Guilds' Raid Policies

Hello all,
Recently we've had a hotly debated discussion between the leadership of our guild and a few players who constantly finish top 3, and will soon have 7* Han Solo. We run a do zero damage at first, with a FFA to clear the raid strategy as it became to hard to micromanage everyone. Some of our members believe once these top players have 7* Han, they should not be allowed to finish top 3, while others believe we shouldn't change anything and we should continue to allow them to finish up top. Personally I believe they should only be allowed to do a million damage or so and to allow others to finish at the top.

Long story short I'm curious to if many other guilds have been in or are in a similar scenario to ours, and if so what they did to address the problem. Any feedback is greatly appreciated


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    There's this one guy in my guild who can do up to 5 million damage. He lets other people best him though as he has a 7* Han Solo. If I were you, encourage them to do the same, don't make it seem like you're forcing them.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    We started a while back of top ten from previous raid take 0 in next raid till FFA, Got this idea from @Ztyle .

    Helps rotate other thru the top. I hated to have people hold back on damage they could do but with the way rewards are done and so little damage available had to come up with a way to limit clearing it to fast.
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    I am lucky enough to be in a guild where this problem sorted out itself: Guys with 7* Hans stepped backed voluntarily, typically staying out of top 10. You going full Supreme Leader on them might create friction in the guild.
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    Has anyone maxed their Han yet? We have a couple who are a raid or two away
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    We have tried to encourage them to do the same, but they feel they need the top rewards more than others
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    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Has anyone maxed their Han yet? We have a couple who are a raid or two away

    This was directed @scuba
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    I am lucky enough to be in a guild where this problem sorted out itself: Guys with 7* Hans stepped backed voluntarily, typically staying out of top 10. You going full Supreme Leader on them might create friction in the guild.

    Same thing. To get Top 10 now in my guild requires a damage output of ~2.5m, with our highest scoring member cranking out just over 8m damage. Many of the folks who COULD dish out damage choose now to hang back and hit in P4 to help finish the raid more quickly.

    These same members are very active in helping others in the Gear Exchange when raid gear is requested.

    There are a few things about my guild I don't like (screenshots to prove I hit my 600? Please!) but many things I do - and the behaviour of the members is one of them.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Has anyone maxed their Han yet? We have a couple who are a raid or two away

    This was directed @scuba

    yes we have many that have maxed their han's. I am 22 shards away myself and have not finshed above 30 in a while. It will obviously be slower going this route but it will speed up the progress for those will weaker rosters.

    Gear drops are so random, I have gotten many full gear in the 41-50 placement.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Top 3 rewards are only marginally better than 4-10 so they shouldn't be going all out if Han is maxed. I used to go hard with a Dengar squad but after maxing Han I switched to Wiggs so I could just auto p1 :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    KyleKatarn wrote: »
    I am lucky enough to be in a guild where this problem sorted out itself: Guys with 7* Hans stepped backed voluntarily, typically staying out of top 10. You going full Supreme Leader on them might create friction in the guild.

    Same thing. To get Top 10 now in my guild requires a damage output of ~2.5m, with our highest scoring member cranking out just over 8m damage. Many of the folks who COULD dish out damage choose now to hang back and hit in P4 to help finish the raid more quickly.

    These same members are very active in helping others in the Gear Exchange when raid gear is requested.

    There are a few things about my guild I don't like (screenshots to prove I hit my 600? Please!) but many things I do - and the behaviour of the members is one of them.

    Sounds like an awesome guild!! (minus that screen shot thing) That is the way to do it.

    Overall I have seen less full gear drops in the top 10 than elsewhere.

    I was not worried about a 7* Han solo so I have kind of hung back with a 0 score and maybe FFA attack. Since I am close now though I have decieded to hit top 10 for a couple more raids.
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    I appreciate all the feedback so far guys!
  • Justthetipjedi
    141 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    We don't have a rule, but the few of us who have him aren't attacking at all. We just check in to get our rewards (0 dmg) and let everyone else go. We've had plenty of great runs (it's how we got Han), so why take even 2 Han shards from a guild mate?
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    All of my guildies who have 7* Han voluntarily stepped back and raid different phases trying different comps instead. No one forced any of them to do it, we've just got people who understand teamwork. "All boats rise with the tide" or when the weaker get stronger, the whole team gets stronger.

    Ultimatums rarely end well. Good luck!
    Post edited by Klocko on
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    Klocko wrote: »
    All of my guildies who have 7* Han voluntarily stepped back and raid different phases trying different comps instead. No one forced any of them to do it, we've just got people who understand teamwork. "All boats ride with the tide" or when the weaker get stronger, the whole team gets stronger.

    Ultimatums rarely end well. Good luck!

    That's cool you have guild mates who think that way. Totally agree with that philosophy. No one in our guild has a maxed out Han so we don't have this issue, but I would hope that as guild mates get their 7* Han they will defer to others in raid rankings so that others can get their Han maxed out as well.
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    We have suggested that our guys who have 7* Han step back to allow others to have the shards sometimes. It works itself out where about half of us end up siting back as we have other things to do on raid day and the others do a bit more damage. The rotation works itself out and it's not a rule.

    Guys who have strong raid squads shouldn't be forced to bench them, anymore than you should ask someone to use a weak arena team. They did the grind, dedicated the resources and put off other characters to develop those guys, so they shouldn't be punished for it.
  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    kello_511 wrote: »
    We have suggested that our guys who have 7* Han step back to allow others to have the shards sometimes. It works itself out where about half of us end up siting back as we have other things to do on raid day and the others do a bit more damage. The rotation works itself out and it's not a rule.

    Guys who have strong raid squads shouldn't be forced to bench them, anymore than you should ask someone to use a weak arena team. They did the grind, dedicated the resources and put off other characters to develop those guys, so they shouldn't be punished for it.

    Totally agree. IMO, you can't force guild mates to hold back damage. You can only try to maybe ask or request or hope that they do it on their own.

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    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    Recently we've had a hotly debated discussion between the leadership of our guild and a few players who constantly finish top 3, and will soon have 7* Han Solo. We run a do zero damage at first, with a FFA to clear the raid strategy as it became to hard to micromanage everyone. Some of our members believe once these top players have 7* Han, they should not be allowed to finish top 3, while others believe we shouldn't change anything and we should continue to allow them to finish up top. Personally I believe they should only be allowed to do a million damage or so and to allow others to finish at the top.

    Long story short I'm curious to if many other guilds have been in or are in a similar scenario to ours, and if so what they did to address the problem. Any feedback is greatly appreciated

    0 DMG for 24ish hours then..

    Place a 1 Mil DMG Cap for everyone. This way its a battle for closest to the mark, we have some people get as close as 999,997, then its a battle of RNG closeness! If you go over 1 Mil you can only attack Phase 4 next raid go over again and you have to do 0 dmg for 2 raids.

    Works well for us and keep it fun and different people at the top since there are around 15-20ish people who can get close to 1 mil, and its a lot easier for many guild members to get 1 mil either in phase 1 alone or combo of other phases.

    Sucks to have to cap damage but works to keep everyone closer together.

  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    It was requested by a few in our guild that once a player gets Han that they are not allowed to hit the raid more than 0 damage.

    I opted against this for the main reason that we all need gear credits and currency, Han shards are the very least of many worries.

    Alot have spent in my guild or farmed certain characters and geared like Teebo over their Arena team. I feel I am not going to punish them for it. With the new raid on the rise we all need gear to do our characters. Plus this Raid is still open to raid.

    If players want to drop positions and score then that is a selfless act but I will not force players to do it in my Guild
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    Smithie wrote: »
    It was requested by a few in our guild that once a player gets Han that they are not allowed to hit the raid more than 0 damage.

    I opted against this for the main reason that we all need gear credits and currency, Han shards are the very least of many worries.

    Alot have spent in my guild or farmed certain characters and geared like Teebo over their Arena team. I feel I am not going to punish them for it. With the new raid on the rise we all need gear to do our characters. Plus this Raid is still open to raid.

    If players want to drop positions and score then that is a selfless act but I will not force players to do it in my Guild

    We had similar thoughts as we had a few of us close to getting close to 7* Han. We don't want to punish the people who allowed the whole guild to finish a T7 in the first place. Especially since many benefited from their grinding out raid teams by getting t7 rewards way earlier than they could have.

    Also, a lot of the long time members have bigger rosters, and bigger needs for gear. Kicking them down to last is not only unfair, it may prevent us from doing well in the new raid.

    But those of us close to getting him (I'll 7* him this week) decided it would be fair to stay out of the top ten at least. It seems like a fair compromise that benefits everyone. And not a soul in our guild has had a sour word to say about the arrangement.
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    There should be some ingame rules to help with those issues
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    I am an officer in my guild and have 7* Han. (Full Disclosure)

    This is always tough, because you have allocated resources to a build a raid team. I can't get 7* Pappy until his event returns, there are also other game functions I am locked out of because of my resource allocation choices. But I built a good F2P team. I also stuck with the game through Modgate, etc., and was promoted to a guild officer to help keep things running.

    I have always held the position that it is the Guild's job to create the same opportunity / playing field, but it shouldn't force results. Why nerf your own. We have a policy on raid participation (1 team attack only for 24 hours), have an open sacrificial toon period (normally about 16 to 18 hours), and a FFA at the end - although we rarely get there. Everyone can take their one best shot, at whatever part of the raid they want. There are no formal rules on Han. We all need gear & credits. Han is not that good anyway (unless you are going against a droid team).

    We have members, myself included, that will cycle through the raid phases, try new teams, etc. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't (I recently clear 75% of P4). We have also hand natural progression and RNG help the top spots.

    The biggest argument against forcing members to lower damage, to me, is that everyone knows what it takes to build a good Rancor Raid Team. If you decide not to do it because you are farming jawa's for the next raid, or whatever, that is your choice, but don't expect others to roll over because you chose a different path.
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Smithie wrote: »
    It was requested by a few in our guild that once a player gets Han that they are not allowed to hit the raid more than 0 damage.

    I opted against this for the main reason that we all need gear credits and currency, Han shards are the very least of many worries.

    Alot have spent in my guild or farmed certain characters and geared like Teebo over their Arena team. I feel I am not going to punish them for it. With the new raid on the rise we all need gear to do our characters. Plus this Raid is still open to raid.

    If players want to drop positions and score then that is a selfless act but I will not force players to do it in my Guild

    We had similar thoughts as we had a few of us close to getting close to 7* Han. We don't want to punish the people who allowed the whole guild to finish a T7 in the first place. Especially since many benefited from their grinding out raid teams by getting t7 rewards way earlier than they could have.

    Also, a lot of the long time members have bigger rosters, and bigger needs for gear. Kicking them down to last is not only unfair, it may prevent us from doing well in the new raid.

    But those of us close to getting him (I'll 7* him this week) decided it would be fair to stay out of the top ten at least. It seems like a fair compromise that benefits everyone. And not a soul in our guild has had a sour word to say about the arrangement.

    We found by imposing a 1 mil cap (as many runs as you want, just under 1 mil) and rotating people for Phase 4 dmg for going over or 0 dmg for multiple offences keeps the top 15 full of variety not just the same top 5 or top 3 everytime, no perfect but neither is the setup for this raid.

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    Just to clarify I was never suggesting anybody do zero damage from here on out or anything like that. However to me, can you fairly decide who needs more gear from one person to the next? Even if you have a deeper roster than some people, chances are you are still working on gearing roughly the same number of toons as everyone else. However, you do know who needs Han shards. Also IMO I don't think there's too much of a difference in rewards between top 3, and 4-10.

    Everyone has their own opinion and it's been good to see so much response
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    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Just to clarify I was never suggesting anybody do zero damage from here on out or anything like that. However to me, can you fairly decide who needs more gear from one person to the next? Even if you have a deeper roster than some people, chances are you are still working on gearing roughly the same number of toons as everyone else. However, you do know who needs Han shards. Also IMO I don't think there's too much of a difference in rewards between top 3, and 4-10.

    Everyone has their own opinion and it's been good to see so much response

    You can tell somewhat how needs varry. I have almost 45 toons at 7*. Others in our guild haven't even put together a full team of 5 toons at 7* yet.

    Someone who wants Han, has a decent raid team or 2, and has 20-30 7* toons can finish ahead of me for a while. The newer guys need to earn it.
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    The problem with limiting scores based on who has 7* OG Han is, 7* OG Han ain't all that. Really, presently he's a half-decent single target attacker. His stun is nice in GW or campaigns or the credit heists. For PvP he really isn't that great.

    So I like @scuba 's idea about rotating the top ten regardless. That will allow everyone to get a shot at more Han shards, if that's a big deal to them. Or more importantly if you ask me, more guild currency and credits.
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    Imposing damage limits is ridiculous. We have multiple guys who can easily crank out over 4-5 mil per raid. One guy last night cleared to 50% of p4 and backed out. Anyone with 7* Han has been cool enough to join the "0 damage club" to let others get him faster.

    One thing the devs have done amazing lately is expand on ways to earn credits! So they shouldn't be able to make an argument in that aspect. And in all honestly I've have better luck grabbing full craft gear in the 20-40 range than I ever did finishing top 3.

    Selfish greed is all you're dealing with
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    Tkoch94 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    Recently we've had a hotly debated discussion between the leadership of our guild and a few players who constantly finish top 3, and will soon have 7* Han Solo. We run a do zero damage at first, with a FFA to clear the raid strategy as it became to hard to micromanage everyone. Some of our members believe once these top players have 7* Han, they should not be allowed to finish top 3, while others believe we shouldn't change anything and we should continue to allow them to finish up top. Personally I believe they should only be allowed to do a million damage or so and to allow others to finish at the top.

    Long story short I'm curious to if many other guilds have been in or are in a similar scenario to ours, and if so what they did to address the problem. Any feedback is greatly appreciated

    In Team Instinct, we asked anyone with 7* Han to stay out of Top 3, so that those finishers could always be people who need Han. Often, people just dropped their damage off, but for those who played with fire, the penalty was a max damage of zero, so hey could still get loot (the people who breached top 3 with 7* Han).

    We then increased the penalty to 3 raid zero dmg, to discourage anymore "accidents"

    With that said, in light of the new information with Rancor raids being "free" every week since the coins are added with ATT coins- we have removed all caps and penalties associated to dmg and top 3.

    Just some insight on how the Team I am on did/does it.
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    Another option that I haven't seen mentioned yet is to have two guilds: one for the elite players who don't want to have to pull their punches and another for the up-and-coming players who are still farming Han or are OK with holding back to let others farm him. This allows both types of players to get what they want while still maintaining all of the intrinsic value of being guildmates (most top guilds use out-of-game channels for communication, collaboration and management anyway).

    The only drawbacks to this approach I can see are building up guild currency and possibly gear donations. There are likely to be fewer people in the elite guild, which means currency is accumulated at a slower rate than normal since individual contributions are capped. This results in fewer raids being launched, which could annoy said elite players. And since elite players are the ones who are most likely to have raid gear to spare, the up-and-comers will be missing out on the donations they need most since the elite players won't be in the same guild.

    Both of those problems are potentially resolved with allowing the appropriate number of extra people into the guilds. If an elite player doesn't mind holding back in raids, they can stay in the development guild and donate their excess gear whereas if any member doesn't care about getting Han shards, they can join the elite guild to contribute extra currency. This also means that guild can expand their total roster size by another 50 players.
  • AKS
    81 posts Member
    In my guild, the heavy hitters who have Han at 7* have taken a step back voluntarily to let others get him.
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