Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.

    Stuns work wonders, you should try it out sometime

    RG has been a godsend and made a real difference in that last node... only not completed twice since the mod nerf.. I dont do it all in one go but no more than an hour more like 30-45mins
  • Dgreaser
    218 posts Member
    I beat it everyday still. Step your game up. I'm getting sick of the forums being crowed by the cry of gwar being too hard.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.

    Stuns work wonders, you should try it out sometime

    So does stealth leads *coughTEEBOcough*

    Yes! Teebo lead has been GW MVP for me ever since I maxed him. Double tank teams are a joke now and I love watching the enemy stand there with zero tm :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I do use RG as a stunner and Teboo as a lead. Still not good enough. RG is forced to taunt because my other characters get bombarded and by the time RG is able to go, he is in the yellow and unable to stun.

    I'm tired of people saying you should've prepared or step your game up. How am I supposed to that? Oh, wait, I know...spends thousands of dollars to still be behind. No thanks.

    Just balance GW already. You made it completely impossible to finish it now.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I do use RG as a stunner and Teboo as a lead. Still not good enough. RG is forced to taunt because my other characters get bombarded and by the time RG is able to go, he is in the yellow and unable to stun.

    I'm tired of people saying you should've prepared or step your game up. How am I supposed to that? Oh, wait, I know...spends thousands of dollars to still be behind. No thanks.

    Just balance GW already. You made it completely impossible to finish it now.

    Invest in Daka. She's GW AND Arena viable at higher levels. If you run a Phasma lead, she can be a beast.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.

    Stuns work wonders, you should try it out sometime

    So does stealth leads *coughTEEBOcough*

    Yes! Teebo lead has been GW MVP for me ever since I maxed him. Double tank teams are a joke now and I love watching the enemy stand there with zero tm :smile:

    QGJ + Teebo = See ya later Saint Han and RG.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    Chicago151 wrote: »
    Every aspect of GW is broken.

    of the GAME, you mean ?
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    And, not to confuse/cloud this issue. But, does it ever occur to anyone that the fact that every single uber team has the same small subset of characters (Rey, RG, QGJ) that there is something fundamentally wrong with the balance? Anyone ever seen Ugnaught on a team and thought "oh no, i am really in trouble"?
  • Teague
    939 posts Member
    Dgreaser wrote: »
    I beat it everyday still. Step your game up. I'm getting sick of the forums being crowed by the cry of gwar being too hard.

    You're just one of the lucky ones, facing a GW that isn't so difficult. For me, the word difficult doesn't even describe the 12th battle. I can sometimes get to the 12 battle without losing a single character. Then throw my whole roster at it and never kill a single enemy.

    I'm only level 79. I have one Omega ability on one character. I only have 2 gear 9 characters. Yet every day, I get a 12th battle clearly designed for a team fully maxed out in every way.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I've actually had my easiest GW yet last night since the difficulty increase. I've been basically running my arena droid team with only swapping out the last two slots (I start with QGJ and Elder and at node 9 or so swap in RG and JE). I ended up completing all of GW without losing a single character and even had protection left on two of them by the end.

    This team does well in particular as they can hit a lot harder than most plus generate a ton of extra turns. It took a while for me to build up this team (I'm maxed in almost everything for them), but it's been worth the as they're effective in pretty much every aspect of the game at this time.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This is my node 12 today.


    Can't even dent it, no chance of winning. The rest of the squad is similar. Really tough to remain positive.

    I'll try to find some humor in this, here is the RG's theme music.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    If GW were any easier for me, the 1 and only squad I use throughout would finish with full protection in about 10 minutes.

    I truly don't understand how this mode can be so different for different people.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    UlicQ wrote: »
    If GW were any easier for me, the 1 and only squad I use throughout would finish with full protection in about 10 minutes.

    I truly don't understand how this mode can be so different for different people.

    What team are you using and how close are they to their max in everything? For veteran players and players who focused on only a few characters to the max it's not too difficult. But for newer players or those that just wanted to collect as many characters as possibly with everyone being at about G8 or so, it can be extremely difficult. Even small things like a single ability that hasn't been Omega'd yet can make a huge difference.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    For me, I don't know what happened, but I got a fairly decent (skilled, but not the death squad) at node 6, easier 7 / 8, Arena node 9 and the squad from Hades on node 11 that almost took me out. Has anyone else seen a drop in difficulty at node 6 and node 10 today?
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    pac0naut wrote: »
    For me, I don't know what happened, but I got a fairly decent (skilled, but not the death squad) at node 6, easier 7 / 8, Arena node 9 and the squad from Hades on node 11 that almost took me out. Has anyone else seen a drop in difficulty at node 6 and node 10 today?

    Yes. Yesterday I actually managed to kill everyone on node 6 before they could get a single attack off. My droids kept critting and gaining TM.

    I also killed 3/5 on node 11 before they could attack.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    For me, I don't know what happened, but I got a fairly decent (skilled, but not the death squad) at node 6, easier 7 / 8, Arena node 9 and the squad from Hades on node 11 that almost took me out. Has anyone else seen a drop in difficulty at node 6 and node 10 today?

    Yes. Yesterday I actually managed to kill everyone on node 6 before they could get a single attack off. My droids kept critting and gaining TM.

    Cool.......I wanted to see if anyone else had the same experience I did. I can live with the last few nodes as arena death squads, but the node 6 was waxing me. I hope it stays like this and there was a stealth nerf involved.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Still can't stand gw. Entire roster and I dropped two guys on node 12. Wow. What a way to loathe this game because you can't advance without doing gw. Please fix this!
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    Since the new update I feel the app has gotten WORSE and at this point, GW which was the best part of the app imo was ruined since the mod update. Chars that were a tad difficult to beat? Have now become WAY to OP. Thanks...
    It's pointless having updates where nothing actually gets improved!
    Only SUBSTITUTED just to increase sales. Having players adjust by spending more $$$ to compensate what is wrong with this app!
    It's become lame. There is NOTHING BALANCED ABOUT IT especially when you face individuals running the SAME BUILDS, the SAME 5-10 characters repeatedly used in any deck after deck after deck after deck *scoffs* over and over again. %$#@ puhlease..
    Plz Balance the app! A char (Rey) should NOT be able to (1 Shot) another char at the same lvl!
    with Dooku's lead ability, it might as well run +50 offense 24/7 at the rate his evasion prevents you from hitting him and squad. Sad knowing when you miss hitting Obi & friends, all you get is an increase in turn. Gee thx..meanwhile Dooku and his squad flip you the bird getting a FREE +50 b00st.
    Guardsman stuns WAY TOO %$#@ MUCH! Stuns better than anyone else! On top of that, he can take a hit meanwhile a "Jedi" can't? Wow...someone better rewrite the novels then.
    Obi Wan never gets hit...I mean the AI must have an IQ of a GENIUS to not hit him till the very end! LAME.
    Genoshian just your basic solider (in the movie) might as well have been a JEDI! At the rate he recharges, can rake a hit and deals excruciating damage! Wth?!
    Qui Gon just has an impeccable timing when to use his +50 attack boost. He never misses 90% of the time either! Comeon...really???
    another guy with ridiculous accuracy is CT "Fives" I kid you not this guy never seems to miss and constantly gets 2-3 shots off compared to Leia or Bane. That's some %$#@ right there!
    Jawa Engineer may not be in everyone's decks but does he really and I mean REALLY have to start the round off b00sting before anyone else?!?! That's complete unbalancing right there! Giving the AI a HUGE advantage and us a HUGE Disadvantage to defend! Even if we had a solid tank he wouldn't be good shape after the first wave...sheesh

    I know these are just a few examples of unbalanced mechanics in the app but can we at least try to solve the problem we send you rather than ignore or compensate for the it by adding new features to because the problem (problems) are still there!
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    It's been going on for weeks now, but when they said that they wanted to make the GW challenging, fun, and fast, they failed at all 3.

    There's nothing fast about having to re-try a given battle a dozen times (suicide squads to chip away at turn meters/protection/cooldowns, and actual attempts).

    There's nothing fun about running into the same horrific squads at the 6/9/11/12 points. Oh, Rey protected by RG and Daka? Great! Can't kill one of the above before she goes on a rampage, let alone all 3.

    There's nothing challenging about running a 35k power arena squad against a 40k+ team that would smoke me in a fair fight, let alone after I've had to grind through 2-3 other harsh fights. I throw what cannon fodder I have remaining at them and they still eat my remaining A/B teams alive. If I'm lucky I manage to kill one or two of them before it gets out of hand.

    The rewards were allegedly improved? Sure, if you can defeat node 11. I've been legit blocked at node 9 at times in the past few weeks, and hit teams frustrating enough to abandon the GW at node 6 (Rey, RG, Teebo? Because the only thing worse than Rey with a RG backup is a Rey with RG backup *that randomly cloak*)

    That's a lie, I'm sure there's even worse combinations out there.

    My guild's participation continues to drop, and my interest in banging my head against a wall lessens each day. If these changes were designed to inspire me to open my wallet, they've had the exact opposite effect. I've recently paid into a number of other apps that provided (what I considered) a balanced game experience. This one doesn't get another cent from me while their idea of "challenging" remains "a character one-shots my team from behind 3 layers of protection".
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    They need to just reduce the node count from 12 to 6 and get the difficulty through all nodes combined from the initial 12 and implement them in 6 nodes. All while, keeping the rewards the same as well. This will reduce the time it takes, and reduce the time it takes in order to complete the GW on a daily basis.
  • Pleblo
    52 posts Member
    Today is the first day that im stuck on node 11. Man you guys are really screwing up this game. I tried a death squad all that got me was half a bar health off STH. Usually i wouldn't' complain about dodge but it seems that these guys have 90% dodge in this one. No matter what combo i use i still get screwed. Please nerf this event a tad. There is no reason i should have to spend over an hour resetting this to find the right combo to beat it. Then i still have one more node. If this was my final match id be ok with it i could have beat it but i just can't lose two of my key guys for the next round. I think with mods it just has become so much of a problem if you don't have a 3 full teams of gear 10 chars with mods. Currently i have maybe 1 and a half of gear 10 and as soon as i equip the mods my GW have become almost impossible to beat everyday.
  • Frank
    5 posts Member
    Why do the GW opponents still have old mods? My 6th node right now has a mod with 36% critical chance like all there other mods. FIGURE IT OUT OR GIVE ME MY *7 MODS BACK! I have screen shots if anyone at each really cares...
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    Frank wrote: »
    Why do the GW opponents still have old mods? My 6th node right now has a mod with 36% critical chance like all there other mods. FIGURE IT OUT OR GIVE ME MY *7 MODS BACK! I have screen shots if anyone at each really cares...

    Ugh, that would explain so much.

    And continue to erode what little faith I had on this app being fun/not an obnoxious time sink again.
  • O8c8h80
    119 posts Member
    I hadn't won galatic war in ages but still always completed as many nodes as I could for the rewards. I recently 7 starred both my Luke Skywalker and Eeth Koth which allowed me to change the composition of my B and C teams for galactic war. I've won 4 in a row now! I know this is just my experience but maybe upgrading a few key characters and changing strategy a little bit could help some players get over the hump.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    True, 08, but it was enough of a slog levelling/starring up characters with the old 'easy' GW's. Getting brick-walled at node 9 or even 6 (with an obnoxious enough team) means I'm making less than ever, which means my characters are improving even more slowly than ever.

    Becoming a bit of a broken record, and I don't disagree with your points, but I find it increasingly obnoxious that the best source of credits we have also just became exponentially harder in the last 3 weeks. It does me no good if a full clear gives 600k+ compared to the old 450k if I'm only getting 300-400k at best before I get shut down or give up.

    GW used to be a kind of fun 'play out over 30-60 minutes while watching TV' thing, now it's a slog that is predicated around "can I work around RG again? Will Rey one-shot enough of my people to have to start over/feed them more teams to have a fighting chance?"

    The old GW wasn't terribly rewarding, but even at some of the more difficult/time consuming eras, it was doable. This is just stupid.
  • O8c8h80
    119 posts Member

    Trust me man I have been where you are and have definitely ran into those nasty node 9 or even node 6 teams. Maybe I've just been lucky these last few days. I was just posting an example that there is still hope for people to beat galactic war by leveling/starring, changing strategy, and a little luck :smile:

    I actually enjoy GW, its the only thing in the game that lets us use all of our characters in a strategic manner. One of my latest node 12 victories I went down to basically all my toons that aren't level one. It was so satisfying when my level 37 Snowtrooper got the finishing blow on a level 80 geared and modded Fives! I'm in the minority opinion here but the toughness of GW is really what makes the entire game fun for me.
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    16 7* lvl 80 toons yet can't pass node 11 despite only losing 1 toon til then.. Been resetting the game for over 45 mins to try different teams with no luck.. If this is fun I bet Christmas is a riot in your close to quitting the game due to frustration.. It's not a challenge it's impossible yet we are still getting ignored..
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    As I have said before I stopped spending until it is fixed if others would do the same we can bring about change.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Posted today by @EA_Jesse
    Are there going to be any additional changes to Galactic War?

    There are no immediate plans to make any further adjustments to Galactic War. We did recently increase the reward payout for each node and fixed a bug where players were facing teams that were based on the old Mods before we adjusted the stats on them.

    It is what is, no changes planned. Whatever the reason, those that can complete it, can. Those that cannot, can't. Which includes me.

  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    Still at 149 wins and counting. Beat it once in like 3-4 weeks. Please could we get it back to challenging. I really don't care about this game anymore, Star Wars or not. How about have 7 lvls of toughness. Each day of the week it gets a little harder, but the first day you can beat it. Seems like a nice compromise, yes?
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