First order are usless



  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    They're not best together which is weird, but I hit #1 consistently with a Phasma-FOO-RG-Rey-Q squad.

    Phasma is great. FOO and FOTP are good. Kylo is seriously lacking though.

    No experience with FOST.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I think FO toons are good.

    Also, usless is not a word.
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    FO were rubbish in the movie too
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    I run a FO arena team and do pretty good
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
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    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!
  • TerraArran
    341 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    Why does he need them?
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    Kingken85 wrote: »
    I run a FO arena team and do pretty good

    Very nice video, must be fun to play too !
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    TerraArran wrote: »
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    Why does he need them?

    Because that's not a First Order team, its a hybrid team?
  • TerraArran
    341 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Timitock wrote: »
    TerraArran wrote: »
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    Why does he need them?

    Because that's not a First Order team, its a hybrid team?

    So, what? Takes a bit more to make a Hybrid team than a complete FO team. His video also states that it is a hybrid team. It also shows FO not being useless like the OP said.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    TerraArran wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    TerraArran wrote: »
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    Why does he need them?

    Because that's not a First Order team, its a hybrid team?

    So, what? Takes a bit more to make a Hybrid team than a complete FO team. His video also states that it is a hybrid team. It also shows FO not being useless like the OP said.

    Because Daka and RG are bound to make any 3 toons better. The thread is about the FO.

    It does not take more to farm RG and Daka than FO.

    The comment I replied to said he needed FOO and FOST, because he didnt have full synergy.

    I agree they are not useless.
  • Options
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    FOST has NEVER been good in arena. Fotp I could throw in there but he's only g9. I'll switch him in and record another
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
  • RFC3092
    15 posts Member
    Running full FO all the time, great fun. Maxed out Phasma and FOO equipment/omegas, working on the rest. A bit slow getting started, lacks group healing and anti-(de)buff, otherwise quite good in Arena/Raid IMHO. No really useless toons.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Kingken85 wrote: »
    kiwesona wrote: »
    FOST and FOTP are missing dude!

    FOST has NEVER been good in arena. Fotp I could throw in there but he's only g9. I'll switch him in and record another

    I don't know. I once ran into Dooku, Aayla, 5s, FOST, and I honestly can't remember the last one. It's been a while. That team beat fairly easily. Tanky toons with a bunch of counters. I still see that player use FOST every now and again.
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    Out of FO characters Phasma is #1 then FOO, FOTP, Kylo then FOST. Foo is like a hidden gem, no one realizes how good he actually is. His tm manipulation is amazing. This day and age arena isn't won by straight dmg output
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
  • TerraArran
    341 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Kingken85 wrote: »
    Out of FO characters Phasma is #1 then FOO, FOTP, Kylo then FOST. Foo is like a hidden gem, no one realizes how good he actually is. His tm manipulation is amazing. This day and age arena isn't won by straight dmg output

    Because it is won with mostly luck.
  • Options
    I occasionally slip in FOST in my arena team and I quite like him. 65% counter chance is nice. His damage isn't terribly high, but the counter let's it build up nicely. Not to mention his HP and protection are incredibly high even at 5*.
  • Options
    kiwesona wrote: »
    I occasionally slip in FOST in my arena team and I quite like him. 65% counter chance is nice. His damage isn't terribly high, but the counter let's it build up nicely. Not to mention his HP and protection are incredibly high even at 5*.

    is it close to Kylo? b/c ai Kylo will spam his aoe attack if it's up which means 100% counter chance unless dispeled
    **Officer in the Synėrgy Guild**
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    That's a cool first order video man
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    Just want to point out there's a difference between "not smart enough to farm" and broken. Arena does a great job highlighting which characters are broken as you'll see every single team for miles have the same characters.

    Every time I see somebody scolding people for "following the crowd" or "lack of originality" I want to force choke them thru the screen. I've played for about 6 months. I had 7 Jedi at 7* before I realized that 85-90% of the toons in this game are poorly designed filler. Most of my favorite characters are in that group.

    I'd bet that all of us who've been at this a while have lots of other toons we could use in arena... If we wanted to drop in rank like a Buick in the ocean. I wasted my first three months farming characters I like, and the last 3 getting toons that actually work. I can use the actually useful ones to get resources needed to farm toons I like in hopes they'll be fixed one day.

    Phasma is definitely with the "in" crowd. She's everywhere. The rest of the FO toons aren't top tier, but there are teams much worse off. (ahem Nightsisters, cough, cough)

  • kiwesona
    59 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The fun part of this game is collecting characters and composing themed teams that synergize. I don't find it fun to face the same meta characters over and over in high end arena and GW, I'd rather throw in a FO squad or a Rebel squad. After all, it is a game, right? If you're leveled and geared up well enough you can still get decent rewards to keep playing and so forth. Since my first project was FO, those characters are among my strongest and despite their weak points, they are indeed fun.
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