Do you think the game is heading in the right direction?


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Skilz
    45 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Most players are now being hindered by the updates... Alot of people were preparing for the Yoda event today, and then the event got pushed back 7 days. Half my guild post-poned the current forest moon event in order to be ready for Yoda... will we get justice, no, just some measly crystals and another week of wasted time till they pull the rug out again...
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.

    I've got nothing against whales - some of my best friends are whales ;) I was just pointing out that when CG/EA has managed to make changes that bother BOTH, they're really heading in the wrong direction.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.

    Yeap.. I agree.. Who else to fight when all the FTP stop playing the game..
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.

    Yeap.. I agree.. Who else to fight when all the FTP stop playing the game..
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.

    Yeap.. I agree.. Who else to fight when all the FTP stop playing the game..

    You will be fighting each other. Sun Fac vs Sun Fac. will be fun!
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    Alexone wrote: »
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    When whales and f2p alike are frustrated with the changes/bugs/direction of the game, that doesn't bode well. Right now that is definitely the case.

    Whales get a bad rep. They know that their investment goes down the toilet if too many F2P players leave.

    Yeap.. I agree.. Who else to fight when all the FTP stop playing the game..

    You will be fighting each other. Sun Fac vs Sun Fac. will be fun!
    So it turns from P2Win to P2Draw? :tongue:

    @Topic: nope, when i see more ppl leaving the game in just one week as left the whole last half year before ... then for sure something went wrong.

    The game becomes to greedy, right now you can (and you "can" means you have to, in order to stay competitive) just buy all and everything. the only reason for a whale to "play" (tap auto[-win]) is to gain experience (what ends at level 80).

    Arena has nothing to do with strategy anymore, its just a battle of material with way, way, way too much rng involved. Strategy? Where? Strategy got killed with the so called "dodge-fix" on dooku and old ben (and other evade-leaders later).

    A lot of major bugs let the game look like a alpha-version, but ppl pay for it already.

    They also still havent noticed, that its just a mobile game ... its not like WoW where ppl sit the whole day infront of their computers ... mobile games should not consume so much time as goh does.

    Another point is challenge/frustration is NOT equal fun ... but they should know how it feels, since they are not able to bring new features without bugs, like many of us are not able to complete gw now.

    ... there are even more points, but sorry, since ea & co doesnt care, why should i do the work to write down everything?
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Darthdaddy81
    271 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    This game has been sinking since 4/14/16 when they broke it and effed everyone except team instinct, and where is that guild now?
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    No, not at all!
    Keyper wrote: »
    It feels like the ship is going down and they're selling lifeboats.

    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    My 2 cents: Success is fun EA! When it becomes super frustrating to progress it really kills the fun. Let's face it....while this game has some good strategy to it, it's no chess match. I feel safe saying the majority of players don't want to "master" this game. They want to spend maybe 30 min to an hour on it max per day and feel some good success and progress each time they play.

    Overall you've done a great job but of late, for me, it has gotten very frustrating due to gear bottlenecks, omega bottlenecks, and purple mats. I way too rarely get the drops I need. The same whales are winning my Arena every day. The same whales win our RAIDs. What if you shake things up from time to time?

    Some ideas:
    - Allow ability to trade in materials going to waste on materials that could help pass bottlenecks. Ability mats, gear etc.
    - Every month pick a random character to go into "HERO" mode. For example, say suddenly Nute Gunray got super powers and could drop toons like Rey does? It would shake up Arena big time! Especially Leaders. We shouldn't see basically the same team for every slot in the top 50.
    - The animation is awesome! More creatures to battle. Is the ship vs ship thing ever coming? That seems like an awesome idea. More backdrops? The Rancor thing was a fantastic addition!
    - Anything that allows different players to have a chance to succeed! Winning is fun!
  • Nightwolve
    582 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes, mostly!
    It's just a game, don't make it so expensive. The Game is great but not for that price!
    EA,make it much less expensive and create better and less boring Raids! The next Update sounds very good!
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    When they initially fixed the GW issue to make it less time consuming. I would have said yes. Now, absolutely positively not. The recent GW difficulty increase has shown us that they are heading in the wrong direction.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Man a couple of people must've voted yes on accident. The game needs to stop adding cash grabs, and focus on buffing the already terrible characters we have, instead of adding new terrible ones.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    its in the rigth direction for theyre wallets, in the oposite of players.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Let's see...

    Raids - In the last two days we had all out energy contributions disappear then reappear, people have had raids crashed or solo'd, last week we stopped getting all of our guild coins, etc. Not launching a raid to do for fear that it will crash and we will get nothing for it.

    Challenges - I can't play those as in saving them for later and hoping that they will count towards my guild shop currency (unless that is bugged too).

    Events - I can't beat the current Ewok challenge and I don't want to dump more resources into the characters I need for it. Not a game problem but still keeping me from taking part in it.

    GW - I'm scared to play it in case all of my character's die after I win a battle.

    LS/DS - no issues here but in scared to use any energy in case a "double drop" day is announced at 11:45 tonight (how did that EVER seem like a good idea last night???)

    Shard Shop - if I could play other game modes and collect 6000 more shard shop currency, I could buy a furnace.

    Arena - I can fight against the same players that I do every day. I'll beat them and take my spot just before payout, after which they will beat me and take my place just before their payout.

    Chat - chat filters every other word and refreshes once every several hours. We have to use other apps for our guild to communicate, and we can't tell some of our guild mates about that because they don't use the chat and we can't message them directly.

    Characters - Since the other game modes are broken, I can't earn any resources to develop my characters.

    Crystals - Surprisingly, this is the only mode that works perfectly! I can totally spend all the real life money I want on crystals!

    So things are looking up. I can go back to my real life and stop focusing on this game at all. Or I can sit and buy crystals all day long.
  • SpiveyJr
    69 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    What concerns me is exchanging gear with guild mates. Fire up those alt accounts!!
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    SpiveyJr wrote: »
    What concerns me is exchanging gear with guild mates. Fire up those alt accounts!!

    I should consider making one before.. Dang..
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Keyper wrote: »
    It feels like the ship is going down and they're selling lifeboats.

    @Keyper Ships Confirmed? But seriously, I can't even imagine the mess when they release those to cover their butt for other bugs.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!

    The devs haven't figured one thing out... The people who are paying now are going to pay anyway, they need to entice the people who aren't paying into forking out some cash.

    This game has a terrible "rich get richer" stance (most recent example... Shard shop raid gear. Who benefits the most from that, especially when pieces cost thousands...? Whales) Hey whales, go get yourself a 7-star Zam and why don't you buy yourself a Scanner with all those extra shards? If CG wanted to help everyone, they'd have raid gear in *every* shop, so people could purchase out of there. Plenty of people would spend several thousand GW or arena currency on raid gear in a heartbeat.

    The grind is too damned long in this game. TOO. DAMNED. LONG. My guess is it'll be unbearable at the next cap raise. There's only so much that people can tolerate and if it weren't for representing such a strong brand, the whale population would be halved - at the very least - and this game would've been dead months ago.

    - - -

    Actually, to be fair... There are several things I actually do like in the game, but between the two options I am a **LOT** closer to "No, not at all" than "Yes, mostly!" at this point in the game.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    This game has been about making money first and foremost, working as intended according to @CG_JohnSalera :smile: proper communication with the community has never been a priority among the devs and never will be. If a truly respectable company was in charge of this game, it would realize its true potential. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • CatoSan
    51 posts Member
    Yes, mostly!
    your endless nagging is what's killing this game for me.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    tRRRey wrote: »
    This game has been about making money first and foremost, working as intended according to @CG_JohnSalera :smile: proper communication with the community has never been a priority among the devs and never will be. If a truly respectable company was in charge of this game, it would realize its true potential.

    I think, they are desperately wanted to make that year end bonuses.. I can understand that, they need a money grabs scheme to achieve their goals..

    Yeah.. You do whatever you have to do to make that cash.. But dont be hating on us when we no longer have the desire to play or even to pay for the game.. Bugs are everywhere, toons like boba and mace are seriously a joke (tho i love what you done to anakin tho), crashes here and there.. Instability and now to introducing a system that you know very well will shut us off..

    Come on EA/CG.. You losing us one by one.. From FTP, those who pay a little but constantly doing so every month like myself, and to an extent maybe the P2P will stop playing altogether..
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    Telaan wrote: »
    Lol no
    Hmmm. You think the game is not heading in the right direction but at the same time you are there supporting every whale post lol.
    Pick a stance bro!

    His stance is pretty clear. He wants the game to succeed and reach the potential many of us see it has. Without paying players to support the game, that could never happen. Therefore he supports whales. However, he simultaneously does not believe the game is going in the right direction and has many recent changes that drive paying players away. It's not a terribly difficult to grasp concept...
    Oh my bad. Op is on Save the Whales campaign.
    Trickle down economics!

    In reality you don't need few whales to feed us.
    EA can easily solve this by adding a sub fee.

    Instead of keeping few whales excited and happy, just collect monthly fee from every player.
    I am sure most of us can fork up a good $9.99/month.

    Betting on few whales is a risky business but why does EA care.
    They know from day 1, this game like other mobile games have a max shelf life of 12-18 months.

    Once whales get bloated and explode, EA pulls the plug and drops a new shiny game.

    The cycle continues.

    I am glad I have only spent few 100s on this game.

    Yep f2p is good enough to get me going for the next few months...with or without generous whale community support.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    I've been a huge supporter for this game since I started playing back in 2015. I was even supporting it back when they first rolled out the protection patch. I didn't care that I would get smashed by poe early on or getting 1 shot by tie pilot than Rey. Or when they screwed my Annakin over, than made him f2p.
    But these patch notes really scare the **** out me and I really hope they took a look at what they are doing. This game will die. They can make this game last a few years if they do it right.
    I've been super calm for them to add another game mode like a billion people have requested, but no, they want to spend time creating more ways to rip there customers(people who actually care for and enjoy and want good for this game) off. If this update just comes with a another huge grind or a quick and fast cash grab to boost the whales on my server way past me, I may just be done with game.
    Not even to mention they are intentionally screwing us by adding gear to shard shop. They will shortly add a new character to it. And watch them put greviuos as the new raid reward.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    What has really killed the game is the chat options. If your in a smaller guild you have next to nothing chance recruiting new players which in turn slows down the rate of raids you do per week. If you only get to open a couple boxes per week it's going. To take months to get lvl 10 gear. And what's the point of having a bunch of mid lvl characters .add the pathetic drop rate from raid boxes and you have a perfect storm of people leaving
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Telaan wrote: »
    Lol no
    Hmmm. You think the game is not heading in the right direction but at the same time you are there supporting every whale post lol.
    Pick a stance bro!

    His stance is pretty clear. He wants the game to succeed and reach the potential many of us see it has. Without paying players to support the game, that could never happen. Therefore he supports whales. However, he simultaneously does not believe the game is going in the right direction and has many recent changes that drive paying players away. It's not a terribly difficult to grasp concept...
    Oh my bad. Op is on Save the Whales campaign.
    Trickle down economics!

    In reality you don't need few whales to feed us.
    EA can easily solve this by adding a sub fee.

    Instead of keeping few whales excited and happy, just collect monthly fee from every player.
    I am sure most of us can fork up a good $9.99/month.

    That's not how freemium games work....
  • Options
    Yes, mostly!
    Everyone who voted no: why are you still playing?
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    I think the ideas they are coming up with are heading in the right direction, but the execution is sorely sorely lacking. I have no faith the bugs will ever get sorted.

    For example. The mod system sounds like a really fun idea. I love the idea of customizing my characters. What evidence is there to tell me that when I give fives a speed up mod, it will actually work. And if it doesn't work, how long will it take then to fix it?

    Teebo has been broken since the game started, when they tried to fix him they made it worse.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Yes, mostly!
    i enjoy the game, but NO, I do not like where it is heading.
    All of their decisions make me spend less, not more.
    Bets of luck CG
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