Stun still broken?

Still no official word from Devs.
Why is stun being shrugged off as soon as it's applied?
Is it broken or what?


  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I ran into this in my GW yesterday on node 11. Stunned Biggs with Aayla. Yes, it was a crit, so Biggs should have gained 100% TM, then gone to 0. Instead, he gained his TM, came out of stun, and immediately triple tapped my EP right out of the lineup. Retreated and beat the team with different strategy, but that's not WAI.
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    I've had this issue with Assaj's & Daka's stun.
    No, it's not their Leader. This happens a whole lot with varied Leads & against random Toons but when an entire team pushes out of stun from Palpatine with no rhyme or reason...something's up.
    An entire team??

    Asked this question about stun a few times & have never been answered officially as to what's going on here.
    Please tell me stun isn't 'Teebo'd'.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    I have not seen anything this happen and non of my 200 guild mates have either so unless I see proof I don't believe it. Most of the "bugs" I see turn out to just be players not knowing what toons do what with all their various skills
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    I'm having this problem with Palpatine. I thought it was just me but sounds like it's an issue.
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    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    I'm having this problem with Palpatine. I thought it was just me but sounds like it's an issue.

    Potentially, you don't have enough potency, and aside from that issue, he *only* has a 70% chance of stunning anyone on your team.
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    Seen this too in GW a few days back. Biggs straight out of stun with full TM. Whole team stunned except wedge. Triple shot and hey sth out of stun too straight into taunt.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    evanbio wrote: »
    I ran into this in my GW yesterday on node 11. Stunned Biggs with Aayla. Yes, it was a crit, so Biggs should have gained 100% TM, then gone to 0. Instead, he gained his TM, came out of stun, and immediately triple tapped my EP right out of the lineup. Retreated and beat the team with different strategy, but that's not WAI.
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Seen this too in GW a few days back. Biggs straight out of stun with full TM. Whole team stunned except wedge. Triple shot and hey sth out of stun too straight into taunt.

    Y'all do realize that Biggs is WAI, right? Empire toons stunning him is gonna be next to impossible, and Crits on him from any character, which you admitted AS did to him. He survived it, got 100% TM AND Evasion Up.


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    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    Edit: Rethinking.

    Post edited by SnakesOnAPlane on
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    Not in my case. He was clearly stunned.
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    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Not in my case. He was clearly stunned.

    You said he came out of it. He wasn't stunned because he Evaded it. The visual "stun" you see gets Evaded. Happens all the time. WAI.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    He wasn't stunned. He evaded it. WAI. Now, hit him with a non-Empire, non-Crit, and you stand a chance of stunning him.

    i stun biggs all the time with empire to reset his TM. He won't remain stunned ofcourse, but the stun icon pops up.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I have seen this bug happen on other characters (not Biggs) where it definitely shouldn't. It works exactly as the OP describes. The stun is not evaded - these are characters that have been clearly stunned and have gradually had their TM increase, but then rather than leaving the stun and having partial TM as would be expected if WAI, they immediately have full TM for no reason and take a full turn. It is definitely a bug and not down to some ability.

    I have seen it in both arena and GW.
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    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    Curious, had he previously evaded any Crits or hits from Empire during this match?
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    leef wrote: »
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    He wasn't stunned. He evaded it. WAI. Now, hit him with a non-Empire, non-Crit, and you stand a chance of stunning him.

    i stun biggs all the time with empire to reset his TM. He won't remain stunned ofcourse, but the stun icon pops up.

    Does his TM go down to 0% after, or does he stay 100%?

  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    He wasn't stunned. He evaded it. WAI. Now, hit him with a non-Empire, non-Crit, and you stand a chance of stunning him.

    i stun biggs all the time with empire to reset his TM. He won't remain stunned ofcourse, but the stun icon pops up.

    Does his TM go down to 0% after, or does he stay 100%?

    It goes to 0% and then up to whatever he gains as a result of a turn being taken.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Point being he was stunned. So should of filled his turn meter then dropped out of stun to zero no.

    He wasn't stunned. He evaded it. WAI. Now, hit him with a non-Empire, non-Crit, and you stand a chance of stunning him.

    i stun biggs all the time with empire to reset his TM. He won't remain stunned ofcourse, but the stun icon pops up.

    Does his TM go down to 0% after, or does he stay 100%?

    he gets hit, stunned and 100% TM at the same time. When my turn (the stun) is over it's biggs his turn due to the 100% TM, he loses stun and goes to 0% TM and starts filling up TM until the next toon reaches 100% TM.
    ^this all happens pretty fast so it's not easy to see in the heat of battle B) , but you definately see the stun icon appear and the 100% TM gain, usually i don't actually see him @ 0%TM, but at x% TM (depending TM Bar/speed of the next toon to take his turn)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    if palpi lead stuns all 5 enemy toons, including biggs, it's up to RNG if you see biggs stunned or at 0%TM. I'll try to remember to take a screenshot if my palpi feels like stunning the full 5 :p
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Do any of you who suffer this bug have Palp in the squad? Palp deals damage to rebels at the end of his turns. That also gives Biggs full TM, or not?
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    Did Palpatine have another turn and attack another enemy? His unique causes him to inflict special damage to all Jedi and Rebels at the end of his turn. So is it possible that Palp stunned Biggs giving him 100% TM immediately bringing him out of stun and back to 0% TM then Palp hit another toon but inflicting special damage at the end of his turn to all rebels giving Biggs 100% TM again? I find it's best to shock Biggs first if you can otherwise every time Palp has a turn Biggs will get 100% TM whether you attack him or not.
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    Did Palpatine have another turn and attack another enemy? His unique causes him to inflict special damage to all Jedi and Rebels at the end of his turn. So is it possible that Palp stunned Biggs giving him 100% TM immediately bringing him out of stun and back to 0% TM then Palp hit another toon but inflicting special damage at the end of his turn to all rebels giving Biggs 100% TM again? I find it's best to shock Biggs first if you can otherwise every time Palp has a turn Biggs will get 100% TM whether you attack him or not.

    More likely, it all happened in a single palp turn. Stun fills Biggs' meter, so he comes out at 0%, then Palp's end of turn fills it again so he starts with full turn meter. No separate turn required.
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    Maybe but I run Empire squad all the time including arena and I've never seen this happen. You could be right, I'll pay more attention in future.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    evanbio wrote: »
    I ran into this in my GW yesterday on node 11. Stunned Biggs with Aayla. Yes, it was a crit, so Biggs should have gained 100% TM, then gone to 0. Instead, he gained his TM, came out of stun, and immediately triple tapped my EP right out of the lineup. Retreated and beat the team with different strategy, but that's not WAI.
    WR4TH0R wrote: »
    Seen this too in GW a few days back. Biggs straight out of stun with full TM. Whole team stunned except wedge. Triple shot and hey sth out of stun too straight into taunt.

    Y'all do realize that Biggs is WAI, right? Empire toons stunning him is gonna be next to impossible, and Crits on him from any character, which you admitted AS did to him. He survived it, got 100% TM AND Evasion Up.


    Yes, I know how Biggs works. He's on my Arena team. But after gaining 100%TM, he should lose stun and go to 0TM. Not lose stun and get a turn. That's not how stun works. A character comes out of stun when their TM hits 100% and misses their turn. I was basically using AS to "skip" Biggs. Except it didn't work.
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    Just a random thought, would Biggs get 100 TM from Palp who is Empire + 100 if its a critical hit. Thus he would come out of stun and gain 100% TM
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    If palp is the cause, it'll be because he damages Biggs again at the end of his turn, not because he's empire. If other imperial toons are doing this, you might have something.
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    Nothermike wrote: »
    If palp is the cause, it'll be because he damages Biggs again at the end of his turn, not because he's empire. If other imperial toons are doing this, you might have something.

    I have seen this happen OP and accredited it to the stun dealing dmg after the initial yea he is stunned (takes stun as hit resets to 0% tm) and then takes dmg from stun (pushing him to 100% tm) and rest is history.

    Now as far as sthan doing that...i havent seen it, and face him alot still.
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    I understand Biggs mechanics & am well aware.

    But stuns are being APPLIED to any toons (Leaders abilities & seperate uniques I have taken into account also when this happens) & simply thrown off. If potency was an issue here, why would it show it has been applied instead of 'Resisted'?

    If Palp stunned the entire team, what one ability of any toon could pull them ALL out of it.
    I'm not only talking multiple instances of stun, but Assaj, Finn & Daka's stun are being shrugged off.
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    I've had this bad surprise with Barriss... Lando is stunned, halfway through TM, I think i'm safe, pound into someone else. Barriss takes a turn, auto-cleanses the stun and now I have a Lando with almost full TM that becomes much more of a problem as I thought he was...
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    Over a year later and still happening to me routinely. My R2 (speed 238(81)) had the entire enemy squad stunned. (Yes, R2 was left on his own so I wasn't going to win anyway.) Enemy Han Solo comes out of stun and immediately attacks/kills R2.

    I also often use Palp squads in GW and enemies routinely immediately get a turn as they emerge from being stunned.

    Has a dev ever commented on this problem that so many players experience?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator

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