Since Rey likely isn't a Jedi...



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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    If it was one person or a few I would be like you and stick to my guns as well. But that's not the case here.

    But to change your mind simply because of the number of people who say something is actually logical thinking error: Argumentum Ad Populum. So this point is actually not a point at all...

    And that's the perplexing part: You found no reason to even check yourself when multiple individuals stated your version of the facts is not consistent with their version of the facts. There wasn't even multiple versions of facts, just yours and a plurality of others collectively agreeing you were mistaken.

    Because I never cared if I was right. I don't care if I am right or wrong most of the time. The rare times I am wrong are actually refreshing: I get to enhance prior knowledge that day.

    I certainly don't care to prove people wrong unless I will actually help them somehow by doing so. I had no reason to double check. I certainly didn't have the time to waste looking for it.

    It irritates me if people say I'm wrong about something I have witnessed with my own eyes and produce no proof.

    Oh you would have helped all of us if you could have proved us wrong.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Do you ever research statements you make, after others, in this case many, give you a different assessment?

    Every time it is a serious discussion. If it is with trolls, never.

    Yet the so called trolls were right all along.

    No, the trolls have been wrong numerous times. The trolls aren't the ones who disagreed with me. The trolls are the ones hurling the ridicule.

    In my book, this was an argument about attitude and etiquette rather than about Kylo's tag.

    Again, it's about the principle of the matter. Some people say the ends justify the means. I say the means are more important than the ends.
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    Tatebomb wrote: »
    What's our motive to lie though? If anything being involved in the game would make us expert witnesses. Well most of us anyway.
    Because it was entirely possible and plausible that he did have it and everyone commenting simply didn't notice when it happened.

    Lying? Nah, I never thought that. Wrong? I never thought that of anyone here, nor did I accuse them of such.

    Being involved in the game means you are involved, the cops would take your statement with a grain of salt before even switching to considering motive simply because of that.
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    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    If it was one person or a few I would be like you and stick to my guns as well. But that's not the case here.

    But to change your mind simply because of the number of people who say something is actually logical thinking error: Argumentum Ad Populum. So this point is actually not a point at all...

    And that's the perplexing part: You found no reason to even check yourself when multiple individuals stated your version of the facts is not consistent with their version of the facts. There wasn't even multiple versions of facts, just yours and a plurality of others collectively agreeing you were mistaken.

    Because I never cared if I was right. I don't care if I am right or wrong most of the time. The rare times I am wrong are actually refreshing: I get to enhance prior knowledge that day.

    I certainly don't care to prove people wrong unless I will actually help them somehow by doing so. I had no reason to double check. I certainly didn't have the time to waste looking for it.

    It irritates me if people say I'm wrong about something I have witnessed with my own eyes and produce no proof.

    Oh you would have helped all of us if you could have proved us wrong.

    Nah, it wouldn't have changed a thing. Knowing that something was a certain way for a short period at some point in the past opens no doors for anyone.

    If it was true, it would at most have been a minor bit of trivia, nothing that would help anybody.

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    Let's get back on topic.
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    So Midichlorians...

    While there is definitely a basis for them in scientific reasoning as shown by not only the evidence of symbiotic bacteria in complex lifeforms, but also through the recently isolated particles that determine the very laws of physics in our universe.

    It was a very great way to establish the scientific background for the presence of the force.

    The problem with it is that Star Wars was originally a blending of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. The Jedi are like light magic users and the sith are like dark magic users. The Jedi even had that aura and peculiar way of talking that monks, gurus, and mystics get. To take the fantasy and turn it into Sci-Fi is to take the magic out of it.

    So, while logically it was a great thing to stick into the series, for entertainment value it was a massive faux pas.
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    I believe they were added in as a way to show Anakin as being special. Basically, George needed some additional way to convince Qui Gon that Anakin was the chosen one; beyond how powerful with the force Anakin was and a mothers word that there was no father. Qui Gon wouldn't have taken just those two things as faith and named Anakin the chosen one. Thus the reason (I believe) for the insertion of midi-chlorians as an identifier.

    I do not believe Disney will follow the same path. Daisy has said Rey's parents are obvious. The most obvious to me is she is a Skywalker, likely a Solo actually. The reason Solo and Leia didn't tell her in ep7: bigger things to deal with at the time. Solo was trying to hide from his past and likely felt he was responsible for Ben's change to the dark side. Leia (always business first) had to deal with the First Order. Then, after the death of Solo, she was dealing with grief at his loss. She likely didn't want to put undue strain and pain on Rey at the time.

    Why was Rey dropped off on Jakku? What makes sense to me is: Rey was likely beginning her training with Luke, probably 3-6 years old. Luke had a vision of Ben going to the dark side and made a deal with Unkar for her to be 'taken in'. While Luke was away, Ben made his move and slaughtered the remainder of Luke's new Jedi order. Luke returned and saw the carnage which led him to go into isolation.
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    Kissycat wrote: »
    I believe they were added in as a way to show Anakin as being special. Basically, George needed some additional way to convince Qui Gon that Anakin was the chosen one; beyond how powerful with the force Anakin was and a mothers word that there was no father. Qui Gon wouldn't have taken just those two things as faith and named Anakin the chosen one. Thus the reason (I believe) for the insertion of midi-chlorians as an identifier.

    I do not believe Disney will follow the same path. Daisy has said Rey's parents are obvious. The most obvious to me is she is a Skywalker, likely a Solo actually. The reason Solo and Leia didn't tell her in ep7: bigger things to deal with at the time. Solo was trying to hide from his past and likely felt he was responsible for Ben's change to the dark side. Leia (always business first) had to deal with the First Order. Then, after the death of Solo, she was dealing with grief at his loss. She likely didn't want to put undue strain and pain on Rey at the time.

    Why was Rey dropped off on Jakku? What makes sense to me is: Rey was likely beginning her training with Luke, probably 3-6 years old. Luke had a vision of Ben going to the dark side and made a deal with Unkar for her to be 'taken in'. While Luke was away, Ben made his move and slaughtered the remainder of Luke's new Jedi order. Luke returned and saw the carnage which led him to go into isolation.

    That would be a horrid storyline after the events of EP7.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Boo wrote: »
    This could be explained better in the new trilogy if it turns out the Snoke is indeed Plagueis - which I hope to hec is true because this would seal up a very large plot hole. A hole a lot bigger than a 2 meter womp rat!

    I read a theory that Snoke is what Plagueis tried to create. So, the Force created Anakin to restore the balance.

    Its interesting but I'm not sure I like that theory as clearly Anakin/Vader is dead and Snoke isn't so there is no balance and therefore the force/prophecy was a sham.

    I do like how Anakin was created by the force - however that was done...Plagueis/Snoke, probably to serve his own end with no knowledge of this Jedi prophecy.

    The Chosen One or Anakin was prophesized by the Jedi's interpretation to destroy the dark side (known as Sith at that time) and restore balance to the force - i.e. in favour of the Jedi.

    But as Yoda suggests "perhaps misread the prophecy is". The true meaning of the prophecy recognized that the Sith/dark side was twindling next to the amount of Jedi - there was no balance in the force itself within the galaxy and therefore the Jedi - now corrupt with the arrogance of their own teachings needed to die.

    Anakin turns to the Dark Side/Sith and destroys the Jedi. He is then redeemed and destroys the Sith. There is now balance - but Luke remains as a Jedi.

    Clearly there is no longer balance. As it hints to in the E8 trailer - the Jedi way should be left to die. The way forward is balance in the force itself - the Grey Way. Rey will become the first Grey Jedi.

    Snoke (possibly Plagueis, left the Sith upon what Sidious believed to be the murder of his master - he passed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith to Sidious, because he did not want it anymore, having already come to this realization). Clearly Snoke sees the strength in the Skywalker lineage - the bloodline of the chosen one, which is why he sought to corrupt Kylo. Snoke also saw the strength in both light and dark, which was another attraction for him to Kylo - Kylo clearly struggles with both light and dark within.

    I believe Rey to be Luke's daughter, thought killed at the Jedi purge at the hands of the Knights of Ren, but saved by her older cousin, Ben/Kylo who, struggling with his light side, saved her from extermination by leaving her on Jakkuu. The dark within him wants to be Snoke's apprentice so he can become "more powerful than Darth Vader" but rather than killing his rival (Rey) he plunges his saber into one of the Knights of Ren (as seen in Rey's vision) and leaves her on Jakkuu, believed by everyone but Kylo, that she is dead. This is why he was angry by the news of a girl on that planet escaping with BB8 and Finn with the map to Skywalker. Luke with despair of guilt and failure sought solace believing his daughter to be dead. This is why Luke's saber called to Rey and not another "Skywalker"...Kylo.

    So, if Rey is a Skywalker and Luke trains her in the grey way, she will not be restricted by the "dogmatic narrow view of the jedi and embrace a larger view of the force" - with more power. This is what Snoke is trying to achieve with Kylo, but with a different end result in mind.

    Therefore there will eventually be only force users - not dark or light just grey... "balance", which was the end result and true meaning of the prophecy of the chosen one.

    This theory makes 100% sense and clears up all plot holes found throughout the saga and ties all movies together following the path of the Skywalker lineage and prophecy of the Chosen One.

    I really cannot see any theory being as good as this.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    StarWhales wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    CrunPud wrote: »
    The0n3 wrote: »
    They could say Rey is somewhat "Anakin part 2", made out of midi-chlorians... That's at least acceptable..

    Nothing to do with midi-chlorians is acceptable

    Not to mention that the Chosen One of the Force is an ancient prophecy who would destroy the sith.

    Anakin/Vader did this by redeeming himself to the light and tossing Palp down a wishing well.

    Not to mention as this prophecy is ancient it would be safe to say that the Chosen One is a serious rarity, likely only to ever occur once in the history of the Force. Having Rey as a second generation right after the first Chosen One was personified is like the Force churns out a chosen one every few years, lol - very dumb!

    NO NO NO! Anakin was the chosen one for good reason!!! Let's rewind to the old republic, there were 1000's of sith, and a lot of Jedi, maybe 1000's as well but who knows. Fast forward a couple thousand years and there were a lot of Jedi and 2 sith. What was the prophecy? That the chosen one would bring balance to the force. What did Anakin do? He slaughtered the children at the Jedi temple and sent the few who remained after order 66 into hiding and exile. Balance was restored to the force as prophesized. Obie wan and the Jedi were simply to arrogant to see this, and understand what bringing balance to the force really is. BALANCE...not getting rid of the dark side.

    You are totally not understanding what I am saying - I completely agree with what you are saying, lol
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I would find the idea of the Force being some magic stuff based on faith lame, what i like the most about the whole idea of the Force is the fact that it can be proved. You can literally measure/count midi-chlorians... They're there.

    If you think about our society and the great wall between believers and atheists, if there was something in this world like the Force, most people would believe in god, i would probably be one of them! Having micro organisms that react, but only with and through some sensitive existences, and it's capable of bending reality rules? We could call that a miraculous power, no doubt...

    One of the greatest questions is: Is there a god? a supreme existence that takes care of us all? Now, in real life we don't have any proofs that god is real, as we also have no proofs he is not... So we get divided between believing or not... And at the end of the day, there's no physical evidence, just faith and hope.

    BUT, if we had something like midi-chlorians in real life, that would pretty much be a physical evidence of a higher power. That's how awesome the midi-chlorian idea is. All IMHO, obviously.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    PS: Also, the Force it's alive and in everything, even the little things happen through the will of the Force. It's a mystical hype bruh!! xD
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    StarWhales wrote: »
    So was kylo a sith or not

    No. Anakin/Vader killed the off the Sith when he was redeemed (no longer being a Sith himself) and then tossing Sidious down the reactor - killing the last surviving Sith Lord. This was the prophecy "fulfilled".

    First Jedi were dealt with then the Sith.

    But Luke remains as the sole surviving jedi - clearly the "balance" is already off again, but by rejecting the Jedi and becoming grey (as hinted to in the new E8 trailer) truly the Jedi are now extinct - Luke being "The Last Jedi" as he trains Rey in the ways of the force - not dark or light but just the force...the grey way.

    Now ultimately the force is in balance - prophecy is truly fulfilled
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