Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    PixieClock wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    QGJ + Teebo = See ya later Saint Han and RG.
    Both of these get cut a new one if up against Daka, rey, leia, RG & "one other". You have no option but to kill Daka first or she just revives everyone. While you're doing that, rey and leia (who is now stealthed so you can't target) wipe you out while RG likes to taunt while you're trying to kill the others. I reckon that if you're lucky, each member of your team will get 2 goes, at most, before being steamrolled.

    LOL please, Daka is a non issue. If she somehow mass revives just retreat and attack in a different order. Also I'm positive you can stun Leia before she gets her stealth off so that's 2 turns she's wasted (stunned, stealth) in that time you should've killed Rey through RG's taunt. If your "one other" is Han like pac0 was referring to, that team has no leader and is an easy win. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    dough wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Karfax wrote: »
    "Are there going to be any additional changes to Galactic War?
    There are no immediate plans to make any further adjustments to Galactic War. We did recently increase the reward payout for each node and fixed a bug where players were facing teams that were based on the old Mods before we adjusted the stats on them."

    sand + ostrich

    This is great news! Thanks @EA_Jesse :smile:

    from your lips to his rear.

    Don't you have an impossibly difficult GW to finish? :wink: See you in 2 hours! :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Manowar
    288 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I have been managing to beat most of my Galactic battles recently, after significant struggle. But today my F2P roster came up against another insane squad on node 12. Having painstakingly saved my best characters for the last round (with dozens of restarts), I was stopped dead against a Jedi team with Ima-Gun Di lead, so that everyone counter-attacks. Since they were modded to the teeth, that meant I was receiving 5k-12k damage back almost every time I got in a hit.

    Team composition was mostly gear 11. This guy was in a top guild and was obviously thousands of dollars deep. His Jedi Knight Anakin wiped out several squads by himself, one-hitting maxed toons with his AOE attack!! He was critting all five and hitting 13-17k apiece. I actually had a laugh at how broken Anakin was with an array of 5* offense mods.

    Nowhere else is the gap between F2P and P2P as aggravating as it is in Galactic War.
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    Ever since y'all made GW a little bit harder to finish I still would finish even though it was a tough grind to do so but since the last week and a half I haven't been able to make it to the last node much less finish it. I hatehate the fact that the 6th node is packed with a power house squad and the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th nodes are even worse, I mean what the hell guys I have only 3 toons that are a lvl 10 or higher and it's fn sad that yall cheat me with 4 squads that are stacked up with gear and mods not to mention full health and protection. All i'm asking is if you can put it back to how it was are at least beatable again because I have 14 GW's in a row now not finished at least I don't have to worry about finishing my achievement for it since I can't even beat it anymore
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    I don't understand how they screw up GW so bad and right now they are saying they have no intention on changing it
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    2.7k comments, 87k views and 1 big finger in the air from EA indicating they won't' be fixing GW after they programmed it to be impossible.
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    The last update said it is what it is. Either accept it or move on to another game basically.
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    I just beat gw with one team and no healer.. ****? I couldn't even finish it a couple of days ago..
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    GW is a chore at best and impossible at worst. But the devs have decided that it is WAI. How they came to that conclusion Is beyond me. I suppose we should take their advice and get good.

    I have never in my life been involved with a company that so blatantly ignores their customers. Maybe the fact that I work for a family business has skewed my perspective. Even though we are a family business we are in it to make money. You know how we make money? Listening to customers. If one of our customers needs something now, we make it happen. I have worked over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to make a customer happy. Good luck getting that kind of response from EA.
  • SiranthaAxus
    118 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Today's last node was crazy!!
    Since the update this has been a constant struggle... And with mods I feel that I'm getting a slap in the face with unbeatable teams.
    Here is today's and July 7th GW


    image ru
    I despise this part of the game...
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    I just beat gw with one team and no healer.. ****? I couldn't even finish it a couple of days ago..

    Now you know why the devs didn't have to address GW. It's working as intended 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Youthv2
    270 posts Member

    Started nov2015. Spent $300+. 48 toons 5*+ lv60+ g7+. Of that 14 7* lv70-80 g8+. It's a 50/50 chance I can finish GW. Arena team 32.5k. it's stew-pid to have invested this much money & time to build up a healthy roster to fail. You've lost my business EA. Speaking long term.
    ~Y O U T H v2
    Guild: Paradigm of Virtue (PoV)
    Line: GohYouth
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    I just beat gw with one team and no healer.. ****? I couldn't even finish it a couple of days ago..

    Now you know why the devs didn't have to address GW. It's working as intended

    How can it be working as intended when there are glitches and anomalies?

  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    Dgreaser wrote: »
    I beat it everyday still. Step your game up. I'm getting sick of the forums being crowed by the cry of gwar being too hard.
    gwar is too hard! and it pretty much suks all the way around. why am I still here. :-(
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    Ridiculous. Executed all my gear 10 lvl 15 mod level 80 toons with me getting 1 counter attack. I have stopped any in game purchase until devs loosen this up -
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    Another day, another incompete GW. Pretty despicable that they fail to listen to vast majority of their players. Hate this game now.
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    Dgreaser wrote: »
    I beat it everyday still. Step your game up. I'm getting sick of the forums being crowed by the cry of gwar being too hard.

    How wonderful for you! You know what I'm getting sick of? People whining about other people's valid complaints when they could just scroll on past.
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    Sbdadster wrote: »
    I quickly realised node 12 is very rarely possible for my roster so 10 days ago I gave up bothering with it, massive save of time n stress, now sometimes I don't bother with 11, like today when faced with the boring Dooku L, RG, Rey n QGJ plus another, life is so much better, trouble is I'm now thinking life would be so much better not bothering with game at all. All depends how good FF Brave Exious is

    Spot on. I'm doing the exact same thing and starting to hate the whole thing too. Too bad because it used to be such a good game.
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    Like I said before all, they aren't going to change it.....even the part where when you are 37k+ you get green/blue geared 2-3 star toons on Node 12......because they are rewarding those people because they spent money....I spent and now I'm 37k and now I get easy GW thanks to this!
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    It's too hard. Made it to the last node without losing a player. I got three turns with 65 players in the last node. Max lvl 5 mods and max gear on a phasma led destroyer filled team. I only removed the protection from rey with 65 toons. Cannot be won.
  • Slade
    15 posts Member
    It is still absolutely awful. Fix the game. NOBODY wants to run into an overmatched squad comprised of "impossibles" and lose time after time with no reward. At least going to watch the Suicide Squad will have some payoff.
  • Slade
    15 posts Member
    Galactic War is awful. It's one thing to run characters into a hopeless fight in a raid back use the eventual payoff is there, but to lose so emphatically with nothing to show for it is just cruel.
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    I've been playing this game for a while and liked it. But lately it became boring. Am stuck in light/ dark side battles. Pvp is not my thkng but top 500 is good if you ask me (level 72). I liked galactic war. Made it to the end 50% of the time. But after the last change I run in to opponent above my level at about 50% of the galactic war maps.
    I understand I cant always win the last battle..but never being able to finish the galactic war sucks. Takes away the fun.
    Please change the tuning you did cause this is getting boring and demotivating and no I dont get tempted to spend more euros, its the opposite. There are other fun games around as well.
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    Yadda_123 wrote: »
    Another day, another incompete GW. Pretty despicable that they fail to listen to vast majority of their players. Hate this game now.

    And that is how many great games go down. Hope EA ppl read this forum and listen to the ppl instead of going for quick money.
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    2.7k comments, 87k views and 1 big finger in the air from EA indicating they won't' be fixing GW after they programmed it to be impossible.

    Exactly. I'm done with in-game purchases until it's fixed.
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    Stop whining. GW is totally winnable if you use your brain. I'm f2p and have only lost Gw twice since they changed it. It is hard and a bit of a grind but once you understand mods and know how to build a team it's not that bad. I can do nodes 1-12 with one ewok speed team at lvl 80 33k power no problem. And that's against the Rey/sth/Rg horror squad with tier 5 mods.

    Get a plan, invest in the right squad and some simple mods and you can be marching through Gw pretty consistently. Whining ain't gonna improve your skills.
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    I'm still barely beating GW on a daily basis. But it takes A LOT OF TIME and PLENTY OF FRUSTRATION to do it. It's getting worse for me now. Nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 are becoming super nodes (Gear 9-11, heavily/all modded, all omega abilities). It's ridiculous.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Scrolling through all of these whiners and complainers after finishing GW in 30 minutes :lol: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Seriously? You really are biased and don't think about how others may be struggling through it. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY for the longevity of the game. I want this game to have a long life span. But I can see it not lasting long if this keeps up. Players will eventually get fed up and move to something else. Which means less revenue and eventually get to the point where they will simply shut down the game. I've seen plenty of mobile games where the devs have called quits. I can see this being added to the list.

    I know one developer that actually apologizes to the players after they experience bugs or other things with their game. They even do compensation packages for such events to make their customers happy. They even are on the in-game community chat talking to players. They communicate to players and are more transparent than EA/CG. Guess where all my funds from this game are now going into? Definitely not into this garbage anymore.
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Since my last thread was merged into the GW megathread as way of EA sweeping this issue under the rug instead if fixing the actual problem, I gong to start another one.

    Another day of facing impossible teams and unable to finish GW again today. Getting ridiculous. Balance it already. You did not fix it from the update. You made it worse. I had guild members saying the faced 3* teams on 12th node, yet I keep facing 7* level 80 full geared and full modded teams on nodes 11 and 12.
    Post edited by Leebuddy311 on
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