Just have to say as a gamer...

2070 posts Member
And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way



  • Options
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

    Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

    For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

    My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
    I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

    People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

    I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

    Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way


    I skimmed it and saw "this is a phone game" and "I played Everquest" and that's what the complainers will read. When I read the whole post, I agree but you're not appealing to your audience lol.
  • Options
    +1, the games great. I usually get over app games within a day, I've been here nearly 7 months every day. Good job devs.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

    Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

    For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

    My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
    I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

    People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

    I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

    Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way


    I still play and raid on eq lol.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    I've played Clash of Clans, Marvel Contest of Champions and Future Fight, Darkness Reborn, and one thing is for sure - every game forum reads like this one at some point or other after an unpopular update.

    Community pressure via the forum is not wasted though - it's essential. Change does happen, it did so recently in Clash as some players here will know.

    Now I've just convinced myself I play too many games...
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    Sara if your looking for some games of late , i have come across a few very well done ones.

    Doom ( just released) both single and multiplayer
    Dungeon 2
    Isaac rebirth
    Witcher 3 and the DLC
    Runescape legends
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    You make very good points I played Ultima Online for years(yeah i miss that game), grinding is normal for games, people truly are impatient is all.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...
    Twenty years is long enough to know how futile it all is, and how no matter what happens there's still going to be a lot of people on the forum who are going to kvetch about it :P Don't get me wrong, your post is absolutely correct and right in every respect. It's just that I've written basically the same thing counciling patience and understanding in the fora of Meridian 59, Everquest, Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, Warhammer, Wrath of Heroes, Dominations, Clash of Clans, Galaxy of He--oh, well, obviously--, Rift, Old Republic, and probably a dozen other phone, PC, console, and even boardgames :P

    There are reasonable people all over the internet, even on a forum. But it's real easy for their voices to get drowned out by everyone else who, as you rightly say, just wants what they want when they want it and don't care about earning it, and if they get beaten by someone it's obviously the game's fault, not theirs.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Tigerj
    18 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

    Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

    For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

    My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
    I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

    People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

    I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

    Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way


    Excellent! I laugh at some of these post on this simple game.. Also as an Ultima Online, EQ, and EQ2 player, many of these players don't have a clue when it comes to farming, grinding (Oh the ****. level 45 in EQ back then), and constant patch bugs that happen.. Then seeing those people who put in TONS of time to get that Lendgen Gear that you can only get from raids.. That was when you were paying $15 a month to play! Not this Pay to Play or Free to Play these days.. I cringe when I see people dropping $100's per month on a game like this..but hey, their money!!

    Great Post!!
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    LMAO Tigerj... Northwall in Dreadlands lvl 45 ? :s
  • Tigerj
    18 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    LMAO Tigerj... Northwall in Dreadlands lvl 45 ? :s

    Nope, then it was the 2 to 3 Dwarfs in their huts.. Spawn every 5 min I think.. Been so long.. I remember then I didn't want to ruin my faction as I was a wood elf.. :)

    Also GuK Frogs and Lesser Faydark killing Brownies
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Tigerj wrote: »
    Saraleb wrote: »
    LMAO Tigerj... Northwall in Dreadlands lvl 45 ? :s

    Nope, then it was the 2 to 3 Dwarfs in their huts.. Spawn every 5 min I think.. Been so long.. I remember then I didn't want to ruin my faction as I was a wood elf.. :)

    Also GuK Frogs and Lesser Faydark killing Brownies

    Ahhh memories lol... thats why rumblings about this game cracks me up
  • Options
    It's a different generation now, it's our children's generation, and they tend to be entitled and impatient, despite what they say to the contrary.

    Yes, I remember EQ. I remember camping 11 hours straight in Lower Guk until I got my SMR. Can you imagine a 20-something year-old doing that and not complaining? How about early Trakanon raid, where it took like an hour for the mages in your guild to summon everyone down to the lair before you could even begin raiding? Or how about your rival guild stealing Trak because they got their group together before you did?

    You are talking to the wrong audience. Take a look at the posts:

    1) People complaining about Empire event because they don't have the toons to do it TODAY.

    2) People complaining about Dengar and other toons being released over a month instead of being immediately available and purchasable.

    3) People complaining that getting "unobtainable gear" takes too long to farm.

    I could go on and on. Bottom line is people these days feel they deserve things on the time table they wish to have them.

  • Options
    I played Everquest for 14 years straight and raided hardcore for about 5 years, most fun I ever had! This game is great also, addicting but in a different way.
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    Maybe crash bandicoot would suit them better
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member

    Age doesnt matter completely i grinded for years on UO as young as 13 and never complained.
    It's a different generation now, it's our children's generation, and they tend to be entitled and impatient, despite what they say to the contrary.

    Yes, I remember EQ. I remember camping 11 hours straight in Lower Guk until I got my SMR. Can you imagine a 20-something year-old doing that and not complaining? How about early Trakanon raid, where it took like an hour for the mages in your guild to summon everyone down to the lair before you could even begin raiding? Or how about your rival guild stealing Trak because they got their group together before you did?

    You are talking to the wrong audience. Take a look at the posts:

    1) People complaining about Empire event because they don't have the toons to do it TODAY.

    2) People complaining about Dengar and other toons being released over a month instead of being immediately available and purchasable.

    3) People complaining that getting "unobtainable gear" takes too long to farm.

    I could go on and on. Bottom line is people these days feel they deserve things on the time table they wish to have them.

  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    It's a different generation now, it's our children's generation, and they tend to be entitled and impatient, despite what they say to the contrary.

    Yes, I remember EQ. I remember camping 11 hours straight in Lower Guk until I got my SMR. Can you imagine a 20-something year-old doing that and not complaining? How about early Trakanon raid, where it took like an hour for the mages in your guild to summon everyone down to the lair before you could even begin raiding? Or how about your rival guild stealing Trak because they got their group together before you did?

    You are talking to the wrong audience. Take a look at the posts:

    1) People complaining about Empire event because they don't have the toons to do it TODAY.

    2) People complaining about Dengar and other toons being released over a month instead of being immediately available and purchasable.

    3) People complaining that getting "unobtainable gear" takes too long to farm.

    I could go on and on. Bottom line is people these days feel they deserve things on the time table they wish to have them.

    I loved this post and yes appreciate what your saying.... imagine the uproar now (on a pvp server) when you was doing a corpse run on plane or fear or hate haha... peeps got it easy now B) ...
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Hybridplug wrote: »
    I played Everquest for 14 years straight and raided hardcore for about 5 years, most fun I ever had! This game is great also, addicting but in a different way.

    And agree... i just get frustrated when read some of this.. its easy nowadays as games have progressed
  • Options

    I'm not talking about the actual age, I'm talking about generations. If you played UO when you were 13, that makes you around 35-45 years old now. Same as me. Our generation didn't complain as much as the so-called millennials do now.

    Those EQ memories occurred when I was in my early 20s, about the same time as many of today's SWGOH players. The difference is the stuff they complain about today seems trivial, at least to me. The amount of entitlement displayed is off the charts. I'm sorry if you can't see that.
  • Options
    Good perspective! Thank you!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Try becoming a Jedi in Star Wars Galaxies...
  • Baf
    41 posts Member
    This guy has way too much time on his hands I feel like he has paintings of himself in his bedroom
  • Obs0lete
    382 posts Member
    As a player pushing 40, I appreciated your perspective. I concur with many of the above players of our generation in that patience just seemed to be part of the game experience. There weren't a lot of alternatives, so if you enjoyed enough of the game, you put up with the grind. Also, there was no one really to complain to, or at least not much that could be done about it anyway. Thanks for sharing.
  • Options
    DAOC anyone?
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Saraleb wrote: »
    And just to be clear when i say as a gamer i mean mmorpg games for the last 20 years or so...

    Guys and gals this is a phone/tablet game dont get me wrong i enjoy it and play it way too much, ive even thrown probably (too) money at it... im lvl 80 a guild leader blah blah but its a small game thats been around for a nano second

    For those that have never played a game before.. releases/patches WILL go wrong.. EA are not the first and wont be the last that mess up on this.. Chars will get hit with the nerf bat when others roam in powerfully free... some game modes just wont please everyone whether its gw or raids !! There will always be an unobtainable bit of gear that was impossible to get yesterday but is farmable tomorrow..

    My observations from playing this game since early this year and the forums is simply people want it right now... just like on alot of 'mobile' games you potentially can. See people complaining about a char or piece of gear they cant get where in reality just a weeks hard craft/farming they could get it.
    I started out playing on Everquest (god hope some people have heard of it) and you could be farming mats for one piece of gear for months !!

    People need to take this game for what it is... a helluva lot of fun.. I appreciate this game like other mobile games brings a whole other element to gaming ie ftp it ptp.. but just play it how you want to. Maybe you need to accept you will never always be #1 cause someone else 'bought' #1 but thats just the type of game it is lol and unless they split servers soley ftp and ptp it will always be that way...

    I only wanted to say this because so many posts are **** about this and **** about that.. if you dont like it go on google play and d/l the latest crush candy or something... Just get some perspective is my advice for a game where its sole purpose is to make people spend money.. where shocker you CAN actually advance and enjoy it without but just except you will not be the best

    Flame me abuse me whatever lol but excluding a few drunken packs ive managed to suceed, have fun and get what I want out of this game by some trial and error, graft and some luck along the way

    Are you Leroy Jenkins?

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    Problem is, CG has stated the changes are working as planned and they need to make them even more "challenging". They have not made any mention of problems, mistakes, etc. The changes (like them or loathe them), are working as intended. So saying accidents happen is not relevant here.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    Another problem is you are comparing different types of games. MMOs like EQ, UO and WoW charge a monthly fee and you get all the content. Mobile "freemium" games gate every thing behind time and pay walls.

    A mobile game should not require the time commitment that a AAA pc game does. They also should not have the types of update issues that GoH has experienced. It should not be that hard to make a character like Teebo work correctly, the testing is pretty simple. Same with the issues people are having in GW, where some players are getting to face off against enemies 10k power above them, while others are getting 3* green geared enemies.

    I have played MMOs for the past 20 years as well, UO, Lineage 2, AC, Star Wars Galaxies, WoW and SWtoR. All good games, and like you said they all had problems at one time or another. I just do not expect these sorts of problems in a much less complicated, single player, phone game. Perhaps I am at the point where I am done with GoH, not sure yet.
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    It's a different generation now, it's our children's generation, and they tend to be entitled and impatient, despite what they say to the contrary.

    I'm not disagreeing with you, but this point certainly says something about the people raising this generation. Truthfully, I don't see many of the younger generation even having the patience to grind this game and many other games to end-content. Most of the people I've seen that are still here from November are adults. My guild is almost exclusively adults, as is our sister guild.

    Many of the complaints on these forums are valid and well-articulated. Many are just garbage and easily dismissed. I'm personally not quick to dismiss the ones with real thought behind them as I care about Star Wars and I've enjoyed this game.

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    DAOC anyone?

    Hibernia Percival, Bent. Too many hours online... DAOC is still around; there are even some classic servers, pre Trials of Atlantis, you can play now.
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  • Options
    I never really liked MMO's so I kinda missed out on an entire 'generation' of gaming. I did play Runescape though, but that was just a timewaster game to brag about how fast you got your fishing level up.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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