An Essay Regarding Lesser Gear Items

2700 posts Member
edited June 2016
WARNING: Long post

We all know the grind for purple gear is outrageous now, esp with all the raid salvage being very difficult to get, but I find it a bit insane that CG is also gear-gating us on blue gear items (green/grey lesser so). There should be a much easier way to obtain blue gear items now that most players are at or approaching lvl 80. Why should we have to farm blue gear as well when we're already having an aggravatingly long grind for purple gear items?

For example, one piece of gear for QGJ to get to G11 requires 40 Mk 3 thermal detonators and 20 Mk 5 power cells, an item that USED to be available in the tank challenge, but was taken away (for no reason) on tier IV of the event. Same goes for the Mk 3 droid callers in the healer challenge tier IV. Why must we farm an additional 60 blue gear items for ONE piece of gear on ONE character when these pieces aren't available to us anymore aside from the usual 120 energy spent for 2-3 pieces? Purple gear already takes eons to farm, and adding blue gear farming to the mix, with equally poor drop rates, is absurd.

What makes this even worse is that nearly every character uses 25-50 pieces of these gear just to get to gear level 7! Then it's even worse after that! Items like the Mk 3 caller, Mk 3 detonator, and Mk 5 power cell need to be more easily available to players if we want any hope of farming purple gear and progressing in gear level with any characters.

Have no idea what I'm talking about? Go look at any of your character's gear level (g4+) and I'd say there's a 95% chance that they need one of these items to progress, regardless of how far geared that character is.

Additionally, it's ridiculous that CG expects us to have to choose between farming blue items or farming purple items from the challenges (tier III vs tier IV completion), when the purple gear is *generally* much harder to obtain. Why not just put these back into the highest challenge tier? It makes absolutely no sense and I hope whoever thought that was a good idea is having some major Taco Bell repercussions right about now (obviously the worst ill someone can wish upon someone else ;) ).

In any case, here's what I think would be a great way to allow us to worry about only purple gear items and not blue as such high player levels:

1. Put ALL possible gear items in the highest tier rewards for each daily challenge. Easy fix. Makes sense. Moving on.

2. Include a random 'variety pack' of lesser gear rewards upon completion of each raid. For example, for completing a T7, there'd be the normal rewards, then there'd be another gear drop package that gives an assortment of let's say 10 different full gear pieces; blue, green, and grey. Again, simple fix, makes sense, wouldn't hurt anyone.

We shouldn't have to worry about blue gear at this time in our game progression. That was level 60 stuff. We're level 80 now. Blue gear was a farm of the past and one that shouldn't be occurring now that we have to farm purple gear like Mk 5 droid callers, Mk 6 nubian design tech, Mk 7 nubian scanners, Mk 5 fusion furnaces (except for you whales ;) ), Mk 4 chedinak comlinks, Mk 5 thermal detonators, Mk 5 stun guns, Mk 4 sensor arrays, Mk 3 stun cuffs, and whatever the tier IV tank challenge is giving us.

It makes no sense to gate us on blue gear in addition to all this purple gear, so if any Devs actually read this, please make blue gear items more obtainable. It's already difficult as is, so we don't need some level 60 barrier holding us back (not to mention the credit shortage...).

Thoughts? Comments? Speculations? Criticisms? Trollisms? What do you guys think? Hopefully I'm not the only one having this problem...

TL;DR: Give us more blue gear. Toute suite.
FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind


  • Slewfoot
    910 posts Member
    The devs dont really care if youre having fun when their goal is to frustrate you into paying money. Welcome to freemium.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If you farm the highest energy cost nodes, you get purples when the blues dont hit. It really softens the blow of not getting that blue.

    I find that I rarely need to farm blues, as they typically stack up from farming purples.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    If you farm the highest energy cost nodes, you get purples when the blues dont hit. It really softens the blow of not getting that blue.

    I find that I rarely need to farm blues, as they typically stack up from farming purples.

    That is the case with some of them and that's what I've been trying to do, but the drop rates are still bad and usually I don't need both of the gear offered, which is unfortunate. But I agree, that does soften the blow.

    I just feel like this isn't something we should have to worry about in this stage of the game.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I don't usually have to farm blue at all. But I always need to collect more of those +250 hp green discs. I never have enough of those.

    I used to have to collect the blue gel stick things and the mk3 ball guys, but just ensuring that going for shards on hard mode days that have those and double dipping the purple farming that drops the blues I need have made farming blue pretty much obsolete.

    But I do like your idea of getting a variety pack of lessor gear from completing raids. Especially if I can get the green speed discs and the 250 health green discs.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I don't usually have to farm blue at all. But I always need to collect more of those +250 hp green discs. I never have enough of those.

    I used to have to collect the blue gel stick things and the mk3 ball guys, but just ensuring that going for shards on hard mode days that have those and double dipping the purple farming that drops the blues I need have made farming blue pretty much obsolete.

    Haha forgot about those green discs. They're annoying as well.

    Even still, I don't know why they removed some blue items from challenges, and that's the main issue I have with this. Sure they can be farmed elsewhere, but why have to choose between purple and blue when you need both and there's no valid reason to have to choose between them.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I don't usually have to farm blue at all. But I always need to collect more of those +250 hp green discs. I never have enough of those.

    I used to have to collect the blue gel stick things and the mk3 ball guys, but just ensuring that going for shards on hard mode days that have those and double dipping the purple farming that drops the blues I need have made farming blue pretty much obsolete.

    Haha forgot about those green discs. They're annoying as well.

    Even still, I don't know why they removed some blue items from challenges, and that's the main issue I have with this. Sure they can be farmed elsewhere, but why have to choose between purple and blue when you need both and there's no valid reason to have to choose between them.

    I didn't even recognize they removed them until you pointed it out. I agree that end game should be geared to farming purples and as a side affect of trying to get 50 of what we need, we should get plenty of green/blue that we need.

    Not to mention I have 800+ of some blue gear that no one even wants. The gear situation is broken and really needs special attention.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Nebulous wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I don't usually have to farm blue at all. But I always need to collect more of those +250 hp green discs. I never have enough of those.

    I used to have to collect the blue gel stick things and the mk3 ball guys, but just ensuring that going for shards on hard mode days that have those and double dipping the purple farming that drops the blues I need have made farming blue pretty much obsolete.

    Haha forgot about those green discs. They're annoying as well.

    Even still, I don't know why they removed some blue items from challenges, and that's the main issue I have with this. Sure they can be farmed elsewhere, but why have to choose between purple and blue when you need both and there's no valid reason to have to choose between them.

    I didn't even recognize they removed them until you pointed it out. I agree that end game should be geared to farming purples and as a side affect of trying to get 50 of what we need, we should get plenty of green/blue that we need.

    Not to mention I have 800+ of some blue gear that no one even wants. The gear situation is broken and really needs special attention.

    Agreed I've got like 500 of a few of those other items from challenges, but those naturally aren't used anywhere while they removed the ones that we need the most. Coincidence? I think NOT ;)
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    I've started to need lots of Mark 1 armour mods at the moment..
    I find it a bit crazy that I have over 700 of the mark 4 armour mod but no mark 1s

    It would be nice to get more of the stuff we need....
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Djbz wrote: »
    I've started to need lots of Mark 1 armour mods at the moment..
    I find it a bit crazy that I have over 700 of the mark 4 armour mod but no mark 1s

    It would be nice to get more of the stuff we need....

    EXACTLY lol. It would be nice to also use some of this useless gear just sitting there, but then have some of the actual gear that we need.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I tend to agree that the item drops are intentionally inadequate. Rates should be the same for all pieces, not higher for some than others. There are less obvious and painful ways to take advantage of our impatience.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    I tend to agree that the item drops are intentionally inadequate. Rates should be the same for all pieces, not higher for some than others. There are less obvious and painful ways to take advantage of our impatience.

    I just spent 240 energy and got 5 Mk 3 detonators...they definitely need to keep the drop rates the same as the grey gear drops lol. Imo should be 1-3 sims to get 1 piece, not 12 to 1.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    I tend to agree that the item drops are intentionally inadequate. Rates should be the same for all pieces, not higher for some than others. There are less obvious and painful ways to take advantage of our impatience.

    I just spent 240 energy and got 5 Mk 3 detonators...they definitely need to keep the drop rates the same as the grey gear drops lol. Imo should be 1-3 sims to get 1 piece, not 12 to 1.

    I was talking more about the intentional missing gear in challenges. But yes, the drop rates are pretty draconian, and uneven.
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    I tend to agree that the item drops are intentionally inadequate. Rates should be the same for all pieces, not higher for some than others. There are less obvious and painful ways to take advantage of our impatience.

    I just spent 240 energy and got 5 Mk 3 detonators...they definitely need to keep the drop rates the same as the grey gear drops lol. Imo should be 1-3 sims to get 1 piece, not 12 to 1.

    I was talking more about the intentional missing gear in challenges. But yes, the drop rates are pretty draconian, and uneven.

    Oh gotcha. Yes the missing gear continues to baffle me and honestly I think they should add more to the challenges.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera @EA_Jesse @CG_NotReallyAJedi not sure if it was the intention to remove some of the blue gear drops from the top tier of challenges, but it would be very helpful to get those back since I can't find any reason why it is necessary.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Elyndria
    482 posts Member
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Elyndria wrote: »

    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • WhiskeyPug
    338 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    This comment has been removed as it violates forum guidelines.
    Post edited by BanthaPanda on
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    Another poor sap who thinks he should be in the big leagues. Tell me OP, where did EA hurt you.

    Tell me Puggy..Where did Rey hurt you?
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Aniema wrote: »
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    Another poor sap who thinks he should be in the big leagues. Tell me OP, where did EA hurt you.

    Tell me Puggy..Where did Rey hurt you?

    I see what you did there ;)
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Options
    I feel you man. The devs definetaly want to slow down our progression by putting those unobtainable. But even before that some purple gear drop rate are already a nightmare in the first place. Things like mk vi hairdryers, mk v stun gun or mk iii chedac comlink are hard to drop. Spending 120 energy and gain nothing is very bad experience. :/
    TNR Rey of Hope, Heroic Raid 36/50
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    There's definitely some weird disparities in gearing. Having hundreds of T1, 3 and 4, but none of T2, that kind of thing.

    I agree that part of the model is to make us want to spend crystals (and thus, money) on energy refreshes, but there hits a point where gear starts getting fractal that it's absurd. Where building an X item is fine, and then a Y requires 2 X's, and then a Z requires 2 Y's which means 4 X's worth of stuff, and suddenly it's a wacky adventure to go drop a couple hundred energy into missions with negligible rewards other than one green or blue (of which we might need dozens, as noted). Shards that get added to the shop pile and minimal credits that are basically a running gag.

    The need to farm purples in sets of 20 and 50 seems nasty enough, having to go back slumming into tier 1 and 2 for things (sometimes multiples of them) isn't fun or challenging, just tedious.

    Before someone bothers, again, I'm no stranger to how freemium games play out, but I think there's room for some quality of life improvements. Even a crafting option, something that let us turn multiples of one tier into another. I'd gladly turn 3 or 5 of something into a tier higher or lower, which would minimize some of the need to grind AND have the side benefit of clearing up some of those things we have hundreds or thousands of.
  • Options
    I'm sorry the gear farm is frustrating you. Cookie?
  • Forar
    94 posts Member

    Cookies and improvements to 'quality of life' for gearing up lower tier characters would be an excellent mix.

    Thank you for your support.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I agree they should have all the gear rewards available at the highest tier. I've been doing the Tier III challenges for the past week because I never seem to have enough of those when I want to work on a new character.
    Another issue I have is in the Attacker challenge, for some reason the top tier challenge has one less MK 3 Carbanti salvage than the tier below it. I need so many of those for my tanky characters that I resorted to farming the second highest tier to get the maximum salvage possible. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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