The Guild Raiders - T5 Raids 4 Days per Week - CURRENTLY RECRUITING! (49/50)

240 posts Member
edited July 2016

The Guild Raiders are currently looking for 1 member to fill our roster!

We're a very active guild and know how to maximize efficiency for our members (active chat room, spreadsheets, strategy discussions, teamwork, etc). Despite our activeness, we also have lives outside the game (family, work, school, etc.) and respect each other's outside commitments. If this sounds interesting to you, please post a response here and keep reading to get a sense of how supportive, friendly and successful our community is! You truly wont regret joining us! :smiley:

Please check out the second post of this thread for an idea of the activities we track via spreadsheet....awesome teamwork in this guild! You can also find us online at Send me a PM there, reply here or if you'd like to contact me in game my ally code is 686-186-765 and our guild leader's (Evergoo) is 571-945-848. We look forward to hearing from you :smile:

RAID SCHEDULE: Mon @6 AM PST; Wed @NOON PST; Fri @6 PM PST - Sa @6 AM PST, T5 until further notice.


As we grow, we've found it necessary to establish some rules for the continued benefit, progression and growth of the guild as well as all it's members.

1. Effective June 6, 2016, members will be expected to contribute a minimum of 300 Guild Bank Coins daily to the guild. This requirement can be easily met with the free energy given out every day so this shouldn't inconvenience anyone or alter their playstyle at all. This should result in a weekly contribution of 1500 coins by each member.

2. If anyone can't log in to the game and contribute for 3 consecutive days, you will be dropped from the guild. If you know in advance that you're going to be away for an extended period of time, for any reason, we understand...we're just asking for you to give us notice so we don't drop anyone unnecessarily. Everyone goes on vacation, everyone gets sick....etc. Please just give us a holler and let us know.

In addition, we have set up a weekly raid schedule of T5 on Mondays @6am, Wednesdays @12 pm (Noon), Fridays @6pm & Sa @6am, all PST. We will have an additional raid on the weekends as GBC allows. This will benefit everyone, and with the new requirements we should have no trouble keeping up with the currency demands.

I'd like to thank everyone for contributing to this great community. I believe we all have the same goals of growing our squads and gearing up together to eventually hit that T7 raid! Thanks everyone =)

Post edited by Doggirl211 on


  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Highlight BOLD TEXT for links.

    (Helpful tips from experienced players on how to reduce the learning curve and improve your game)

    DAILY GUILD CHALLENGES GUIDE (credit to digsmartins)
    (Not sure what day each Guild Challenge is? Use digsmartins' easy-to-read guide)

    (How we monitor our guild's progress. Includes Guild Challenges, Daily Challenges, and Raid information)

    (How does TIMMdotM rank in Top 3 for almost every energy Guild Challenge? Read his guide to see)

    (Every single character, ability, synergy, and omega. Recorded on one spreadsheet. Also includes members' omega choices)

    (Every raid tier and prize, color-coded)

    (Ambitious and currently abandoned project. All characters with synergy ability are labeled with the #1. Easy to sort)

    (Who are these people in real life? Includes Ally Codes, locations, time zones, personal interests, and Arena Leaders)

    (Unsure who to farm? Check out this tracker to get a sense of popular 6-7* characters)
    Post edited by evergoo on
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    Was able to find my old guide in Google's cache!

    A little advice for those that are having trouble finishing your GW's on a daily basis:

    First of all. Use your retreats!!!!!! For those that don't know, you can retreat from the node and start all over and it is like it never happened. That means the CPU can kill all of your players but one, and you can retreat and all of your "dead" toons are still available with the same health and cooldown counts that they had before you started the node. You can usually tell in the first one or two rounds if the team you picked is appropriate for that particular opponent.

    You can retreat by tapping the settings "cog" in the upper left hand corner of the battle screen. In there you can tap "retreat". Don't worry about the "are you sure" box, it's a complete re-do and you're simply starting the node over with what you had when you started it.

    I'm finishing mine every day starting out with 76 QGJ(L), 68 Lumi, 68 Ahsoka, 72 5's and a 74 Phasma, mostly to get the first 4-5 node in quickly. I'll then start pulling Ahsoka for Dooku in for stronger Jedi teams and Eeth in for droid strong teams. Around node 7 I'll usually have Lumi (L), 5's, Phasma, QGJ and Dooku. By the last 2-3 nodes I usually settle on Barris (L), Lumi, Phasma, 5's and I'll use Royal Guard and ST Han as sacrificial lambs. I have a strong enough bench where I can lose people here and still finish out all nodes. Thankfully the team that you're facing will be dead and damaged when you start the node over after all of your toons are killed.

    Lastly, when fighting the nodes be sure to save an easy cpu toon to finish the round. Only use your basic attacks against this final toon so you can refresh all of your cooldowns for your toons to use to start out the next node with. this is vital, so you can whittle down the next cpu team before they get a lot of damage in or take out one of your top toons.
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    - The original thread was thrown in the trash for some unknown reason. This is now our official thread.
    - We shattered all our Daily Guild Challenge records last week, including record highs in Energy (17,500+) and reaching the final tier for Galactic Wars and Challenges.
    - Our weekly Guild Bank Coins continue to increase dramatically. Daily average for week 1 = 5,041, week 2 = 9,943, and week 3 = 13,702. We should average more than 17,000 next week.
    - Currently in discussion with 2-3 guilds about merger opportunities. We should be near 50 by the end of this week.
    - Doggirl211 has been promoted to Guild Officer for her contributions to the chat, recruitment, spreadsheets, and daily guild activities.
    - Today marks the one-month anniversary of The Guild Raiders! Thank you Meezy, Cabig, Dan08, and Kal Dar'Kin for being The Founding Fathers!!
    - Doggirl211 for starting a new guild thread.
    - TheeeeeeeLongestNamePossible for creating a helpful Galactic Wars guide.
    - Mike for putting in double work with two accounts.
    - Guild Officers for being thought partners over challenging guild decisions and for collecting data.
    - Everyone who helped with recruiting. Without your help, our guild would be stagnant.
    - Last but not least, each and every one of you for your unwavering commitment to The Guild Raiders. We are growing every day...because of you. :smiley:
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    Welcome to all the new members! So glad to have you all :)
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    Glad to be here!
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
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    Good morning guildies! Please remember to vote in the poll for our next raid!

    Save GW's until tonight's guild activity reset and spend energy on LS today!
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    Good morning guildies, it's raid day! Good luck to everyone, let's kick some rancor bootie :)
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    Next raid (Tier IV) will happen on Friday Noon PST. In order to strengthen the guild, EVERYONE must support ALL members. Therefore, the Guild Officers have decided the following rule for all low-tier raids (Tier IV or lower).


    In addition, many of your Guild Officers are supporting low-level players by making them their priority in the Allies List. Please do not be alarmed if you are no longer Allies with the Guild Officers. They are doing what's best to support the guild. Thank you. :smiley:
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    Awesome! You guys are the best! <3
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    I'm posting in here so as to bookmark the thread and to let you guys know I found it. Also edited my personal info on the spreadsheet. Will try and log on to the forums more often.
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    Good luck in the raid today! Please, lvls 70+, only use your lvl 1 toons and leave the top spots for the lower level members! If the raid isn't finished within a few days, we can finish it off but please give the lower level members the chance first!
  • Dan08
    1 posts Member

    As the guild has grown to 50 members, we have had to establish certain rules to ensure we maximize the results for all guild members and stay consistent with our balanced focus of being competitive and collaborative. We've based our rules on the following:

    1. Daily Personal Guild Contribution Rule / Daily Guild Activity Rule:
    • We do feel that in order to maximize results for guild members, all members should be participating in all guild activities and events on a daily basis. This is how we accumulate guild bank coins for raids, and if all members are contributing to the best of their ability, we will be able to raid more frequently and reap the rewards of our combined efforts. In addition, by ranking higher in daily guild challenges, we all gain more guild currency for gear and character shards.
    • We understand that everyone has different time commitments and so the current rules allow for flexibility in scheduling. We do feel that a requirement to login daily and contribute to the accumulation of guild bank coins is reasonable, and all the GOs currently login daily as well (unless prior notice is provided) while balancing family commitments and work.
    • We are NOT expecting or requiring people to use crystals to meet daily objectives. Crystals come at a premium, and each member can choose whether to use crystals for the guild. The game provides sufficient free energy to meet our daily member targets.
    2. Setting of Targets:
    • We try to be data driven in our setting of targets. We track guild contributions, and strive to assign targets that are reasonable and attainable based on historical data.
    3. Raids:
    • We want to balance contribution with rewards to the best of our ability. As GOs, we do not like to see individuals contribute very little on a daily basis but take top spots in raids. We do not see this as balanced and beneficial to members as it may lead to discord in the guild.

    Our guild has a lot of fun playing this game and we feel the above rules will ensure each member continues to enjoy the guild experience and maximize the reward for efforts. The GOs are completely open to feedback on the established rules and are happy to discuss as a group.
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    1. Effective June 6, 2016, members will be expected to contribute a minimum of 300 Guild Bank Coins daily to the guild. This requirement can be easily met with the free energy given out every day so this shouldn't inconvenience anyone or alter their playstyle at all. This should result in a weekly contribution of 1500 coins by each member.

    2. If anyone can't log in to the game and contribute for 3 consecutive days, you will be dropped from the guild. If you know in advance that you're going to be away for an extended period of time, for any reason, we understand...we're just asking for you to give us notice so we don't drop anyone unnecessarily. Everyone goes on vacation, everyone gets sick....etc. Please just give us a holler and let us know.

    Dan08 wrote: »

    As the guild has grown to 50 members, we have had to establish certain rules to ensure we maximize the results for all guild members and stay consistent with our balanced focus of being competitive and collaborative. We've based our rules on the following:

    1. Daily Personal Guild Contribution Rule / Daily Guild Activity Rule:
    • We do feel that in order to maximize results for guild members, all members should be participating in all guild activities and events on a daily basis. This is how we accumulate guild bank coins for raids, and if all members are contributing to the best of their ability, we will be able to raid more frequently and reap the rewards of our combined efforts. In addition, by ranking higher in daily guild challenges, we all gain more guild currency for gear and character shards.
    • We understand that everyone has different time commitments and so the current rules allow for flexibility in scheduling. We do feel that a requirement to login daily and contribute to the accumulation of guild bank coins is reasonable, and all the GOs currently login daily as well (unless prior notice is provided) while balancing family commitments and work.
    • We are NOT expecting or requiring people to use crystals to meet daily objectives. Crystals come at a premium, and each member can choose whether to use crystals for the guild. The game provides sufficient free energy to meet our daily member targets.
    2. Setting of Targets:
    • We try to be data driven in our setting of targets. We track guild contributions, and strive to assign targets that are reasonable and attainable based on historical data.
    3. Raids:
    • We want to balance contribution with rewards to the best of our ability. As GOs, we do not like to see individuals contribute very little on a daily basis but take top spots in raids. We do not see this as balanced and beneficial to members as it may lead to discord in the guild.

    Our guild has a lot of fun playing this game and we feel the above rules will ensure each member continues to enjoy the guild experience and maximize the reward for efforts. The GOs are completely open to feedback on the established rules and are happy to discuss as a group.
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    I find those rules more then reasonable, Way to go!
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    Found this thread at last. Rules seem reasonable to me. Thanks for the support!
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    - Guild rules have been established and are effective June 6. Please read first post for rules and rationale.
    - The Guild Officers had a one-hour meeting Saturday to address guild concerns. We tried our best to make decisions that would positively impact the community.
    - As a guild, we CRUSHED our Weekly Guild Bank Coins. We were expected to average 17,000 coins in week 4, but instead earned 23,211! Daily average for week 1 = 5,041, week 2 = 9,943, week 3 = 13,702, and week 4 = 23,211.
    - All records for daily Guild Activity Challenges were beaten this week. We also conquered Tier VII for Galactic Wars and Challenges by a wide margin.
    - Top 5 Guild Currency Contributors for week 4: 1) @evergoo = 4,324; 2) @Sokkarg = 4,244; 3) @Cabig75 = 4,211; 4) @Geekpreacher = 4,198; and 5) @GulSki = 4,189.
    - 17/50 members contributed 600 Guilde Bank Coins every day. 11/50 members contributed 500-599 Guild Bank Coins every day. Thank you for doing your dailies. :)
    - Check out GETTING STRONGER GUIDE to improve your game and knowledge dramatically. Updated the spreadsheet with a bunch of Team Skunk's Top 10 lists (includes video links). You will also find a rundown of all rewards earned per Galactic Wars battle, courtesy of @Doggirl211.
    Post edited by evergoo on
  • jag
    7 posts Member
    Great and amazing Job guys! Congratulations! I' m impressed with all your work(guides, advices...) A lot of help & support for all us, it is something really valuable... Glad to be in this team! I find Team rules fair and coherent.
  • Doggirl211
    240 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Now wait a minute.....lemme get this straight.
    @Cabig was NOT the top guild currency contributor??
    Shameful @Cabig, shameful! Gotta step up your game bro ;)

    In all seriousness, great job everyone!! That's an impressive jump in contributions!
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    - Apologies for not recording this week's guild statistics. Very busy week for me, but I do have some general statistics.
    - Weekly Guild Bank Coins exceeded 150,000+. We raided 4 times this week due to everyone's daily contributions.
    - Nearly everyone managed to uphold the new guild rules of 1500 weekly GBC and 3-strikes-you're-out. We have 1 available spot open at the moment.
    - Top 4 Guild Currency Contributors for week 5 (in no particular order): @evergoo, @Geekpreacher, @GulSki, @Sokkarg
    - With the new update coming, raids will reset after 24 hours of start time. Please take the poll to help establish a consistent raid time. (CLICK HERE) :smile:
    - We raid Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every week. If we ever have an excessive amount of Guild Bank Coins, we will raid on the weekend(s), too. Most likely, Saturday.
    - Please register and sync your profile (CLICK HERE) :smile:, so we can prepare for the inevitable T6 and T7 raids.
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    I'd love to sync my profile but it won't accept my player ID. Keeps telling me it's not correct and to check again.....which I've done about a dozen times now lol. So, Im registered but until it decides to accept my actual player ID, I guess I won't show up. I'll keep trying.

    (P.S., its not a problem with misreading any of the letters/numbers in my ID....I don't have any idea why it's not accepting it. I've tried it both with and without the hyphen)
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    evergoo, i think i have synced and made my info public on Can you confirm? Gul Ski
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Thank you @gulski84 and @jag. :smile:

    @Doggirl211 it took me 3 different days to make it work! Just keep being persistent on another day.
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    I even had a friend take my phone, write down the in game ID, then check it against what I had entered.....then erase the entry and re-enter the ID herself and it wouldn't take it! Clearly there's a problem somewhere!

    But I'll keep trying every day or so just in case it resolves itself.
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Looking to fill a couple spots in our active and friendly guild. Please do not hesitate to send me an Ally Invite (571-945-848) or PM if you have any further questions! :smile:
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    Two spots for active players. We consistently have 40+ members raiding and participating in Daily Guild Challenges. See post above and first 2 posts for more details. :smiley:
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    Username: YUB NUB
    Ally code: 478-683-461
    Player level: 72
    Time zone: US PST
    Current arena rank: 45
    Number of 7*: 3 (Lumi, 5's, Phamsa)
    Number of 6*: 2 (Eeth Koth, GS)
    Number of 5*: 3 (GG, Greedo, Sid) yeah...i don't know. We all make mistakes, right?
    Rey will be 5* soon
    Type of play: Strictly F2P. Play daily. Always max guild contribution. Been looking for ways to maximize my efficiency while building up my team as strong as possible. Been looking through tons of guild postings and most were too basic or too extreme, but this one looks like the perfect fit. I'd love to join and grow with you guys. Currently in a guild but it's not progressing and I'm ready to make the move to one that is more serious (but not too serious). I don't currently have line or anything like that, but happy to get it and connect with everyone to work as a team.
  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    We don't use line. :)

    Ally Invite sent.
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    Hello :)

    I'm writing for a friend (he doesn't own an ea account)

    He's very unhappy with his current guild and would like to join you.

    Username: Evo
    Player lvl: 75
    Arena Rank: 20-50 payout
    Arena Team: St han (l) - RG - Rey - QGJ - GS


    7*: St Han, Rey, GS, Phamsa, Lumi, Tebbo, QGL (94/100)
    6*: Mace, JC, Eeth Koth,
    5* Dooku, Sid, Yoda
    4* RG (45/65)
    and some more with 1-4*

    His ally code is: 862-897-744 he really would like to join you :)


  • evergoo
    175 posts Member
    @Sagefire Ally Invite sent.

    I recently sent invites to 4 players and have 2 spots. First come first serve. Hopefully, he can join. :)
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