Furnace world problems--I mean, first world problems

489 posts Member
edited January 2017
So I'm having trouble deciding to who to give a furnace to again. My primary team is well above all others which has lead to some trouble in Galactic War. Furthermore, my guild now only runs Heroic raids so almost all of my teams have become fractured until I can do some promoting. All of these units are at gear level 8 and would move up to gear level 9 if they got this furnace.
  • Rey Super useful in Galactic War, does high damage in Raids, required for Speed Mods. She doesn't really fit any team for either raid the way every other unit on this list does.
  • Leia Again, super useful in Galactic War, could do a lot of damage in Raids soon, and could help with mods. I just don't have 7star'd yet, though she is who I'm farming from Arena, so as mentioned, soon.
  • St. Han Not very good at absorbing damage, so maybe he will be if I get him to gear IX? Palpatine is 6 months away, he's served his purpose as a scoundrel, and I'm not that eager to farm tenacity mods.
  • IG-88 A good temporary leader in Raids and will be a useful member of my Droid squad when the rest catch up. Also an okay member of this dark side team I use in Galactic War. The problem is, I don't have a full Droid'wa team.
  • HK-47 Again, Droids are great but Sentinel, Nebit, and Engineer are all still at 6stars.
Eager to read some thoughts or experiences, and open to asking questions. Thanks in advance.

Edit: A lot of replies have been relating to scoundrel events/challenges, but I have those down. I do not need to gear scoundrels. My needs are in Galactic War and Raids only. Thanks agian.
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    Something that gets high dps toons into your top 5. Depending on how your scoundrel team is....
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Something that gets high dps toons into your top 5. Depending on how your scoundrel team is....

    Don't I know it! My top 5 are too far ahead right now for that to help me decide though.
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
  • Supercat
    3250 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    First world problems...

    Also Sthan or 88
    I lean towards 88
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    I would lean towards giving it to SThan, simply because he is a rebel/scoundrel and the gear bump should let him be a bit tankier, although he will never be the tankiest of tanks.

    I feel ya though. I have 15 toons at 7* gear level 8 and have yet to have a furnace drop for me in raid or appear in shipments since I've started playing.

    Rex, Boba, Wedge, Lando, STH, DM, Ig-88, Ahsoka, Hk-47, Cody, Ig-86, TFP, Luminara, Rey, Jyn Erso

    I'm leaning toward giving it to my 7* Jyn if/when I get one because not many people have that toon yet.

    Extrapolating 8 weeks of T7 rancor to get 35/50 salvage. I'm looking at another 3.5 weeks to get my first furnace. I'll probably have 20 G8 toons by then. FML
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    I would do 88 as after that Furnace its quite easy to get him to gear level 10 as from memory does not require stun cuffs or stun guns
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    IG-88 and STH both work with scoundrel events. I use IG-88 more with Boba lead.
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    Sth gets better once geared, he'd be my choice out of those options. If for no other reason than credit heist... and he has many other uses
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    STHan is a good choice, I use it in arena and credit heist. Gear 10 and 19k HP + 27k protection.
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    Farm wiggs first thing then get baze slowly from Shipments. Gonna help you loads. Oh, and a Jyn or a Chirrut won't do any harm:)
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    You're suggesting farming Baze from shipments? :open_mouth: Imho forget about Baze. Firstly, there's no way of getting Chirrut until the tournament comes back, so while he's still powerful, he's not as brutishly strong as he is with Chirrut. Secondly, that's 80 crystals per shard. Unless you're hitting top 5 of the arena, it's either going to take far longer than is useful (by which time he'll probably be in a Cantina node, guild shipments or somewhere easier), or it'll eat into your energy refreshes. Both are suboptimal.

    Use crystals for refreshes. Extra crystals for mod packs and raid gear. If you're buying crystals or are top 5 arena, splurge on shards. But it's really not a good use of crystals otherwise.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    st han or ig88. I geared st han first, but back then he was pretty darn good in arena. Currently i don't use st han or ig88 anywhere except for p3 and p2 respectively of the AAT raid. (and ofcourse the credit/droid heist).
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    STH isn't very good until G10 just FYI. The others can be decent at G9. Other than STH, IG-88 probably holds his value the best, especially if you want to run droids.
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    The furnace salvage shows up 3 at a time in the shard shop. I've been exploiting that. It's a slow farm but it's better than nothing
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    STH isn't very good until G10 just FYI. The others can be decent at G9. Other than STH, IG-88 probably holds his value the best, especially if you want to run droids.

    Depends on the level and arena shard age of the OP. STHan works perfectly well at G8 or G9 in sub-80 arenas.
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    STH as he gets so much better at Gear 11.
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    Marko79 wrote: »
    I would do 88 as after that Furnace its quite easy to get him to gear level 10 as from memory does not require stun cuffs or stun guns

    I wish! Unfortunately they all require another piece of raid (or two) at the next gear level and 88 does need a stun gun.
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    Furnace is now in shipments rotation
  • Rizn
    246 posts Member
    Furnace is now in shipments rotation

    Thank you oh great Dev in the sky. This was all I asked for.
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