What are MK 8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars for?

I get them in the tank challenge but no one needs them. There is literally nothing in this challenge of any use


  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Probably one of the unknown gears for G10/11/12
  • Options
    fudgra wrote: »
    Probably one of the unknown gears for G10/11/12

    Then give them to us when we actually need them!
    and give us the gear we need now ... well now
    Why not move them to a higher tier of the challenge (which will come once the cap is raised to 90) and give us cuffs or stun guns now... I like the syringes in the healer challenge
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    We could also use the blue gear that drops in t3 but not t4 of the challenges which is a terrible decision imo.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Zephon
    122 posts Member
    I would agree - we're stuck with junk gear while getting milked for what we really need.
  • H_B0MBZ
    292 posts Member
    I need those mk5 50 piece. I need like a total of 400. Put those in, it would make sense because you already have the mk4
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    We could also use the blue gear that drops in t3 but not t4 of the challenges which is a terrible decision imo.

    That and the Mk III droid callers they dropped from the highest tier of another challenge.

  • Batousi
    75 posts Member
    Believe me you will be happy you get to stockpile these now. Unless they change gear 11 and 12 I remember checking just qgj and Yoda need a couple hundred of these at 10-12 gear by themselves.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Batousi wrote: »
    Believe me you will be happy you get to stockpile these now. Unless they change gear 11 and 12 I remember checking just qgj and Yoda need a couple hundred of these at 10-12 gear by themselves.

    Checking where? It's not on swgoh.gg.
  • Meerava
    481 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    We could also use the blue gear that drops in t3 but not t4 of the challenges which is a terrible decision imo.

    I've started farming T3 again because I'm out of those blues.
  • Aachthor
    138 posts Member
    This info has been on e.g. http://www.star-wars-galaxy.com/gear - but as recepies for gear beyond levelcap was removed from the game data, the information is not available anymore. IIRC it will be needed for Gear 10/11/12, but needs a characterlevel of 81+
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Aachthor I see ok ty.
  • Batousi
    75 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Ya it was once on swgoh.gg also hence why I said unless they change it since they removed the data from in game.
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