Sitting here not knowing what to do....

1629 posts Member
So i'm not sure what i should do. i have a decent squad of about 15 characters 7* and all lvl 80. Most are only gear 8 with a couple being gear 9.

I just don't know what to do anymore as there are so many changes to the game.

Should i,

1. Work on 1 team and only that team to make them better?
2. Spend credits and gear on characters for the old raid?
3. Spend credits and gear on characters for the new raid?
4. Save credits and gear for a character that i can hope will be available soon. Example - Darth Maul, Rex, or whoever.

This game has so many changes so fast that it doesn't allow you to progress with your desired team. You must get certain characters for the raid, you must get certain characters for the new raid, you must have certain characters to be a top 100 let alone top 50 arena team.

:( i don't know what to do...


  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Is there anything but rumor right now about the new raid? It may be good to save credits and gear until its release to see if players are on the right track with rumors.
  • Options
    Get em all to IX. Collect more shards. Bring 5 more up to 7* 80. Profit!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    Varlie wrote: »
    Is there anything but rumor right now about the new raid? It may be good to save credits and gear until its release to see if players are on the right track with rumors.

    Isn't it technically not a rumor if they came out with a new raid video?
  • Options
    I work on one team as my primary focus. But, they mostly just need raid gear and omega mats. So that happens slowly in the background, and in the forefront I chose to make a Jawa team for mod challenge and possibly upcoming raid. And I slowly farm GG in the shard shop by collecting shards for my 7* toons. I'm...content.
  • Options
    My suggestion is that you concentrate on the short term. So, upgrading your arena team and placing as high as possible should be your top leveling/gearing/mod priority. Do your dailies and then sink all your cantina energy into mod challenges, which will help your arena team and placement in raid. Otherwise, just keep doing raids. Until more information comes out about the raid we don't know who the MVPs will be. Probably a waste to upgrade random characters until we know more.

  • SaKaEm3
    46 posts Member
    I'm right there with ya!!
    I've been confused for a week.
    My Scoundrels can sweep the credit challenge, but can't get past node two of the mod challenge
    My Empire, FO, Jawa and Rebel teams can't even 3 star node 1 of the Mod challenge
    The "Droids on Roids" teams that I'm facing in GW every day now are killing me and I rarely finish now...
    I have no real idea what's gonna work in the new raid....

    I decided to focus solely on Jawas and Anti-Droid toons for now. Should help in GW, Mod Challenge and possibly in the new raid....
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    SaKaEm3 wrote: »
    I'm right there with ya!!
    I've been confused for a week.
    My Scoundrels can sweep the credit challenge, but can't get past node two of the mod challenge
    My Empire, FO, Jawa and Rebel teams can't even 3 star node 1 of the Mod challenge
    The "Droids on Roids" teams that I'm facing in GW every day now are killing me and I rarely finish now...
    I have no real idea what's gonna work in the new raid....

    I decided to focus solely on Jawas and Anti-Droid toons for now. Should help in GW, Mod Challenge and possibly in the new raid....

    That can be a good idea but right now i have a rebel/scoundrel team. Not sure if i should keep that going or change it up for the Raids.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Congratulations, you're in the same spot as the rest of us. I literally froze everything to stockpile credits / crystals for over a week. Now I have more of a gameplan (I think).
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    Is there anything but rumor right now about the new raid? It may be good to save credits and gear until its release to see if players are on the right track with rumors.

    Isn't it technically not a rumor if they came out with a new raid video?

    Rumor may have been the wrong word. We know the new raid is coming out and based on the video people have decided certain troops will be the most effective on it. So I wonder about trying to use scarce resources to build a team for something that has not been released yet.
  • SaKaEm3
    46 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Congratulations, you're in the same spot as the rest of us. I literally froze everything to stockpile credits / crystals for over a week. Now I have more of a gameplan (I think).

    What's the new gameplan???
  • Options
    Varlie wrote: »
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    Is there anything but rumor right now about the new raid? It may be good to save credits and gear until its release to see if players are on the right track with rumors.

    Isn't it technically not a rumor if they came out with a new raid video?

    Rumor may have been the wrong word. We know the new raid is coming out and based on the video people have decided certain troops will be the most effective on it. So I wonder about trying to use scarce resources to build a team for something that has not been released yet.

    Right. Going to feel pretty stupid about preparing for anti-droid aoe if it ends up being primarily a single-target raid. Or if GG has a special ability that instakills Jawas. Odds are, anti-droid will be good, but actual specifics are complete conjecture at this point.
  • boellefisk
    331 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm also wondering what to do. I have gear to upgrade my arena team but won't because GW might be impossible and I have so many jawas to grind that I can't afford to lose out on GW. I have scoundrels to grind for the event, I have the resistance to grind for mods. And then there are the 5 toons I have enough shards on, but can't upgrade because credits. Oh, and the tons of mods I can't upgrade because of credits.

    So many things to do, with so few credits.
  • Options
    awbattles wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    Is there anything but rumor right now about the new raid? It may be good to save credits and gear until its release to see if players are on the right track with rumors.

    Isn't it technically not a rumor if they came out with a new raid video?

    Rumor may have been the wrong word. We know the new raid is coming out and based on the video people have decided certain troops will be the most effective on it. So I wonder about trying to use scarce resources to build a team for something that has not been released yet.

    Right. Going to feel pretty **** about preparing for anti-droid aoe if it ends up being primarily a single-target raid. Or if GG has a special ability that instakills Jawas. Odds are, anti-droid will be good, but actual specifics are complete conjecture at this point.

    I'm expecting clones to also have something to do with this raid, what with the release of cody finally filling out that squad. Plus, the raid really does have a clone wars feeling too it, so I thinking/hoping that they will allow more toons than just jawas to have an advantage.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    SaKaEm3 wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Congratulations, you're in the same spot as the rest of us. I literally froze everything to stockpile credits / crystals for over a week. Now I have more of a gameplan (I think).

    What's the new gameplan???

    Cleared Lando to Gear XI off the list.

    New gameplan is to finish my character farming. Fives is about done and afterwards HRS is next out of Cantina tokens. Chewie is my current Cantina node farm, Anakin is probably next. IG-88 is 225/30 shards. As soon as I hit 300/30 for him, Nebit is next although that could change depending on what I want to do. Most likely Nebit will be it. GW tokens WAS going to be Biggs, however, most likely Dathcha. I am still considering Biggs though. Continue my Dengar / Ewok Elder farms from guild shipments.

    Fives needs to go to 7*, Leveled and Omega on basic. Leia needs to go to gear X for me and go from 73-80. She should be done this weekend. Farm mods every once in a while. Maybe I can finally get the 5* arrow with speed as a primary. Who knows.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Options
    pac0naut wrote: »
    SaKaEm3 wrote: »
    Maybe I can finally get the 5* arrow with speed as a primary. Who knows.

    False hope leads to anger. Anger leads to forum posts. Forum posts...lead to suffering.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    IMO, Definitely this:
    1. Work on Arena team. Gear and mods.
    2. Once you get first one to gear 10, your GW may become impossible to complete every single day. Depends on your team. You may get wiped by node 12, here and there.
    3. Keep gearing your arena team. When you get 2 or 3 to G10 and modded, you will not only be able to win more often, but you will eventually flip the GW script, and get an easy node 12. Then you should be able to beat it every single day.
    4. Once your arena team is maxed out, you can do w/e the heck you want. GW will not get any harder. And you will earn more in arena. So now go back and farm shards, save credits, do w/e you want.

    A good arena team will be decent in raids. So I'd work on arena, first. I know a lot of people want to gear for raids, but to me raids are just boring. As long as I am in a guild and I'm active, I get decent rewards. (I happen to be top 10 in damage, sometimes top 5, but w/e. I wouldn't care if I was last. In fact, I might have to jump ship to a heroic guild, haha.)

    That's just me, though. I only have like 10 or 11 7 star toons, and I have way more gear than you. 5 toons with G10 or G11. I've failed to complete only one GW since launch. To me, 15 7star toons at gear 8 is complete fail. I have several 5 star toons at G9, and one G10, higher than any of your 7 star toons! You're putting all your energy refills and locking up all your credits in cannon fodder. G8 toons are worthless, no matter how many stars they got.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    So i'm not sure what i should do. i have a decent squad of about 15 characters 7* and all lvl 80. Most are only gear 8 with a couple being gear 9.

    I just don't know what to do anymore as there are so many changes to the game.

    Should i,

    1. Work on 1 team and only that team to make them better?
    2. Spend credits and gear on characters for the old raid?
    3. Spend credits and gear on characters for the new raid?
    4. Save credits and gear for a character that i can hope will be available soon. Example - Darth Maul, Rex, or whoever.

    This game has so many changes so fast that it doesn't allow you to progress with your desired team. You must get certain characters for the raid, you must get certain characters for the new raid, you must have certain characters to be a top 100 let alone top 50 arena team.

    :( i don't know what to do...

    Kind of always been that way. It was just easier to level guys from 1 to 60 in the beginning. I prioritized GW since it was where I earn the most resources. These are those kinds of questions where only you know the answer, you gotta play your style. Play and have fun, experiment. It's a sandbox, nothings agains the rules (well, ALMOST nothing haha-this is not a kitty-litter box).
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    IMO, Definitely this:
    1. Work on Arena team. Gear and mods.
    2. Once you get first one to gear 10, your GW may become impossible to complete every single day. Depends on your team. You may get wiped by node 12, here and there.
    3. Keep gearing your arena team. When you get 2 or 3 to G10 and modded, you will not only be able to win more often, but you will eventually flip the GW script, and get an easy node 12. Then you should be able to beat it every single day.
    4. Once your arena team is maxed out, you can do w/e the heck you want. GW will not get any harder. And you will earn more in arena. So now go back and farm shards, save credits, do w/e you want.

    A good arena team will be decent in raids. So I'd work on arena, first. I know a lot of people want to gear for raids, but to me raids are just boring. As long as I am in a guild and I'm active, I get decent rewards. (I happen to be top 10 in damage, sometimes top 5, but w/e. I wouldn't care if I was last. In fact, I might have to jump ship to a heroic guild, haha.)

    That's just me, though. I only have like 10 or 11 7 star toons, and I have way more gear than you. 5 toons with G10 or G11. I've failed to complete only one GW since launch. To me, 15 7star toons at gear 8 is complete fail. I have several 5 star toons at G9, and one G10, higher than any of your 7 star toons! You're putting all your energy refills and locking up all your credits in cannon fodder. G8 toons are worthless, no matter how many stars they got.

    This makes a lot of sense, but where I'm stuck is that I don't have the requisite toons to complete any mod challenges except for health and defense. I *could* just load up my arena squad with health mods, but it seems like crit chance would be preferable for GS (weak scoundrels can't beat the challenge), and potency for Phasma (only 2/3 empire leveled up enough). About a month back I also switched from a guild completely Tier II and III raids regularly, to one now doing VI daily, and while I get better gear, I'm finishing around 18-25, so I'm only getting 8 shards at a time for equipment that requires 50. A recipe for gearing up effectively, this is not.

    So in order to really build up my arena team faster, it seems I'd benefit from the long game of adding a little more depth to my overall roster to improve on the mod challenges and raids. I joined at the right time, starting at arena rank ~400 and now regularly sitting top-50 with my squad all in the upper 70s and g7/g8 (GS the only one at g9), so it doesn't seem like I need to push that g9/g10 quite yet, right?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Forget the other mods. Health are good and defense are presumably good now too. Just get some decent health and defense mods. Enough for one arena team and however many GW toons u need for support. Then worry about other mods later, now that u have arena and GW income sorted.
  • Options
    Nothing wrong with 1* and 2* mods for most purposes. Id rather have one of those with the right primary stats on it than slap a 5* health mod on just because I can get them
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    5 dot makes the primary much better, though. 1 dotters are good to fill in empty slots for the set bonus, but the primary and secondary stats are miniscule on them.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    i be hoarding shards and credits like an 1diot. Meanwhile farming cuffs, cuffs and cuffs.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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