Time for some new end-game materials or new content to game!


  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    I'm mostly f2p (I bought about $100 worth of crystals to buy some gear last year).
    I'm lucky enough to be in a great guild and we have been doing haat for awhile now. I'm a competence player, so I try to use my resources wisely and as a result I have been taking too arena ranks for nearly a year as well. I don't really like the ships part of the game, so I don't focus a lot of attention there.

    All this to say, not just whales who bought their way there are at "end game" and getting bored. A lot of my guild is in a similar position to me and we are looking for new challenges and new things to do. There has been a lot of similar sentiments to OP posted by my guild members too.

    It's a tough balance for the devs - players of all different levels, some are auto'ing haat and some are taking 3 days for naat. The "right time" to introduce new content isn't easy to determine. It has to be timed so that the heavy hitters don't get too bored but also so the lower level players don't get overwhelmed.
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    If you read all the other posts it is a topic that needs to be acknowledged. Nobody really cares what the game is classified as. It's about adding or not adding content to game. Even if they disagree with me. I'm fine with that too. Everyone has different opinions. I know my wife does. She is huge Star Trek fan.
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    I would love to see some special scenarios from the movies like Ep 1 Obi and QGJ vs Maul, The battle on Geonosis or ship fights like Ep 6.
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    That would be awesome Hyandur!
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    What's wrong with Drizzztt asking for new content? For the people complaining, how is new content that will probably make the game more enjoyable for another mode you can do affect you negatively? I think it's a great idea, it'll increase capital games' pockets because the whales and dolphins will have means to spend more, and for F2P it's another thing for us to stride towards increasing our interest as well. It's a win win situation.
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    Thanks Darth_Kane. Really that's all I want is for the game to get better. The game is great, but like any game it dulls after time.
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    I love all the events, but they take all of 15 minutes tops. Same with new toons events. It's time for something new.
  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    IMO, the only people who should be bored MIGHT be those who have 7* General Kenobis. And even then, there is still a lot in this game that is fun, like developing new teams and using new toons as they come out. I'm using Ezra in my Jedi team and the kid is making the Jedi really fun to play again!

    I doubt we will see a new raid until more guilds all have General Kenobi to 7*. There are still a LOT of guilds who can't even complete a HAAT raid. My guess is a new raid will drop at the end of June. By then a lot of guilds will be doing the HAAT and a most top end guilds will all have 7* Kenobi.

    The devs don't want to discourage players by introducing a new raid when they can't even beat the HAAT.
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    It doesn't have to be a raid. Just something new. I agree you can always find little things to do in the game. I have to redo my mods soon (sucks) lol. You are most likely correct about summer also. The possibilities this game has is incredible, but if they only release the type of content they have since ships. The game will lose players also which is what I'm afraid of.
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    I love all the events, but they take all of 15 minutes tops. Same with new toons events. It's time for something new.

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    What this game really needs is either world raids, or else to bring back tournaments without the character shards/unlock. Being able to test arena teams against guildies, allies, or even just random people would be great too. There wouldn't even need to be any particular rewards even, just the ability to have some fun.
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    I would love world raids, but not sure the game is capable of doing it? Love some of the other ideas posted though. Same with things like guild bank, pod racing, etc. I'm not a tech guy, so not sure if these type of adds are even possible. Heck even an area in game to watch pod cast, videos, etc would be cool. I do think that if enough people ask most devs listen.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    +1 for more content (just placing my support here)
  • Supercat
    3250 posts Member
    I disagree with the title.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • kodias
    264 posts Member
    I agree this game is getting boring. I am f2p and started in Jan 2016 with an almost 6* GK and I don't find much challenge in this game anymore. Arena isn't that fun anymore now that the dodge meta has returned, I still manage to finish first daily. Haat isn't even hard for my guild. The only thing I find enjoyable in this game is wrecking p4 with my clones but that is only because I just finished gearing them up and I am sure that enjoyment will eventually fade away. I can only imagine how the whales feel, they have likely been at this point for a couple months now and have had no new challenging content.

    I wish they would release an event that let players use their whole rosters. I still think a solo raid would be really enjoyable and would be something you could complete on your own schedule and base the difficulty on what your roster is like. Players with large rosters should be rewarded for them or else what is the point of acquiring them? The only event that rewarded players for their roster were tournaments. Since tournaments are gone most players only use 20-25 of their characters. Give players something that will let them empty their rosters.

    I see no reason why EA should prioritize the happiness of F2P players. We do not make them any money. So who cares if the majority of players still do not have GK unlocked they should be doing whatever they can to keep the whales happy and that means releasing new end game content. F2P players should know by now that the only reason this game is still alive is because of how much the 1% of users spend. Just sit back and enjoy playing the game for free knowing that this experience is being bankrolled by players with way to much disposable income. If you think that is unfair than start spending some money.

  • Ragnir
    118 posts Member
    Hey Drizzztt, i agree with pretty much everything you posted. I have spent about $400.00 on this game and it does become tedious and stale at times. Most days are a gut punch, some are pretty good. More content, better rewards, more frequent raids would be great adfitions to the game.
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    I've played alot of games made by EA. I can tell you from experience once a game becomes less profitable the game stops new content and they move on to the next game. Honestly I don't blame them. If I was owner of a company and the product isn't make bank, then I wouldn't throw resources into it and I would downsize it. Really that's why I wanting new content. With new content comes renewed interest and usually the cash flow follows. I know if they added something new I'd buy the crap out it. Heck I wasn't even a huge Star Wars fan until this game. I was typical movie fan. I had to watch all the TV shows just to figure out who these people are lol. Talking to guild in discord and reading forums about who's who actually have made me into a real fan. Me and my wife actually have a room for our Star Wars legos(talk about expensive) and collectables. I really want the game to last for a long, long time. I just think the interest will die out if all they add are these small updates.
  • Ragnir
    118 posts Member
    Discord really adds alot to this game. Our guild uses it for chat and information exchange as well as shenanigans. Actually, if it weren't discord, i would have probably quit the game by now. It also helped us to merge with another guild to complete haat.
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    Lol actually the same happened to my old guild, but we used line app(loving discord though). Guild leader got bored never played. All active members had to merge with another guild with the exact same problem. The community of this game is actually great though. Love all the resources the fans of the game have given
  • WildMango
    151 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Need a guild vs guild raid. Rank the guilds by total damage output and give prizes accordingly.

    Time frame: 48 hours
    Toons: 7 stars

    It would never go stale since you would be competing against other guilds. The more 7 stars toons with better gear the more damage = higher rank. All members of the guild will receive the same prize based on the guilds rank. It would bring guilds together and encourage each other to do more and more damage.

    Players benefit because more content and rewards.
    EA benefits because players will spend cystals/money to improve their toons forever.
    They can also rotate factions every week. For instance one week just First order toons, next week ewoks, the droids, etc.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    WildMango wrote: »
    Need a guild vs guild raid. Rank the guilds by total damage output and give prizes accordingly.

    Time frame: 48 hours
    Toons: 7 stars

    It would never go stale since you would be competing against other guilds. The more 7 stars toons with better gear the more damage = higher rank. All members of the guild will receive the same prize based on the guilds rank. It would bring guilds together and encourage each other to do more and more damage.

    Players benefit because more content and rewards.
    EA benefits because players will spend cystals/money to improve their toons forever.
    They can also rotate factions every week. For instance one week just First order toons, next week ewoks, the droids, etc.

    Probably the best way to kill the game right there.

    G vs G will be the beginning of the end. It will tear guilds apart more then HAAT.

    If the rewards are good they will just kill things faster, as regular guilds will.never be able to compete with corporate guilds and lead to a widening gap between players regardless of f2p or p2p, which is a good way to destroy your player base.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    kodias wrote: »
    I agree this game is getting boring. I am f2p and started in Jan 2016 with an almost 6* GK and I don't find much challenge in this game anymore. Arena isn't that fun anymore now that the dodge meta has returned, I still manage to finish first daily. Haat isn't even hard for my guild. The only thing I find enjoyable in this game is wrecking p4 with my clones but that is only because I just finished gearing them up and I am sure that enjoyment will eventually fade away. I can only imagine how the whales feel, they have likely been at this point for a couple months now and have had no new challenging content.

    I wish they would release an event that let players use their whole rosters. I still think a solo raid would be really enjoyable and would be something you could complete on your own schedule and base the difficulty on what your roster is like. Players with large rosters should be rewarded for them or else what is the point of acquiring them? The only event that rewarded players for their roster were tournaments. Since tournaments are gone most players only use 20-25 of their characters. Give players something that will let them empty their rosters.

    I see no reason why EA should prioritize the happiness of F2P players. We do not make them any money. So who cares if the majority of players still do not have GK unlocked they should be doing whatever they can to keep the whales happy and that means releasing new end game content. F2P players should know by now that the only reason this game is still alive is because of how much the 1% of users spend. Just sit back and enjoy playing the game for free knowing that this experience is being bankrolled by players with way to much disposable income. If you think that is unfair than start spending some money.

    If someone tells you your product smells bad foes it really matter if they have bought anything in your store? Or would you only listen to a paying customer?

    F2p can write reviews just as well as p2p. Everyone should be prioritized. Getting players in the door is the name of the game. Some will pay some will not doesn't matter it's a numbers game.
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    Maybe fixing the playerid tie breaker first before adding new raids
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    WildMango wrote: »
    Need a guild vs guild raid. Rank the guilds by total damage output and give prizes accordingly.

    Time frame: 48 hours
    Toons: 7 stars

    It would never go stale since you would be competing against other guilds. The more 7 stars toons with better gear the more damage = higher rank. All members of the guild will receive the same prize based on the guilds rank. It would bring guilds together and encourage each other to do more and more damage.

    Players benefit because more content and rewards.
    EA benefits because players will spend cystals/money to improve their toons forever.
    They can also rotate factions every week. For instance one week just First order toons, next week ewoks, the droids, etc.

    Prizes based on rank is a bad idea, better to have it like most others where rank is bragging rights only. Rewards are for beating your current opponent and scale based on roster/team strength.

    For those complaining about adding new content before you personally finish the current one HAAT has been out a long time and a good chunk of the player base is already getting bored. You're asking everyone else to slow down to your F2P pace because you don't want to be left out. Give me a break.

    Most of the paying players I know are getting bored and that's a dangerous sign. The new toons are a bust and just adding new toons with skills you need to scroll down doesn't cut it anymore.

    Ship raid and guild vs guild would be a nice add which at that point the game is probably going to enter the mature stage and start decling. Fewer updates, less new content as revenues start to decline. That's my guess.
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    I suggested a few months ago adding a raid phase as a daily challenge option, not task, to test different teams and a chance to earn cuffs, guns, hard to earn gear. For example, Saturday would be P1 of the Pit. You can try different teams from your own toon collection to work through the phase. Practice strategy etc. Sunday is P1 of AAT raid. Monday Pit 2, Tues AAT 2, Wed Pit 3, Thur AAT 3, Friday Pit and AAT 4. If you grind through it, you earn credits, ship building materials, maybe a chance at Omega mats and purple mats AND Cuffs, Stun Guns, Detonators salvage pieces and a RARE chance for a complete piece. Adds a new challenge with decent rewards and a practice phase for you to work out Raid strategy on your own.
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    I already predicted this problem a few months ago. Whales are keeping this game alive and they will not spend money for new toons if there is no new content . Tournaments werebabolished , f2p were shouting hooray and swgoh revenues are constantly dropping. As there is simply nothing to do with a deep roster.
    I am still spending as I am still playing HAAT for which I am grateful, but its a matter of weeks and GK will be completed and if there is no new content, Why should I continue?
    F2p should be Aware what happens if nobody Spende money anymore.
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    Just like any other game, there's zero chance they can crank out stuff fast enough to keep up with players. They'll release something new, people will power through it quickly and get bored again.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    Just like any other game, there's zero chance they can crank out stuff fast enough to keep up with players. They'll release something new, people will power through it quickly and get bored again.

    True we get bored fast, but they are really stretching our patience now. Oktober 2016 we got the tank raid. That is 9 months ago. Every 3-4 months a new raid shouldn't that hard to realise. I understand a raid doesn't directly bring money in, but they are doing good from ingame purchases, so I don't get what is taking so long.
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    There are 2 things the game needs to satisfy for people to keep playing short term and long term content.

    Short term what players do daily.

    Long term a goal to achieve - maxing characters out for example.

    All new content should be aimed at doing these 2 things it should give players something to do daily and I am not talking about an event that lasts 5 minutes. Ithe should also satisfy long term goals and make players feel they are progressing towards maxing characters out.

    I am not saying it has to be a raid but raids have been the best at achieving both as when they first come out they give players something to do daily and give rewards that help progress.

    If content that does not do both of these does not get released regularly then players will stop playing. There is only a limited number of new players the game can attract to make up for players leaving and will eventually dry up.
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    Actually this is the reason I joined the forums finally. I like that the game is f2p. I have someone that's same age as my oldest son in guild (16). I know he can't buy crystals and level as fast as p2p players. I'm glad he is in my guild though. Great kid and listens to Guild leader/officers. Which is more than I can say for alot of adults. Our guild is full now of active members, but maybe 5 to 10 buy crystals, etc. I believe I would be the only one considered a whale. I've only been playing since October and have spent(sure EA knows) more than likely over the 10 grand mark. Don't worry me and my wife work great jobs, house is paided for, etc. Worked at the same hospital for almost 20 years. This is my downtime fun.
    This isn't going to be a game like EA's sports game that come out with a new version every year. This is the game we have and EA doesn't support games that isn't make money. Most game companies don't and why would they. If the whales don't start asking for new content to buy then this game will not get improved or add new content to the game in the near future. It will become old (like me) and support/updates/content will decrease by the month. It happens and that's why I really want to see new content now! The old raids will still be there to do. It really is about getting everything we can atm for the future players of the game and the die hards that won't leave this game until they stop running it.
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