Do you think the game is heading in the right direction?



  • Options
    No, not at all!
    3 paying players from my guild have quit in 2 days. Fingers crossed revenue starts to fall and someone smart realises the damage they are doing to their game ( opps I mean money grab scheme.)
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    3 paying players from my guild have quit in 2 days. Fingers crossed revenue starts to fall and someone smart realises the damage they are doing to their game ( opps I mean money grab scheme.)

    Image what some whales are spending to refresh shard shop and cantina. More than enough to cover what we're not spending.
  • Options
    Yes, mostly!
    To all the whining f2p players - the game is ultimately designed to make money, you know this, so why spend time moaning because you can't progress at the same rate as a p2p player. I agree it does have its flaws, but it's still thoroughly enjoyable and at the end of the day.. It's just a game.
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    No, not at all!
    Arena sucks - you will always fight the same team. Ben (leader)/Han/RG/Rey/Qui Gon
    Well, sometimes the ocassional whale has a slightly different setup with a Sun Fac or Rex.
    Galactic War sucks - same reason
    Raids are boring after you kill the rancor a million times
    Challenges take forever because you need to wait between doing them for whatever reason.
    Events are 50/50. Some have been cool.
    And that's it. That's the game.
  • soneill73
    202 posts Member
    Yes, mostly!
    It's been 8 months and they've done a fair job with beating the mundane. There are things in this game that are outright frustrating but as I see playing games as a privilege and not a right I escape being bothered by it. They cannot do you wrong if you have realistic expectations. Changes are inevitable, embrace the changes as they come, and walk away completely if it doesn't live up to your expectations. Simple logic. Until then, it's a game, play it, enjoy it or move along, move along.
  • Iron_Maiden_Jedi
    280 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    It's the corporate greed that is slowly killing this game: Creating a problem with a broken dodge mechanic, then introducing a "fix" in form of pay-only characters; Creating a problem with pre-craft mess and then introduce a "fix" in form of purchaseable gear; Making GW ridiculously difficult for most players, (perhaps trying to push them to buy some crystals to buy gear?). I understand they are doing business, but for the love of Superman does everything have to be sacrificed on the altar of money?
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Galactic war is one of my favorite things, but probably wouldn't be if I were level 80.
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Well I think the game's direction is pretty stagnant... one major fiasco (at least) per piece of new content that gets released. It feels like too many mistakes to keep up with.
  • Kirk
    45 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    It's kind of funny because my entire colleagues uninstalled the game today. Their reaction was, welp, another Clash clone that used to be good.
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    No, not at all!
    You know how I know this game is unbalanced? A small example. If the player attempts to bypass Royal Guard's taunt with a big attack that kills an enemy without putting him into yellow/red health, the AI's RG will activate his taunt after the enemy's down. If the AI does this to the player, your own Royal Guard will not activate his taunt. This allows the AI to keep hitting your attackers. That's just lazy.
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    To all the whining f2p players - the game is ultimately designed to make money, you know this, so why spend time moaning because you can't progress at the same rate as a p2p player. I agree it does have its flaws, but it's still thoroughly enjoyable and at the end of the day.. It's just a game.
    Exactly it's just a game. We don't need to empty out bank accounts to have game fun, right?

    But you know what f2p will have the last laugh when whales have blown a hole through their $s and will be standing in line for a loaf of bread.

    Ha hahahahaha :*:*:*
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    No, not at all!
    1 out of 7 attacks hit with Rey on my last round. Honestly, this game's becoming an exercise in statistics for me. I'm done.
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    No, not at all!
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
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    No, not at all!
    I don't believe itnis, no.
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    No, not at all!
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game but this one has the potential to be bwtter, it's just being squandered.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game but this one has the potential to be bwtter, it's just being squandered.
    Lol. I think Pokemon go has potential too but it is kinda bland at the moment. I've walked around my neighborhood the past two days searching for rare Pokemon, but I've only found pidgeys and rattatats. It appears I live in pallet town. This game has a lot of potential but EA is really messing it up.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game .....
    ....if your are 11.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game .....
    ....if your are 11.

    In my heart, I am.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game .....
    ....if your are 11.

    In my heart, I am.
    Ok then. Come by my house. I got freshly baked cup cakes and jello.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    DarthCyren wrote: »
    At least game is slightly better than Pokemon Go where "zombies" walk around with phones to catch pika boo and kaka choo
    Kaka choo is my favorite Pokemon though...

    Pokemon Go is an amazing game .....
    ....if your are 11.

    In my heart, I am.
    Ok then. Come by my house. I got freshly baked cup cakes and jello.
    Whoaaaa.. What?

  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    No, not at all!
    Here is what the issue is.

    Most game start out with p2p having huge advantages over f2p. So it's just accepted as a f2p you'll never compete with p2p for a very long time, sometimes never.

    This game started out with f2p being able to compete with p2p and or now moving away from that.

    That's the issue. If you start by having them be able to compete, you don't just change it around which is what they are doing. I don't think they understand what is the point of playing.

    Just a fast lesson. You play to progress. If your slowly climbing up and improving, it's still fun as you see the pay off. With what they are doing people are going to watch themselves fall not climb. Watching all your work you've done, and time you sacrificed do nothing but make you fall farther down is not fun.

    Basically everyone outside of being a whale is going to watch themselves fall farther and farther behind. Do you think it's fun watching people pass you? No it's not. This is something they don't understand.

    And of course the whales are happy. They no longer have to worry about f2p.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    All they have done is keep finding ways to squeeze money out of players. The only way to stay viable in this game is to either spend hours on it a day or a lot of money. After the guilds update I quit, recently came back, realized things are still in the toilet, and quit again.
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No, not at all!
    As I see it, the game is becoming more F2P as the majority of P2P players are getting angry at the game updates choosing to not spend another dime on it or outright leaving.
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Tavanh wrote: »
    As I see it, the game is becoming more F2P as the majority of P2P players are getting angry at the game updates choosing to not spend another dime on it or outright leaving.

    Not really. EA is never going to make this f2p friendly. It's cheaper to pull the plug and drop a new shiny game and repeat the cycle.

    All fremium games have like a 1 year shelf life.
    SWGoH is nearing its demise.

    They can still salvage it by offering cheaper products. They should not care about whales at all. There are plenty of non-whales (majority of player base), who will keep this game afloat.

  • Options
    Yes, mostly!
  • Options
    Yes, mostly!
    I enjoy this game very much as a f2p. Clearing GW, 1 palce arena, top 20 raid, have 0 issues with the game. Can't wait for mods!)
  • Options
    No, not at all!
    Poor AI. 75% of toons irrelevant. Only one mode of PvAI. ALL content behind energy walls (nothing is re-playable for free, not even a practice arena). Every new change is a thinly disguised cash grab.

    This +1000000
  • Options
    Yes, mostly!
    Aside from the gw fiasco, I'm having a great time and I would highly recommend it
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