Wich guild to choose??

Hi everyone, i'm currently on a guild, making Raids Tier 5-6, and I always end up in the Top 10 of rewards.
Another guild that make Raids Tier 6-7 has invited me to join them, I was doing a little research and think there i will be able to finish 30-40, because this guild is stronger than mine.

What do you recomended? I change my guild?


  • OguhDeias
    140 posts Member
    Reward are much better in higher Raid Tiers. Even if you trade 1st position on a low tier raid for a bottom position in a higher raid, the rewards will be better on the higher tier one.

    From that perspective it´s a lot better to change.

    On the other hand I don´t know if you already have knowledge of how the new guild functions and if you know the people, if it´s a friendly guild with no damage\race disputes and quarrels, so that´s something to consider too.
  • Options
    Join the tier 7 guild, if they run it constantly anyways. Heroic rewards are MUCH, (emphasis on the much) MUCH, better. You can literally progress like two or three times faster in the heroic guild AND get Han Solo shards.
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    An organized T7 guild. Best decision I made in this game...aside from farming Empire ;)
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    In early days of my guild few of the high damage hitters left because they were frustrated we weren't ready to start t7 .... Long story short my guild rocks now if they had patience for a few more weeks enough people would have been ready for t7

    If you like your guild mates and everyone mucks in don't jump ship my advice
  • GamorreanBard
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    As noted above join an organized guild that only does t7 only. I got luck day 1 into a guild that was ready to do t7 after a week or two. My guild is very organized. Sometimes I finish in the 20's but usually in the 30s-40s because sometimes I'm asleep when Raid starts. I don't know why but I end up with full raid gear more often finishing in the 40s than in the 20-30s. So that doesn't matter.

    Toons dont really matter either for most t7 guilds. We have guys who do 1.5-2 million dmg on 1 run t7. Basically they're only allowed 1 run lol. What's more important to t7 guilds is make your 600 EVERY DAY. Guild Ranking really has no meaning either. All that is important is doing t7 Raid every other day.
  • Aznbala
    29 posts Member
    Also if time is an issue, make sure the raid times work best for you. There are lots of guilds recruiting.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    Consider this though: if you get top 10 in your current guild and they start doing Heroics in a month, will you get better rewards in the long term?
  • Fearbeard
    100 posts Member
    Last place in tier 7 gives more salvage then first place in tier 5 and I think is equal to top 10 in tier 6. You should move to a heroic guild as soon as possible.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    if your current guild is close to being able to do T7 its probably better to stay with them
  • Samantha
    345 posts Member
    OguhDeias wrote: »

    On the other hand I don´t know if you already have knowledge of how the new guild functions and if you know the people, if it´s a friendly guild with no damage\race disputes and quarrels, so that´s something to consider too.

    Sound like we're missing a heck of a time by being behaved....
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    Samantha wrote: »
    OguhDeias wrote: »

    On the other hand I don´t know if you already have knowledge of how the new guild functions and if you know the people, if it´s a friendly guild with no damage\race disputes and quarrels, so that´s something to consider too.

    Sound like we're missing a heck of a time by being behaved....

    To each own they're own interpertations of whats being said or seen In The world.
  • Options
    Could anyone lemme know what are the rewards for T7 if you come last? Im in exactly the same boat as OP - i can get top 10 in T6 (takes so long to get RNG, old ben TM when rancor is doored anyone??) which gives me 2 different salvages one of which is always a raid gear salvage, and one is cuffs/carbanti type of thing, about 10-15 pieces each.

    Similar rewards for last in heroic?
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    I had the same dilemma. Even worse actually. Officer in a guild that started immediately. Well my guild power speaking, is a joke. We just now got to tier 4 raids. Initially we had almost full members but current members are, well, fourth highest arena rank is in the hundreds. Lost a lot of members. Im in top 5 but im not so slowly just getting out geared.
    The guild however is full of (the few we have, 20ish) members that are dedicated, respectful, always learning and improving and it is a community. To me that means a lot.
    So I made my decision, for better or for worse, to stick with them. Perhaps we could merge somewhere down the road w another similiar guild.
    Ultimately what you do is your decision, neither right or wrong. But there are more factors involved than just what guild is stronger, imo.
    Good luck
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Could anyone lemme know what are the rewards for T7 if you come last? Im in exactly the same boat as OP - i can get top 10 in T6 (takes so long to get RNG, old ben TM when rancor is doored anyone??) which gives me 2 different salvages one of which is always a raid gear salvage, and one is cuffs/carbanti type of thing, about 10-15 pieces each.

    Similar rewards for last in heroic?

    See chart here:


    I do believe 4-10 in heroic is off, 1-10 get 40, rest seems to be right.
  • Options
    @scuba thanks, i had no idea that existed.. basically the same i just won't have to grind rng in a 7
  • Zeu
    95 posts Member
    I have 2 spots in a heroic guild. Very friendly atmosphere. All we want is the 600 coins daily.
    Join us !!!!
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    Go with the low pressure one. The one that is pretty cool with whatever, as long as everyone is contributing. Do you have a minimum of 10 7*? If not, you may want to hold off on making the jump. Even if only 5 7*, getting in on a t7 raid in last place will yield better credit results. Assuming the raid is completed.
    Low rank t7 raid rewards are still better than high t6 rewards, credit-wise. For gear, it's all rng, and the last place guy might get better loot than the 1st place guy.

    OP, just pm me with your ally code. I'll ally you and take a look at where you're at, and see if I can help.
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