Kallus confirmed!



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    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    While I love Thrawn, I really hate to see him fighting with fists. He is admiral and brilliant mind, not a fighter. this looks not very smart.


    I am not talking about childish cartoons. I am about Zahn's books.
    I've read them. The trilogy as they were released (a long, long time ago) and the new one just recently. Thrawn's portrayal in Rebels doesn't seem to be in conflict with the latest book (or even what I remember about the ones that were removed from canon) to me.

  • Barhebraeus
    620 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    And yes, it's still ridiculous to say anyone who has only seen the movies isn't a fan of Star Wars.


    So THIS is what it looks like!

    Post edited by Barhebraeus on
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    Mc_Iavell wrote: »
    What about we all need full Phoenix squadron team to unlock one of them? Are you ready to gear them? :smile:

    God I hope not, I somehow missed unlocking Sabine during all those releases and it already cost me unlocking the Squadron ships.
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Lithalan wrote: »
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    While I love Thrawn, I really hate to see him fighting with fists. He is admiral and brilliant mind, not a fighter. this looks not very smart.
    I also reeeeaaly doubt they'd add this Kallus:
    1. First, he is definitely not 'fan favourite'.
    2. The symbol indeed turned red, so the transmission was not from Kallus.
    3. And the last, do we really need another rebel? C'mon!

    Have you read the new canonical Zahn-authored Thrawn book? He's as good with his fists as he is with his mind, unsurprisingly.

    The real issue with all of these threads is: How is EA defining fan favourite? What is a "fan"? A person who's really into just the movies? The EU? All canon? Is there a time period for being a Star Wars fan? Is someone who only loves the animated series a fan? If so, do their favourites count? Gamers? You get my point.

    Unless we know EA's exact definition of "fan favourite" (and if they have provided it somewhere, please enlighten me), we have absolutely no way at all of knowing their criteria for selecting a fan favourite. Without those criteria, these arguments over who is and who is not a fan favourite are utter speculation.

    Well, you have the point...
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    This is why Anakin was both a Sith and a Jedi - he was to bring balance to the force and he did. Luke was the product of the Chosen One's actions in life and continued on after ROTJ as a Jedi - still following the corrupt teachings of the Jedi as Yoda told him to rebuild the jedi order.

    Anakin was not the chosen one, nor did he bring any semblance of balance to the force. Rebels Season 3 reveals that Luke Skywalker is the one the Prophecy was referring to.

    Wrong on so many places. Even Dave Filoni said in Rebels Reckon that it DOESN'T mean that Luke is the chosen one. It means that as Obi watched Anakin turn to the Dark Side, he started to believe that Luke was the real chosen one.

    EDIT: typo

    Dave Filoni also didn't say that Luke wasn't the chosen one, as you seem to be postulating.
    In his dying moments Maul specifically asked Obi-Wan Kenobi if his purpose on Tatooine was to watch over / guard / protect the 'Chosen One' (the context of the entire sequence made it very clear that this was a reference to Luke), and Obi-Wan Kenobi very specifically said Yes. So yeah, clearly Obi-Wan Kenobi believes Luke is the chosen one, and he's a pretty smart guy who's had a LOT of time in solitude to connect with the force and think things over.

    Of course Dave wasn't going to confirm (nor deny) this fact since that could be a potential spoiler of the events that will define SW8, SW9, and ultimately the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. But the fact that that statement was added into CANNON by Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of brightest Jedi of his generation, is a pretty clear indication that it's true.

    On top of that, Anakin never brought balance to force as has been claimed. The Dark side vastly overpowered the light side after order 66. They gained dominion over the entire galaxy! AND that was hardly Anikins doing, it was 98% Lord Sidious. After the events of SW6 the force still wasn't in balance. There are those who draw from the light side and those who draw from the dark. Unless you can tell me that there were an equal amount of both at that period of time, then you can't claim that the force was in balance. Nor has there been any suggestion in Cannon (that I'm aware of) that that was ever the case. I maintain that the only time the Force was ever truly in balance was during the early years of the Grey Order when every force user drew from both the light and dark. Ever since that time is has been a continual tug-of-war (per se) over which side is dominant, the light or the dark.

    If I am correct, in that Luke will attempt to bring back the Grey Order by reuniting the light and dark sides of the force (suggested by his quote about ending the Jedi). Then HE is the chosen one as suggested by Obi-Wan Kenobi (once more, a smart guy), as that would be the only way the force could truly be brought back into balance.
  • c3pe0n
    120 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Spyda wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    This is why Anakin was both a Sith and a Jedi - he was to bring balance to the force and he did. Luke was the product of the Chosen One's actions in life and continued on after ROTJ as a Jedi - still following the corrupt teachings of the Jedi as Yoda told him to rebuild the jedi order.

    Anakin was not the chosen one, nor did he bring any semblance of balance to the force. Rebels Season 3 reveals that Luke Skywalker is the one the Prophecy was referring to.

    Wrong on so many places. Even Dave Filoni said in Rebels Reckon that it DOESN'T mean that Luke is the chosen one. It means that as Obi watched Anakin turn to the Dark Side, he started to believe that Luke was the real chosen one.

    EDIT: typo

    Dave Filoni also didn't say that Luke wasn't the chosen one, as you seem to be postulating.
    In his dying moments Maul specifically asked Obi-Wan Kenobi if his purpose on Tatooine was to watch over / guard / protect the 'Chosen One' (the context of the entire sequence made it very clear that this was a reference to Luke), and Obi-Wan Kenobi very specifically said Yes. So yeah, clearly Obi-Wan Kenobi believes Luke is the chosen one, and he's a pretty smart guy who's had a LOT of time in solitude to connect with the force and think things over.

    Of course Dave wasn't going to confirm (nor deny) this fact since that could be a potential spoiler of the events that will define SW8, SW9, and ultimately the conclusion of the Skywalker saga. But the fact that that statement was added into CANNON by Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of brightest Jedi of his generation, is a pretty clear indication that it's true.

    On top of that, Anakin never brought balance to force as has been claimed. The Dark side vastly overpowered the light side after order 66. They gained dominion over the entire galaxy! AND that was hardly Anikins doing, it was 98% Lord Sidious. After the events of SW6 the force still wasn't in balance. There are those who draw from the light side and those who draw from the dark. Unless you can tell me that there were an equal amount of both at that period of time, then you can't claim that the force was in balance. Nor has there been any suggestion in Cannon (that I'm aware of) that that was ever the case. I maintain that the only time the Force was ever truly in balance was during the early years of the Grey Order when every force user drew from both the light and dark. Ever since that time is has been a continual tug-of-war (per se) over which side is dominant, the light or the dark.

    If I am correct, in that Luke will attempt to bring back the Grey Order by reuniting the light and dark sides of the force (suggested by his quote about ending the Jedi). Then HE is the chosen one as suggested by Obi-Wan Kenobi (once more, a smart guy), as that would be the only way the force could truly be brought back into balance.

    Fair points and you may be right. "from a certain point of view" Anakin did bring balance to the force. Yes as you said after order 66 the dark side was strong as Anakin destroyed the light side (even though as you said that was mainly sidious although id say at least 20% of that goes to Plageius). However as Darth Vader he did also destroy the sith at which point there was balance as he had brought down both extremes. Don't forget the clone wars episodes with father, son, and daughter on Mortis. Where he was confirmed to be the chosen one which is also canon.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Fair points and you may be right. "from a certain point of view" Anakin did bring balance to the force. Yes as you said after order 66 the dark side was strong as Anakin destroyed the light side (even though as you said that was mainly sidious although id say at least 20% of that goes to Plageius). However as Darth Vader he did also destroy the sith at which point there was balance as he had brought down both extremes.

    I still don't believe that the force was in balance after the events of episode 6, but if we were to assume that it was, it should be pointed out that while Vader might have ended Sidious, Sidious was the one who actually ended Vader (who wanted to continue to rule the Galaxy with Luke by his side) and would thus equally qualify for the title of Chosen One if those were the defining moments. What's more relevant is the fact that the demise of both Sith Lors is most conclusively a result of Luke's efforts, and not Anakins. Though Vader may have delivered the final blow to Sidious, he never would have done so were it not for things that Luke put into motion. So if the force truly was brought into balance at that moment as has been suggested, it would still more likely be the result of Luke's actions then Anakins.
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Don't forget the clone wars episodes with father, son, and daughter on Mortis. Where he was confirmed to be the chosen one which is also canon.

    Very well said. I had completely forgotten that that episode had made a reference to him as the Chosen one. However it has been awhile since I last watched it, do remind me, do they positively affirm that he IS the chosen one? I seem to recall that they spend the majority of the 2-3 episodes in that arch trying to decide if he is the Chosen One or not. I think I remember them coming to the conclusion that he must be, or rather, that he must decide for himself whether he is or not... but that still doesn't sound very conclusive.
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    I have no idea who these people are. Books are like Kryptonite to me.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Omeah wrote: »
    Let's see: Darth Sidious and Darth Vader are Sith Lords, Grand Master Yoda and Master Kenobi are Jedi Masters, equal in rank, so that would make it equal?
    If we count non-Sith, non-Jedi, there are the Inquisitors, Maul (well, arguably a Sith), Kanan (later becoming a Jedi Knight), Ezra, Ahsoka. These are just the canon alive ones.
    How exactly did Vader destroy the Light Side? If we count only Sith and Jedi, they were equal in numbers. If we count the rest, the Dark was stronger, but not alone. But if we count the rest, Vader didn't destroy the Dark Side when killing Palpatine, I'm sure there were some Inquisitors still around. Either way Anakin didn't bring balance to the Force. EXCEPT! if we consider what balance in the Force means. I wrote about this in a post above: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/1072975#Comment_1072975
    TLDR: Balance in the Force means eradication of the Sith, not bringing Light and Dark equal/together. Anakin did that!

    I saw your earlier quote about what balance in the force means to you, but it sounded more like an opinion rather then a statement of fact. I don't recall anywhere in cannon where balance in the force is defined as simply the eradication of the Sith. Do you have a reference?
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    Yes, they do say Anakin was the chosen one. The dad was dying and need him (Anakin, the chosen one) to take his place, because only the chosen one could do that to control both his children.
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    Spyda, in the PT the prophecy says that Anakin will bring balance to the force. In Ep3, Obi Wan says that it was said that he would destroy the Sith, not join them.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Yes, they do say Anakin was the chosen one. The dad was dying and need him (Anakin, the chosen one) to take his place, because only the chosen one could do that to control both his children.

    I know that's why they brought him to that place, because the Chosen One was supposed to replace him, and the Dad seemed pretty convinced that that referred to Anakin, but neither of the children were convinced. Nor did Anakin end up staying like the Chosen one was supposed to do...
  • fascizio
    572 posts Member
    Omeah wrote: »
    Spyda wrote: »
    Omeah wrote: »
    Let's see: Darth Sidious and Darth Vader are Sith Lords, Grand Master Yoda and Master Kenobi are Jedi Masters, equal in rank, so that would make it equal?
    If we count non-Sith, non-Jedi, there are the Inquisitors, Maul (well, arguably a Sith), Kanan (later becoming a Jedi Knight), Ezra, Ahsoka. These are just the canon alive ones.
    How exactly did Vader destroy the Light Side? If we count only Sith and Jedi, they were equal in numbers. If we count the rest, the Dark was stronger, but not alone. But if we count the rest, Vader didn't destroy the Dark Side when killing Palpatine, I'm sure there were some Inquisitors still around. Either way Anakin didn't bring balance to the Force. EXCEPT! if we consider what balance in the Force means. I wrote about this in a post above: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/1072975#Comment_1072975
    TLDR: Balance in the Force means eradication of the Sith, not bringing Light and Dark equal/together. Anakin did that!

    I saw your earlier quote about what balance in the force means to you, but it sounded more like an opinion rather then a statement of fact. I don't recall anywhere in cannon where balance in the force is defined as simply the eradication of the Sith. Do you have a reference?

    This view of the balance of the Force is defined in EU, but as @Jamie_SWGOH pointed out, Obi-Wan said to Anakin in RotS that he was Chosen One and he was supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them.

    That was the Jedi interpretation, yes. The prophecy in actuality only said that the chosen one would bring balance though. As stated several times however, balance is subject to "a certain point of view." Just because the Jedi thought it meant the destruction of the Sith, doesn't mean that was the case. Yoda even alludes to this in RoTS.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Spyda, in the PT the prophecy says that Anakin will bring balance to the force.

    The prophecy says that the 'Chosen One' will bring balance to the force, the question at hand is whether or not that is a reference to Anakin or Luke, since in the most recent cannon, Obi-Wan Kenobi specifically refers to Luke as the Chosen One
    In Ep3, Obi Wan says that it was said that he would destroy the Sith, not join them.
    That's true. However it's my understanding that the Prophecy in question did not come from the Jedi Order. They became aware of it and applied their own interpretation to it. Their idea of a perfect galaxy was one in which the Sith did not exist. Likewise the Sith's perfect Galaxy would be one which contained no Jedi. Neither side truly understood what balance in the force meant... just ask the Bendu.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    By the way, do any of you Star Wars Gurus know the origin story of the Prophecy? I'm having trouble recollecting when, and from who this Prophecy comes from.
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    Here is a description, but looks like its a legends one.... don't think this one is canon, but gives an idea.

  • Zanhaep
    358 posts Member
    Naw wrote: »
    Zanhaep wrote: »
    I've read over 100 EU books. It'd be unreasonable to say that I'm not a Star Wars fan. But I don't like the new stuff. HeII, I haven't even watched Rogue One.

    You have not even watched it but know you don't like it? Okay!

    OK, I worded that poorly. From what I've watched/read of the new stuff, that I don't like (TFA, Aftermath etc.) The only thing about Rogue One I don't like are Chirrut and Baze, and that's purely because of this game. I don't have a like/dislike towards the film itself - I'm simply not particularly interested
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Here is a description, but looks like its a legends one.... don't think this one is canon, but gives an idea.


    Although noncannon, that article is still very interesting. It mentions that the Sith also had their own version of the prophecy. That a great force wielder would eventually destroy the Sith, only for them to be reborn again more powerful then ever. These Prophecies are stated to be of an unknown origin that predates the Sith and the Jedi. This further fuels my original theory that the Grey order (who truly fought for balance in the force), knew that there would be an inevitable division between the light and the dark, and that they'd have to be reunited once again. I would have to assume that these Prophecies originated from the Grey Order BEFORE they formed the Jedi Order (which was an attempt to offset the balance disruption created when the Sith factioned off).

    It is my theory that the Sith have not been wiped out entirely (Vader could have had an apprentice)(There are still Sith Holocrons and temples scattered throughout the Galaxy that could be used to bring any inquisitor, or other Dark Side wielder into power) I suspect that in Star Wars 8 and 9, we will see Luke bring an end to both the Dark and Light side factions by restoring the original Grey Order. It's my opinion that that would be the most accurate fulfillment of both Prophecies. The Sith Order would come to it's conclusion (along with the Jedi Order) during the rebirth of the Grey Order, which benefits from the strengths of both.
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    Completely agree that the Jedi's interpretation of the prophecy may have been wrong.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Omeah wrote: »
    Why Grey Order? The original one is called Je'daii Order

    True. But knowledge of the Je'daii Order has been mostly lost and there are many references to a Grey Order that seems to exist roughly as the equivalent to the ancient Je'daii Order
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Fair points and you may be right. "from a certain point of view" Anakin did bring balance to the force. Yes as you said after order 66 the dark side was strong as Anakin destroyed the light side (even though as you said that was mainly sidious although id say at least 20% of that goes to Plageius). However as Darth Vader he did also destroy the sith at which point there was balance as he had brought down both extremes.

    I still don't believe that the force was in balance after the events of episode 6, but if we were to assume that it was, it should be pointed out that while Vader might have ended Sidious, Sidious was the one who actually ended Vader (who wanted to continue to rule the Galaxy with Luke by his side) and would thus equally qualify for the title of Chosen One if those were the defining moments. What's more relevant is the fact that the demise of both Sith Lors is most conclusively a result of Luke's efforts, and not Anakins. Though Vader may have delivered the final blow to Sidious, he never would have done so were it not for things that Luke put into motion. So if the force truly was brought into balance at that moment as has been suggested, it would still more likely be the result of Luke's actions then Anakins.
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Don't forget the clone wars episodes with father, son, and daughter on Mortis. Where he was confirmed to be the chosen one which is also canon.

    Very well said. I had completely forgotten that that episode had made a reference to him as the Chosen one. However it has been awhile since I last watched it, do remind me, do they positively affirm that he IS the chosen one? I seem to recall that they spend the majority of the 2-3 episodes in that arch trying to decide if he is the Chosen One or not. I think I remember them coming to the conclusion that he must be, or rather, that he must decide for himself whether he is or not... but that still doesn't sound very conclusive.

    In the episode the old man definitely tells him he is the chosen one.

    In the episode, Anakin sees what he will become and decides to stay inside that "Force world" thing.

    The old man erases Anakin's memory of his vision because those were things that needed to take place (e.g., Anakin needed to become Vader in order for balance to come to the force).

    It was through Skywalker, one way or the other, that balance was brought.
  • J_Raphs
    85 posts Member
    So.... is it Kallus or Thrawn?
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Fair points and you may be right. "from a certain point of view" Anakin did bring balance to the force. Yes as you said after order 66 the dark side was strong as Anakin destroyed the light side (even though as you said that was mainly sidious although id say at least 20% of that goes to Plageius). However as Darth Vader he did also destroy the sith at which point there was balance as he had brought down both extremes.

    I still don't believe that the force was in balance after the events of episode 6, but if we were to assume that it was, it should be pointed out that while Vader might have ended Sidious, Sidious was the one who actually ended Vader (who wanted to continue to rule the Galaxy with Luke by his side) and would thus equally qualify for the title of Chosen One if those were the defining moments. What's more relevant is the fact that the demise of both Sith Lors is most conclusively a result of Luke's efforts, and not Anakins. Though Vader may have delivered the final blow to Sidious, he never would have done so were it not for things that Luke put into motion. So if the force truly was brought into balance at that moment as has been suggested, it would still more likely be the result of Luke's actions then Anakins.
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Don't forget the clone wars episodes with father, son, and daughter on Mortis. Where he was confirmed to be the chosen one which is also canon.

    Very well said. I had completely forgotten that that episode had made a reference to him as the Chosen one. However it has been awhile since I last watched it, do remind me, do they positively affirm that he IS the chosen one? I seem to recall that they spend the majority of the 2-3 episodes in that arch trying to decide if he is the Chosen One or not. I think I remember them coming to the conclusion that he must be, or rather, that he must decide for himself whether he is or not... but that still doesn't sound very conclusive.

    In the episode the old man definitely tells him he is the chosen one.

    In the episode, Anakin sees what he will become and decides to stay inside that "Force world" thing.

    The old man erases Anakin's memory of his vision because those were things that needed to take place (e.g., Anakin needed to become Vader in order for balance to come to the force).

    It was through Skywalker, one way or the other, that balance was brought.

    That's true about the Father, I do recall that. Could he have been wrong? I suppose it's important to take into account that the Clone Wars series was produced under Lucas Studios prior to Disney buying them out and announcing the continuation of the Saga. Even if Anakin was originally intended to be the Chosen One, because the original 6 movies didn't do a very good job of directly confirming that, it gave Disney some wiggle room to decide where they wanted to take the story over the next 3 movies. When Disney picked up the franchise they had to make some hard decisions regarding what was going to remain canon and what wasn't. The Clone Wars series was originally slated for 3 additional seasons that were canceled during the merger because Disney wasn't initially sure whether or not The Clone Wars would even remain Canon. They decided to go ahead and keep it, but it's still possible I suppose that there will remain parts of it that contradict the direction that the saga is now moving in. I mean, on one hand we have an episode created under Lucas studios claiming that Anakin is the Chosen One, on the other we have an episode created by Disney saying that Luke is the Chosen One. Unless the Prophecy applies to both of them, then there would seem to be a contradiction. If such as contradiction does exist, then as a general rule I would probably give more credit to the episode that was created under the studio that currently owns the franchise. Thoughts?
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Spyda wrote: »
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Fair points and you may be right. "from a certain point of view" Anakin did bring balance to the force. Yes as you said after order 66 the dark side was strong as Anakin destroyed the light side (even though as you said that was mainly sidious although id say at least 20% of that goes to Plageius). However as Darth Vader he did also destroy the sith at which point there was balance as he had brought down both extremes.

    I still don't believe that the force was in balance after the events of episode 6, but if we were to assume that it was, it should be pointed out that while Vader might have ended Sidious, Sidious was the one who actually ended Vader (who wanted to continue to rule the Galaxy with Luke by his side) and would thus equally qualify for the title of Chosen One if those were the defining moments. What's more relevant is the fact that the demise of both Sith Lors is most conclusively a result of Luke's efforts, and not Anakins. Though Vader may have delivered the final blow to Sidious, he never would have done so were it not for things that Luke put into motion. So if the force truly was brought into balance at that moment as has been suggested, it would still more likely be the result of Luke's actions then Anakins.
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    Don't forget the clone wars episodes with father, son, and daughter on Mortis. Where he was confirmed to be the chosen one which is also canon.

    Very well said. I had completely forgotten that that episode had made a reference to him as the Chosen one. However it has been awhile since I last watched it, do remind me, do they positively affirm that he IS the chosen one? I seem to recall that they spend the majority of the 2-3 episodes in that arch trying to decide if he is the Chosen One or not. I think I remember them coming to the conclusion that he must be, or rather, that he must decide for himself whether he is or not... but that still doesn't sound very conclusive.

    In the episode the old man definitely tells him he is the chosen one.

    In the episode, Anakin sees what he will become and decides to stay inside that "Force world" thing.

    The old man erases Anakin's memory of his vision because those were things that needed to take place (e.g., Anakin needed to become Vader in order for balance to come to the force).

    It was through Skywalker, one way or the other, that balance was brought.

    That's true about the Father, I do recall that. Could he have been wrong? I suppose it's important to take into account that the Clone Wars series was produced under Lucas Studios prior to Disney buying them out and announcing the continuation of the Saga. Even if Anakin was originally intended to be the Chosen One, because the original 6 movies didn't do a very good job of directly confirming that, it gave Disney some wiggle room to decide where they wanted to take the story over the next 3 movies. When Disney picked up the franchise they had to make some hard decisions regarding what was going to remain canon and what wasn't. The Clone Wars series was originally slated for 3 additional seasons that were canceled during the merger because Disney wasn't initially sure whether or not The Clone Wars would even remain Canon. They decided to go ahead and keep it, but it's still possible I suppose that there will remain parts of it that contradict the direction that the saga is now moving in. I mean, on one hand we have an episode created under Lucas studios claiming that Anakin is the Chosen One, on the other we have an episode created by Disney saying that Luke is the Chosen One. Unless the Prophecy applies to both of them, then there would seem to be a contradiction. If such as contradiction does exist, then as a general rule I would probably give more credit to the episode that was created under the studio that currently owns the franchise. Thoughts?

    It's an ever evolving fictional universe so I'm sure Luke is the "correct" chosen one.

    I just think it's through the Skywalker bloodline that balance is brought to the force. Luke had a hand in turning his father away from the darkside but it was ultimately Vader's choice to kill the Emperor rather than continuing to reign with him and see his own son die.

    Also, Yoda spoke cryptically of Leia also being able to succeed if Luke failed.

    It will be interesting to see how things develop in the next movie.
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