Please Don't Nerf Galactic War!!


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    This guy is crazy, i dont want to make a full statement but he is blind and havent made the research well, its not about your personal experience its about everyones and GW is boring, long and if you have commited the great mistake of having a whale squad without actully being one(gear 10-11) there is a high chance you are paying it on GW rigth now.
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    leef wrote: »
    i'm also afraid that further nerfing GW would have negative effects for my GW experience.
    35k arena power, top20/10 arena, lvl 80 and f2p.
    It takes me about 30min of continious play to finish GW, max 5 retreats (usually less) and max 7 characters for the first 11 nodes. The last node i like to experiment with weird teams for funsies. I wouldnt mind if it was a bit more challenging.
    This obviously is only my experience, and i cant talk for anyone else. I just cant shake the feeling that alot of nerf requests are due to players investing only in their arena team, or are just bad at the game in general. Ofcourse there are also alot of valid complaints, i've seen the teams some people face. There is no way of knowing this, but if it turns out that the mayority of the complaints were comming from people who fall in the first category and GW got nerfed because that, i would be a bit salty ;)

    edit: for those who are wondering, I enjoy the "having to choose where you focus on" aspect of the game. some resources being more scarse than others, choices should influence your overall performance in all the game modes. 1 team cant win em all.

    That's right, you can't. Push your power over 37k and you'll be with everyone else in wanting GW nerfed
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i'm also afraid that further nerfing GW would have negative effects for my GW experience.
    35k arena power, top20/10 arena, lvl 80 and f2p.
    It takes me about 30min of continious play to finish GW, max 5 retreats (usually less) and max 7 characters for the first 11 nodes. The last node i like to experiment with weird teams for funsies. I wouldnt mind if it was a bit more challenging.
    This obviously is only my experience, and i cant talk for anyone else. I just cant shake the feeling that alot of nerf requests are due to players investing only in their arena team, or are just bad at the game in general. There is no way of knowing this, but if it turns out that the mayority of the complaints were comming from people who fall in the first category and GW got nerfed because that, i would be a bit salty ;)

    edit: for those who are wondering, I enjoy the "having to choose where you focus on" aspect of the game. some resources being more scarse than others, choices should influence your overall performance in all the game modes. 1 team cant win em all.

    That's right, you can't. Push your power over 37k and you'll be with everyone else in wanting GW nerfed

    you can't either, atleast i am aware that i cant, unlike others.
    you probably missed the part: "Ofcourse there are also alot of valid complaints, i've seen the teams some people face"
    The point i was trying to make that not everybody that is complaining has 36k+ arena power.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    The problem is that is boring as **** and it takes to much time.

    This. Nothing exciting or challenging about the same-ish meta team 6-8 times in a row.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    OP needs to realize that protection makes this an apples to doorknobs comparison at the last nodes.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Do not worry they will make it go faster. They will change it so that a character can only be used once. Unless you have 60 characters, most people will run out by the third battle. Three battles will take no time compared to doing 12. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. They can make GW last 20 minutes or so for the average player but you will not be able to get any rewards or make any progress.

    Luckily, that's not what they are doing
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    The problem is that is boring as **** and it takes to much time.

    This is the exact problem. But to fix it, they only need solve one of those issues. Obviously, I would prefer they fix the boring part, but I also know that is probably more challenging. So if it has to stay boring, cut down the time.

    And before anyone gives me grief, I can usually go 1 to 12 with my A team and not retreat once. The only reason I play it at this point is because it is a great source of credits.
  • ctn13
    53 posts Member
    It's all about rewards vs time. Nobody is saying that gw is incompletable or that it is horrendously difficult but it is long and tedious ( If it's not, you are not getting the full gw experience, but keep playing and you will!!). I was once exactly like the creator of this post pretty much breezing the first 9 and then giving my arena team, droids etc an outing to smack the last 3 about. Ain't possible anymore. Erg/rey/leia/qgj and all the nasty combo's out there now are just not beatable with the bulk of a roster. Sacrifice teams actually now work against you as the enemy tm is now ahead of your primary squad. You need to go in and kill the opponent first time off with your team intact. Possible, but long and tedious! As people keep saying, it's the best place to get creds from and thats what we are all short of. The easy fix's are keep the rewards the same but strip the opponents from node 6 onwards of protection or make us feel it's worthwhile spending the time ingame and ramping up the rewards. Sorry for the long post!

    38k arena, consistent top 20 in an early shard,
    25+ 7* toons.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Someone goes over 36k power then goes to the forum to beg the devs not to "nerf" GW.

    Here's the thing. Many of us are well over 38k and have been playing since Nov, we aren't bad at playing the game, we have good rosters, many of us don't loose GW. We are simply tired of retreating over and over against Multiple meta and meta-whale teams for not very enticing rewards, however if we skip GW we loose one of the things that's in short supply-credits. Its timely and is not fun anymore.

    We are not asking for a nerf; we are asking for more enticing rewards and for GW to be less tedious and more fun.

    If you blow through GW in 30 with the same team you just are not facing the same GW that we are. Even with my dolphin roster it's excruciating to get through and its not because I'm a worse player than others.

    So save your, "I get through GW with Bariss-l, Lumni, Daka.." comments. There is no way you could do that in my GW or else I would.
  • Crinsom
    28 posts Member
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    Also reached 36k power in Arena Team recently and yes it does change the difficulty of GW.

    But.... What´s the problem???

    You get meta teams on last 6 nodes... once again... what´s the problem??

    If you are at 36k power in arena, by now you have some form of respectable backup roster and a good A team. You will complete GW if you really want to.

    You only get meta teams??

    GOOD! You can test against the current meta different compositions.

    Really don´t get all the "nerfing GW" talk. The Devs already said they will change it... i just hope that they don´t make it so easy that it will take all the fun and challenge out of it!

    We already have "challenges" and "events" to auto through!

    lol. try getting meta teams from node 4 onwards. it isnt fun "testing" your technically half dead meta teams vs full protection meta teams for 9 nodes straight.

    With rng gear drop from raids, my backup roster is so far behind in gear, if i put them up against these g9-11 chars im vsing, they die in 2 or 3 turns, do miserable damage, pretty much just used to burn cooldowns.
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    J7000 wrote: »
    Someone goes over 36k power then goes to the forum to beg the devs not to "nerf" GW.

    Here's the thing. Many of us are well over 38k and have been playing since Nov, we aren't bad at playing the game, we have good rosters, many of us don't loose GW. We are simply tired of retreating over and over against Multiple meta and meta-whale teams for not very enticing rewards, however if we skip GW we loose one of the things that's in short supply-credits. Its timely and is not fun anymore.

    We are not asking for a nerf; we are asking for more enticing rewards and for GW to be less tedious and more fun.

    If you blow through GW in 30 with the same team you just are not facing the same GW that we are. Even with my dolphin roster it's excruciating to get through and its not because I'm a worse player than others.

    So save your, "I get through GW with Bariss-l, Lumni, Daka.." comments. There is no way you could do that in my GW or else I would.

    This, exactly!

    GW has become boring for veteran players with solid rosters. And apparently frustrating or discouraging for newer players with weaker rosters. GW should be fun to all players, not just veterans.
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    What is your arena power.

    You can find it on my original post.

    But it is 36.501 power.
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    Juan_Pablo wrote: »
    This guy is crazy, i dont want to make a full statement but he is blind and havent made the research well, its not about your personal experience its about everyones and GW is boring, long and if you have commited the great mistake of having a whale squad without actully being one(gear 10-11) there is a high chance you are paying it on GW rigth now.

    "crazy" seems a strong word for just expressing my opinion... you are threading the dead waters of ToS.

    And i have said in this thread that i respect everyone's point of view and defend that GW should be easier so it can satisfy the pretensions of the majority of players (in spite its not my take on it).

    All i'm asking for is: don't make it so you can just auto through it or just be bored with single shooting every other character in the opposing team!
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    OP needs to realize that protection makes this an apples to doorknobs comparison at the last nodes.

    They have protection... you\me have 20 characters somewhat geared and leveled... i like our odds.
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    I agree with the OP here. Yeah it takes some time to complete. Yes it takes time but not everyone can get everything done every day. You want a participation award and you shouldn't get one.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I used to LOVE GW, but once you get to that level 75+ and your arena power goes up, it gets ridiculous. Now I almost dread doing it in the morning. Took almost an hour last night, 45 minutes this morning.

    The ONLY other side of the coin to this are the players asking for new content / things to do during energy refreshes. GW gives that. Do a node here, a node there, etc., but the issue to that is a lot of work and have families. We truly don't have the time to do GW for an hour and once you hit that what, 36-37k arena power, you may as well tack on another 30 minutes to an hour on top of that. It's getting to the point where I'd almost rather buy a credit pack per day from my arena payout rather than waste my time with GW. The only redeeming factor to me are the purple mats which I'm crunched for and those don't come until the later nodes. If they upped the credits and the mats, then it's probably worth our time but for right now for some players, it's just (ug)naught.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    "i hate facing meta teams in GW".... well, what team do you run four your arena?? if you run a meta team then shut up, you can't complain.
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    J7000 wrote: »
    Someone goes over 36k power then goes to the forum to beg the devs not to "nerf" GW.

    Here's the thing. Many of us are well over 38k and have been playing since Nov, we aren't bad at playing the game, we have good rosters, many of us don't loose GW. We are simply tired of retreating over and over against Multiple meta and meta-whale teams for not very enticing rewards, however if we skip GW we loose one of the things that's in short supply-credits. Its timely and is not fun anymore.

    We are not asking for a nerf; we are asking for more enticing rewards and for GW to be less tedious and more fun.

    If you blow through GW in 30 with the same team you just are not facing the same GW that we are. Even with my dolphin roster it's excruciating to get through and its not because I'm a worse player than others.

    So save your, "I get through GW with Bariss-l, Lumni, Daka.." comments. There is no way you could do that in my GW or else I would.

    Don't know if your message is to me... but I have never said it was easy... i also have to grind it and sometimes takes me an hour to finish it.

    The difference is i like to play it.

    Maybe when i get to 38k power i experience the extreme difficulty you're talking about and change my mind. Nonetheless i would't like it to be too easy to the point of auto through it.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    It's kinda boring and not that motivating. It has become a chore and the most time consuming mode in the game.
    With all the new stuff they should reduce galactic chore in difficulty or time. We have raids and events which takes up enouh time already.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    AceCV wrote: »

    Do not remove the challenge but not require extreme dedication to complete something that is fundamental to evolve in the game.

    Completely agree!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    "i hate facing meta teams in GW".... well, what team do you run four your arena?? if you run a meta team then shut up, you can't complain.

    What you run in arena has nothing to do with what you face in GW. Those two game modes should never be correlated. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    OguhDeias wrote: »
    You only get meta teams??

    GOOD! You can test against the current meta different compositions.
    But you can't. Anyone you used in a previous node will probably have lost some protection and will have a weird amount of turn meter so you aren't really testing anything useful unless your entire team hasn't been used in GW yet, which isn't likely to happen for 6 nodes in a row.

    The issue is it goes from easy to beat with one or two teams to a challenge of seeing how many times it can make you retreat to get the right RNG. Neither is particularly fun. Before the protection update you could swap around toons for different teams as long as you could heal up and reset cooldowns. You got to use toons that you may not get to use in other modes that often. Now you can maybe do that in the first couple nodes, but they're so easy that it's not really worth it.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    OguhDeias wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    Someone goes over 36k power then goes to the forum to beg the devs not to "nerf" GW.

    Here's the thing. Many of us are well over 38k and have been playing since Nov, we aren't bad at playing the game, we have good rosters, many of us don't loose GW. We are simply tired of retreating over and over against Multiple meta and meta-whale teams for not very enticing rewards, however if we skip GW we loose one of the things that's in short supply-credits. Its timely and is not fun anymore.

    We are not asking for a nerf; we are asking for more enticing rewards and for GW to be less tedious and more fun.

    If you blow through GW in 30 with the same team you just are not facing the same GW that we are. Even with my dolphin roster it's excruciating to get through and its not because I'm a worse player than others.

    So save your, "I get through GW with Bariss-l, Lumni, Daka.." comments. There is no way you could do that in my GW or else I would.

    Don't know if your message is to me... but I have never said it was easy... i also have to grind it and sometimes takes me an hour to finish it.

    The difference is i like to play it.

    Maybe when i get to 38k power i experience the extreme difficulty you're talking about and change my mind. Nonetheless i would't like it to be too easy to the point of auto through it.

    It really wasn't to you actually. I also don't want GW to be dumbed down to challenge levels. Btw it's possible that once your power goes over 38k you'll notice a huge difference. I did and so did many others.
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    J7000 wrote: »

    It really wasn't to you actually. I also don't want GW to be dumbed down to challenge levels. Btw it's possible that once your power goes over 38k you'll notice a huge difference. I did and so did many others.

    I am sure you are right since you already have 38K and experienced it... on the other hand i don't think i will be able to share that experience since they might be changing GW by tomorrow.

    But thanks for your insights on the matter. Will take them on board.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I'll agree it shouldn't be an easy auto. No way, no how. My issue is the time it takes vs the reward payout / scale. If it was a less time consuming, that's a win. I really want to agree with @OguhDeias on this, but I just can't agree with the time vs rewards factor that SOME of you face. I've seen your nodes and frankly, that's INSANE and brutal beyond belief.

    I've been able to complete every day since protection, but 2 days ago was the first day I ever came that close to not finishing it. I usually wake up, let the dog out, sit on my back porch while drinking my coffee and smoking a Black and Mild or two. It was a great waking up experience. Now I look at some of the teams and try to not throw my phone over my fence.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    "i hate facing meta teams in GW".... well, what team do you run four your arena?? if you run a meta team then shut up, you can't complain.

    THIS doesn't even make one iota of sense. If you run meta in arena, you have FULL protection each match. By the time you get to node whatever in GW, your protection is toasted.

    Again, let's try to make equivalent comparisons.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    In my whole Time I am playing this Game it never take me longer than 65 Minutes. The First 6 Battles are easy so easy than Rey still got her Protection. After Battle 7 and 8.. 9 / 10 / 11 are more difficulty as 12.

    Arena Squad 32 K

    Team Galactic War
    Lead Chewie 78 6*
    Dooku 80 7* omega first attack
    Rey 80 7* omega all attack s
    Lumi 80 7*
    Barris 70 6*
    Now tell me why you can't beat GalacticWar under two Hours

  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    In my whole Time I am playing this Game it never take me longer than 65 Minutes. The First 6 Battles are easy so easy than Rey still got her Protection. After Battle 7 and 8.. 9 / 10 / 11 are more difficulty as 12.

    Arena Squad 32 K

    Team Galactic War
    Lead Chewie 78 6*
    Dooku 80 7* omega first attack
    Rey 80 7* omega all attack s
    Lumi 80 7*
    Barris 70 6*
    Now tell me why you can't beat GalacticWar under two Hours

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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'll agree it shouldn't be an easy auto. No way, no how. My issue is the time it takes vs the reward payout / scale. If it was a less time consuming, that's a win. I really want to agree with @OguhDeias on this, but I just can't agree with the time vs rewards factor that SOME of you face. I've seen your nodes and frankly, that's INSANE and brutal beyond belief.

    I've been able to complete every day since protection, but 2 days ago was the first day I ever came that close to not finishing it. I usually wake up, let the dog out, sit on my back porch while drinking my coffee and smoking a Black and Mild or two. It was a great waking up experience. Now I look at some of the teams and try to not throw my phone over my fence.

    Thanks for your input @pac0naut .

    I had that feeling sometimes also... and i can understand where your coming from.

    I am sure they will meke it easier but not to the point it´s just an one shot KO fest.

    By tomorrow we shall have more info to discuss the subject.
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