Flowbafett-the one and only, Ellisar, Viktor Noland, Echo Base, Dayma, Lupo, Cyrick, Geka, Valdul


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    Indeed you are mally
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    Razakor wrote: »
    I'm off the forums. Way to much stress. Like a bunch of high school kids getting butt hurt

  • Malgrin
    149 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Cerberus, you brought this on yourself. Way back when, I said hey, let's have peace. You said ok. You attacked me multiple times, I hit you back. You said whoops, it was an accident. I called ****, but told you I'd give you another chance. You hit me more times, so I said **** it. Now I mock you for fun. Grow up or get **** on, your choice.
    Post edited by Malgrin on
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Only gonna hurt you. I have unlimited gems. Enjoy draining your gem supply nublet
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    Razakor wrote: »
    Only gonna hurt you. I have unlimited gems. Enjoy draining your gem supply nublet

    So you've said. I really hope you're able to buy some happiness with those crystals.
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    I might join the sith side, finishing up DN and finished maul awhile back.
    Echo is running something similar and it is a annoying for sure. They just seem weak still, like a rex team, you know it's going down but it makes it difficult. Need to speed up my DN some more first.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Hmmm - step away for a second to do work and Unholy bumps me from 3rd to 6th before payout...I guess he's in our time zone Echo...
  • Echo_Base
    185 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    I saw that Snake. Sucks. I'm usually driving home at payout time, but was home today. When we go to EDT we can block him if he keeps it up. Maybe central, mountain and western can help us by knocking him back?
    Post edited by Echo_Base on
  • Malgrin
    149 posts Member
    Huh, I just got a warning for foul language from a mod, for language that was auto censored...anyways, I went back and cleaned things up (with real asterisks), you all might want to do the same, although at this point apparently Cerb's beef is with me alone, but, you never know when he will turn on you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    I recommend not even using asterisks at all. Just keep it all PG and professional. Also avoid insults plz. Thanks in advance, guys
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Hi all,

    Unholyfury here. Sorry I'm late for joining this discussion or any inconvenience I've caused others with knocking them out of a rank. I didn't realize there was a thread here until I spoke with
    Dayma. I'm east coast timeframe payout or 11:00pm UTC.
  • LupoForati
    220 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi Unholyfury, nice u be here. Here is my payout table. I respect and dont fight against these players when his payout is closer than mine (if possible). I aways fight against who is not in this table when I have choice. I used to not let my position above p10 after my payout and above 5th position after 02am UTC.

    05pmUTC Dayma, Ferthz, Kakskiller
    06pmUTC Damlord
    08pmUTC Lupo
    11pmUTC Echo Base, Skinny Doc, Snake Plisken, Unholyfury
    00amUTC Flowbafett, Cyrick, Viktir, Geka, Valdul Vandoom
    02amUTC Elisar Eldariam, Mal, Cerberus

    If theres some mistake, fix to me plz.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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    Woah. We got a full congested payout time! Oy
  • DamLord
    23 posts Member
    Hi, Unholy,
    nice to see you there. we can work together in a smarter way now. ;-)
    try to not hit the people of this chan before their payout and avoid us when you can...
    I succeed in being 2nd today.
    Thanks to everyone...
    I hope that I will not go down to far tomorow.
    Some days, it is so hard to come back at the top.
  • Unholyfury_11
    23 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Today I have to do mine almost 2 hrs early because of my flight. Luckily it looks like we have a 3 hour window after Lupo
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    Unholyfury - good to have you on board! Echo and I have agreed not to hit each other outside of top paying spots (no sniping from 5 to 1 please!) and move up to 3 before hitting 1 or 2. With 4 in our time zone things will get crowded in top 5, but I'm pretty flex on placement (and I don't always have a lot of time to play as we get closer to our payout). Have a good flight!
  • Echo_Base
    185 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Unholyfury! Welcome. There are now four in EST. Snake, Skinnydoc, you and me. Oh man. Check out the older posts to see everyone else's time zones. Try to get up to four if you're going to snipe top three please. It sucks getting blasted back to 5-8. Skinny and I were trading 1 and 2 until you and Snake showed up. I don't mind rotating. I have no idea how it's going to work without skinny here and having four of us. Skinny seems to recognize a pattern and isn't usually a ****. Maybe we can come up with a schedule?

    Generally, what I do is that I start climbing after the euros go, stop at 3 or lower and don't hit anyone in my payout or payouts before me. This gets hard sometimes since the top 10 is stuffed with good teams. I keep a google sheet of teams to counter others so I don't waste battles, like I did today against Mal. If you absolutely have to hit me because you can't beat anyone else that's ok as long as it's not too often and as long as you only knock me back <=3 spots.

    Lupo and Dam, you guys got it so easy. I'm jealous.
    Post edited by Echo_Base on
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    Hey Snake! Yea I'm in your boat too. I don't necessarily want to hit 1 everyday because frankly I don't have the top. I think those rules of the roads are good enough to live by for sure! Flight was great. Connecting in Chicago not so much running from L to G terminal lol!
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    Echo_Base wrote: »
    Unholyfury! Welcome. There are now four in EST. Snake, Skinnydoc, you and me. Oh man. Check out the older posts to see everyone else's time zones. Try to get up to four if you're going to snipe top three please. It sucks getting blasted back to 5-8. Skinny and I were trading 1 and 2 until you and Snake showed up. I don't mind rotating. I have no idea how it's going to work without skinny here and having four of us.

    Generally, what I do is that I start climbing after the euros go, stop at 3 or lower and don't hit anyone in my payout or payouts before me. This gets hard sometimes since the top 10 is stuffed with good teams. If you have to hit me because you can't beat anyone else that's ok with me as long as it's not too often and as long as you only knock me back <=3 spots.

    Lupo and Dam, you guys got it so easy. I'm jealous.

    Só lucky I'm alone in my payout ;)
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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    Welcome Unholyfury!
  • DamLord
    23 posts Member
    LupoForati wrote: »
    Echo_Base wrote: »
    Unholyfury! Welcome. There are now four in EST. Snake, Skinnydoc, you and me. Oh man. Check out the older posts to see everyone else's time zones. Try to get up to four if you're going to snipe top three please. It sucks getting blasted back to 5-8. Skinny and I were trading 1 and 2 until you and Snake showed up. I don't mind rotating. I have no idea how it's going to work without skinny here and having four of us.

    Generally, what I do is that I start climbing after the euros go, stop at 3 or lower and don't hit anyone in my payout or payouts before me. This gets hard sometimes since the top 10 is stuffed with good teams. If you have to hit me because you can't beat anyone else that's ok with me as long as it's not too often and as long as you only knock me back <=3 spots.

    Lupo and Dam, you guys got it so easy. I'm jealous.

    Só lucky I'm alone in my payout ;)

    me too ;-), but you are all so strong, that it is not so easy.
    i spend at least 1 (or 2) refresh since one week
    but it is really fun to be with you at the top !
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    Welcome new guys! I'm Cyrick in game.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    today is a bad day for me :(
    cyrick / mal / echo and geka !! what a firewall. your team are so strong for me. i can't go to top 5.
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    if you can put seraph at 6 or 7, i can pass ;)
  • DamLord
    23 posts Member
    KaksKiller wrote: »
    if you can put seraph at 6 or 7, i can pass ;)

    Hi, same thing for me ;-)
    If echo or cyrick can put seraph 6 or 7 it would unlock the grid.
    May the force send you this message on time...
    (Which means now... ;-) )
  • DamLord
    23 posts Member
    It is ok i hit geka at last ! (Sorry geka, you loose only 1 place... ;-) )
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    sorry kats. I didn't think my team was that tough. I'll try to move up earlier if I can and if it'll help.
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    Is my team pretty easy to get past? Gotta say most of yours aren't too bad with Rex lead lol. It's my only way for making up my lack of good speed mods
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    Fell a lot last night. Starting my climb in the top 10 now. I'll avoid those with same payout.
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    Sometimes - it depends on whether Boba gets ability block on Rex and Chirrut to start the match. But I'm not hitting you on my climb, so I wouldn't really know ;-) Those Zaul teams are giving me the most trouble right now. They're so fast and dodgy...I may have to build up my Maul squad to properly counter them.
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