Brother in-law and I just got kicked from guild without warning :D


  • sying
    982 posts Member
    sying wrote: »
    was able to solo the pigs, to my surprise, and after the raid was over the leader questioned how I was able to do it.
    It's clear this was the reason. Your squads stole chances for other players from getting a decent score.

    Since your guild just started running heroic rancor...they for sure don't need a damage hog.
    I am sure your guild leader did not give an ok to solo pig phase.

    Without asking permission from Raid leader you should have not solod the pigs.

    If I was the guild leader I would have insta kicked both of you for the sake of remaining 48 in the guild.

    It's pretty apparent from the responses that you are way wrong. Kicking people because they can produce damage is counterproductive. Multiple ways exist in order for everyone to get their damage in. If, as a guild leader you cannot figure out how to manage everyone from heavy damage dealers to the ones who can barely hang on then you shouldn't be a guild leader.
    If OP was such an amazing damage dealer then he would be still in the guild.

    It seems OP broke some guild raid policy. What that rule was can't be confirmed unless we hear from raid leader.

    No one gets kicked from a guild for "doing the right thing"; which is what you seem to claim OP was doing.

    Our guild has rules for heroic AAT. If you hit out of turn or pad the meter to change phases...first you get a warning...followed by gkick for second offense.

    But if you are in a no rules, dumpster guild then yah....blow stuff up..

    Actually, I'm in a guild where people solo the whole thing, not just one phase. Our rules are simple: get your 600 and a zero damage phase, which could be six to twenty four hours, so people who will miss can still score. That's it. If you don't score zero damage and you miss the raid then that's it. Our rancor runs about fifteen minute tops and our HAAT goes for 45-50. We don't need silly rules to keep people in line. In fact, the only thing I've seen people getting kicked is for missing their 600. We absolutely do not believe in limiting people, which is what you seem to be advocating.

    I've seen people get kicked for doing the right thing. It's not fair. As far as OP, I'm willing to bet there was something else but I could be wrong. My issue is with someone who thinks it's okay to put arbitrary limits on damage and what players can and can't do within the guild. Did you ever stop to think that if you didn't limit how fast people can learn to solo rancor, and then learn from each other that your guild could have finished HAAT that much faster? Probably not. You're too busy looking at a tree and missing the forest.
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    If more people were calling me out, I might've taken the time to post chat screenshots my friend sent showing the reason for my kick (they thought I was cheating, as suspected), but thankfully most of you here don't seem to be angrily opposed to the idea of me being honest.

    Funnily enough, they didn't even give a reason for my bro in-law's kick, which leads me to believe it was simply out of spite.

    Anyway, thanks for all the offers, guys - it's much appreciated.
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    was able to solo the pigs, to my surprise, and after the raid was over the leader questioned how I was able to do it.
    It's clear this was the reason. Your squads stole chances for other players from getting a decent score.

    Since your guild just started running heroic rancor...they for sure don't need a damage hog.
    I am sure your guild leader did not give an ok to solo pig phase.

    Without asking permission from Raid leader you should have not solod the pigs.

    If I was the guild leader I would have insta kicked both of you for the sake of remaining 48 in the guild.

    I always knew you wouldn't be a good leader...
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    Supercat wrote: »
    was able to solo the pigs, to my surprise, and after the raid was over the leader questioned how I was able to do it.
    It's clear this was the reason. Your squads stole chances for other players from getting a decent score.

    Since your guild just started running heroic rancor...they for sure don't need a damage hog.
    I am sure your guild leader did not give an ok to solo pig phase.

    Without asking permission from Raid leader you should have not solod the pigs.

    If I was the guild leader I would have insta kicked both of you for the sake of remaining 48 in the guild.

    I always knew you wouldn't be a good leader...
    Thanks @Supercat
    I had no idea I needed your vote to approval or disapproval to conduct my life.
    Hahha...Thanks Dr e-Phil

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    Publicity? It's a mobile game publicity? Any recognition any individual gets is for commercial gain of EA and any notion that isn't true is false. Some of you may make some money off of YouTube but any thought that it isn't monetarily beneficial to EA than you are daft. Publicity this guy says.
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    Dabro1974 wrote: »
    Publicity? It's a mobile game publicity? Any recognition any individual gets is for commercial gain of EA and any notion that isn't true is false. Some of you may make some money off of YouTube but any thought that it isn't monetarily beneficial to EA than you are daft. Publicity this guy says.

    Huh? I get a free small fries at local McDonalds for turning TI down twice. And the waffle House down the road throws onions in my hash browns, on the house, for not posting screenshots leading to being kicked from 66. You still think this game doesn't matter in real life???!!!
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Dabro1974 wrote: »
    Publicity? It's a mobile game publicity? Any recognition any individual gets is for commercial gain of EA and any notion that isn't true is false. Some of you may make some money off of YouTube but any thought that it isn't monetarily beneficial to EA than you are daft. Publicity this guy says.

    Get the heck outta here. Publicity as in GUILD PUBLICITY, for growth and fun! Leave it to someone to try and play the monetization card on my comment. It's okay you're anti-corporate and probably voted for Bernie. We get it, but no need to show your disdain for EA and rich folk.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Dabro1974 wrote: »
    Publicity? It's a mobile game publicity? Any recognition any individual gets is for commercial gain of EA and any notion that isn't true is false. Some of you may make some money off of YouTube but any thought that it isn't monetarily beneficial to EA than you are daft. Publicity this guy says.

    Get the heck outta here. Publicity as in GUILD PUBLICITY, for growth and fun! Leave it to someone to try and play the monetization card on my comment. It's okay you're anti-corporate and probably voted for Bernie. We get it, but no need to show your disdain for EA and rich folk.

    That's a rather large assumption based on what he actually said. Not everything is an attack on corporates and rich folk. (or i interpreted his comment wrong)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Lol rich folk....I have money to spend and get any item I want in game. Problem is it's a mobile game and when the life cycle is over for it you will realize that all the money you spend didn't really advance most people. Sure a few YouTubers may have an audience and be able to move to a different game and Continue to capitalize on it but for most all the money spent will be a regrettable experience. Not everyone but most. Sorry I know for some people this forum experience is how they make themselves feel better about themselves. Good day.
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    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    "Rich folk" in swgoh are probably (yes I said probably as I got no documented proof)...are just hard working folks who are blowing their pay checks on crystals.

    It's their money and they can spend on crystals on a virtual game or buy food and clothing for their family but who are we to judge them.

    This is America and you are free to do whatever u want with your money. That's just the American your life on credit cards and loans.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.
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    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    "Rich folk" in swgoh are probably (yes I said probably as I got no documented proof)...are just hard working folks who are blowing their pay checks on crystals.

    It's their money and they can spend on crystals on a virtual game or buy food and clothing for their family but who are we to judge them.

    This is America and you are free to do whatever u want with your money. That's just the American your life on credit cards and loans.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Somewhat accurate. Except:

    I don't work hard, ever.
    What are credit cards?
    And the investment in this game is a heck of a lot cheaper than if I was sitting in the casino for the same amount of time.


  • Ghostwolf
    59 posts Member
    edited January 2017
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    It seems OP broke some guild raid policy. What that rule was can't be confirmed unless we hear from raid leader.

    No one gets kicked from a guild for "doing the right thing"; which is what you seem to claim OP was doing.

    Our guild has rules for heroic AAT. If you hit out of turn or pad the meter to change phases...first you get a warning...followed by gkick for second offense

    And that's horribly sad you live in a guild that believes in 1st place medals for all. Folks get kicked all the time due to this ridiculous liberal mentality. I'd kick you the heck out of my guild for even suggesting such. You're holding strong players back from being great, and preventing them from prospering their learnings to others.

    I disagree, sometimes players can miss raids because of real life. I may be misreading what you're saying but I don't see anything wrong with 1 attack on two phases and FFA for the rest to ensure everybody gets rewards.

    That's what Zergs are for. That's all we do. Everyone has the chance to 0 log 12 to 24 hours in advance of start time. No missing there. Further, power damage players rarely affect the score of lower hitters.

    I still don't understand how the rules I listed are "holding players back from being great"

    I don't want to argue I'm just genuinely curious

    In terms of ending rank, not much at all. However, the main diff is some folks never have the chance to solo the entire raid. They'd get top either way, right? So why limit their fun and rosters, and limit attempting things only a small few are capable of doing? Further, the raid ends quicker, rewards come faster, and people don't have to spend hours on end every night playing this game.

    Oh okay, I see what you're saying. Three Cheers For Tyranny behind those guilds ;)


    To add, on our HAAT raids, we do P1-2 first night, and P3-4 the next night. This gives ample time for folks to plan and play, and it lets everyone spend less time away from their families, on top of making it easier to mod swap back and forth.

    That's what we do in my guild, except P1-2 are one attack per player and 3-4 are FFA.

    I mean this respectfully...Why not just have a 12 hour registration period where everyone can register 0 and then do a FFA and avoid drama?

    Exactly! Which is what my guild does.

    We're not your guild. I'm not the leader or an officer even. I'd much perfer your way but I'm adaptable.
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    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Spoken like a true liberal..
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    It's what ever guild you want, you'll find. You want cut throat? You'll find it. You want a balanced guild that knows that if the guild is strong, the rewards will be as well?. You'll find it. You want a guild that is like a communist country? You'll find that too.

    We've had players come to us from cut throat guilds and we've also had players leave to go to cut throat guilds.

    You guys will find a home shorty
    danrussoa wrote: »
    Dabro1974 wrote: »
    Publicity? It's a mobile game publicity? Any recognition any individual gets is for commercial gain of EA and any notion that isn't true is false. Some of you may make some money off of YouTube but any thought that it isn't monetarily beneficial to EA than you are daft. Publicity this guy says.

    Huh? I get a free small fries at local McDonalds for turning TI down twice. And the waffle House down the road throws onions in my hash browns, on the house, for not posting screenshots leading to being kicked from 66. You still think this game doesn't matter in real life???!!!

    Lol, that was cool! Spit my beer out on that one, hahaha
  • Options
    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Spoken like a true liberal..
    Good job editing my a true Faux News lover.

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    I play this game to get away from politics and political ideology. I'm not sure why some folks even need to bring that up in a Star Wars game...
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Spoken like a true liberal..
    Good job editing my a true Faux News lover.

    Oh gawd, not that horrid channel! Socially, I'm a liberal in the sense of everyone deserves to be happy. I'm all for any freedom you can imagine, so long as it isn't hate. However, I'm not a lib in the realm of entitlement and irrational hand-me-outs. Fiscally, I'm a moderate to conservative, but I certainly will help those in need, and have and will give the shirt off my back. I have an allowance I give myself for fun, and this game is part of that fun. All in all, I'm filthy stinking rich ( :p ) because of luck and wise choices. Tho, I'd rather be lucky than good.
  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    @SnakesOnAPlane then you need to be in our guild. We're amazing. According to us.

    And beer. We have lots of beer.
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    We are willing to adopt all 6 of you. We easily clear Heroic Rancor and currently about to clear the Heroic ATT. Ally Code is 899-393-196
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    gatormatt wrote: »
    I play this game to get away from politics and political ideology. I'm not sure why some folks even need to bring that up in a Star Wars game...

    cant agree more
    the cake is a lie
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).
  • gatormatt
    304 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).

    Pretty sure Star Wars wasn't about labeling each other conservative or liberal... Lmao
  • Options
    @SnakesOnAPlane then you need to be in our guild. We're amazing. According to us.

    And beer. We have lots of beer.

    <3 beer! Oh it's ON!
  • Options
    gatormatt wrote: »
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).

    Pretty sure Star Wars wasn't about labeling each other conservative or liberal... Lmao

    True. Execute all SJW's/liberals...come on Palpatine, do it.
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    imo is about authoritarian leadership
    gatormatt wrote: »
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).

    Pretty sure Star Wars wasn't about labeling each other conservative or liberal... Lmao

    True. Execute all SJW's/liberals...come on Palpatine, do it.

    the cake is a lie
  • Options
    gatormatt wrote: »
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).

    Pretty sure Star Wars wasn't about labeling each other conservative or liberal... Lmao
    No they labeled each other as Rebel Scum or Empire Supprter or Separatist
  • Options
    gatormatt wrote: »
    LOL! Star Wars was all about politics, as is this game (apparently).

    Pretty sure Star Wars wasn't about labeling each other conservative or liberal... Lmao
    No they labeled each other as Rebel Scum or Empire Supprter or Separatist

  • Options
    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Spoken like a true liberal..

    Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? This is a Star Wars mobile game forum... do you even know the true definition of a person labeled "Liberal"? You should probably turn off Fox News for a bit and maybe travel a little.

    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    "a liberal education"
  • Options
    Rofl...yah like real rich folk are sitting and playing swgoh.
    Put that pipe down brochiefwakawakka.

    Live today...enjoy life...who give a f about tomorrow.

    Spoken like a true liberal..

    Do you have any idea how **** you sound? This is a Star Wars mobile game forum... do you even know the true definition of a person labeled "Liberal"? You should probably turn off Fox News for a bit and maybe travel a little.

    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based, general
    "a liberal education"

    Modern Definition:

    People who want everything that be handed to them on a silver platter and are often hypocritical. They also are known as a SJW or Social Justice Warrior.
This discussion has been closed.