Should GW be reverted to how it was made to be more simple, or left with the difficulty increased?

172 posts Member
edited July 2016
I've seen multiple threads going over the recent GW changes. Whether the changes were intentional or unintentational. We can all agree that GW has been changed to overall be more difficult. So, I'm creating this poll in hopes that when (hopefully) the Devs respond. They can easily look and see what the masses desire most.

Should GW be reverted to how it was made to be more simple, or left with the difficulty increased? 277 votes

Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
RumpelstilzchenEunoeskarsTimbaCreativeAttackerXtremeFodderGeddreArillianclhsBerdilioSlythRinnStarSonS2oojokozakjanosBaalArenHamWildcats1203ottomadduxCasual_PlayerSkammadix 248 votes
No, I want the latest difficulty to stay in effect
TheRenegadeunit900000SwordsLFDKurgenAsicOobydoobVavasourubn87hootevanbioGoosyEROSIONEdjvitaLasseriniHobnobRecursionGrraauugghDarthBanedonCaner67Karfax 29 votes


  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    If I can't finish gw, I can't consistently progress. Right now it's five or six nodes of crazy gear and impossible rng.
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    Mp44 wrote: »
    If I can't finish gw, I can't consistently progress. Right now it's five or six nodes of crazy gear and impossible rng.

    Same here, no joke squads at node 12 for me...
    15 posts Member
    It's not the difficulty that's the problem. Okay, difficulty IS a problem, but for me it's the amount of time needed to complete it. I don't care if it's easy or hard, just make it take less long.
  • clhs
    195 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    If it's a bug, that's fine, but the developers should retract their earlier rebuttal. If its intentional I'm off.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    According to a dev post in the bug section nothing has changed, but it's quite obvious they don't play GW if that's the case.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    JHGRAHAM wrote: »
    It's not the difficulty that's the problem. Okay, difficulty IS a problem, but for me it's the amount of time needed to complete it. I don't care if it's easy or hard, just make it take less long.

    This exactly. And if it's taking longer give decent rewards, not the level 40 rewards we've always had.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    JHGRAHAM wrote: »
    It's not the difficulty that's the problem. Okay, difficulty IS a problem, but for me it's the amount of time needed to complete it. I don't care if it's easy or hard, just make it take less long.

    This is very much a valid point as well. You may have the roster to complete it, but not the time. Which is absolutely understandable, and another reason why I was glad they changed it to be more simplistic. Now..... it's back to the 30 minutes of additional bathroom time.
  • Coachk
    5 posts Member
    I need an option for neither. I think it should be more difficult than it was, but it shouldn't be impossible like it currently is for some people. The fact that some get g10/11 teams in the last node and others get teams that are not geared at all shows there is an issue with how the matchups are pulled. You shouldn't be able to just auto through the entire thing, that is when it is too easy. However, you should be matched up with teams that are at a similar level to you so that it is a bit of a challenge.
  • MorbiusMD
    219 posts Member
    No, I want the latest difficulty to stay in effect
    I am actually enjoying the challenge. Today my last fight looked impossible (all lvl 75 7* gear 9, i am lvl 71 low spend), but I found with perseverance and a bit of thinking I could beat it. I was really pleased as there is much more satisfaction in doing something hard than something facile. Also why should everyone complete gw everyday? It seems some people want stuff handed to them on a plate without having to try or think.
  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    I still auto through the majority with ewoks and RG. There are a few battles i have to fight myself but still win with maybe a reset here or there and try a new strategy. Players crying for an easier GW are nothing morr than crybabies who want everything given to them. I remember going weeks without completing GW...i still received rewards for the parts i did complete.

    If you cant complete it, that doesnt mean its broken. Maybe you should rethink your strategy, that could be what is broken. It might not necessarily be the battle that you cant beat where you went wrong, maybe a bad move or decision a few battles prior that is finally catching up to you.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    No, I want the latest difficulty to stay in effect
    I like that it has some challenge to it. I can typically auto through about half of it, and the 2nd half I auto some and play some depending on the lineups. I understand that it's frustrating if you can't complete it, but shouldn't some things be a challenge? This is a collection game. Use a suicide squad if you have to. Yes, you might have to use resources to build them up. But with raids, everyone should have or be working towards 5 teams anyway. If you have 25 characters that are in a playable condition, and can't finish GW, the problem might not be GW....
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    evanbio wrote: »
    I like that it has some challenge to it. I can typically auto through about half of it, and the 2nd half I auto some and play some depending on the lineups. I understand that it's frustrating if you can't complete it, but shouldn't some things be a challenge? This is a collection game. Use a suicide squad if you have to. Yes, you might have to use resources to build them up. But with raids, everyone should have or be working towards 5 teams anyway. If you have 25 characters that are in a playable condition, and can't finish GW, the problem might not be GW....

    But what about the credits? We need to do galactic war to get those
  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    evanbio wrote: »
    I like that it has some challenge to it. I can typically auto through about half of it, and the 2nd half I auto some and play some depending on the lineups. I understand that it's frustrating if you can't complete it, but shouldn't some things be a challenge? This is a collection game. Use a suicide squad if you have to. Yes, you might have to use resources to build them up. But with raids, everyone should have or be working towards 5 teams anyway. If you have 25 characters that are in a playable condition, and can't finish GW, the problem might not be GW....

    Lol I'm not sure you understand the "challenge".

    When 5 of your last 6 nodes are g11-12, rank 1 arena teams, I think your idea of "good challenge" will change.

    It's the same issue as before. The people who don't understand the issue love running their mouth, but once they see it first hand they quickly change their minds.
  • Options
    I like the GW I've had the last two days. Four hard fights vs maxed out teams. Nodes 6,9,11,12. It's better than the 6-7 straight maxed out teams before the last update, and more challenging than the cakewalk iy was after the last update.

    They should really just make GW tiers. Hard and normal and increase the rewards for the hard one. Challenges, events, raids, LS/DS battles, everything else is tiered or has normal and hard, why not GW.

    But the GW the last couple of weeks was a way too easy, given it's billed as something that will test your entire lineup.
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    If the rewards were doubled, people would be fine with it. At the current state, the rewards are not NEARLY good enough to spend an hour doing
  • Options
    Somewhere in between.

    Nodes <9 should be easy. I'm fine with 11 and 12 being tough battles.

    Adjusting the difficulty knob is tricky. It was too easy, now it's too hard.
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    I have not experienced this difficulty. Node 12 went to super easy mode and node 6 went to hard mode. What's the difference?
  • Options
    No, I want the latest difficulty to stay in effect
    Mp44 wrote: »

    It's the same issue as before. The people who don't understand the issue love running their mouth, but once they see it first hand they quickly change their minds.

    But you've also got to acknowledge that there are 79.9 levels of play before you top out at level 80 and max out your top tier arena team. How long did it take you to get a high-power squad maxed out? I would wager it was months. I find it absurd that people seem to forget that the game doesn't just start when you hit 80. They "love running their mouth" about end-game GW when there are still a significant number of players who are still nowhere near that. The game is NOT completely about your needs, and your arrogant statements reflect that you are being willfully ignorant that there are countless folks who aren't there. It needs to be balanced across many different play levels and styles. (And for the record, I'm in the end-game phase myself.)

  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    Love how they had to make the Last 3 nodes *Lucky Nodes*....please stop trying to make this game into a Casino game.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    As a daily effort, revert it to easy, or at least something less than what it's been the last two days.

    If you want a harder version, great, but don't make it a daily exercise in frustration. Make it weekly (or daily but only 1-3 battles) and make it a tactical challenge not a test of patience and how many resets a player is willing to attempt in hopes the next team isn't even worse.

    Edit: my node 12 today and yesterday was a brutal lineup that I had to take on with a mix of remaining teams and benches. It was actually fun! But getting to it in a way that even gave a reasonable chance at victory was much too reminiscent of the pre-patch, will-sucking, slogs of yore.
  • kyrolan
    56 posts Member
    For me it is a mix. it gets harder in the middle node but the last two day my finial node was like gear level 3. the last node was over before it started.

    I just two squad it. first half teebo, fotp, daka, gs, ashoka. second half phasma, rg, rey, qj, leia

    today out of those ten I lost two charachters. my gs died 6th battle and royal guard died on 11th battle and I put FOTP back in.
  • So7hoth
    48 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    Between raiding, new events, guild activities, arena, etc., I simply do not have enough time to go through several ridiculously difficult GW matchups. Considering there simply is no other reasonable source of credits, this increase in difficulty is a huge issue. The silence on the matter by EA/CG is truly astounding
  • Options
    Take out the randomness and just have 6 nodes each with a specific synergy. There are more than 6 tags so it wouldn't be too repetitive and like if one fight was Jedi then there's plenty to pick from to make it different often
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    It's not that it was too hard but it's just a repetitive grind that I'd rather not spend any more time on than I have to.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    I don't mind the bigger challenge it is the inconsistency that bugs me, dirt easy until 6 then über mental lv80 g10+ at random there after. Should be a steady increase as you go through the nodes

    Again an update has rolled back something else. Confuses and bugs me that none of the devs have said anything. It seems to be affecting most people
  • swgoh1
    31 posts Member
    I auto the whole GW with one team no probs ever (20 min tops)...not losing a character... yesterday the 2nd to last nodes destroyed my team in seconds lol. I was not even able to kill one character with the whole rest of my characters in like 3 more battles... I finish ranked 2-8th each day in the arena. Something deff changed big time.

    The game is not balanced anymore. I have too many characters at 7 stars and not enough of everything else: credits, training droids, ability mats, gear ....

    This is my second time playing since the game started. I was on level 72 before on android and then started over and now on level 76 on IOS. So, I've seen the game develop in all ways. You deff can not be a top 10 contender anymore as F2P. EA and CG and developers are good lol real good.
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    I have 4 80s and cannot complete my GWs. Makes me want to stop playing this mess.
  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    Mp44 wrote: »

    It's the same issue as before. The people who don't understand the issue love running their mouth, but once they see it first hand they quickly change their minds.

    But you've also got to acknowledge that there are 79.9 levels of play before you top out at level 80 and max out your top tier arena team. How long did it take you to get a high-power squad maxed out? I would wager it was months. I find it absurd that people seem to forget that the game doesn't just start when you hit 80. They "love running their mouth" about end-game GW when there are still a significant number of players who are still nowhere near that. The game is NOT completely about your needs, and your arrogant statements reflect that you are being willfully ignorant that there are countless folks who aren't there. It needs to be balanced across many different play levels and styles. (And for the record, I'm in the end-game phase myself.)

    never did I mention anything about not fixing the experience from 50 _ 79. I'm just sick of the people who love to mock others because they don't understand the issue. It's not arrogance, it's entitled accomplishment. There are a lot of us who have been playing for six or more months, spending hours a day (Not to mention money) growing and working on our teams. After that much time and dedication, for them to repeatedly mess up the only consistent source of credits (which they intentionally make scarce) is not acceptable.

    You want it ti be challenging? Sure. No one will rally argue with you. But it has to be achievable or your dedicated players will get fed up and move on to better things.

    Choke points work as a stop gap for lazy programming, it's a simple solution to an under staffing problem I'm sure. But you can't rely on it for months on end or people will move on. And let's be real here, if the large base of players at end game leave, its only a matter of time before those new players see way too steep a hill to climb and never open their wallet.

    This happens with so many games, the second and third year become a desolate waste land because devs were greedy. Case in point, marvel **** quest, the bar is so high there that it would take 20-40k $ (no I'm not kidding) to reach any level of play that long time players have. And the game is practically dead.

    A perfect example of a game that knows how to address progress over time is honestly WoW. They understand that the more content you release the bigger the barrier of entry, so they make old content more accessible.


    Gw has to be accessible to everyone because of the credit crunch.

    If they don't fix the Credit Crunch soon, this game will wither and die away.
  • Options
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    The difficulty of the GW needs to match the rewards given for the fights that are fought. Right now the rewards are not worth the time or headache. Half way through the GW today I got a team all lvl 80, all higher gear lvl than me and with way more all skills maxed out. Needless to say i was crushed and had to restart the whole GW only to have the same issue again on the 6th battle. What is the point of making it so hard people can not complete it? Why change it and make it harder and not make the rewards higher? The risk should be worth the rewards and right now the risk is not worth the rewards. I will no longer be doing the GW until something is changed.
  • tmntguy86
    446 posts Member
    Yes, I want the GW changes to be reverted to the more simple version.
    Half my guild mates are unable to finish GW now for the last 2 days. I was down to a pathetic squad yesterday but managed to pull it off. The time having to put in with the level of difficulty doesn't match the rewards Imo. Not when half my guild can't finish GW. And it's not like we are a lush over guild. We are a T6 raid guild.
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