For those who hate tournements...

338 posts Member
edited December 2016
They are time consuming and are only semi fun, but what would you prefer?
1. Characters be released in packs only like the old days?
2. Tournements refreshes by crystals again?
3. No tournements, so right now we could be doing our daily sims instead?

What exactly is your solution to make them better? I hear a lot of complaints but haven't seen any real solutions and seems if the haters had their way we would be doing daily sims right now.


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    Crystal tournament. In that way I (as a spender) have at least a good chance to score high.
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    My solution is a point based tournament
    1000 points you get 10 shards
    2k you get 25

    Etc etc

    A tournament solely for the player playing rather than battling against everyone
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    One idea would be to run a tournament like an extended Galactic War; keep the current scoring system, but remove the AP cost for character refreshes. You move sequentially through battles of increasingly difficult opponents. You retain TM, but also keep Damage and cooldowns. If a character dies, you can no longer use that character. Prize tiering is still based on total points. In this manner, tournaments (like GW) would reward players who have smart battle-to-battle strategies and deep rosters, while removing the penalizing economic factor of AP/crystals.

    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Tigzie wrote: »
    My solution is a point based tournament
    1000 points you get 10 shards
    2k you get 25

    Etc etc

    A tournament solely for the player playing rather than battling against everyone

    This would be fun. I just think it's a problem of time. Spending 5 hours battling just to hold position is not my idea of fun.
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    Personally I think they just aren't common enough, they are sort of a less fun version of raids at the moment
  • RonEmpire
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016

    To improve tournaments is to change the way the game handles the battle.

    CLIENT SERVER combat.

    You make a move. It tells the server your move. Server tells you what damage you take and what damage you do. Server keeps track of your health AND the other teams health.

    Guess what? All the "glitches" and "exploits" problems vanishes. No need to sit around reporting people. No need for Luificer Dadddy to be having to sit around reading through a ton of emails.

    Currently the game does all the combat and reports results back to the server.

    You guys figure out what that means.
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    Snake2 wrote: »
    Tigzie wrote: »
    My solution is a point based tournament
    1000 points you get 10 shards
    2k you get 25

    Etc etc

    A tournament solely for the player playing rather than battling against everyone

    This would be fun. I just think it's a problem of time. Spending 5 hours battling just to hold position is not my idea of fun.

    I think that's his point, you don't battle to hold position because you can't lose position. You just gain points when you win and your final bracket is based on total tournament points.

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    I saw one interesting concept regarding the prize tiers being "achieved" if you will. So you battle your way through the masses climbing the prize ladder. Once you have passed a bar, you are guaranteed that prize. End result being "can you fight through these 40 teams to get to the top with your roster and refresh points or not", as opposed to things just being based on time and mental stamina lol.

    At any rate, I feel like I'd personally care a lot less about the "issues" if gaining the shards/characters was just a means to get a headstart for their release so the "winners" start the shard grind ahead. So far we have had tournaments for Shoretrooper, Chirrut, and Jyn. Shoretrooper took like 2 months to be accessible, and only in chromium packs now. And even then, as a "new chromium character", he does not have the buffed drop rates that toons like Cody, Echo, etc all saw on their entry into chromium packs. He's not even in the shipment store for crystals lol. Chirrut is nowhere to be seen.

    We are just fighting over character releases that reward worthless star level characters that cannot be upgraded. Everyone wants new toons. Everyone wants to play with said new toons. Gaining, gearing, and leveling a 3 star character that cannot be used in arena, rancor, or aat, (srsly, who g11's a character just to use in GW?) is not fun. Let us fight over the characters, and then put them in the game shortly after. No one wants to stare at their 3 star prize....or pile of 20 shards for the next who knows how long.

    I'd honestly be happy if the tournament toons were preludes to new cantina node/hard node characters and we went back to "premium" character releases being released via aurodium/chromium (as well as being available for the static 320 crystal price in the shipment store). If the only way to upgrade a character from star level 3 is to buy a lottery pack with a 1/78 chance of getting shards for the character I'm trying to play makes finishing rank 101 in tournaments that much more annoying, it makes unlocking the 3 star character that much more annoying, it makes everything about tournaments more annoying lol. If finishing rank 101 just means I have to farm cantina nodes for an extra two weeks to earn the shards I missed from top 100 I feel the population would be a whole lot less salty.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Mewingloki wrote: »
    I saw one interesting concept regarding the prize tiers being "achieved" if you will. So you battle your way through the masses climbing the prize ladder. Once you have passed a bar, you are guaranteed that prize. End result being "can you fight through these 40 teams to get to the top with your roster and refresh points or not", as opposed to things just being based on time and mental stamina lol.

    At any rate, I feel like I'd personally care a lot less about the "issues" if gaining the shards/characters was just a means to get a headstart for their release so the "winners" start the shard grind ahead. So far we have had tournaments for Shoretrooper, Chirrut, and Jyn. Shoretrooper took like 2 months to be accessible, and only in chromium packs now. And even then, as a "new chromium character", he does not have the buffed drop rates that toons like Cody, Echo, etc all saw on their entry into chromium packs. He's not even in the shipment store for crystals lol. Chirrut is nowhere to be seen.

    We are just fighting over character releases that reward worthless star level characters that cannot be upgraded. Everyone wants new toons. Everyone wants to play with said new toons. Gaining, gearing, and leveling a 3 star character that cannot be used in arena, rancor, or aat, (srsly, who g11's a character just to use in GW?) is not fun. Let us fight over the characters, and then put them in the game shortly after. No one wants to stare at their 3 star prize....or pile of 20 shards for the next who knows how long.

    I'd honestly be happy if the tournament toons were preludes to new cantina node/hard node characters and we went back to "premium" character releases being released via aurodium/chromium (as well as being available for the static 320 crystal price in the shipment store). If the only way to upgrade a character from star level 3 is to buy a lottery pack with a 1/78 chance of getting shards for the character I'm trying to play makes finishing rank 101 in tournaments that much more annoying, it makes unlocking the 3 star character that much more annoying, it makes everything about tournaments more annoying lol. If finishing rank 101 just means I have to farm cantina nodes for an extra two weeks to earn the shards I missed from top 100 I feel the population would be a whole lot less salty.

    One problem I see with you ladder option. Person who joins 1st and starts in 1st would have to perform 0 battles for that reward.

    I like the idea of points tiers you get x amount of points you get this reward.

    Takes out the am I on an easy leaderboard or crazy one with 1st needed 4k+ points vs10k+ points.
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    These are all pretty good ideas and changes that could be made. I do like the idea of spending less time on these not because I don't like playing but because they are repetitive and as others have stated, spending 5 hours holding position is not fun. Keep in mind if you were to change the system to some of the ideas such as no character refreshes then the majority of players would still complain because whales have more roster depth...
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    A couple of good ideas here. I would propose that for the tournament, the number of teams we can use is limited. For example, you set a team for your defense. Those toons CANNOT be used on offense. They are defending you, and aren't available. Then, you bring in a certain number of toons that are your pool for the tournament. Say 30. Whatever it is. You then battle. Any remaining toons can move on. Toons that are defeated have to be replaced from your pool. No individual toon resets, but you can reset your entire pool a finite number of times, at a cost that make sense for the total number of toons. Say you have Wedge die in your first battle. You can use him next, but it costs the same as resetting your full roster and counts as your full roster refresh.

    Yes, P2P folks will still have an advantage. They SHOULD. They are providing the developers the resources they need for the game. But because of the finite number or refreshes, F2P can compete as well and have a chance. Also, the amount of total time could be reduced. And it's the time aspect of this that I find annoying.
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    I think the 24 hour format is better overall, but it stinks if someone can't make it due to real life. I'd love to see tournies move to a week long event, with seven different days in which someone can enter. Tourney is still only 24 hours, and once you've entered you're locked into that bracket. At least that way people could pick and choose their grind around life, and not miss out on a chance to unlock a toon.
    - R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -
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    I'm a fan of the "Ladder" setups,alot of games use that format,i like the idea of using ally points tho----change the current tourny to guild vs guild and add ladder events would be awesome.These tourneys now seem oversaturated!!
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    RebelBass wrote: »
    One idea would be to run a tournament like an extended Galactic War; keep the current scoring system, but remove the AP cost for character refreshes. You move sequentially through battles of increasingly difficult opponents. You retain TM, but also keep Damage and cooldowns. If a character dies, you can no longer use that character. Prize tiering is still based on total points. In this manner, tournaments (like GW) would reward players who have smart battle-to-battle strategies and deep rosters, while removing the penalizing economic factor of AP/crystals.

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    look at other games and how they provide content, like marvel FF. Tournaments here are just limited time mini arena's, not content.
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    I think the solution is obvious. More balanced servers. I'm fighting people way stronger and way weaker than me. That's not a fair tournament. We should also stay within our arena servers. If someone I'm competing with in arena gets an easy tournament server then I'm at a disadvantage
  • RonEmpire
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I think a BLIND tournament would be better. Everybody gets X number of teams to fight against and see what the score is at the end of those match ups. Refresh can cost the way it does.
    The tournament doesn't need to be short or long or whatever. Given that it is a blind tournament it can be 2 days long. JUST no free refresh resets allowed. Because it is blind, there is no need to push. You do your X combat selections.

    ALSO- It should give a fixed list of teams to everybody to choose from to fight through.
    The list should be sorted based on the players normal arena standings.

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    What about themed tournements. So if the reward toon is rebel you are limited to only using rebels to attack. Similar to the mod challenge requirements system. Or even if they limit it to only light side toons are usable, since the reward is LS.

    Also cap the amount of refreshes per character to say 5. This will limit time needed to spend on tournements while still offering all players a decent chance to get the rewards due to the faction restrictions. Additionally this will require more "skill" then the current system.
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    Id much rather characters release like Bistan did.

    You have to earn shards throught battle during a limited time
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    Tournaments issues that should in my opinion be addressed (in no particular order):

    1 - Everyone starts with the same currency to spend (be at ally points or tournament coins, call it what you want). For example, everyone starts with 250k ally points (the amount is up for discussion ofc, it depends on how much of a grind event CG wants to make of this) and can only spend up to that amount, the management of that currency will determine the best results.

    2 - If there is a tie everyone gets the same prize.

    3- Rewards are cross server, that means that if you did e.g 4500 points and are 2500 rank in your server but in another server that would grant you top 100 rewards you get top 100 rewards.

    4 - Characters that get launched via tournament get launched simultaneously via aurodium. Exclusive (chromium and tournaments) max 2 months.

    5 - Server grouping is determined by arena shard time (e.g. if you are from an august server or even more recent you will not be in a server with people from december last year)

    6 - Every tournament event should have a theme.. e.g. Next tournament is a ewok event (ewoks have 30 speed bonus and are crit immune for the first 2 turns... bonus/factions vary each tournament) to avoid the mind numbing experience of fighting 30 times in a row a variation of whatever the meta is at the time.
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    Malthael wrote: »
    Tournaments issues that should in my opinion be addressed (in no particular order):

    1 - Everyone starts with the same currency to spend (be at ally points or tournament coins, call it what you want). For example, everyone starts with 250k ally points (the amount is up for discussion ofc, it depends on how much of a grind event CG wants to make of this) and can only spend up to that amount, the management of that currency will determine the best results.

    2 - If there is a tie everyone gets the same prize.

    3- Rewards are cross server, that means that if you did e.g 4500 points and are 2500 rank in your server but in another server that would grant you top 100 rewards you get top 100 rewards.

    4 - Characters that get launched via tournament get launched simultaneously via aurodium. Exclusive (chromium and tournaments) max 2 months.

    5 - Server grouping is determined by arena shard time (e.g. if you are from an august server or even more recent you will not be in a server with people from december last year)

    6 - Every tournament event should have a theme.. e.g. Next tournament is a ewok event (ewoks have 30 speed bonus and are crit immune for the first 2 turns... bonus/factions vary each tournament) to avoid the mind numbing experience of fighting 30 times in a row a variation of whatever the meta is at the time.

    1) I like this idea.
    2) I like this one too.
    3) This idea I am less enamored of - some servers are simply more competitive than others and it would not be as fair to give those in a very uncompetitive server the same rewards as those in a more competitive one.
    4) I like this idea.
    5) I am in love with this one...very similar to the Arena groupings.
    6) Not a bad idea in theory but it would be hard to pick a theme for every tournament as many players would be unable to field teams that fit the theme.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    Events on the palpatine/Yoda model
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    If you can't get in the top 100, you just wind up with15-20 useless shards. It's pointless.
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    I'm not a fan of server based status mainly as I like to travel and play :/ so wouldn't that mean if I'm on the train and it drops out id automatically be booted out rather than when it reconnects carrying on from where I was?
  • RonEmpire
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Tigzie wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of server based status mainly as I like to travel and play :/ so wouldn't that mean if I'm on the train and it drops out id automatically be booted out rather than when it reconnects carrying on from where I was?

    since there is no timer on finishing the battle. no reason why you can't resume from where you left off if it was server based combat.

    Put it this way, there are lots of turn based browser games like Travian and facebook browser base games that are client and server modeled. Tournament isn't timed based at all. (unlike arena)

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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    They are time consuming and are only semi fun, but what would you prefer?
    1. Characters be released in packs only like the old days?
    2. Tournements refreshes by crystals again?
    3. No tournements, so right now we could be doing our daily sims instead?

    What exactly is your solution to make them better? I hear a lot of complaints but haven't seen any real solutions and seems if the haters had their way we would be doing daily sims right now.

    Up until the Jyn tournament I was not a big fan of the tournaments at all. EA addressed a lot of the issues. One, Ally point resets were increased to help drain the whales so tournaments will balance out at some point. They only last 24-hours now which is perfect. Go in and get your battles, if you want to use all your Ally points then just battle until you're done and at that point it's over for you until the tournament ends.

    The only thing I wish they'd do is introduce an Aurodium pack for that character for a limited time so players that want to pay and finish the character to 7-stars can finish.
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    dad2my3 wrote: »
    If you can't get in the top 100, you just wind up with15-20 useless shards. It's pointless.

    2 Million credits; raid gear; Omegas and purples... anyhow next tournament is cancelled
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    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    They are time consuming and are only semi fun, but what would you prefer?
    1. Characters be released in packs only like the old days?
    2. Tournements refreshes by crystals again?
    3. No tournements, so right now we could be doing our daily sims instead?

    What exactly is your solution to make them better? I hear a lot of complaints but haven't seen any real solutions and seems if the haters had their way we would be doing daily sims right now.

    Up until the Jyn tournament I was not a big fan of the tournaments at all. EA addressed a lot of the issues. One, Ally point resets were increased to help drain the whales so tournaments will balance out at some point. They only last 24-hours now which is perfect. Go in and get your battles, if you want to use all your Ally points then just battle until you're done and at that point it's over for you until the tournament ends.

    The only thing I wish they'd do is introduce an Aurodium pack for that character for a limited time so players that want to pay and finish the character to 7-stars can finish.

    This. I'm not begging for free stuff - just let me buy the character ffs lol. If a character can't even be used in a raid for months at a time there is a problem.
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    something where if you get xxx score you get 7* Doesnt matter what score others get, just what score you get.

    Or a system where each battle gives you points and you spend the points on shards for the character you want (The new character plus some previous options. Eg next one we could get shards for new person, jyn, cassian or tie interceptor)
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Viserys wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    Tigzie wrote: »
    My solution is a point based tournament
    1000 points you get 10 shards
    2k you get 25

    Etc etc

    A tournament solely for the player playing rather than battling against everyone

    This would be fun. I just think it's a problem of time. Spending 5 hours battling just to hold position is not my idea of fun.

    I think that's his point, you don't battle to hold position because you can't lose position. You just gain points when you win and your final bracket is based on total tournament points.

    Yes, sorry. To be clear I mean the problem with the current tournament is time. Not with his idea.
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