.

    Maybe something like heal over time could be implemented?

    READ Lumi details it *IS* a heal over time, you get 40% immediate and something like 20% over the next 2 rounds...

    Hmm.. Ur right... I was thinking it was just her leader ability..

  • Ceberus
    148 posts Member
    Daka of course, but mainly because Stun, revive and Heal are a nice Bonus. Cant wait to get her her Omega for the Basic.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I still use Lumi in more than half my matches.

    Lumi is one of my best assists. One of the highest damage on basic. She's the opposite of Barisse. You hope your assist attack pulls Lumi.

    Lumi's ability block is occasionally clutch, too.

    Lumi heal is great on Han.

    The continuous heal is great when you have to finish off a 5's, and you have 3 toons left but no stunner.

    +1 Daka good for Arena, too. Obviously.
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