How to migrate my account to Google Play

Hello everyone,

I got a simple question. I got a lvl 41 account created on my mobile phone as a "guest" since I didn't have Google Games installed on my phone. I've decided to also play the game on my tablet, so decided to link up my SW:GoH account to my Google Account. After doing that, the game created a new account for me. I almost freaked out! Thankfully after signing out of Google Play my account came back.

Here's the question.

Is it possible to migrate my lvl 41 account from "Guest" to a "Google Play" account?


  • Options
    I would like to know the answer to this as well... About to figure out how to move the app data instead...
  • Otar
    252 posts Member
    Funny thing, i have a ticket with EA for the exact same reason, when i get the final answer from them ill post here
  • Otar
    252 posts Member
    Ok, after 5 days waiting for someone to answer my ticket, today i got a "support" guy to answer my questions, first off, he asked the platform im playing, and the funny thing is, to open the ticket in the first place, i had to select android and phone, so no clue why i had to answer that. Then he asked me for the player ID of both accounts, and again, on the ticket i opened, guess what i had attached in there? Funny, **** of both player ID`s... So, after that great "support" i got a standard answer, that if i wanted to go back to my guest account i should log out of google play. And of course, i replied saying that what i needed is to secure my guest account, binding it to google play, since its the only option that allows a recovery. Then i got this:

    Thank you for contacting us again.

    As per discussion with the specialist available over here, we have no way to remove the account linked to this googleplay account unfortunately - if you wish to link with googleplay you will need a new googleplay account.

    In case if you are still facing the issue or have any other query, please don't hesitate to contact us back with a new case ID.

    Thank you once again for your patience and understanding. Have a great Day.

    To sum it up, the game screw up and instead of linking the right account, creates a new one, that no one can do anything about! Yeah sure, thats fair! Thanks, i left HoDA for the same reason! Thanks Capital Games, you guys are GREAT!!!!

    And now the final answer, and after that it's marked as resolved by them!!! And of course there is, no link to re-open the issue, no way to appeal, as soon as your device is gone for any reason, your account is gone forever! Proggress? Who cares, you are just wasting time here! OH, if you bought something, then yeah, maybe!!!

    Thank you for your reply.

    With reference to the detailed discussion with the specialists, we can't merge or progress an account for the gamer. If you had made purchases on the first game, then we can assist you with those. But progress can not be transferred from one to the other, and progress can not be directly updated for an account either.

    I hope that your issue is now resolved. In case if you are still facing the issue or have any other query, please don't hesitate to contact us back with a new case ID.

    Thank you once again for your patience and understanding. Have a great Day.
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    I had the same problem. Only one solution. Create a new google play account, link it with your device you play the game on as a guest. Then sign in the guest account to the newly created google play account.
    5* Asajj Ventress, 497-363-287
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    I had the same problem. Only one solution. Create a new google play account, link it with your device you play the game on as a guest. Then sign in the guest account to the newly created google play account.

    How do you sign in the guest account?? In my case, I wanted to run multiple games simultaneously..
  • Options
    I had the same problem. Only one solution. Create a new google play account, link it with your device you play the game on as a guest. Then sign in the guest account to the newly created google play account.

    How does this solve the original problem?? When you take a leveled up guest account and then choose sign into Google play, even if you have never signed in with the game before, it ignores your leveled up account and starts you back at Level 2, but carries over your Guest account username. I am looking for a way to have my Guest account linked and transferred, WITH ALL MY PROGRESS, to my Google play account. I'm not trying to 'add the accounts/progress together' because that would be cheating. Once my guest account is linked on the Google account it will be backed up.
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    Maybe the guest account data can be moved, maybe rooted phones only though...
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I have my ID etc wrote down BUT i see ppl talk about logging in/out of google accts an using Google accts to load thier game etc.

    I dont recal the game ever asking me to link my acct so is my acct safe???????

    I mean if i delete the app or get a new phone, how can i recover my acct???
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    You cant...and if you link it now, you will lose your data.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I dont even see an option to do so.

    So im screwed then????????
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    You don't see the options in setting to sign in with google?
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    No i dont have that option, just my facebook is all
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    I took a screenshot but dont know how to post it
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    I have merged these two threads together since they deal with the same thing. Please try to keep each topic in one thread. Thanks!
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Sorry for that, i used search but nothin came up (im sure i did it wrong as im pretty tech stupid)

    So my issue is there was never an option for me to link my game to a google acct (nor do i even hve one) just my facebook. So now im afraid if i get a new device or lose the app an redownload i wont be able to recover my game. Any help is appreciated
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    Strange. The Google sign in button is right next to the Facebook one. Are you even using Android?
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Im on iphone 6
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    Well there you go lol. You can't use Google sign in without an android. Pretty sure iPhone cloud saves your game progress. You're fine.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    Whew, thnx a ton havok!!!!!!!!!! I was really worried about it haha. Im tech stupid ad i said so i thought i was quite screwed hah
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    I'd prefer to have the game store your account via an EA account, allowing you to log in via email and username so you can switch devices, because my android phone is on its way out the door, and I'd prefer to go apple.. but as it stands, I'd lose my account.. so I stay up all night worrying about my pitiful progress and the galactic wars needing my aid.. if I don't do something, things could get serious!
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    Buy an android tablet or just keep your android phone and use it for games.
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    This link has created another support request, the ability to backup your progress is inconsistent among devices along with being non-functional in certain setups...
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    Any news according to this issue? I want to link my "Guest Account" to my Google Play Games account...
  • Zuzia_Benio
    3 posts Member
    edited December 2015
    I had the same problem. Only one solution. Create a new google play account, link it with your device you play the game on as a guest. Then sign in the guest account to the newly created google play account.

    How does this solve the original problem?? When you take a leveled up guest account and then choose sign into Google play, even if you have never signed in with the game before, it ignores your leveled up account and starts you back at Level 2, but carries over your Guest account username. I am looking for a way to have my Guest account linked and transferred, WITH ALL MY PROGRESS, to my Google play account. I'm not trying to 'add the accounts/progress together' because that would be cheating. Once my guest account is linked on the Google account it will be backed up.

    Player Cassimus described this proces for other Capital Games game HoTA.

    1) Go to
    2) Create an account
    3) You can set up a new gmail account, or link an existing non-gmail account to be google-enabled (my selection, as I have enough different email addresses already)

    4) On your Android device (outside of the game), go into settings - accounts, and add account
    5) Select google to add your new google account to your device
    6) Select existing, then enter the email address and password of the new google account that you created

    7) Now in-game, click on the gear, and select login
    8) Choose the new account that you just added to your device
    9) The game will walk you through setting up the google play aspect of the account
    10) The game will ask if you want to connect (to an existing player profile), or start a new one. Select connect, which will bind this google email account to your existing guest player account

    My memory tells me in the last step the game asked me if i want to play as a guest or start new game with player level 0 and by choosing second option i migrated my player level 32 game.
    5* Asajj Ventress, 497-363-287
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    I recently got an Android tablet thinking this game would be great to play on it instead of my iPhone. I tried downloading it but there is no place to recover my player ID. Usually, in cases like Star Wars Force Collection, you just enter your specific player ID and it transfers over fine. I see no option to do so on here. I've gotten to a high level on my phone so I dont want to restart. Is there anyway for me to salvage my old data and transfer it to my new tablet? If not yet, will they fix this soon???
  • Wibble
    78 posts Member
    Can anyone verify this last comment from Zuzia_Benio, please?
    My memory tells me in the last step the game asked me if i want to play as a guest or start new game with player level 0 and by choosing second option i migrated my player level 32 game.

    I've been playing on a Guest Account and tried to connect to Google Play to make my progress safer. It freaked me out by asking if I wanted to start a new game or continue with my level 0 account. I force closed the app and tried to sign out of Google Play without any luck, and when I was back in again, I had to go through that ruddy tutorial again. Once through that I went back to the Guest Account to recover my progress, but I still don't know how to link the progress safely. I'm afraid to try the above step in case something horrible happens, so a few people corroborating the above would be very handy!

    I have a ticket open with EA to call me, but I have zero faith in them to resolve anything. They've been the worst technical support team I've ever encountered.
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    I too have similar issues. My biggest problem is that I don't get an option in the settings area to login into Google, no button has appeared or ever existed. It seems crazy that tech support can't simply associate a Local Account to a Google Account. Second, I was never even offered an option to log in to begin with.

    This is a major issue, go look at the many Play Store reviews seeing players quit over this issue of losing their data is they want to move to another device!!!

    This is game breaking!!!
  • lniyer
    2 posts Member
    I have the same issue and I and my kids are at level 75. I think the reason it did not ask me for Google Sign was because I started this account for my Kids.
    I am in the process of upgrading my phone and same I have of transporting my account into the new phone. I guess,
    I saw somewhere in one of the forums, that EA support had mentioned, that in a future upgrade they will allow the Kids accounts to sign into their parents account.
    Till then I guess, my kids will have to either abandon their level 75 in my current phone and start all over again in my new phone. Not sure we have the time and patience for that.
    We will have to continue playing my game on the old phone when in WiFi, till EA provides with the upgrade that allows Kids accounts to sign into a parents account.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    @lniyer If the account is not linked to google play and is a guest account on the phone. You can actually move that to a new rooted phone or a PC App player.

    The guest account is tied to the android ID of the phone till linked to a google account. If you would like a little more detail PM me.
  • lniyer
    2 posts Member
    Thank you @scuba, I would really like to know more details of how the guest account can be moved to a new phone.
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