Question about JE and protection?

117 posts Member
edited June 2016
You created "protection" to try, in part, to prevent one shot kills, and allow some of the slower toons to get a shot in before being decimated. At least, that's how I understood how this protection came to be.

So my question is, you then proceed to create Jawa engineer with droid synergies.

Well, I hate to tell you this, you've created an even worse monster that you just "fixed" with protection.

There are a couple of droid teams who have JE on their squad and when I play them, half my team is gone before I even get a turn. The last two times, I faced the same team, 88 got to go twice before I got a turn, Poe got to taunt before I got a turn. And poggle went twice, before I got a turn. I lost 7* lvl 80 Rey, I lost 7* lvl 80 QGJ, and one battle half of Bens health was gone while in the other Phasma was nearly dead. This ALl before I literally got one turn, not one of my character got a shot off and I was basically completely dead.

I was hoping for a logical explanation as to why you went to the trouble to create protection, only to create a toon that makes a single team literally unstoppable.

For everyone else, how would you go about trying to beat a team 2 on 5? (Other than avoiding them, of course)
Post edited by BentWookiee on


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    Protection was designed to mitigate, but not entirely eliminate heroes being killed before they have a turn.

    Reworded quote from one of the updates ^

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Well...currently what your experiencing is what non JE droid squad face every time we fight. Speed...speed...speed
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    There's a droid team in the top 50 of my server, all level 80 gear 9, that doesn't hold rank so they are indeed beatable. Maybe throw in RG before facing a droid team to help keep the others alive.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    I got 99 problems but droids aint one of em.

  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    I rather see speed as dodge, dodge, dodge, ... speed, i can counter with same speed chars, but there is no counter for annoying dodge ... there is no hit rate, nor hit rate buff ... just simple **** rng
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    fudgra wrote: »
    OP your team must be really bad. There's a droid team in the top 50 of my server, all level 80 gear 9, that doesn't hold rank so they are indeed beatable. Maybe throw in RG before facing a droid team to keep the others alive.

    Gear 9? IG-86 gets to gear 11 and IG-88 to gear 10. Then the fun starts, because the droids crit every time. And go first before all. I've seen 20k+ hits for IG-86 and i've also seen 12k autos from him.

    @OP I have yet to fight a team like this but i share your concerns. I have no idea how it can be beaten.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    Fair enough cosmic turtle. My concern over JE remains, however.

    Loose lee, yes, which is why many droid teams have RG or Poe and stop top 50 or even 20 (at least in my server) they are definitely beatable, but theoretically, every team should be beatable.

    Fudgra - I rather like my team Ben L with phasma Rey QGJ and ST Han. I hold top 50, all chars G8 7* working on leveling to 80, I typically never lose an arena battle when I play. RG would be moderately more serviceable than Han with auto taunt, but the problem remains, why does a droid team with JE get 6-7 attacks in before the other team gets one single attack. How does that seem balanced? how does one defend that?

  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Han solo...
  • SantasWS
    165 posts Member
    just farm a droid team with JE if you think its so great.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Who are all the member of the team? I see JE, 88, Poggle, Poe, that leaves only 1 spot left for another droid.
  • Options
    One thing to remember is that you said you like your current team and you rank in the top 50 all the time. I can almost be sure that you are facing the same toons in your standard fights and the droid team is an oddity. Sorry that a cookie cutter squad can't handle a new updated character but that's how stratagy games work. If you want to beat the droid team then you need to alter you squad makeup. Stun with tanks usually beats a droid team. Also healers can recover after the first turn. Droids are squishy so if you can weather the damage first turn the. You should be able to pull ahead. Ewoks kill droids easily and a solid renal team should be able to compete.

    Think outside of the meta box
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    One thing to remember is that you said you like your current team and you rank in the top 50 all the time. I can almost be sure that you are facing the same toons in your standard fights and the droid team is an oddity. Sorry that a cookie cutter squad can't handle a new updated character but that's how stratagy games work. If you want to beat the droid team then you need to alter you squad makeup. Stun with tanks usually beats a droid team. Also healers can recover after the first turn. Droids are squishy so if you can weather the damage first turn the. You should be able to pull ahead. Ewoks kill droids easily and a solid renal team should be able to compete.

    Think outside of the meta box

    You don't seem to understand the power of JE with HK47 lead...IG-88 and IG-86 will go twice before you can act. What's the counter then?
  • Options
    I'm running droid team whit JE. Counter are: rex lead (no matter what are the 4 others), ob whit a lot of dodge work either, strong rebel squad whit ackbar, strong counter team (5, sun fack, ayla, dooku) must have at least 2 of them.

    Ps: my team hk 47 g9, 88 g10, 86 g9, 100 g10, je g9
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    I'm running droid team whit JE. Counter are: rex lead (no matter what are the 4 others), ob whit a lot of dodge work either, strong rebel squad whit ackbar, strong counter team (5, sun fack, ayla, dooku) must have at least 2 of them.

    Ps: my team hk 47 g9, 88 g10, 86 g9, 100 g10, je g9

    So dodge and being p2p? Those are the counters?
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    I'm glad some others have similar feeling to me.

    And I understand it's a strategy game and it's all about figuring out how to beat a squad and what not.

    But my issue with JE, which is why I'd like a developers input on his intended use, is that he allows a well organized droid team to attack 6+ times before you even get a turn, and with some of the high damage droids like 88 out there, you will almost always lose at least 1 toon before you get a turn, so your arena matches are 4 on 5 in a best case scenario.

    The only two ways to survive is to have a large counter team, which won't always work, or pray to the RNG gods that you dodge a handful of times. ( and the scary thing is, they've now created a droid that counters the only two ways to have a chance against this team, imagine HK L, 88 B2, JE and RG)

  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    There is an HK(L).86,88,GG,JE team on my server. GG/88 are G10, others G9. JE is only 5*. I don't even bother any more, though I can beat them if RNG is on my side (I am running a Dooku team).
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    He has no counter. I fail to see how a 7.5% TM increase from Rex means anything. Maybe clones with Rex.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    But my issue with JE, which is why I'd like a developers input on his intended use, is that he allows a well organized droid team to attack 6+ times before you even get a turn, and with some of the high damage droids like 88 out there, you will almost always lose at least 1 toon before you get a turn, so your arena matches are 4 on 5 in a best case scenario.

    Again...i use hk/88/86 as core and 100/rg/daka now untill i get JE. Against 90% of opponents they GET 6 FREAKING HITS BEFORE I GET TO GO!

    If opponent has any mix of QGJ/rey/GS/leia/ackbar thats 6 hits against my droids and i almost always lose 1 toon before i even move.

    Phasma L RG/daka stuns 3 droids everytime, and avgs more than 6 hits before i move.

    OB/dooku L (dispite party composition) = 86 always misses on his assistance atk when it counts. Lucky if 88's aoe hits anything.

    You statement sir is that of a warrior complaining that the person your attacking is fighting back with same tactic used against him.

    (Stand still while i squash you...worm!)

    What is wrong with that? Only YOU can have the first 6 attacks?
    Or that somehow droids turning the same atk 1st method the meta employs against them unfair? Is that what your saying? Cause if its not please elaborate.

    Lastly hope i didnt come over as mean...just understand im in top 50 and can get to 25 (RG/daka) but no further because everyone gets 6+ atks and kills one or more of my droids. (I am only hk L in top 100 of my shard, primarily dominated by evade/phasma/ackbar leads) and i have never gone first...never, with hk lead.

    Lastly this not a complaint. It's a statement.
    We droids will no longer stand still and let you hit us first! We cast off your shackles of speed first slavery and with our new besty JE we will give you a taste of what youve been dishing to us all this time!

  • Options
    fudgra wrote: »
    Who are all the member of the team? I see JE, 88, Poggle, Poe, that leaves only 1 spot left for another droid.

    If your using poggle with JE your doing it all wrong. JE is the better poggle. Poggle is no longer needed in droid teams unless you plan on using him as lead.
  • drdavee
    155 posts Member
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    You created "protection" to try, in part, to prevent one shot kills, and allow some of the slower toons to get a shot in before being decimated. At least, that's how I understood how this protection came to be.

    So my question is, you then proceed to create Jawa engineer with droid synergies.

    Well, I hate to tell you this, you've created an even worse monster that you just "fixed" with protection.

    There are a couple of droid teams who have JE on their squad and when I play them, half my team is gone before I even get a turn. The last two times, I faced the same team, 88 got to go twice before I got a turn, Poe got to taunt before I got a turn. And poggle went twice, before I got a turn. I lost 7* lvl 80 Rey, I lost 7* lvl 80 QGJ, and one battle half of Bens health was gone while in the other Phasma was nearly dead. This ALl before I literally got one turn, not one of my character got a shot off and I was basically completely dead.

    I was hoping for a logical explanation as to why you went to the trouble to create protection, only to create a toon that makes a single team literally unstoppable.

    For everyone else, how would you go about trying to beat a team 2 on 5? (Other than avoiding them, of course)

    Somebody playing a meta team is complaining about losing..... GOOD
  • Options
    Imo not meta
    Very beatable
    I run Hk JE 88 86 100

    I get to rank 14-25 daily, and fall to 50+ by next day
    I am beaten by evasion squads and ewok squads

    I don't see the problem
    All mine are g9/10
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    How is my team even that meta drdavee? Meta = Dooku L and RG with a mixture typically including 5s. I have none of those 3?

    Loose lee you seem to be doing something quite wrong, I'm not taking your post too negatively, but I've never gotten 6 hits in first against droid teams and I have QGJ and Rey. As stated, at least a dozen droid teams in my top 50 ( a couple popping up with JE now) mostly poggle leads with RG or Poe tank, and many times Poggle gets a jump start QGJ and Rey get their hits in (3 hits with assist) then I usually get attacked by 88 followed quickly by a taunt. I've never killed a toon before I've been attacked. I know my droid enemies as I attack them frequently

    And karbosa - quite interesting - you are missing a tank but you should be doing serious damage without others going
  • Moicaliss
    992 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    He has no counter. I fail to see how a 7.5% TM increase from Rex means anything. Maybe clones with Rex.

    20% tm for clone, 10% for other. Example, ig-88 make an aoe, get 3 crits. So ig-88 would gain 100% tm, but all your team get also 30%. Same thing for hk or ig-100...
  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    I run a droid team with JE. There are teams that I can't beat on offense, and I definitely drop rank as much as I did before JE came along. Yes, they will go first, but there are only two droids that are high damage dealers, and with everyone running evasion, they miss half the time. When either 86 or 88 misses early, the game is over and droids lose.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    Loose lee - just went after a droid squad to prove a point

    HK lead, poggle 86 88 ST Han

    Poggle went first

    My Rey went follow by QGJ with assist

    Then 88 went abilit blocked toons, Rey foresight

    My Han phasma and Ben all go

    His ST Han taunted 86 went and called assist and then HK tossed his grenade and took out Han

    My Rey and QGJ takes out 88

    Poggle and 86 hit and take out my Rey...

    My team relies on RNG and if other team focus' on Rey I lose, lost this match w/ Rey out so quickly.

    To me this was fair match, and I lost. Many times Rey's doesn't go down as quickly and I win, but I lose plenty. When JE is added and QGJ and Rey don't even get a shot, now the tides have turned Masai sky in the droid direction

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    He has no counter. I fail to see how a 7.5% TM increase from Rex means anything. Maybe clones with Rex.

    20% tm for clone, 10% for other. Example, ig-88 make an aoe, get 3 crits. So ig-88 would gain 100% tm, but all your team get also 30%. Same thing for hk or ig-100...

    Yes i didn't know this. Ok then all they need to do is make Rex f2p. Sounds easy.
  • Taramel
    601 posts Member
    @Alexone his math is off..... that would be 5 crits 95% of the time with the JE crit chance up buff.... so that is more like 50% TM gain for every AOE used.... REX absolutely destroyes droid teams
  • Options
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    Loose lee - just went after a droid squad to prove a point

    Poggle went first

    My Rey went follow by QGJ with assist

    Then 88 went abilit blocked toons, Rey foresight
    Ahem, a proper Rey should go before Poggle and her 2nd attack together with QGJ's assist attack should be enough to kill 88. No AoE, no ability blocks. Profit!
    Say no to bugs! Geonosian ones
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    Loose lee - just went after a droid squad to prove a point

    HK lead, poggle 86 88 ST Han

    Poggle went first

    My Rey went follow by QGJ with assist

    Then 88 went abilit blocked toons, Rey foresight

    My Han phasma and Ben all go got 6 atacks to 88 getting one attack....i think that proves my point....even with poggles su/ou only one...ONE droid (the fastest) got an attack before your whole party goes

    I rest my case.

    Now with JE droids get first atk and its wrong?
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    On my shard i am ONLY Hk lead in top 100...its all evade/phasma/ackbar with a few against the grain players (hats off to you). The biggest reason i wont get higher than 25 is speed. That being said there are lots of teams that can beat JE+droids. Just not your current lineup. Im sure that once i get my JE I'll go up to top...but someone will always be better.
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