Flowbafett-the one and only, Ellisar, Viktor Noland, Echo Base, Dayma, Lupo, Cyrick, Geka, Valdul


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    In addition to that, I guess most of you did notice that Fhertz is on my guild, and we took 1st and second respectively on our payout, I explained to him that he should not hit you guys after our payout.

    And we are downing our 3rd Heroic AAT, finally getting used to it, just before ships kick in oh yeaaa
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    Congrats to Echo and Dayma! I'm officially half way to Kenobi so just counting the weeks now.

    Ships now, going to be interesting.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    When is skinny payout so we don't bump him?
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Same as mine 6pm est.
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    So how'd everyone else do in their draw for a new fleet arena shard?

    I haven't quite made my way to the top (got place low and currently at 35), but so far, only seeing 2 guys with a 4* commander and 3 guys with a 3* commander. One TS (main) guy, but not seeing any TI or Order66 folks...
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    Mines a little more competitive. Two 5* peeps at one and two. I'm at three and seem to be holding with three and four star. The top power is 130k.
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    Mine is similar, a few bug guys, just holding top 10 for now. Fleshing out some ships so I can just auto it. Trying not to spend to much on them.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Yeah, ships are fun, but they're also a distraction perhaps. No crystals. I suppose that can change at any time.
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    Was 5th on first payout now I can't beat the top 15... well since I had no crystal when the update came I am just left in the dust here lol
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    Dayma build the easy rebel team and then farm empire. The payout is not so big in difference like arena
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
  • Echo_Base
    185 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    My strat going forward is Mace(fc), Ashoka, JC, Plo, Rex and Biggs/SF, with the Falcon, Slave 1 and Poe as reserves.

    My whale guild leader is all about Mace(fc), Maul, Geonosyn spy, SF, Boba and Rex.

    I'm holding #3 right now. I guess we'll see.

    I spent too much on the ****. It's probably op with a g10 or 11 crew, but my Finn isn't helping.
  • Echo_Base
    185 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Vicktor, please tell Skinny that I see him playing nice with trading one and two and will do the same.

    As far as ships, I've got #1 and #2 locked by super whales. 150k. No way to beat them right now. I do have a typically obnoxious Ti dude (I kid :wink:) that I joust for #3. He seems to be ok with spending 50 crystals to lock me out. I'm ok with that. It's a bad deal for him I think. His name is Shadow4u2nv.

    Anywho, what do you all think the best ship combo going forward will be?

    My guild leader is saying:

    Gen Spy
    Slave 1
    Sun Fun.


    I'm not so sure. I'm thinking

    with either SF/CS/Biggs and

    Slave 1/Biggs/CS/SF

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    Skinny is getting on my nerves, he attacks me around 3 to 5 times per day so I'm just wasting crystals taking 1st back for payout...
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    I'm 15 to 3 for ships. Trying to build an empire team.

    Why are these guys attacking randomly? I've stuck with Rex because of it.

    Server will get crazy with new guys coming out then should settle down quickly.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Well, Cerberus is running my name now so if I do something really stupid or uncool, its not me.. lol. I hope you can tell the difference, may just have to change my name.... what a pain. Anyone ever transfer servers?
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    What do you mean transfert server ?

    Oh by the way @Jedisplice you bump my friend Fhertz juste before our payout yesterday, try to care bro :).
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    Say what? I see a Cerberus and an Elissar.

    lol. There is no transfer. You're stuck in here with the rest of. :smile:
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    LOL yeah he switched his name back and changed guilds as well. At least if he uses the same name we will have different guild names.
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    @Dayma hey sorry man! Tell him my bad, I'll watch out for him.

    Anyone talk to Geka? I don't mind a snipe now and then but at least get 2nd or 3rd first. Don't be a DB.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    No problem it can happens ;).
    No I never talked with Geka
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    Whoops. Sorry, Cyrick. Thought I was attacking you from #2. Game must not have updated my ranking. Was #2, but I assume I got sniped by Geka from #5. If I had realized I was at #5, I would have battled Geka to take back #2.
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    That's alright.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Viktor I like your team! CHAZE is the way to go!
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Yup but so hard to gear them lol :(
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    Really annoying, should have been working on them. Good news my General Kenobi is almost ready too. You guys will enjoy that lol! He is a beast, been using him in GW and the guy is pretty nice.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Mine is almost unlocked by after that come gearing ... duhh... too much toon to gear at once... can't follow
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    I hear you Dayma. Been focusing on gearing ship guys and running out of everything.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Oh, you big tease. I see you over there beefing up your Chaze and getting them ready to bring them out to play...
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    Lol, they are coming! Can't decide if it will be Kenobi with them or EP or B2. Did you try everyone out for 5th spot ?
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Not really. I still have about 3 more weeks before I unlock Kenobi, and even then, I don't have the gear reserves to bring him out to play. I did try Palp but found I didn't have enough high speed mods to make him worthwhile in the arena team (also not big on switching mods for him between arena and raids). So, it's pretty much just been B2 as default, though I'm pretty happy with his performance. Also keeping an open mind about Jyn, but I'll be waiting to see how the meta changes with GK and zetas (and waiting to actually collect enough gear to bring a character from g1 to g10/11).
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