Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    GW is not impossible, but certainly harder than it was pre-update. Don't know how i feel about it yet...
  • Daddio
    21 posts Member
    Problem is the difficulty is tied to your max power. After the nerf 3 weeks ago everybody started maxing their characters. Increasing the difficulty now gives some players the hardest gw they have ever seen.


    Prior to the nerfing of GW, I was very careful about not doing so well in Arena that I made GW too hard for myself. I understood that there was a connection between the two and mage a strategy decision to trade off arena rewards for GW rewards.

    After the nerfing, I found that I could breeze through GW on auto, so I put together my best arena team and moved up hundreds of ranks. This made my GW harder, particularly in the last two nodes, but still doable. No longer auto-piloting, though, the last 4 nodes needing proper battle management, as well as the occasional retreat and/or substitution. Again, I'm making a strategic decision about trading off arena success and GW difficulty to find proper balance.

    Now comes a stealth "fine tune" and I'm screwed. My greater arena power/rank is now being used, without warning, to deliver a series of battles my roster is incapable of finishing. I was lured into this place, then bait and switched. I can't undo it. I have no strategy exit from this space. And now that I've lost the greater part of my GW reward resources, the advice to improve my roster or deepen my bench is pointless, nay insulting, because I don't willingly put myself in this position, and now I don't have the resources to do it because of this position.

    At all times, I followed optimal strategy for my position, and thanks to this unannounced, stealth "fine tune" it's all blown up in my face.

    For me, this is even worse than the protection "balancing" fiasco. I was able to weather that. This is a crushing blow from the dark that I have no means to recover from.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Daddio Honestly, it's not cool to auto through GW. I prefer this version instead of auto-ing through it. Seems a bit easier than pre-nerf. But not by much. I just hope i will encounter various teams (like i did today at node 6) that are maxed out, not the same Dooku Rey Leia ones.
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    They need to "tweek" GW again. If they want it more difficult, then so be it, but don't make the difficulty rating a 3, and then a 25 out of 10. It's just a **** move. Never have I lost so much respect for a group of developers. Aren't they to appease the customers? Now laugh in their faces?
  • Radwin
    69 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The question one gotta ask is: should everyone complete all of GW each day or are you supposed to have a big roster to get through it all? Maybe they are planning an increase in awards so those with an A team still get the same rewards as today but cannot complete it. And if you complete it you get more than today... Before the update to GW you only needed 5 toons for arena and 5 toons for GW.
  • Paarngfig
    112 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I am not going to go along with that foolishness about its supposed to be hard. No this is a game and it's supposed to be fun. GW has never been fun ever.

    Exactly this!!!!!!! I would argue that a lot of the parts /designs of this game are not fun but GW could be (and had been) fixed easily... Just more ignorance from all involved here.

    Can't say too many specifics or else modifications and warnings are given
  • Pindasauskanon
    1803 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Caner67 wrote: »
    Caner67 wrote: »
    It has to be hard... i made a decent line up in 7 months.. i can complete the gw every to everyone who is crying...have patience and try to make a good line up.. if everyone can complete the gw , where is the sense of achieving for veteran players?think about that.. and to devs..''please dont change the difficulty..its fine now''

    So you need others to fail gw to get a sense of achieving for yourself? Think about that. Im just happy when I complete it, no matter if the other players do or don't.
    Problem is the difficulty is tied to your max power. After the nerf 3 weeks ago everybody started maxing their characters. Increasing the difficulty now gives some players the hardest gw they have ever seen.
    For others it's not really hard to complete but it just takes a lot of time finding some good rng vs max dodge teams.
    I've completed probably close to 200 gw's and still beat it, but I understand the complaints from the other players.

    So you want a less powerful squads get the same rewards like you... whats the logic here..if i and you can beat it , everyone can. They just need more time to be powerful like us..

    Scaling the rewards to your level is a different subject. Rewards for gw has always been the same. Should lower level players also receive less arena rewards?
    The difference is when we were 70 we didnt face level 80 squads, because they didn't exist yet. We established our roster then gw got harder. Current players are trying to establish a roster while gw is getting harder. See the difference?
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Free to play all the way..


    You can beat the gw and not spend a dime... Never Anger a Dark Wizard
  • Erik_Aphax
    104 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Caner67 wrote: »
    Caner67 wrote: »
    It has to be hard... i made a decent line up in 7 months.. i can complete the gw every to everyone who is crying...have patience and try to make a good line up.. if everyone can complete the gw , where is the sense of achieving for veteran players?think about that.. and to devs..''please dont change the difficulty..its fine now''

    So you need others to fail gw to get a sense of achieving for yourself? Think about that. Im just happy when I complete it, no matter if the other players do or don't.
    Problem is the difficulty is tied to your max power. After the nerf 3 weeks ago everybody started maxing their characters. Increasing the difficulty now gives some players the hardest gw they have ever seen.
    For others it's not really hard to complete but it just takes a lot of time finding some good rng vs max dodge teams.
    I've completed probably close to 200 gw's and still beat it, but I understand the complaints from the other players.

    So you want a less powerful squads get the same rewards like you... whats the logic here..if i and you can beat it , everyone can. They just need more time to be powerful like us..

    Fact is that while you and others are getting a good challenge, most of people are having by impossible GW nodes. Is it that hard to understand that other people are facing different GW than you?
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Shaunyvee
    916 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm all for having a ridiculously final node to beat (I've had 3 days in a row gear XI/XII rey,RG,Aayla Secura, Fives & Leia or some other strong teams).... problem is - if you actually beat it, its still the same pitiful rewards as before.
    If EA are going to make GW different by making it 'harder' to complete, then the rewards need to reflect it.
    Perhaps a few salvage/prototypes of raid gear/omegas on completion???
    Previously it was 'stick the A team in, hit 'auto and claim rewards - have GW done in 20 minutes'... now its 'stick A team in, hit auto until final node or two and have to actually pay attention'.
    You want me to pay attention to GW, then reward me properly!
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    By this time tomorrow, the same people will be calling for an empire event nerf....
  • Options
    @Bada1ss you'll only need 1 refresh to reach the 600 cap. Natural refill is 360 energy (2x regular 1x cantina) + 135 free energy = 495. So 50 crystals is enoug to reach the 600 cap. As for the gw challenge if your guild is 50/50 everyone only needs to do 1 full gw to reach tier 7 (600 gw battles). Doing 24 or 36 doesn't contribute anymore to the rewards.

    I dont agree with the changes to gw, but let's not exaggerate the impact it has.
  • Erik_Aphax
    104 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Asic wrote: »
    By this time tomorrow, the same people will be calling for an empire event nerf....

    If you had 3 squads about lvl70 with gear 7 and 8 at mostly and you had to face 4 nodes in a row of lvl80 with gear 10 and 11 squads, surely you would be asking for a fix (not nerf, a FIX) too.
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    oh look ... another day where the last node is another team full of g10 and 11 and statistically impossible to beat (I only have 33k arena, 1 g10 and 3 g9 on my entire roster).

    This isn't a challenge, it's literally impossible and just frustrating. You're going to lose players (and thus, business) if you keep it like this.
  • Options
    Fighting Lordtaz today on node 11. Fully geared Old Ben, St Han, RG, Rey and QGJ. Bunch of malacas running the show.
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    How could they have got it so wrong? If they made these changes on purpose then it's absolutely deplorable behaviour. But there's also the chance they did it through sheer incompetence.
    Not sure which is worse. Either way this game appears to be in terrible hands.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    you all know what to do. Fill in the blanks people.
  • NightsisterFury
    8 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ave wrote: »
    My last node was a g10/g11 team that rolled over my g8/g9 f2p roster, it had to have been 6-7K stronger than the strongest team I could field at that point, and that was after hitting abunch of top arena squads at the usual hard nodes.

    I was therefore unable to finish galactic war after being able to finish it every day even before the difficulty was nerfed a couple weeks ago.

    So what happened to the effort to make guild war "not take nearly as long" and making it "more enjoyable"?

    And if this adjustment was planned and not some accident with the client restart the other day, why no heads up? Why stay silent on the matter despite the numerous threads throughout the week on the forums and on Reddit? Y'all had to have known this would cause an uproar.

    +1. I've finished every GW since like January. But now I can't beat todays. I can't compete with a ben lead with every toon over 8000. I have one and he is gone due to the other maxed out squads.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Iwan
    336 posts Member
    Free to play all the way..


    You can beat the gw and not spend a dime... Never Anger a Dark Wizard

    Oh good for you!!!!!! Now move along.

    think he wants a sticker or a big applaud from us
  • armyhutchings
    273 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Reading through some of these posts, I agree with those that propose the difficulty isn't necessarily the problem. It's that the credits needed to level up your roster is locked behind an event that requires a leveled-up roster. I'd be happy with any number of suggested solutions in this thread, especially one that proposes moving all the credit rewards to the first half and adjusting the second half rewards for progression viable to the end-game players (rare shards, raid gear salvage). Those of us needing to build up a suitable roster will get to enjoy rewards relevant to that, those in the end game will get rewards that help them progress their game. Everybody wins, and GW remains a "challenge". The immediate need is to fix the final node for high-end players though so they can get an understanding of what it is we're complaining about. Of course they're fine with it since they know they'll get all green-blue 3* in the 12th.
  • Options
    But hey, since there are 15% of players that are getting correct and balanced GW then you haven't any right of complaint about GW or you are a little whining baby...
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    I do not expect that the the producers will really look at this thread, particularly during or after a long holiday weekend. They are likely to notice that some people on the forums are irritated, but that alone is not likely to motivate change. Three things they will notice are a decrease in crystal sales, decreased game play time and App Store ratings that drop suddenly.
  • Options
    Now to prove, I don't have the best toons & that I did GW with some challenges here & there which keeps it fun imo I have taken a few screenies to show what it is all of you are going through, is the same that I am going through (& so many others).

    To start off, I want to show you my toon roster, keep in mind, I am completely F2P:

    Now I would like to bring your attention to node 6:
    Node 9:
    Node 10:
    Node 11:
    Node 12 (which is the first time I've faced them, most often to none I have "difficult" Meta teams):

    This what I had left after finishing the whole GW for yesterday (still have today's with my restart)... Meaning that's how many I had lost:

    Like mentioned in a previous post of mine in this thread, I am sure there is or even might be a scaling problem but as you can see, I honestly don't have the best Heros & yet I honestly do not have a problem getting through GW. It took me about 40 minutes to get through this one but on average it takes me about 35 to complete a GW.

    As a reminder of my arena power & arena rank:
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Riggin12 wrote: »
    I do not expect that the the producers will really look at this thread, particularly during or after a long holiday weekend. They are likely to notice that some people on the forums are irritated, but that alone is not likely to motivate change. Three things they will notice are a decrease in crystal sales, decreased game play time and App Store ratings that drop suddenly.

    There is one more thing you didn't mention. And if all players did this like some has already done I promise you the people in charge will get a phone call while on their 4th of July holiday. You know what I'm getting at I just can't say it. Just fill in the blanks and read between the lines my friend.
  • Options
    And you expect people who are lvl 60/70 must have a similar roster than yours? I really don't see any possible comparison.
  • Options
    Erik_Aphax wrote: »
    And you expect people who are lvl 60/70 must have a similar roster than yours? I really don't see any possible comparison.

    So I'm assuming you haven't read the thread & just came here to complain? Okay... You have fun now.

    P.s. I have stated on this thread there is a scaling problem with GW for the lower level folks (which I'm guessing you never read). Hence my "observation".
  • Igor08
    221 posts Member
    Lol you only had 2 truly hard noes. No wonder you finished it, you got a remarkably easy run.
  • Options
    Level 80, arena power 39K here.

    Since the update, I get funny GW campaigns:
    Node 6 is equal to my Arena team
    Node 9 another super strong one, almost wipes out my GW team
    Nodes 11 and 12 are a complete joke: 3* gear 1, level 59 or something. Just send 1 AoE toon who wipes them out with one AoE.

    What kind of fix is that??? John Salera specifically mentioned the last few nodes must be a challenge. This is exact opposite of challenge.

    Node 6 is 95% of your max arena team/top 5 toons

    Node 9 is 100%

    Node 11 should be 105% and node 12 should be 115%. However, I believe there are no arena teams that equal this level of power, hence why the logarithm is giving you easy nodes.

    Max theoretical team is 42,411 power I believe

    Thanks for explanation. It still is a bug.

    It's a mess that people, who wanted easier GW, got it harder. And for people like me with 20+ maxed toons, GW produces super easy enemies.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    The solution to this really isn't that hard, the devs just have to be willing to do it.

    Make it a 6 node GW to decrease amount of time needed to complete, which is mine and everyone's biggest issue.

    Nodes 1-3 should be intended for lower level players, with difficulty level increasing slightly as you progress, rewards could be similar to middle nodes currently.

    40k, 50k, 60k credits
    1 green, 1 green/blue, 1green/blue/purple mats
    Experience points for each node
    200, 300, 400 GW credits

    Gets lower level players plenty of mats, credits experience, and credits to develop more toons to compete in next level GW

    Nodes 4-6 should be designed for level 70-80 players, more difficult, but less matches will take multiple teams to stategize and compete for rewards.

    200k, 300k, 400k credits
    1 purple, 2 purple, 1 omega mat
    400 GW, 200 GW and 100 shard shop, 200 Gw and 200 Shard shop
    Some experience
    Some training droids
    1 shard each

    To me, if it's going to be hard, make the rewards be worth it, and this will shorten things up too!!
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