Darth Vader was not a Droid...


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    In order to be a droid, u need to have a robotic brain/wired connection blah blah blah.

    Vader is not a droid becuz he maintained his brain but loss his pelvic cavity. I'm not sure if he loss his manhood during that process. U kno wat I think he did becuz he was an emotional girl always force choking people when he's mad! Lol. A good terminology will be a cyborg/still human.

    For GG, he is cyborg/still human or whatever living species he's part of. He's not a droid cuz he coughs like someone who smoke 100 cigarettes pks a day! So his respiratory tract is still functional(barely) as well as his brain. TACTICAL GENIUS!! Get it! Lol
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    He can thank Mace for that everlasting cough.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Using internal logic as it follows

    If grievous is a droid than so is Vader

    If Vader is not a droid then neither is Griveous - the dmg to both was extensive, they both miss limbs an arm and leg minimum and can still use the force with the robotic limbs

    On the other hand griveous misses 4 limbs and is mostly automated but vader is to Iconic and has too much personality to be a droid.But then Griveous designed droids the magna Guard because B2 were too poor, Dooku praised his design...so droids designing droids IDK....
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I think a significant difference could be that Vader uses the force while Grevious doesn't? Like how Grevious relies on his four mechanical arms to fight while Vader is uses his own strength with the force, even though they both use lightsabers you could say Grevious fights as a droid but Vader fights as a Sith
    Post edited by Allenb60 on
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    Using internal logic as it follows

    If grievous is a droid than so is Vader

    If Vader is not a droid then neither is Griveous - the dmg to both was extensive, they both miss limbs an arm and leg minimum and can still use the force with the robotic limbs

    On the other hand griveous misses 4 limbs and is mostly automated but vader is to Iconic and has too much personality to be a droid.But then Griveous designed droids the magna Guard because B2 were too poor, Dooku praised his design...so droids designing droids IDK....

    Grievous chose to be changed.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    How come nobody mentions in ESB when Vader is in his private space he has a hyperbaric chamber that he goes into when he wants to remove his helmet? Then Captain Piett walks into the room and sees him without the helmet for the first time as Vader sits in the sphere.

    He's a man with mechanical limbs and a respirator to help him breath, his internal organs are all there but some are damaged as noted in many stories and at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Palpatine would never accept an apprentice who wasn't a living being of flesh.

    The mechanical parts are why Vader couldn't use Force Lightning but no droid or android ever used the force in any story or movie, etc.. that said he was still one of the most powerful force users ever, but had the misfortune to be around at the same time as arguably the most powerful Dark Lord, Emperor Palpatine.
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    If Vader is a droid, then so is anyone with a pacemaker or an artificial limb. Is Luke a droid? He has a cybernetic hand. These are the same people arguing that Chewbacca should have (insert keyword here).
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    Ummm...it's a game set in a made up universe. And the game is only a game within the made up universe, not a simulation. HTH.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Gutazedo wrote: »
    Useless thread

    Useless comment...

    Another useless comment...

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    Vader is definitely a man. As in, not a machine, makes his own decisions, has his memories, and requires a life support suit to survive.
    Grievous is similar, but I would argue that the tampering of Dooku with Grievous' memory renders him slightly more droid like, but I still don't think I'd go as far as to call him a Droid.
    It's an interesting argument, but the answer is quite clear that NEITHER Grievous or Vader are droids.
  • TheJuyoStyle
    18 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Grievous isn't a droid either, he is a cyborg who got really messed up and needed most of his body replaced with cybernetics. I don't see a problem with him being labeled as a droid because a"cyborg" tag currently doesn't exist. For the record Vader is also a cyborg and if a cyborg tag existed he should be given it. As it stands I don't want Vader to have a droid tag because of the effect on droid squads. Aside from that I have no problem with Vader being tagged as droid since a cyborg tag doesn't exist
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    Let's look at it this way, on the first page someone posted 3 pictures of GG. In the last one it showed he had augmented his brain, one thing now that I think of would be necessary to coordinate two extra arms that weren't part of your original body. There isn't a clear cut line that says when we are a cyborg, or a droid. If you get a hip replacement with a heart pacemaker, does that make you a cyborg? Obviously not but technically it should. All this to say, why not draw the line at GG is close enough to droid because has had his brain modified with hardware/circuitry. Vader on the other hand is worst case a cyborg, so has a modified body but his brain is the original state. He may have machines assisting him but it is not hardwired into his brain like GG. Is that good enough for everyone?
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    Furthermore, I saw an argument for Lobot. A quick google search has many clear and painstakingly obvious description stating Lobotomy has implants that were potent enough that they would take over his mind if he lost focus. They take away a part of his personality to make him more efficient. He in fact does lose focus and becomes the robot acting character in the movies so again, he can be classed droid due to his brain being altered. Just a little note, where do you think Lobot's name comes from. Hint: Lobot-omy! You know, that fun little operation where they drive a nail through the front of your skull to take out your frontal lobe. So yeah, definitely brain altered for him too.
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    Sparda88 wrote: »
    on the other hand is worst case a cyborg, so has a modified body but his brain is the original state. He may have machines assisting him but it is not hardwired into his brain like GG. Is that good enough for everyone?

    Except that his brain is wired. His mask and armor contain needles that connect his brain to the suit functions.

    I'm not claiming he is a droid, but is brain has most certainly been fiddled with.
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    I never knew anyone called Vader a droid until i saw this thread
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    SlyBeats wrote: »
    Cyborgs are different. Vader was a droid and his thinking process was like an AI from the force so he could make choices. Technically Vader is a droid so they should patch him up with the tag! It's the only thing that makes sense. Droid definition is a person who is lifeless and mechanical. Google it

    Vaders brain wasn't altered. Only mechanical limbs. No AI involved.

    By your reasoning, Jedi Knight Luke would be a droid because of his hand.

    If you see a person in real life with a prosthetic arm and leg, who has to have dialysis (the equivalent of artificial kidneys), do you consider them a droid? How about someone with an artificial heart or a pacemaker? What about someone in an iron lung?

    Vader is still human; consider after he kills Emperor Palpetine in RotJ when he tells Luke to remove his helmet "so I can look at you with my own eyes".

    He's not a droid; deal with it and farm another droid for your droid squad
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    I can't believe this thread is still going. :D
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    And how about Lando ..why doesn't he have the jawa tag?
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    I never knew anyone called Vader a droid until i saw this thread

    This too. Biggest strawman thread going....
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    nokenndo wrote: »
    Rey is OP

    I was with you until that part. Sorry, she doesn't even show up in top end arena teams. That might be the longest set up I've ever seen just to complain about Rey.

    FREAKING REBELS ARE OP, Rey a little bit
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    Chaze/Wiggsando is super op
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    I cant beleive people think Vader is a droid,

    does anyone actually pay attention to anything at all in the movies or EU or is it just a blur of robots, incest and glowing swords?
    My Collection Red Lining the Revan Counter

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    Grievous isn't a droid either, he is a cyborg who got really messed up and needed most of his body replaced with cybernetics. I don't see a problem with him being labeled as a droid because a"cyborg" tag currently doesn't exist. For the record Vader is also a cyborg and if a cyborg tag existed he should be given it. As it stands I don't want Vader to have a droid tag because of the effect on droid squads. Aside from that I have no problem with Vader being tagged as droid since a cyborg tag doesn't exist
    Grevious chose to be changed.
    Malthael wrote: »
    And how about Lando ..why doesn't he have the jawa tag?
    That was the funniest thread ever.

    I may have gotten it moved to forum trash by necroing it. Oops.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    The only thing dumber than this thread is anyone that thinks Darth Vader is a droid.
  • DarthPooDoo
    12 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    SlyBeats wrote: »
    SlyBeats wrote: »
    lukeroks wrote: »
    Do people actually think he needs The droid tag?!! That's rediculous he's still a human in a suit, he's Anakin sky walker, grievous became a machine and he was altered by Palestine , Vader was still himself.
    What are you stu-pid? Vader SHOULD be a bloody droid! He too was "altered" by PALPATINE duh

    Just because he has machinery in him doesn't make him a droid. That would make him a cyborg.
    That's like saying luke is a droid because he has a robotic hand.

    How many times must I repeat myself that cyborgs are a totally different subject. The moment you have your limbs and what not replaced with "artificial" ones is the moment you have AI because your body is not the same as it is artificially altered you will then also have artificial intelligence, thought process ect, Luke is NOT a droid because he still is more "man" than machine. His manhood is still attached hence he is a man! Darth Vader doesn't have either so he's technically a droid (lifeless and mechanical). Do you understand where I'm coming from?

    Vader is more man than machine as well but I have done some research to clear things in this discussion.

    Robots are purely mechanical, and are rarely designed to pass for a human.

    Cyborgs are bionic, with organic and inorganic components.

    Androids are purely mechanical (though they may have synthetic skin), and are programmed to act like a human

    So really he's human...

    It's not hard to look up definitions


    This is some interesting information on vaders injuries too it's a good read
    Post edited by DarthPooDoo on
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    LVTrisha wrote: »
    I think this is sufficient evidence to suggest that Darth Vader is a "Borderline Cyborg", which would make sense to even George Lucas himself.

    Alex Murphy (Robocop), on the other hand, IS a cyborg; the only difference between Murphy and Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 Series 800 ("Terminator", for lack of a better term) is the way they were created----ignoring their physical appearance, one is comprised of a human brain and upper torso while the other is 100% machinery.

    In Return of the Jedi, Vader was emotionally affected by Luke, and therefore acted upon it, hell, he even stood still seemingly pondering events after the fated reunion with his son. Vader has no ON/OFF switch to control him, and we also can't forget that he even killed some of his own crew in anger/frustration. Another thing...why would the proposed "droid" be caught meditating in its own private chamber?
  • Sparda88
    30 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    LVTrisha wrote: »
    Sparda88 wrote: »
    on the other hand is worst case a cyborg, so has a modified body but his brain is the original state. He may have machines assisting him but it is not hardwired into his brain like GG. Is that good enough for everyone?

    Except that his brain is wired. His mask and armor contain needles that connect his brain to the suit functions.

    I'm not claiming he is a droid, but is brain has most certainly been fiddled with.

    Ummm sorry but I last I checked, there were no needles when he takes off his helmet. You know he did make meditation chambers where he goes to take off his mask and well meditate. So no, there aren't needles in the helmet. If there were needles than there would be blood running down his face when he takes off his helmet. All we see are burn marks. If anything it would be an MRI concept where his brainwaves are used. That doesn't mean it's been fiddled with. That would mean thousands of people a day are being tampered with. (The illuminati are real!)

    In all honesty, if you can point out a scene that shows this I will watch it and try to come up with another theory but so far what you have said, I have found no proof of.
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    The nonsense is real!
    I approve of this troll thread.
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    nokenndo wrote: »
    It has come to my humble attention that there may be people out there that are of the opinion that Darth Vader was a droid. Unbelievable. I am at once both perplexed and speechless. Fortunately for all of you, I can still type as discussion my be duly had.

    While I can appreciate the argument that General Grievous was a droid – despite containing organic matter – such logic does not pass muster in the context of Anakin Skywalker’s transformation to Darth Vader. Sure Old Obi Wan said that he is more machine than man (or something to that effect), Darth Vader merely lost both his legs and his arm. That’s only three-quarters of his extremities. His torso and neck and head remained essentially intact – albeit somewhat damaged. ...Not quite sure why he wore a portable respirator, but assume that his lungs were damages by the hot air by the molten lava flows. Were his internal organs likewise damaged? This is something I was wondering about: Did he develop urological problems and was incapable of relieving himself as a man would normally do so? His lower torso was indeed closer to the lava... Also, I don't know if his outfit had any zippers or other mechanism to remove it if he had to run to the bathroom.... Was his suit akin to that of an astronaut’s suit where excretions were stored? Considering that technology was so advance that interstellar travel was the norm, perhaps it's not a stretch to assume that there was a process to recycle such fluids and excrement… I mean, did we ever see Darth Vader eat or drink? Yet, the foregoing notwithstanding, how would Obi Wan know these things anyway? His utterance is completely speculative, arbitrary and capricious. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, we must accept that Darth Vader was more man than machine, and moreover, clearly not a droid.

    And thus, here ends my ramblings… I would love to hear any counter arguments.

    Humbly posted, and in closing, kindly note
    Rey is OP

    In the medical field his arms and legs would be all his extremities not 3 quarters.
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    I don't think he ate, force sustained him...

    As for your last comment, if you think Rey is overempowered wait till you see the new space katniss, Jyn it will be more empowered, in movie and game, just like marey sue
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