Pay to Play Players - How much have you spent so far?



  • Valar_Morghulis
    8 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I spent 150 € at the beginning, bought some chromium cards and got Old Ben, Tarkin, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon and some shards. Maul, Dooku, Bariss, Ackbar and Boba came from free bronzium cards.

    Most of the bought chars dont make it in the arena team but they are useful in GW

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    Tbh, I've gotten better pulls from bronzium and I've spent about 150 on the game. Pulled 4* mace, offee, and boba... Also pulled plo koon at 3*
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Drich2323 wrote: »
    How much do you need to invest in average to get a chromium character 6-7*

    It depends on how farmable the character is. I initially purchased Kylo Ren and farmed him all of the way to 7*. Some other characters such as Aayla and Ima I have spent around $1,000 and still have not gotten temperature again to star up. I also still have not unlocked Lando. I keep getting Jawa and Ewoks from the chromium packs so it is a crap shoot. The packs are great initially to unlock characters, but then it is a dimishing return.
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    I've spent just under $200. Got mostly crap, or good stuff that I won't be able to keep levelling.
    4* Lando (This was my 1st pull and still my best)
    4* QGJ
    4* Cad Bane
    4* Nute
    4* Boba
    3* Veers
    3* Aayla
    3* Biggs
    3* IG-88
    3* Opress
    3* Snowtrooper
    2* Kit Fisto
    2* Ahsoka
    2* Ewok Elder
    2* IG-100

    And a bunch of random shards... . Yay me!

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    I've spent $45. $5 on dooku pack and $40 on crystals to use on extra energy, 8xchronium packs are a waste of time unless your gonna throw down $200 plus.
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    I did some math this morning and you'll need about $1k to 7* a few of the Chromium exclusive characters. That's based on drop rates and the number of characters that exist today. Character shards for Leia, Kit & QGJ drop more often than Lando or Rey it seems. That's based on probably 100k+ worth of data from some of our top FTB players.

    If you're not going to spend over a grand, I suggest just using your cash to refill various energy and pvp battles. - Database of everything SWGoH. Fear the Boot |FTB| - One of the 1st Elite Alliances.
  • Koth
    21 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    2 x $30.99 (AUD) crystal packs to spend on 8x chromium packs = $62 (AUD)
    1 x $6.95 (AUD) crystal pack that gave you something like 165 crystals every day for a week

    Total: $69 (AUD) same price as a AAA PC game, so I've justified that to myself, not going to pay any more though.

    Of the two chromium packs I got pretty much crap although I did score Rey, levelling her now, not sure if I like her or not. I think I need to level my Poe to make her better.
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    Frenzytom wrote: »
    Hey all,

    How much have you guys spent so far on the game?

    No flaming by F2P players. :)

    There's no such thing as Pay to play... I would call them casual gamers...

    Theres only F2P players,
    People who spent money in the game and...

    P2W, people with issues...

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    When I first started out I couldn't resist buying Dooku for £5. Since then I've only purchased the crystal pack for 220 crystals which is £1.99 in the UK. Have probably spent £50 in total and I'm happy with the characters I have. Currently running the following lineup for arena battles:

    Sid 7* Gear VII
    Lumi 6* Gear VI
    JC 6* Gear VIII
    Dooku 4* Gear VIII
    Ventress 5* Gear VII
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    I spent $200 when I was around level 55 as GW was filled with level 60 teams and I didn't have the bench to make it all the way through. I got:
    kit 4*
    Leia 4*
    QGJ 4*
    And the big win was old Ben who starts at 4*. Even at 4* with the rest of my team at 6 or 7 he is extremely useful.
    I also got a bunch of others that allowed me to unlock Vader. I use all of these units to some degree for GW.

    QGJ at 4* is awesome as a leader for a "take the damage team" in the new GW setup. He will die but he is taking 3 characters with him.
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    EM650 wrote: »
    Drich2323 wrote: »
    How much do you need to invest in average to get a chromium character 6-7*

    It depends on how farmable the character is. I initially purchased Kylo Ren and farmed him all of the way to 7*. Some other characters such as Aayla and Ima I have spent around $1,000 and still have not gotten temperature again to star up. I also still have not unlocked Lando. I keep getting Jawa and Ewoks from the chromium packs so it is a crap shoot. The packs are great initially to unlock characters, but then it is a dimishing return.

    lol ****
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