About that other finger: make Credit Heist daily



  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Hanburger wrote: »
    Yes with time they are free; however, that is not the reality of the game. When a player is warned 3 days ahead of time about an "extremely rare event" which they need 5, 7* character of specific type, how, other than expediting the process with cash, is a player supposed to make an adequate team? You could spend the two weeks it takes to earn that currency, but that isn't what the game is designed for.

    You are right, it is free to play, but that is denying the pressures put on the player by the developers.

    You should've started farming Rebels after the Military Might event, which is what a lot of smart players did. You also needed them for the Rebel mod challenge and for the credit heist so it's your fault for not farming them sooner
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Hanburger wrote: »
    Leveling a character = appx. 5 million credits; if those credits were purchased with crystals that would cost about $50 in real currency.
    Maxing stars = 2 million credits or $20 in crystals.

    Already we are at $70 to purchase 1 character and we haven't even touched gear, mods, shards or ability mats.

    1 digital character costs far more than an entire video game, if purchased through crystals.

    People are not upset because of some desire for instant gratification. They are irritated because game makers are coercing them into paying outrageous prices to be competitive in a game they enjoy.

    Have you all ever consider aurodium packs? These are only visible if you have spent > $200 on the game. As a result, what do players get? A discount in thanks for bank rolling the game? No, slightly more expensive lottery tickets with a better chance of not giving you garbage.

    Stop making this about people being impatient, when they are justified in calling out corporate money grabs.

    There is a HUGE fallacy upon which this above argument is based.

    Fact: Leveling, gearing, and modding characters is FREE. And for most characters, starring them is FREE as well. It just takes time and patience.

    This is a fact. You do not need to spend money. It's free. The monetary values cited above are not correct if you exhibit patience. The stars, levels, mods, and gear cost exactly $0.00. And not a penny more.

    So how can these free attributes of the game be a corporate money grab? Those dollars reflect the TIMELINESS OF DELIVERY of those attributes. The goods and services you are acquiring have NO monetary value. The speed at which you are receiving them is what you are paying for.

    What doesn't sit well with people is how long it takes to become competitive with heavy spenders. The impatience and unwillingness to put in work and time to amass scarce resources, and then allocate them SMARTLY instead of the willy-nilly hemmoraging of credits and crystals is what the developers focus on. If you are impatient, the delivery timeliness of the FREE attributes is the cash grab.

    The developers are cashing in on the weakness of the playerbase's human nature. You want stuff faster than the next guy so you can stay ahead. And you can't get the stuff faster than the next guy without spending money. That's the business plan.

    How many months would it take a player to access 50% of the current content? To consistently finish GW as it is now? To rank top 200 on a newer server?

    How long for a new player, a late-arrival Star Wars fan, to maximize a single team of specific characters to suit his/her play-style or love of the franchise?

    The point isn't cost vs. free. The point is: artificial difficulty. Unneeded/frustrating restrictions to progression via increasing levels of RNG-allotted resources AND lack of currency AND poor/no communication AND roster-restricted access to Very Rare events AND folks with their heads in the sand defending the system as is.
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    Nobody is asking for instantly maxed characters and mods. The undeniable fact is that there is an imbalance in the game, due to a credit shortage. Don't get hung up on the specifics of my suggestion; Credit Heist didn't doesn't have to happen daily. But address the imbalance. Give us access to more credits
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Nobody is asking for instantly maxed characters and mods. The undeniable fact is that there is an imbalance in the game, due to a credit shortage. Don't get hung up on the specifics of my suggestion; Credit Heist didn't doesn't have to happen daily. But address the imbalance. Give us access to more credits

  • DroidsURLooking4
    365 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Moe_Betta wrote: »
    Hanburger wrote: »
    Leveling a character = appx. 5 million credits; if those credits were purchased with crystals that would cost about $50 in real currency.
    Maxing stars = 2 million credits or $20 in crystals.

    Already we are at $70 to purchase 1 character and we haven't even touched gear, mods, shards or ability mats.

    1 digital character costs far more than an entire video game, if purchased through crystals.

    People are not upset because of some desire for instant gratification. They are irritated because game makers are coercing them into paying outrageous prices to be competitive in a game they enjoy.

    Have you all ever consider aurodium packs? These are only visible if you have spent > $200 on the game. As a result, what do players get? A discount in thanks for bank rolling the game? No, slightly more expensive lottery tickets with a better chance of not giving you garbage.

    Stop making this about people being impatient, when they are justified in calling out corporate money grabs.

    There is a HUGE fallacy upon which this above argument is based.

    Fact: Leveling, gearing, and modding characters is FREE. And for most characters, starring them is FREE as well. It just takes time and patience.

    This is a fact. You do not need to spend money. It's free. The monetary values cited above are not correct if you exhibit patience. The stars, levels, mods, and gear cost exactly $0.00. And not a penny more.

    So how can these free attributes of the game be a corporate money grab? Those dollars reflect the TIMELINESS OF DELIVERY of those attributes. The goods and services you are acquiring have NO monetary value. The speed at which you are receiving them is what you are paying for.

    What doesn't sit well with people is how long it takes to become competitive with heavy spenders. The impatience and unwillingness to put in work and time to amass scarce resources, and then allocate them SMARTLY instead of the willy-nilly hemmoraging of credits and crystals is what the developers focus on. If you are impatient, the delivery timeliness of the FREE attributes is the cash grab.

    The developers are cashing in on the weakness of the playerbase's human nature. You want stuff faster than the next guy so you can stay ahead. And you can't get the stuff faster than the next guy without spending money. That's the business plan.

    How many months would it take a player to access 50% of the current content? To consistently finish GW as it is now? To rank top 200 on a newer server?

    How long for a new player, a late-arrival Star Wars fan, to maximize a single team of specific characters to suit his/her play-style or love of the franchise?

    The point isn't cost vs. free. The point is: artificial difficulty. Unneeded/frustrating restrictions to progression via increasing levels of RNG-allotted resources AND lack of currency AND poor/no communication AND roster-restricted access to Very Rare events AND folks with their heads in the sand defending the system as is.

    I will assume your questions are not rhetorical, and you are actually seeking an answer.

    It took me 3ish months to hit my level and gear cap at the time (March) for a handful of useful characters. I started in early December. I recall I was estatic for hitting under 150 in Arena for the first time during the Super Bowl. I finally got the bench strength characters to finish GW regularly in March or so.

    As each control to progression was lifted (Level 70 ceiling, level 80 ceiling, introduction of rancor raid gear, mods, etc.), it would take another month or two to work through that progression to max a subset of characters to remain competitive. But I still can't open most of the tier 3 mod challenges.

    Now I finish in the top 10 in Arena daily. I spent $50 in December, and I haven't spent a dime since then. So yes, you can be successful for free. It just takes time.

    If you aren't willing to put the time in, or spend money to speed up progression, then this may not be the game for you. Free instaleveling does not exist. If it did, it would a) ruin the challenge of the game, and b) not influence people to spend money. (One of the developer's goals is for the game to not operate at a loss. I know--it's a shocker.)

    The artificial difficulty you mention is rooted in your personal expectations of success. If you expect to max everything now, then yes, you will be frustrated. But if you manage your expectations and set realistic goals, then those self-imposed artificial difficulty barriers disappear.

  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Scourge194 wrote: »
    Nobody is asking for instantly maxed characters and mods. The undeniable fact is that there is an imbalance in the game, due to a credit shortage. Don't get hung up on the specifics of my suggestion; Credit Heist didn't doesn't have to happen daily. But address the imbalance. Give us access to more credits

    They just gave you more access to credits with cheaper cantina refreshes, free cantina energy, and the Palpatine event. You can use those credits on whatever you want and leave Palpatine untouched.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Moe_Betta
    60 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yes. Expectations play a significant role.

    Your timeline is similar to mine with similar results. My semi-rhetoric questions were posed in reference to newer players than us. There is so much further to go and more to acquire now to be competitive in the same way. We moved through gradual changes and advanced. Now just finishing 11nodes of GW can be extremely difficult for "younger" players.

    Yes, there are more tools for folks to use, but a longer curve in getting to a level that is able to take advantage of them.

    I don't expect free. I support this game and it's staff, albeit well below whale levels... not unlike yourself. What I Do want (with very little expectation) is to be able to level at least half of the characters I unlock via time/effort/dedication. I've never bought an Aurodium or Chromium pack and yet have dozens of unusable toons and yet other dozens of toons between 66-78 that are wearing level 1 mods or none at all. EDITED to add this: the ability to level or star half of my unused roster still leaves them wanting for gear, ability materials and mods. Removal of one hurdle doesn't hand folks everything on a platter.

    Fine to feel however you like.
    I, and many others (obviously), feel that the credit crunch is overly oppressive and will continue to be vocal to that effect.
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    Moe_Betta wrote: »
    Yes. Expectations play a significant role.

    Your timeline is similar to mine with similar results. My semi-rhetoric questions were posed in reference to newer players than us. There is so much further to go and more to acquire now to be competitive in the same way. We moved through gradual changes and advanced. Now just finishing 11nodes of GW can be extremely difficult for "younger" players.

    Yes, there are more tools for folks to use, but a longer curve in getting to a level that is able to take advantage of them.

    I don't expect free. I support this game and it's staff, albeit well below whale levels... not unlike yourself. What I Do want (with very little expectation) is to be able to level at least half of the characters I unlock via time/effort/dedication. I've never bought an Aurodium or Chromium pack and yet have dozens of unusable toons and yet other dozens of toons between 66-78 that are wearing level 1 mods or none at all. EDITED to add this: the ability to level or star half of my unused roster still leaves them wanting for gear, ability materials and mods. Removal of one hurdle doesn't hand folks everything on a platter.

    Fine to feel however you like.
    I, and many others (obviously), feel that the credit crunch is overly oppressive and will continue to be vocal to that effect.

    Deserves to be quoted. Well said
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
  • Pjay
    283 posts Member
    Seeing a few more credits by making credit heist weekly would be much appreciated.
    Making it daily would be a joke, players would get bored instead of excited and start referring to it as a daily chore if they struggle for time to complete it.
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    Sometimes I wonder if those with a credit crunch in-game are in a credit crunch in real life. Credits are not supposed to be spent on anything and everything. You don't need a 7-star Magmatrooper or a Nightsister.

    If you want one, pay $$ for a credit pack. With proper budgeting there is no crunch.

    Can't agree more. With GW alone, you can save around 6 million credits per week, not counting arena, raids, bounty challenge, etc.

    I'm broke because I MADE myself broke (see 7* magamtrooper! Lol), but yes, with budgeting, you can save.

  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The crunch isn't about choices per se because the choice curve is far too steep. For example I spent several months leveling an empire squad because Jedi fought and captured yoda so if that pattern held then empire would fight and capture palpatine. That bet was wrong, and now assuming i stay too 50 in arena and do 2 cantina refreshes per day, even having completed 330 leia and Biggs shards, and 4* sthan and 4* hrs before this event, I am still more than a couple of month of away from being able to do the thing I wanted and put in a reasonable guess and ton of effort to achieve - get palpatine.

    Months for both shard and credit grinding. In real life if you buy the wrong computer, you can return it to the store and get the right one, if you buy a car and use it for a while, you can sell it and reuse the leftovers in a different car, all of the effort is in some form still transferable so that you can course correct your choices. This game does not have a mechanism for course correcting, and because the credits, gear, and shards have such steep time curves players are basically screwed if they want to shift paths or directions. Being screwed for a week or 2 is ok. Being screwed for months is not ok. There is a spectrum between "right thing s instant" and "sometime in the next 12 months ". Anyone construing player concerns over progression by citing "right this instant" is tossing up and incredibly silly straw man to knock over. I don't think anyone is complaining about things in the next minute, next day, or even next week.

    Even if every player were provided 1 million credits per day and unlimited gear, it would take well over 5 months to fully gear and star all toons with no mods. If they were to mod all toons and just given unlimited mods, that is another several months at 1 million credits per day. We are nothing even close to that right now. The Devs could continue to progression block gear, mods, and shards using pay walls to make revenue and improve player quality of life re credits if they simply worked on balance and reasonable time frames.

    Mods are the only area that allows for some shifting because you can rearrange them if you did them wrong and reuse on other chars. But mods have a huge credit sink as well. So all in all The game is simply out of balance and has a bad progression scheme. This call for more credits is just one way to help bring better flexibility and choice so players aren't locked into decisions that were reasonable , took months to make, but ultimately not the best way. Still it is a way and that is important to discuss.

    I think a better balance option would be to allow for players to Unequip gear like mods. In addition, have a buy /sell market for gear and mods where they can buy and sell amongst themselves. This way if you have something someone else needs for droids but you want to chase rebels, then you can sell to each other and further your path. And if you want to change paths then sell all your droids stuff to someone and buy their empire stuff instead you can. In the end your relative power is the same, and there is plenty left to "finish" but you can actually have some fun and control over the game.

    It is unlikely that we get a really thoughtful and robust solution like this, so given that limitation more credits is a path to allow more freedom of choice.

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    Every day? You're insane. I believe every Friday or something would be nice. Im sick of everyone wanting millions of credits without doing anything.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Hanburger wrote: »
    Yes with time they are free; however, that is not the reality of the game. When a player is warned 3 days ahead of time about an "extremely rare event" which they need 5, 7* character of specific type, how, other than expediting the process with cash, is a player supposed to make an adequate team? You could spend the two weeks it takes to earn that currency, but that isn't what the game is designed for.

    You are right, it is free to play, but that is denying the pressures put on the player by the developers.

    If you believe that and I mean really feel when they say that you need to have X product, well the. This game is for you! They say that for 2 reasons :
    1- They don't want ppl complaining about when will it return.
    2- They want ppl to feel like this and spend money and/or crystals.

    Devs put no pressure on anyone. I didn't have a chance short of spending money to get 7* palp. I don't think he's worth it and he doesn't fit into my plan so I didn't do anything toward that.

    On the flip side my Leia was only 4 stars and I knew I could get her to 5 in 3 days just by diverting my arena focus. I did, it wasn't my plan but it fit in.

    The pressure you feel is placed there by you. You don't need any toon unless it fits into your plan and no plans in this game should be short term. Make your own end game and work towards that.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Dont change it...

    With dailys.. scoundrel weekly.. +raid rewards if you raid you can actually earn approaching 10m credits a week... everyone wants a quick fix
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    Sometimes I wonder if those with a credit crunch in-game are in a credit crunch in real life. Credits are not supposed to be spent on anything and everything. You don't need a 7-star Magmatrooper or a Nightsister.

    If you want one, pay $$ for a credit pack. With proper budgeting there is no crunch.

    I sort of agree.... IRL I'm debt free (mortgage, boat, cars all paid for); in the game, I'm fairly well broke. They added a pretty big expense to the game and to go from competing in arena top 10 to not being able to compete overnite because of the mod meta is tough to deal with.
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    at least make the event last longer. Last time I didn't have time to play that day and it went past...
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    Pls dont change the credit Situation.
    It really is ok the way it is
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    I'd be satisfied if it was once a week, that way it's consistent. But to those saying the credit situation is fine as it is, you couldn't be more wrong.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    MrJx3 wrote: »
    I'd be satisfied if it was once a week, that way it's consistent. But to those saying the credit situation is fine as it is, you couldn't be more wrong.

    Wouldn't it be more wrong if guys were saying that ea/cg needs to decrease the credit income? In your eyes ofcourse, i'm one of those people who doesnt really has a mayor problem with credts.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    MrJx3 wrote: »
    I'd be satisfied if it was once a week, that way it's consistent. But to those saying the credit situation is fine as it is, you couldn't be more wrong.

    Wouldn't it be more wrong if guys were saying that ea/cg needs to decrease the credit income? In your eyes ofcourse, i'm one of those people who doesnt really has a mayor problem with credts.

    Haha yeah you're right, I was just exaggerating. I don't have much of a credit problem either, but I just can't understand people who think that what EA/CG are doing is fine.
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    For me the fun in the game is about having a large choice of characters to use. When you start to worry that a character will take as long as it does to get to arena/raid level then you arent going to take the risk to try them out and possibly find a hidden gem.

    Also if they keep doing events that are specific teams only they really need to give us enough credits/gear to keep those teams at atleast reasonable levels rather than having a couple of teams at high level and the rest not started.

    I dont think we necessarily need a massive increase but a small tweak to credits and drop rates would go a long way to making the game more fun.
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    Making the different team missions easier is a good way to help players with credit problems. Now they are making us level 7 different teams to high levels if we want to get mods and event rewards. Mod challenges cant be done with minimum crews or even if all are level 50 and gear 6 (which would be a reasonable difficulty level).
  • Moe_Betta
    60 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Sometimes I wonder if those with a credit crunch in-game are in a credit crunch in real life. Credits are not supposed to be spent on anything and everything. You don't need a 7-star Magmatrooper or a Nightsister.

    If you want one, pay $$ for a credit pack. With proper budgeting there is no crunch.

    Can't agree more. With GW alone, you can save around 6 million credits per week, not counting arena, raids, bounty challenge, etc.

    I'm broke because I MADE myself broke (see 7* magamtrooper! Lol), but yes, with budgeting, you can save.

    With budgeting you can save.

    Cantina- 5 - 15+
    Arena- 10 - 15
    Galactic War- 16 - 18
    Hard Nodes - 0 - 15

    Shard Shop, Shipments, Guild Store, packs + increases via spending crystals.
    How many shards does the "average" player generate daily? My guess is around 25. How many does an above-average player generate? I've seen it, around 60. A character costs 330. That's less than 6 days, but let's call it a week.

    If you generate enough shards for a new character every week:
    -You will have shards enough for 52 toons in a YEAR (what percentage of the available roster is that?)
    -You will outpace your income by approximately 4mil/week under the current economy

    Then you get to budget. Do you want to upgrade mods and add stars to your new toon with about a mil left for levels and gear? Do you want to level your new character to 78-80 and forget about gear, stars and mods? Remember, you're going to have another one next week and get to choose again...

    This thread sounds Very much like players who have yet to reach the cap or are very casual defending a system that doesn't add up. It is a cash-grab. There are enough progress restrictions --training droids, ability materials, gear, mods-- to lighten the load of just one without bringing on the apocalypse.

    My roster could spend 132 mil in credits instantly. The characters getting stars and levels would also need THOUSANDS of purple gear items, hundreds of mkIII ability mats, hundreds of Omega materials and a quarter of a million t1 training droids.

    Luckily, in about 12 days, I can budget one of them up to a competitive level.
    Wouldn't want to break the meta.
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    Make mods cheaper to upgrade and the credit crunch would be bearable. Currently I have approx 40 million I need just to star up my toons. That's where I feel the crunch the most. A reduction in mod upgrades would make a big difference. I'd be happy with credit heist being weekly as opposed to every 12 days. It wouldn't solve every credit problem but it would make a noticeable difference for players.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    Moe_Betta wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if those with a credit crunch in-game are in a credit crunch in real life. Credits are not supposed to be spent on anything and everything. You don't need a 7-star Magmatrooper or a Nightsister.

    If you want one, pay $$ for a credit pack. With proper budgeting there is no crunch.

    Can't agree more. With GW alone, you can save around 6 million credits per week, not counting arena, raids, bounty challenge, etc.

    I'm broke because I MADE myself broke (see 7* magamtrooper! Lol), but yes, with budgeting, you can save.

    With budgeting you can save.

    Cantina- 5 - 15+
    Arena- 10 - 15
    Galactic War- 16 - 18
    Hard Nodes - 0 - 15

    Shard Shop, Shipments, Guild Store, packs + increases via spending crystals.
    How many shards does the "average" player generate daily? My guess is around 25. How many does an above-average player generate? I've seen it, around 60. A character costs 330. That's less than 6 days, but let's call it a week.

    If you generate enough shards for a new character every week:
    -You will have shards enough for 52 toons in a YEAR (what percentage of the available roster is that?)
    -You will outpace your income by approximately 4mil/week under the current economy

    Then you get to budget. Do you want to upgrade mods and add stars to your new toon with about a mil left for levels and gear? Do you want to level your new character to 78-80 and forget about gear, stars and mods? Remember, you're going to have another one next week and get to choose again...

    This thread sounds Very much like players who have yet to reach the cap or are very casual defending a system that doesn't add up. It is a cash-grab. There are enough progress restrictions --training droids, ability materials, gear, mods-- to lighten the load of just one without bringing on the apocalypse.

    My roster could spend 132 mil in credits instantly. The characters getting stars and levels would also need THOUSANDS of purple gear items, hundreds of mkIII ability mats, hundreds of Omega materials and a quarter of a million t1 training droids.

    Luckily, in about 12 days, I can budget one of them up to a competitive level.
    Wouldn't want to break the meta.

    Hear hear
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    +1 and harder/more rewarding levels would be great too
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    A little reprieve with Military Might, a month-long event, and an expanded Credit Heist.

    Steps in the right direction.
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    I think the hiest should be a daily event but the payout should be tweaked. It would usually pay out 100k up completion but there would be a chance for multipliers. There would be a double, triple, quadrouple, that would be fairly common. Maybe every other day. Then there would be the more rare 5x 10x and 20x which you would maybe get monthly. Then there would be the 50x and 100x which would be very rare maybe every 6 months. Lastly there would be the unicorn 1000x rewards. It would on average take like 20 years to hit. But wouldn't this make the game more exciting.
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    Scourge194 wrote: »
    My shard was a ghost town before the recent update. Many players have come back--- well done to the game makers and thank you for the concession, it is much appreciated.

    So now that you've given us one finger... Consider that I could spend 25 million credits right now just on leveling up my top three rows of toons. Upgrading mods? Er...

    150k - 350k every 6-12 days isn't going to touch sides for me. I need millions. At least a million a day over and above what I'm already getting. So make Credit Heist a daily event and up the payouts. Please?

    While I'm no whale I do support you financially, but I can't afford to spend any more than I already do. So while my dollars won't make a difference to you, my presence in the game will. No one likes a ghost town.

    1 credit heist event per day is overkill but I think a fair balance would be 3per/7 days.
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