Memory/Speed Issues Unfairly Taking Cantina Energy Bug

I am hoping that the developers will do something about this as the memory/speed issues have gotten progressively worse with each update. Since the addition of the chat feature the application for me hard to use for more than 10-15minutes without getting hit with memory/speed issues which I consider to be bugs the developers should fix.

The game slows down tremendously after 10-15minutes of play and I am often forced to close the application and reopen it to fix the memory/speed issues.

Today I found that the memory/speed issues can steal my cantina energy. If you start a cantina battle and the memory/speed issue starts you cannot close the application and reopen without losing the cantina energy. So in order to not lose the energy I am forced to play out a 3stage battle that can normally be played in 1-3minutes to having to spend 5-15minutes waiting on the applicaiton to slowly progress through each of the 3 stages.

To help the developers troubleshoot this issue I put some info below (hopefully they will but I doubt they will given how things have been in this game).

Device: 64gig Ipad 2
iOS: 8.4
I close all other apps and restart my device to clear out memory routinely but on this iPad I mostly use just to play this game so other apps are vary rarely even opened.

Please let me know if any other users are running into this problem and have figured out a way to not have lose catina energy or restart app every 10-15minutes to eliminate memory/speed issues.

Thank you


  • StarSon
    7540 posts Member
    Maybe don't use an iPad2? It is a 5 year old device, of course it will not handle an app designed for 2015 hardware. And you cannot be mad at the game's devs for this one, they cannot possibly be expected to create a game that will work as well on a device that age as it does on one that came out this week.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Maybe don't use an iPad2? It is a 5 year old device, of course it will not handle an app designed for 2015 hardware. And you cannot be mad at the game's devs for this one, they cannot possibly be expected to create a game that will work as well on a device that age as it does on one that came out this week.

    Not really helpful response and shows ignorance on your part. This game could easily run on the hardware of an iPad 2 and has nothing to do with hardware limitations. The problem is bad code. Way over most peoples understanding of technology but they could do alot better job clearing out the buffer and not exposing memory leaks to the end user.

    I have an iPad 3 but due to the security of that device I cannot install this game on my Ipad 3 without upgrading the iOS and making the device alot less secure when upgrading. Since the Ipad 3 is my main device I don't want to give up security to play the game on that tablet. From what I see in the game I don't think using a different device is going to fix memory leaks that are design flaws within the game where they aren't effectively clearing out the buffer.

    What most of you don't get is while the developers have been adding more features they haven't focused on optimization much and there are lots of design flaws because the developers haven't stayed focused on performance. these problems didn't exist until these design flaws were injected into the game. The chat system is one of the features that has design flaws that lead to these memory leaks I am talking about.

    This topic is for the developers and those who understand programming .
  • OguhDeias
    140 posts Member
    I have an iPhone 6 and nothing of what you describe happens. Everything works fine.
  • Nortikka_aikarajuu
    847 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Ppl have said b4 that it doesn't work well with ipad2 so maybe just buy newer 1 or use iphone? Issues you mention have never happened to me.
    Ps. They aren't obliged to support some ancient hardware so you can keep wishing for sth that won't happen or go shopping for some new iproducts.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    You don't optimize for 5 years old hardware, and even less for outdated softwares.
    Upgrade your iOS or don't play, the choice is yours.
    Also what security issues are you talking about?
  • StarSon
    7540 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Maybe don't use an iPad2? It is a 5 year old device, of course it will not handle an app designed for 2015 hardware. And you cannot be mad at the game's devs for this one, they cannot possibly be expected to create a game that will work as well on a device that age as it does on one that came out this week.
    This topic is for the developers and those who understand programming .

    I am a developer, and understand programming. I have an iPhone 6 and a Nexus 7 (2013 version). The iPhone 6 runs the game just fine, and the Nexus occasionally hiccups. As I would expect, based on hardware.

    What you have failed to account for is that Apple purposefully makes their products in a such a way as to force you to upgrade every 2 years. As such, if you go more than 2 iOS versions past your devices original version, you will start to notice slowness in everything. Your iPad 2 that was released with iOS 4 and is now running iOS 8 is going to run everything slower, and by design.

    From a development standpoint, as hardware gets better, software development features are added that take advantage of that hardware, and often require it. Making an app faster is never as simple as "clearing the buffer."
  • StarSon
    7540 posts Member
    Also this. There is no money to be made by anyone if a developer optimizing for such old devices.
    Sikho wrote: »
    You don't optimize for 5 years old hardware, and even less for outdated softwares.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My 6s never does any of what you describe.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    I get a new device every year, never experienced anything like this.
  • Gwonk
    239 posts Member
    At the risk of joining an unpopular thread I also have an iPad 2 that does exactly what the original poster describes. Since I got the device from my work for nothing i'm not complaining ;)
    I just know that I have to restart the app before I do anything I would regret losing (like fighting an arena match).
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    So, is it still bad programming if only one type of outdated device is being affected?
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    So, is it still bad programming if only one type of outdated device is being affected?

    From my point of view if the device is a supported device then yes it is bad programming. I would rather developers not support a device they aren't going to fix issues than have the device as a supported device.

    I am a computer programmer for a living and getting rid of Windows XP for the business I work in was a god send. We had to always write a second set of code to keep things working properly in 32bit systems and while we supported Windows XP we took pride in it working the same way and having the same performance as Windows 7+. Sure we didn't have some of the features like jump lists available but our application performed close to the same and didn't expierence glitches.

    My point of view doesn't count for much because I am just one of many customers this game has but from my point of view the programming of this game could be alot better than what it is.
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    Don't know how helpful this will be, but I'm running the game on an iPhone 5c 8gb and I've definitely experienced this slowdown on occasion. It's only happened to me 2-3x max, but it happens and it's frustrating. What happens more often is when the characters freeze for a moment and it takes 5 seconds or so to start moving again. It's frustrating, yeah. I've also noticed that my device gets pretty warm when I run it too long and swgoh takes up 70% of my device's battery life on average (via the battery settings report).

    Yeah, the app is slow at times, but probably a lot more for our older devices. It seems to be the way of the tech world, always gotta get the new stuff to stay up to speed (yeah yeah pun intended).
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Maybe don't use an iPad2? It is a 5 year old device, of course it will not handle an app designed for 2015 hardware. And you cannot be mad at the game's devs for this one, they cannot possibly be expected to create a game that will work as well on a device that age as it does on one that came out this week.

    Not really helpful response and shows ignorance on your part. This game could easily run on the hardware of an iPad 2 and has nothing to do with hardware limitations. The problem is bad code. Way over most peoples understanding of technology but they could do alot better job clearing out the buffer and not exposing memory leaks to the end user.

    I have an iPad 3 but due to the security of that device I cannot install this game on my Ipad 3 without upgrading the iOS and making the device alot less secure when upgrading. Since the Ipad 3 is my main device I don't want to give up security to play the game on that tablet. From what I see in the game I don't think using a different device is going to fix memory leaks that are design flaws within the game where they aren't effectively clearing out the buffer.

    What most of you don't get is while the developers have been adding more features they haven't focused on optimization much and there are lots of design flaws because the developers haven't stayed focused on performance. these problems didn't exist until these design flaws were injected into the game. The chat system is one of the features that has design flaws that lead to these memory leaks I am talking about.

    This topic is for the developers and those who understand programming .

    Your response to this guy was just plain rude and you should be ashamed of yourself how ever I do have a bit of advice regarding your issue with your I pad throw it away coz anything apple sucks big time
    All the best
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    my response probably was rude and I don't care that it was rude one bit. Too many politically correct pansies that cry like babies and cant handle the cold hard truth.

    I agree apple sucks big time. Its not really a choice though. the choice is to use slavedeviceA or slavedeviceB. both iOS and Android have been built with direct control from the military industrial complex on how to enslave you and capture everything that is private.

    I could go on a long rant about technology but I won't because it is probably a waste of time to on a star wars forum.

    just remember the order that killed off the jedi's is what the slavedevices are preparing us for. kill lists are growing and once the order is given many unaware people will be traumatized by the criminality the elite have exercized to enslave you all.
  • StarSon
    7540 posts Member
    my response probably was rude and I don't care that it was rude one bit. Too many politically correct pansies that cry like babies and cant handle the cold hard truth.

    I don't care that you were rude to me. But there was no cold hard truth. There are of course things the developers could do, but there is no valid business reason to do so, and you really shouldn't expect them to either.

    To keep things on topic, what % of the iOS user base do you think uses a device more than 2 years old? I would wager they account for less than 2% of total users. Consider that the game isn't even finished yet, and then even asking the devs to spend time making sure those 2% of devices perform just as well as the latest and greatest is complete silliness.
  • CatoNines
    423 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Maybe don't use an iPad2? It is a 5 year old device, of course it will not handle an app designed for 2015 hardware. And you cannot be mad at the game's devs for this one, they cannot possibly be expected to create a game that will work as well on a device that age as it does on one that came out this week.

    Not really helpful response and shows ignorance on your part. This game could easily run on the hardware of an iPad 2 and has nothing to do with hardware limitations. The problem is bad code. Way over most peoples understanding of technology but they could do alot better job clearing out the buffer and not exposing memory leaks to the end user.

    Not really helpful response and shows massive ignorance on your part. It's way over your head, but I'm an Apple technician and your 5 year old hardware and insistence on using an old, less secure version of iOS IS your problem.

    Simply claiming that the newer iOS is less secure than shows you don't have a clue.

    And.... The game runs PERFECTLY on our iPad Air, running iOS 9, so it only serves to prove my point. No slowdowns, no "memory leaks", no buffer problems, nothing.

    FWIW, you wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you upside the head, because it just did.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    I agree apple sucks big time. Its not really a choice though. the choice is to use slavedeviceA or slavedeviceB. both iOS and Android have been built with direct control from the military industrial complex on how to enslave you and capture everything that is private.

    Ho. Ho it all makes sense now.
    You're actually dumb. It's all clear now.

    Sorry, I didn't realize it at first.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm using an iPad 2 running iOS 9 , and have regular slowdowns and crashes, about every 15 mins. or so as related above. I lose a lot of energy and Arena battles on this account.
    In my experience it appears to have more to do with the OS than the device. Before playing this game I played Dungeon Boss, which is a nearly identical game in mechanics and gameplay. I stopped playing that game and moved to this one on account of the continually increasing crashes and slowdowns. I started playing Dungeon Boss while running iOS 7, and it performed adequately, though still crashed after 20 mins of play. After updating to iOS 9 the performance decreased dramatically, and I had to restart after only 2 or 3 battles, or about every 5 mins. Following a major game update, the game was so unstable and buggy I decided it was not worth bothering with any longer.
    I think the hardware could handle the game, but the more complex OS places a greater burden on the system. The new OS's are a glut of background tasks taking up memory and CPU cycles. Plus, memory management changes from OS version to version, and the older devices are probably left out of that consideration, and must deal with memory in the old-fashioned way - if given the code to do it.
    I'm sort of in the camp that if the developer states that the device and OS are supported, then they should support it and make the effort to insure the program functions as intended. On the other hand, it is expecting a lot for devs to try to insure optimum performance on a plethora of devices old and new. So in my case I take what I can get and roll with it. If the issue becomes intolerable, as it did before, I will just quit and reclaim part of my life.
  • StarSon
    7540 posts Member
    Perhaps if they take the time to say that they support the iPad 2, they should make the effort. But the app page says no such thing. It simply says that it requires iOS 8 or later. As I said, if your old device has issues, it is by Apple's design to get you to upgrade. An iPad 2 was simply not meant to run iOS 8+, or the apps that require the features within said iOS.
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    I have seen similar issues. The frustration for me is that the game seems to be getting slower the more updates are done. This is not an overly complex game and the hardware should be more than capable of running. As "features" such as chat are added it is just slowing the game more.
    The memory use and battery drain from this game are quite staggering.
    I have far more complex games that run without issue. I have several iPad models available to me and I have see issues on several of them.
    It is an element of bad programming and part fault of the hardware / iOS. And saying the iPad 2 is 5 year old technology though that was the first release Apple continued to sell this model until 2014 and was the longest selling iPad. So you will find a lot more than 2% in use, a recent survey showed that iPad 2 makes up a far greater percentage.
    And before I get told I don't know what I'm talking about, I have a degree in software engineering, have 20 years experience and have worked for several of the biggest games companies in the world. (Probably on games you have played.)
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    my response probably was rude and I don't care that it was rude one bit. Too many politically correct pansies that cry like babies and cant handle the cold hard truth.

    I agree apple sucks big time. Its not really a choice though. the choice is to use slavedeviceA or slavedeviceB. both iOS and Android have been built with direct control from the military industrial complex on how to enslave you and capture everything that is private.

    I could go on a long rant about technology but I won't because it is probably a waste of time to on a star wars forum.

    just remember the order that killed off the jedi's is what the slavedevices are preparing us for. kill lists are growing and once the order is given many unaware people will be traumatized by the criminality the elite have exercized to enslave you all.

    I'm really sorry buddy you are not firing on all cylinders you need some serious help
  • ElleAndomar
    117 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    just remember the order that killed off the jedi's is what the slavedevices are preparing us for. kill lists are growing and once the order is given many unaware people will be traumatized by the criminality the elite have exercized to enslave you all.

    This is almost as flat-out crazy as expecting this game to run flawlessly on an obsolete dog of a device.

    Take your slavemeds.
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    The question is do you take the blue pill or the green one eh?
  • jackTHErandom
    1195 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Samsung galaxy s4: no problem
    Samsung galaxy s6: no problem
    Samsung galaxy s7: no problem
    Apple iphone 6: no problem
    Ipad4: no problem
    Ipad mini2: no problem
    Xiaomi4: no problem
    Samsung galaxy tab8.4: no problem

    See... devices that are around 3 years old have no issue running this...

    You are right, the game could run on ipad2 without a problem, hardware should on paper be no issue but the hardware of any given device gets slower over time due to usage!

    Its not the devs fault if you try running their software on the equivalent of a windows95 pc
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    I think its funny you all trash the speed and performance of the iPad 2 but haven't seen any of you say I have the iPad 2 so you are just speaking from perception.

    This isn't the only game I've played on the iPad 2 and I don't have any of these issues with the many other games I've played on the device. Alot of the games that have far better graphics and immersive content that is more than just background and 10chars on a screen moving back and forth so what makes this game so special above the far more graphically intensive games? I don't mean that as a knock to this games graphics either, I think this game does have acceptable graphics that are nicely detailed so characters can look real. They character design is very nice probably the best thing about this game is the character design.

    With that being said your perception of reality isn't the kind of looking glass I look through. There used to be the idea that great products comes from even greater scrutiny. That concept is being lost. When someone hears about a problem or gets some constructive criticism it is often met nowadays with hate and criticism that one would even criticize. Political correctness would have never produced the greats like Albert Einstein.

    Einstein once said "No problem can be solved with the same level of thinking that created it" so I say why hate on the problem and not think of ways of solving it. That's what drives success. I've said my peace though and hope you all have enjoyed a constructive debate. Case closed
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    I should say the ones with the most negative response didnt have an ipad 2. Not all. a sith talking in absolutes i just was. Doh

    Thanks to all that had ipad 2 and shared their expierience.
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    I have a Commodore 64, and want to play new games on it. Please fix!!
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    just remember the order that killed off the jedi's is what the slavedevices are preparing us for. kill lists are growing and once the order is given many unaware people will be traumatized by the criminality the elite have exercized to enslave you all.

    Then stop wasting your little time left anesthetizing yourself with videogames and go.. Dunno.. Dig a bunker?
    to everyone else.. BRACE YOURSELVES! oh, and go check those lists too, one never knows who's on..
    Res non verba
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    I have an iPhone 6 and nothing of what you describe happens. Everything works fine.

    I have a 6+ and while I have no problems I have noticed a slow down at times. On older hardware I could see it being a problem.

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