Rey is balanced.. Royal guard isn't..


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    And yes, i bet a thousand dollars there was such testing when they did the major rebalancing with the protection update. And that they do such testing before releasing new toons. This game is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. They do not pay a single **** programmer to make up and add things that sound cool without testing. It cohld cost EA big money and lost revenue. In customer service payroll, alone.
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    "use a dispeller and RG is not that big of a deal (team synergy, gear and AA being equal)".

    Why is this so hard to grasp?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    If there is only one tank in that team, RG, don't even need a dispeler. I find Old Ben + Han teams are much tougher than the teams using Old Ben + RG. Contrary to MrPug, i find Old Ben + Han + RG teams not that good lol.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Always a bigerfish: making other toons to perform similarly to meta toons is a terrible way to increase diversity. Pawns go forward, bishops move diagonally. If u start making pawn/bishop hybrids instead of pawns and bishops, u are losing diversity. Mace already has important utility.

    Nerfing rg or rey, or slightly buffing other toons to do more reylike damage is not increasing diversity either.

    The way to increase diversity is to have access to all the toons. And to give as many toons as possible unique places where they shine. Using unique synergies and abilities. And dps.

    When a skill gives 25% chance to do 55% more of this or that, do u think the devs pull those numbers out of a hat? Or do u think they test this with hundreds of squad on squad combinations and tweak it to be right?

    The devs have access to all the toons. You do not. Metas are not stable. It is just a slice of the entire game u are seeing in one point in time.

    I never said any of this. I responded to what the other guy said and I said a few of his ideas aren't terrible. That is not the Same as calling for changes or nerfs. Maybe read before you post next time?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I agreed with 90 percent of your posts, man. I just didnt like the idea of giving mace a taunt to "increase diversity." Is all. Changing (currently) less popular toons to fit what is perceived as the current meta is just making the square peg also round. There is a square hole out there that mace fits perfectly, already. If u didnt say that, i am sorry.

    The rest of my post wasnt a response to u, directly. Get over yourself. ;) jk. But yeh, inwas try8ng to address the op.

    Carry on.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Good gravy...another tear-laden hatred fueled thread about rey and rg. There is nothing out of balance with them. Only with your approach at them. End of story.

    Dispel or use stuns, problem solved.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    I agreed with 90 percent of your posts, man. I just didnt like the idea of giving mace a taunt to "increase diversity." Is all. Changing toons to fit what is perceived as the meta is just making all the square pegs also round.

    Carry on.
    It wasn't my idea, I said I liked the idea, but that doesn't mean I'm calling for it. In fact I actually said why he shouldn't have a taunt
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    This post only required 1 reply with a brief note to squash:

    "use a dispeller and RG is not that big of a deal (team synergy, gear and AA being equal)".

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

    You obviously don't face the same opponents I do. It's no where near that simple.
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    Teague wrote: »
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    This post only required 1 reply with a brief note to squash:

    "use a dispeller and RG is not that big of a deal (team synergy, gear and AA being equal)".

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

    You obviously don't face the same opponents I do. It's no where near that simple.

    Well if it makes you feel any better I just got smashed in an arena fight where my opponents QGJ dispelled my RG like 3 times in 1 fight and obliterated my Rey and GS. Luckily I still won since Leia was untargetable the whole fight and barely won it for me.
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    With my rey and phasma duo, I can take down the enemy rey in 2 hits and without their RG taunting. It's a bit of an art but in doing so, it causes the other team to lose 95% of the time, because at this point theyre down their main attacker.

    I usually take down RG or Daka after this point. Anyways, I find that RG teams are limited in strategy and move sets. It's a one-hit wonder and by using timing of attacks efficiently, you can easily outpace the taunt and work around it.

    On a side note, other attackers like leia and assist-attackers are handled by tanks like RG and Sthan, so there is a good use for tanks in a team.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I must be one of the few not using my 7* RG. I don't like him much, well I like St Han better.
    If RG gets dispelled you can kill everything, same for Han but if it fails on either of them, Han is definately better than RG.

    Rey isn't OP. She can't solo a full team. Something the Clone teams and Droid teams obviously do atm. She is a one trick pony and lore has nothing to do with this.

    It's been told many times before that they don't take lore into account. Otherwise we would just use Anakin, Sid, DV, Luke and Yoda (e.g.).
    How can Teebo otherwise hit so hard for a fluffy animal :)
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    RG more unbalanced than Rey? Are we in upside-down world? You dispel RG's taunt and a big chunk of his utility is gone. Yes he can still stun (though not under 50% health), but is not anywhere near the realm of being unbalanced.

    Rey is ridiculous. My 5*, level 70, gear 8 Rey did 180k damage by herself against the Rancor once (otoh my 7*, level 78, gear 9 GS only did ~100k). Oh, and I just had an arena match where Rey killed my ST Han (7*, level 79, gear 9) with one Flurry of Blows. He only had about 25% of his protection gone.

    Yes, Rey's damage drops off a lot once her specials are on cooldown, and her CDs are long (which is actually why I don't use her in GW - the only place I think she isn't OP). The problem is that arena is still very much about bursting 1-2 toons down at the start of the match. And for that, Rey is literally unmatched. Unless you can act before she does, you're looking at getting smacked with both Leverage and Flurry of Blows. Either that or you have to waste an attack to take her Foresight off, and then hope you can kill/stun her before she gets another turn.

    The only people who think Rey is balanced are the ones who think the world is ending every time a toon gets nerfed.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    J5squared wrote: »
    So let me get this straight...she learned how to use the force like five minutes ago and now has the deadliest attack in the history of the galaxy?!?! I am sorry but there has to be some accountability here. Darth Maul would slay her in the movies...not to mention Vader, Sidius, etc.

    Did you just suggest 'balancing' the game around lore?
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Rey's damage is much more susceptible to debufs than other attackers. What's OP in that?
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    RG attributes -

    Speed - slow
    Damage - low
    Health - high
    Utility - medium

    He seems pretty balanced to me.

    Your problem isn't RG, it's the heroes who hide behind him. His taunt is a good ability. He's balanced. He doesn't need to be reworked.

    Right. All you need is a dispeller, and QGJ is available to all. Or for big spenders, B2 makes RG a wasted spot
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    get a buff immunity and RG won't be able to taunt
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    without taunters glass cannons are useless
    without glass canons taunters are useless
    both RG and rey (the glass cannon who is getting alot of attention) are pretty bad on their own. both 1 trick ponies, the one takes damages the other deals damage respectively. the stuns and the forsight arent gamechanging, just a nice little bonus. Its easy to argue neither of them is OP (wich they arent imo), but used together + a evasion lead they have a chance to win matches on defence.

    personally i'd rather loose the occasional arena match due to some bad luck dealing with a enemy team composition that works well together than start asking for nerfs.
    nerf evasion lead, nerf taunters, nerf high damage. all not necessary, althought dodge is by far the most anoying, they are all fairly easy to beat. If you face an enemy in arena with comparable lvl/gear/* you win 9/10 times. So i dont see the problem with RG nor Rey.

    the uprise of the droid teams + JE on the otherhand, thats scary.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Be quiet, stop crying

    be quiet stop crying. for effectively asking that a character not taunt while being stunned.

    were you not hugged enough. you're a very small person
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    He's not overpowered
  • Trash
    21 posts Member
    Lol this post is hilarious...

    I have 0 problem with RG, I run a Droid Team level 78 as follows:

    HK-88 7*
    IG-88 7*
    IG-86 7*
    General Grievous 4* (Close to 5*)
    Jawa Engineer 4* (Close to 5*)

    Now understandably my team could be better but I have a lot of fun with this. I can get to about 30-40 on the ranked ladder with it. Any team with RG I can take him out on the first turn without anyone from the opponent attacking. Once he is gone I pick off everyone else rather easily. I do have problems with teams that run Dooku lead but I try to avoid them if possible :smile:

    RG is fine if you know how to counter him. I should technically be using him instead of Grievous however how can you not use him if you have him!! lol
  • LlwllynZ
    97 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Honeslty if anything, rey is boring... A heavy dpser without competition, the new must have, every single team has it regardless of team chemistry.. Thats about rey.

    As for rg, he is a neccessity. Rg ensures that the meta game stays slow, i think that was the developers intention as well.

    I understand that some toons are always better than others, but for god sake why cant we just have multiple dpsers with same dmg output which would compliment more squad archytypes, adds more flavour to the game.

    Anyway im back to my rebel squad, atleast i dont see many of those on my server.

    I rebel.
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    Rg should only be able taunt once per toon per round. That's really all he needs to be adjusted.
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    The only adjustment I would like to see to RG is that he shouldn't be able to auto-taunt while stunned.
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    LlwllynZ wrote: »
    I understand that some toons are always better than others, but for god sake why cant we just have multiple dpsers with same dmg output which would compliment more squad archytypes, adds more flavour to the game.

    Agree with that. The only problem I have with toons like Rey and RG is that basically everyone seems to have them. Would be nice to have multiple versions of their utility for the various factions.
  • scuba
    14125 posts Member
    There can be only one!
    The meta is and will be Dodge not RG. It all come down to RNG and that is it. If you can't hit a character you can't kill it.
  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    The only adjustment I would like to see to RG is that he shouldn't be able to auto-taunt while stunned.

    I agree with this, but only after toons can no longer dodge when stunned
  • bngman
    369 posts Member
    Rey is not op.
    She misses a few times.
    Rg is a pig but strategy comes into play.
    My grime with it is everyone has same team. But then again that will always be the case in arena. If a certain squad gets you to no.1 everyone will copy it.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    I think the bigger problem is rg gets so much health and protection at higher gear.

    But alas it is the gear gap, not toon, that is the root problem.

    Let the whales enjoy their advantage while it lasts. If it gives them satisfaction, good. They paid for it.

    If it seems op, well that is the point isnt it? To want to get rg to 9 or 10 in order to make your team better?
  • Guardias
    58 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I think it would be cool to have a light side equivalent to RG, but it wouldn't work with mace unless they gave him a huge health boost. Also, Jedi taunting would not be a great idea because there are a ridiculous amount of characters in this game that have anti-Jedi skills

    Maybe a Royal Naboo Guard or go all in and make Captain Panaka. The lack of characters from this era is very visible so if they plan to ignore it they could always make a wookiee bodyguard.

    Also I would question why this discussion is here since it doesn't have any relevance to the feedback section it is in. What do any of these arguments and counterarguments have to do with events?

  • Winters
    70 posts Member
    RG should only auto taunt for Empire Allies.

    If they made that change we'd see a lot more team diversity real quick
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