Rey is totally busted.


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    godgiven45 wrote: »
    The should just make her a jedi. Then she will have to be terrible.

    Hahaahhaha.. I find this very funny

  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Rey doesn't need to be nerfed, you need to star and gear your toons to deal with her. If you expect to take gear 7 or lower against a gear 9 or 10 Rey the joke is on you. I face gear 9 and 10 Rey all the time and have never had 1 toon one shot by her.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    The real sentiment of these threads -- "I keep facing this toon and they keep kicking my ****" -- would be so much more productive and sociable if people asked for advice instead of asking for nerfs.
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    The issue with Rey is when she is joined with RG and Dooku. Generally, you just can't kill her in one set of attacks, so RG taunts and then Rey goes on her whooping spree. Add the foresight up on her first attack which then gets an offense up from Dooku's leadership ability because she dodges, and she is set up to take down the entire opposition squad. We need foresight dodges to not register as an evasion and generate TM up or offense up with Ben and Dooku. Oh and because of her health steal being tied to her massive damage, after she goes in the yellow to get RG to taunt, she sucks back enough life to get in the green, setting RG up for a second taunt if you dispelled the first. She is pretty OP in terms of damage, but she at least doesn't bring an overdone skill set like everyone's favorite arena leader....

  • Breetai
    858 posts Member

    She is fine as she is. She should hit extremely hard when you consider her health. Yup she can one shot a lot of people not fully shielded. Well a lot can one shot her as well if she isn't fully shielded.

    Take her dmg away wat does she have? Nothing. Is she countered, or added assist chance, then maybe. But as she is now? No. She should stay exactly like she is.

    For the record I hate facing Rey. And yes I use Rey. I have a person on !y arena shard that has a gear 10 rey and she destroys my gear 9 Rey. But I still see her as being food where she is. It's just that she is built well while 90% of the other toons in game are not
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    Then Maro is cheating because my Rey is fully shield and some how his Rey one hit me and I'm dead
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    PardeyGirL wrote: »
    Ban all Toon Nerf's Period, just Wreaks the game a little more, Every time it's been done in the past. yes History usually repeats...!

    Creates Negative Culture & long term effects for the players that have persisted on ranking them up.

    We need Positive Solutions.!!

    A Much Better Idea would be balance 2 or 3 other toons to counter act a toon with better Defence/Attack abilities.

    Which EA_Jesse has done by asked for player feedback on Buffing toons in this weeks Friday Update.

    +! we should focus on bringing other toons up to her level, not brining her down to theirs. that way people get new incentive to farm other toons and don't complain about wasting time farming a toon that isn't good anymore.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    VeeDee wrote: »
    Then Maro is cheating because my Rey is fully shield and some how his Rey one hit me and I'm dead

    What gear level and star level is your Rey and what us his? If his Rey is 7 stars gear 10 with Omega abilities and your is just gear 7 or even gear 8, yeah you're going to get blown up. Shouldn't expect to go into against a higher level squad and not be.
  • Vadim
    30 posts Member
    Ray is now only normal aggressor . Without it, not enough time to finish the fight against an opponent who has a great life with the characters .
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    The issue with Rey is when she is joined with RG and Dooku. Generally, you just can't kill her in one set of attacks, so RG taunts and then Rey goes on her whooping spree. Add the foresight up on her first attack which then gets an offense up from Dooku's leadership ability because she dodges, and she is set up to take down the entire opposition squad. We need foresight dodges to not register as an evasion and generate TM up or offense up with Ben and Dooku. Oh and because of her health steal being tied to her massive damage, after she goes in the yellow to get RG to taunt, she sucks back enough life to get in the green, setting RG up for a second taunt if you dispelled the first. She is pretty OP in terms of damage, but she at least doesn't bring an overdone skill set like everyone's favorite arena leader....


    So the problem with her is that she's really good when paired with other characters, like the Royal Guard or Dooku (who has nothing to do with this thread, but given your username I guess you're contractually obligated to bringing him up as often as possible).

    Do you have to fight those three alone? Because then I can definitely see why you're losing a lot--one character versus three will almost always lose.

    You have a team, too. Going into Galactic War, you have an unlimited amount of time to set up your team to counter their team. It's like playing Paper, Rock, Scissors but your opponent has to throw first and you get to make your decision after looking at their hand. Bring a Royal Guard or Old Daka or Asajj Ventress or another character that can stun, focus your damage on the Royal Guard, stun Rey, put up with Dooku (his regular attacks are ho-hum, his counterattacks are the ones that hurt).

    The game really isn't htat hard. It's disingenuous to look at a single character in a vacuum, it's even worse to look at a single character and their synergy with other characters--and then not apply that same logic to your own team.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Slayer
    46 posts Member
    Rey is awesome against the Rancor. leave her alone and start farming her instead of complaining.
  • Paxoxo4
    47 posts Member
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    a whiner detected... farm Rey yourself instead of crying, she is easy to get now...
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    Rey is easily killable. What's would be the point of glass cannon?
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    You admire this character when you first meet her. But over time, you can't get rid of the feeling of hostility, because you can see what a huge advantage she has over other characters. And the need to make an effort not to let her use deadly super ability. That's, if on the contrary there is Ray, your battle revolves around it, with all of that, and with the other chars enough problems. In the GW Ray just plague, if you meet her too often.
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I think few players can kill 7* and full gear/skill Ray in the arena, so that we will have a permanent leader there, because all you need to Ray, this is fatty tanks couple, including imperial guardsman... And if Ray is your only chance in the raids, I'm sorry, it mean that your chars sucks lol
    And, and if your team survives in the arena, largely due to the fact that no one can kill your Ray, this too sucks.
    Post edited by Talia on
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    Those people who are crying to nerf Rey... please go fight a lvl 80 gear 8 or better Sun Fac and then see if you still want to nerf Rey! I guarantee you will be coming back shouting to nerf Sun Fac and leave Rey well well alone.

    Even if you don't want to do that... go do a Tier 6 or higher raid and then come back

    Chances are if you do either of the above, unless you are absolutely mad or just plain trolling, you will not be crying to nerf her.
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    Plz, let's not talk about trolling and crazy. And, if we talk about Sun Fac, then, unfortunately I was unable to see him in action, but I don't find anything in his descriptions of the skills that will allow him to kill or near you character at the time.
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    No nerf the Bug he still kills me faster than any Rey I've faced in Arena.
  • Chubulas
    7 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The purpose of the combat pass (reduction of damage for every character with the addition of protection) was to eliminate one shotting. Rey is one of the only characters if not the only character that can reportedly still do this. If you see EA Jesse's patch notes I believe he said only in some circumstances will players have a chance to kill a toon before it has a chance to act (or at least to the extent of that). What made sense to me when he mentioned that was if you stunned said target and focused fired you should be able to kill a toon before they can act. In this situation with Rey she needs neither, nor a buff to do this.

    Not to mention as well her speed puts her in a category where there are only few counters that can debuff/stun before she moves. In fact the only one that comes to mind is Dooku with a 40% stun...because that is reliable... It is funny how everyone is coming out of the woodworks to support this toon; the ones that essentially bought her I understand, the ones that farmed her since start I understand, but the people that lean on her like a crutch that use her to stay relevant in arena, which are some of the ones I mentioned above, get a grip. She does too amount of damage in considersation of what the combat pass was suppose to do, too fast with it, and gets a guaranteed dodge as well. Not asking for the nerf bat, just needs to get balanced.
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    Yes, no need to make Ray so flawed, that from 80 fragmental toon she turned into 25 fragmental. But Ray also shouldn't look like 145 fragment, along Yoda and Han Solo. While Yoda to kill easier, than Ray.
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    Nerf Rey
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    Any character who can regularly do 300% more damage than other high damage characters should be balanced. Regarding comments that her unusually high damage is offset by her squishiness, at higher gear levels and stars with 23k health/prot and 179 armor, I don't think it's fair to say that she is squishy and let's not forget that her basic generates Foresight to protect her.

    Her Leverage damage should be reduced significantly since it's already such a powerful buff and the chances of a second and third attack of Flurry of Blows should be significantly reduced.

    Btw I am saying all of this as someone who has a 7* G9 Rey.
  • TheRenegade
    256 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Rey is the perfect example of a glass cannon, she is fine as is. No buff and no nerf required. If you lose to her in the arena then you need to rethink your strategy because she goes down fast.
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    Agreed, Rey needs nerfed dmg output is to high, Its simply ridiculous that she can 1v5 if her team comp is set up right i stay around rank 50 and the only toon i have issues out of is Rey and her 1 hitting my toons and if you think otherwise on the matter is because you probably use her and she carrys your team for you and you dont want to she her get nerfed cause then you might have to put forth the effort in a fight without the crushing blows of Rey.
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    Even though she may seem squishy she has that foresight to back that up.
  • ZRaider
    42 posts Member
    What makes this game fun is the different squad combinations people can create. But when you have one toon overly strong it ends up in almost every squad and dictates how the squad is built. Rey and RG are in 3/4ths the top 100 squads. You've reworked RG already, so Rey should be on the table to be reworked next.

    With Leia being released to shipments, it's going to turn into the Leia, Rey, and RG show. All the top squads will be running them, probably with Daka and a variety of different leaders.

    The only creativity is going to be with what leader you chose. Lower her attack and it will open the game up to more creativity in squad building.
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    Why? Rey has no health and there are lots of other DPS options to use. Just because Rey and Royal Guard have synergy doesn't mean Rey needs to be nerfed.
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