Force packs? Lol



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    leef wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    I got 4 lobot, 8 plo, 8 hoth soldier, and 8 cup
    honestly, im suprised that it gave 28 shards instead of 20. With the discription it could go both ways.

    They really need to take the massive roster of "20s" out of there. I know it says potential at the top. But, I like many probably didn't see that first. It's smart, if underhanded advertising

    i disagree, you want to know what you could get right ? Just placing the characters there without the number 20 under them would make it better though.
    The discribtion is just vague, i didnt know if i could get 20 or 28 shards, and what "up to 600k" is really about. Either way, 28 or 20 both horrible deals.

    Yes, I mistakenly bought the pack without reading "potential" at the top. My mistake. I thought I was getting 20 shards for a character
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    20 of each, or just 20 of 1 specific character ? 20 of each would be on you, no offence. but that deal would be waaaaay too good to be true.

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    20 of each, or just 20 of 1 specific character ? 20 of each would be on you, no offence. but that deal would be waaaaay too good to be true.

    Yep like I said, my mistaken, won't make it again.
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    They aren't going to change the way they word things. It was misleading in the jedi challenge, so they phrased it in a slightly different misleading way. The prices\content for packs won't change either. Once they start selling a pack they cant drop the price. It would irritate the players that already bought and dilute the value of the other packs. Occasionally they will offer a sale but don't look for price to ever change.the call of duty map packs from 7 years ago are still full price. That's just how EA does business.
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    KungMamma wrote: »
    60 crystals per shard, most expensive shards available, right?

    The premium shards for 320 are more expensive.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    leef wrote: »
    I got 4 lobot, 8 plo, 8 hoth soldier, and 8 cup
    honestly, im suprised that it gave 28 shards instead of 20. With the discription it could go both ways.

    You mean, the purposefully vague description?
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    20 of each, or just 20 of 1 specific character ? 20 of each would be on you, no offence. but that deal would be waaaaay too good to be true.

    Yep like I said, my mistaken, won't make it again.

    I guess we can just chalk it up to the "UI bug" once again.
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    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    I got 4 lobot, 8 plo, 8 hoth soldier, and 8 cup
    honestly, im suprised that it gave 28 shards instead of 20. With the discription it could go both ways.

    You mean, the purposefully vague description?

    This. People are not gunna understand how bad that pack is with the terrible terminology they use.
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    I'm more concerned that it's JC/PloKoon when it's an Aayla event. Makes no sense. Should just be Aayla for the Jedi shards.

    The Aayla event is kind of a non-starter. Supposedly, you can get over 2mil credits and 21 Aayla shards but i doubt anyone has ever seen those reward levels. There simply is no way possible, even with max refreshes, to 7* and Aayla from that event unless you already had her at 6*+++. It's a bad joke.

    I seriously hope Aayla goes farmable in GW after this event or all those Aayla shards we did get are a complete waste (characters are useless unless 7*). Can't even get her in Chromiums reasonably anymore as her drop rate has been nerfed down so far due to her being one of the original toons.
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    I got myself a Rancor mega-booster pack some time ago (which at least turned out to be half/half decent/rubbish shards). I then decided well against buying packs like that again.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Anything that's called a booster pack in this game is going to be absolute trash, we've learned this from the raid booster packs 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Force Pack Kit Fisto next!
  • bngman
    369 posts Member
    All possible things in this game = it won't happen.
    Stop buying these things people and hopefully we will get something we need!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    "...or will you foil your enemies ploys with Plo Koon?"

    Probs not. Nary a ploy has ever been foiled by the likes of the Plo Koon toon.

    And CG if you're looking to hire a proofreader, I'd be happy to review your descriptions before you post them. I could, for instance, point out that "enemies" is plural possessive in this context and requires an apostrophe at the end.

    Harshing on the Plo? Dude, at g11 he is good...

    But yeah, you are right... he isn't changing any games, currently.
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    I seriously hope Aayla goes farmable in GW after this event or all those Aayla shards we did get are a complete waste (characters are useless unless 7*). Can't even get her in Chromiums reasonably anymore as her drop rate has been nerfed down so far due to her being one of the original toons.[/quote]

    Lol of course she will. They just tried to sell leia before releasing her into arena. I'm incredulous more people haven't figured out EA/CG policies. Just pretend to be devious and underhanded and the pattern will be laughably obvious. Just be patient. Really messes up their schemes
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yeah, her or Kit is likely to be next farmable.
  • Aggropox
    120 posts Member
    They aren't going to change the way they word things. It was misleading in the jedi challenge, so they phrased it in a slightly different misleading way. The prices\content for packs won't change either. Once they start selling a pack they cant drop the price. It would irritate the players that already bought and dilute the value of the other packs. Occasionally they will offer a sale but don't look for price to ever change.the call of duty map packs from 7 years ago are still full price. That's just how EA does business.

    To be fair, EA doesn't reduce the price of map packs for CoD because they are in no way affiliated with the series.
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