Ewok event tuned to be harder than before

I was able to take out Ewoks in the previous round of events.
But this time it's impossible to go beyond 4/8 with the exact team.

What's going on?


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    Just as it says in the Developer notes, it was retuned to account for mods. So yes, it was tweaked to be harder.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    what is your team?
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    what is your team?
    Palpatine, IGs, HK, RG
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    level, star and gear?
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    How do you have the "Exact same team" when Palpatine wasn't available the first time the event came out?
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    I cleared it with Palp(L) 5* G8, Vader 5* g7, IG88 7* G8, RG 7* G10, IG86 7* G8 . only rg has full 5* mods. Took a few tries and some good RNG. stage 4 and 8 are the bottlenecks.
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    Are you speaking of tier 2 or 1 because if you can't beat T1 with Palpatin I would suggest you stop playing games. If your speaking of tier 2 then that one is ment to be impossible for anyone under max toons
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    gunff wrote: »
    How do you have the "Exact same team" when Palpatine wasn't available the first time the event came out?

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    I was able to take out Ewoks in the previous round of events.
    But this time it's impossible to go beyond 4/8 with the exact team.

    What's going on?

    Events are tuned now with mods in mind.
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    I actually thought it was a lot easier. The second tier was a joke compared to the event to get the emperor. I guess it should be since the rewards are weak.
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    Honestly I found it much easier, but I attributed it to a max Palpatine....

    I used Max Palp (l), Max RG. Unmodded lvl 80 g9 86, Unmodded level 72 g8 Tarkin, Unmodded lev 80 g9 6* vader.

    Don't think I ever used the event skill, or even lost protection on a toon, and that was t2.

    Basically just keep Palps aoe stun available for whenever you had a screen full of skull status warriors and you win easily....
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    Personnaly.... Without ANY problem and even without a death in my team in T2 difficulty.

    HK (L), IGs, RG, Tarkin (6* for him). All geared 8 except IG88 geared 9. Mods between 1 and 5. And some not fully moded. IG86 only have 1&2 * mods.
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    what is your team?
    Palpatine, IGs, HK, RG

    Palpatine was not available previous Forest moon event... But hard? You must be trolling?
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    Just posted this on my guild's Line earlier:

    I completed the bonus tier with my eyes closed with a 5* lvl 72 88 and lvl 80 g7-8 86,100,47 and a g10 RG - no mods on anyone other than RG. Haven't lost anyone, probably could auto it if I wanted. Now rebel event.. Full modded squad all 7* save for one toon couldn't even make it thru phase 3 of the easiest tier.

    If anything ewok event should be Harder in comparison to earlier rebel events IMO.
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    The first time the event happened I was obliterated even at the lower level. Given I didn't have HK or 88 remotely leveled. This time I beat tier 2 easy with HK Lead, 88, 86, EP and RG. All of them are well modded and GL 8 or 9. I wasn't able to do it on auto so probably GL10 would make it worthlessly easy.
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    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Are you speaking of tier 2 or 1 because if you can't beat T1 with Palpatin I would suggest you stop playing games. If your speaking of tier 2 then that one is ment to be impossible for anyone under max toons

    Well, maybe it is meant to be, but I finished it with:
    EP 80 7* G9, Vader 80 6* G8, RG 80 6* G9, Moff 80 6* G7, Magmatrooper 80 7* G6
    All modded, but not perfectly.
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    I couldn't finish the event, or even come close, last time.

    This time, I got it down to just Chirpa the first time I tried.
    HK - L80, G8, 6*, Lead
    86 - L80, G8, 7* Omega Assist (don't ask why....)
    88 - L80, G8, 6*
    RG - L80, G9, 7*
    Mags - L70, G7, 6*

    I swapped out Mags for a L60, G7, 5* Vader and beat it (Only 86 was standing). Coulda been better RNG, coulda been slightly better planning heading into phase 8. Most likely a combination. I had mods on the L80 toons, but nothing "meta" and they weren't even maxed out. I'd say the developers got the balance for Tier 1 right where they were looking for.

    I'm not even gonna attempt T2 unless I luck out on some ridiculous gear between now and the end of the event.
  • DJJ
    367 posts Member
    I thought the event was semi hard last time but is a joke this time with Palpatine. Auto both tiers
    I don't normally run droids, but have maxed Palpatine, Vader at 6, and rg with 86 and 88.
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    Big_Boss wrote: »
    gunff wrote: »
    How do you have the "Exact same team" when Palpatine wasn't available the first time the event came out?

    I used Vader earlier and tried him this morning. Didn't work.
    So changed Vader to Palpatine.
    That also didn't work.

    So yes I listed the final team I used.

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    I'm afraid it was actually much easier for me this time. Granted, my toons are better geared than before, and my mods are half way decent.
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    I was able to take out Ewoks in the previous round of events.
    gunff wrote: »
    How do you have the "Exact same team" when Palpatine wasn't available the first time the event came out?
    Nightlores wrote: »
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    what is your team?
    Palpatine, IGs, HK, RG

    Palpatine was not available previous Forest moon event... But hard? You must be trolling?

    OP states round, and used Palpatine. Obviously, OP was able to be t1 with ease, but cannot get past t2.

    @OP, the only way to offer assistance is to know more details about your team. That team will work, but it needs to be starred, geared, abililitied, and modded.
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    I thought it was reasonably easy. The announcement said that tier 2 would required level 80, 7*, gear 10 characters. This was not necessary in my experience.

    I beat T2 with
    HK(L), 7*, 80, Gear 8, No mods, Omega'd leader ability
    IG 86, 7*, 80, Gear 8, 5% health mod + 15% crit damage mod, Omega basic
    IG 88, 7*, 80, Gear 8, 15% health mods, no Omega
    Vader, 5*, 73, Gear 9, 5% health mods, no Omega
    RG, 5*, 78, Gear 8, 15% health mods, no Omega

    I can only assume that the game changer for me was the Omega on HK's leader ability. That extra tm means I get more turns in and able to clear the scouts before they can get shots off on me.
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    I was able to three star Tier one with EP, Vader, Tarkin, RG and IG-88. I could not win tier two with that team but subbing in my superior HK-47 for IG-88 let me two star it. Waiting on 6th stars for Tarkin and Vader to make it easier, gonna be a while for RG to make 6*.

    Not nearly as rough as the Empire event but I have better droids and Empire teams than I do Rebels.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    i ran:
    5* Palpy, G9, some mods lvl 80
    7* RG, G9, modded, lvl 80
    5* Vader, G8, some mods lvl 67
    7* IG86, G8, no mods, lvl 64
    7* IG88, G8, no mods lvl 61

    beasted tier 1 easily, palpy is murder and rg just soaks up dmg if i even get hit. tier 2, only hit trouble in last level. 3* tier one, 1* tier 2 but thats fine by me.
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    ofcourse it's harder. We have mods now. Besides, in the description och the event (ingame) it says it's for highlevel and geared mods and are quite a challenge. I'm now refering to tier 2, the bonus tier.
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
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    I thought they nerfed it honestly. Everyone still had protection when I finished.

    I had:

    Lvl 80 Gear 10 Palpatine
    Lvl 80 Gear 10 RG
    Lvl 72 Gear 8 Vader
    Lvl 80 Gear 9 IG-88
    Lvl 80 Gear 8 IG-86
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    Finished it with identical squad, aside from a few simple mods on Tarkin. All Empire.
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    I got hit a total of 4 times totalling 3k damage taken...EP helps a lot, but it is not much different than before from my findings.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Full empire squad. EP lead, Vader, tarkin, RG and magma. All lvl 80, g10 except tarkin and magma and I slept through it. Without more details it's hard to tell what the problem might be.
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    Its a Lot easier since they slowed down the Ewoks. Not sure who tested it but it was a failure on difficulty.
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