EP led teams that aren't lame?



  • Remon_Azab
    144 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    DrNocard wrote: »
    For awhile I used EP lead, Vader, RG, Jka (because it's... Pre-Vader) and b2. B2 felt kind of evil... Does that count?

    Hey! That's a pretty creative team!
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited September 2016
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    Not in the Top 10 or 20 But getting There
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    Sadly, only EP and RG are viable. Even Vader is just a one trick pony. Gotta get those AOE meta toons on the team, there's no room for Empire or Sith characters.
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    I probably qualify as totally lame, as I just subbed EP for Royal Guard, leaving me with no other Empire toon: Old Ben (L), QGJ, EP, Rey, St Han. Look at that synergy: most of my team is from an anti-synergy faction!

    That said, I've seen lots of interesting experiences on my Arena, as everyone is looking for a sweet team that'll keep them on a good spot: Ani, B2, Lando, Tarkin,...

    A good "find the way out of this maze" team was Ani, EP, RG, B2, Lando: Any how you take it, there's always something nasty waiting to happen!

    On the "good excuses" side, it's really cumbersome to start swapping mods around, so laziness means that I want to keep changes to my team at a minimum. I just did that with a team of Rebels to beat the MM event, and it took me lots of iterations, try this, fail, try that, fail, try this, hmmm, perhaps?... Ok, that excuse was even more lame than my team is!

    I was quite late on the EP train, and when I didn't have him, it seemed that I was being locked out of the top-20 (I lost more than I won against EP teams, which are about 90% of the top-20). Now it seems I'm locked in the top-20 (stayed around 10 for about 12 hours now).

    I'd like to try Tarkin, but apart from making EP lightning fast, he doesn't seem to bring much to the table. And if I remember from the Ewok campaigns, he was the only Empire toon that was remotely worth anything (except for RG). I ended up using mostly Droids.
    ☮ Consular ☮ - https://swgoh.gg/u/tiggus/
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    I'm in the same boat simply because even if you don't have an Empire team, EP has such good anti Jedi/Rebel ability it's worth taking him just for that.

    I am thinking my final team will be;


    Think of all the stuns.....
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    Poe to ensure that my EP goes first
    Then EP stuns
    Then Han taunts and Anakin and Lando start splitting skulls.

    Thinking of swapping StHan for another AoE. Maul is nearly ready.
  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Everytime i face a palp team where the palp is faster than my squad I immediately get an aoe and it ALWAYS stuns 3/5 of my toons. Mostly it will always stun atleast 2 of my dps if not all 3 which pretty much means I lose if all 3 of my dps miss first turn, cause by the second turn thier burnt down and get 1 atk in maybe if thier not stunned again lol.

    EP just does too much. Why the hell would they give the emperor, an empire toon an Aoe? When rebel aoe squads were starting to shine with wiggs and lando. Him having that aoe actually makes him fit in with wiggs and lando (rebels) perfectly. Like ****. Shouldn't he not fit in a rebel team at all? They should of gave him some kind of counter to the rebel aoe squads. Maybe an ability to block his team from aoes for 2 turns or something...idk but anything besides giving him a stupidly good aoe that also stuns and allowing him to fit in his arch rival faction much less follow along the "aoe meta" perfectly fine.
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    Guilty as charged : EP, RG, SF, GS, Leia

    In time, I want to try and work B2 and Rey into there, but they still need gear....
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    Now that's what I'm talking about!
    I do an almost all empire squad. Palp lead, Tarkin, Vader, rg and sth with tons of speed on him so he goes first. Wish I didn't need him I'd totally have ani in there instead of sth

    That still looks pretty good. Put a helmet on STHan and you'd never know he was Light Side, lol.

  • Jnbentzel81
    442 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Tiggus wrote: »
    I probably qualify as totally lame, as I just subbed EP for Royal Guard, leaving me with no other Empire toon: Old Ben (L), QGJ, EP, Rey, St Han. Look at that synergy: most of my team is from an anti-synergy faction!

    That said, I've seen lots of interesting experiences on my Arena, as everyone is looking for a sweet team that'll keep them on a good spot: Ani, B2, Lando, Tarkin,...

    A good "find the way out of this maze" team was Ani, EP, RG, B2, Lando: Any how you take it, there's always something nasty waiting to happen!

    On the "good excuses" side, it's really cumbersome to start swapping mods around, so laziness means that I want to keep changes to my team at a minimum. I just did that with a team of Rebels to beat the MM event, and it took me lots of iterations, try this, fail, try that, fail, try this, hmmm, perhaps?... Ok, that excuse was even more lame than my team is!

    I was quite late on the EP train, and when I didn't have him, it seemed that I was being locked out of the top-20 (I lost more than I won against EP teams, which are about 90% of the top-20). Now it seems I'm locked in the top-20 (stayed around 10 for about 12 hours now).

    I'd like to try Tarkin, but apart from making EP lightning fast, he doesn't seem to bring much to the table. And if I remember from the Ewok campaigns, he was the only Empire toon that was remotely worth anything (except for RG). I ended up using mostly Droids.

    I have a ton of potency on my Tarkin. He's awesome, he does defense down, (and speed down to rebels), then immediately gets to do his tm reduct aoe, which since his potency is almost 100%, works. Vader goes twice, then ep gets to go a ton, I found that his basic shock on as many people as possible on the other team gives him so much tm that he goes every other turn sometimes twice in a row. Anyways I use palp lead sth with 218 speed rg Tarkin Vader and it's an amazing team. I rarely leave the teens, and get first everyday
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    Once I get B2 up, might want to try

    Emperor lead

    B2 laying down some more debuffs for Vader
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    I like to run anakin, qgj, ahsoka, sth, palp in arena, and soon as people get used to that i switch to palp, rg, vader or rey, qgj, anakin... But GW is the fun one with palp, vader, tarkin, dooku, and rg.
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    EP (L), Lando, Qgj (ikr..), Sthan and RG. Wanna replace qgj for vader and maybe sthan for tarkin. Not sure if tarkin is that great tho.

    Tarkin is really good when maxed, but as previously mentioned he uses TMR first instead of offence down on defence, which makes him a bit rubbish. It's the only reason he's not in my Empire arena team.

    I maxed him to use w Palpatine. Super disappointed.
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    We have an all clone team backed by Sun Fac, a droid team, 2 EP/Vader/RG teams, the standard Meta Teams - Phasma/Rey/QGJ/B2 with the 5th being either Leia/Yoda/Ani. I run an a mixed mostly Reb team, Ackbar/Leia/Luke/ Backed with Sun Fac and I just swapped out my Consular for EP. My EP is not fully modded and is still at GL 8, needs one more raid run to hit 9. With that I can auto everyone except the 2 EP triumvirate teams. We just got our first lvl 80 in the top 10 yesterday, the rest of us are between 75 and 78. I always finish top 5 and trade out with first several times a week.
  • Jaqen
    29 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I run Lando lead, 88, Ani, EP and StHan. Rank 1 rn

    Tried EP lead, RG, Lando, Ani and Dooku. It worked okay, but was not an improvement over my Lando or 88 led teams with StHan
    Post edited by Jaqen on
    IGN: Faceless
    Clan: FTB Overseers
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Current team is:

    Rex (L) 218 speed. Just below Ani to cleanse expose on defense
    Ani 220 speed, just behind EP so he can stun an opposing Rex 1st
    EP 222 speed for the aoe stun 1st
    Echo 209 speed for tm on basic and assist, plus aoe buff strip
    CS w/ 68% crit b4 bonus for aoe tm down, mad tm gain and addl. damage.

    Holds on defense amazingly well. May drop to 5th in 12 hours, but never below.
  • scuba
    14166 posts Member
    Poxx wrote: »
    Current team is:

    Rex (L) 218 speed. Just below Ani to cleanse expose on defense
    Ani 220 speed, just behind EP so he can stun an opposing Rex 1st
    EP 222 speed for the aoe stun 1st
    Echo 209 speed for tm on basic and assist, plus aoe buff strip
    CS w/ 68% crit b4 bonus for aoe tm down, mad tm gain and addl. damage.

    Holds on defense amazingly well. May drop to 5th in 12 hours, but never below.

    Killer team! Your leaderboard must love you!
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    i use EP, sthan, luke, daka and leia.

    st han over 200 speed

    works well as long as i can watch my toes with taunters and dispellers
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    For those running EP, what specifically makes him so good in Arena, even when he's not a lead? I see him a lot in my shard so I am asking.

    Is he just a one trick pony with his ability to stun an entire team or is there something else I'm missing?
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    Typical ep team I see is EP, Vader, rg, Sidious, and then either Kylo Ren, Rey, or once Darth maul. The team that was Darth maul icould beat after three tries, but once they swupitched to Ren I don't stand a chance.

    I am actually running almost the same team...

    EP lead with Vader, Sidious, RG, and Savage as my fifth. When Savage is maxed out, he has tons of health and protection, decent health steal, crits for almost 10k, and when he does his offense down he gains tons of health back...makes him difficult to kill

    Sidious is underrated, especially under EP's lead. He is super fast, almost always puts a debuff on which means he gains back health. He also gains back health when someone dies...so that is fairly often...pretty tough to kill, unless you get one shot by Rey?

    Plus, with all the red stuff the whole team puts on the enemy, you'll have tons of power behind Vader's Culling Blade!

    I enjoy this team...fun to play instead of the typical meta!
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    Wish I knew how to take a screen shot on my iPhone...Similar team set up with exception of Dooku...but higher starred up...see above post. Sit typically in the 20-40 rankings without going crazy trying. Nice Team!!!!
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    Wish I knew how to take a screen shot on my iPhone...Similar team set up with exception of Dooku...but higher starred up...see above post. Sit typically in the 20-40 rankings without going crazy trying. Nice Team!!!!

    I use to Run Dooku (L) With Sid, Vader, Kylo, Savage, I have Sid & Kylo At maxed gear 10 also but once i got EP even tho hes not 6* or 7* I just put him on the team & Maxed him out lol Its a really fun team don't wanna follow meta.
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