Kallus confirmed!


  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    I doubt he will have ysalamiri since that was from Zahn's trilogy, which was ostracized from the canon.
    Winstar wrote: »
    Is that a vornskr or ysalamiri behind Thrawn?

    Who cares?!? Look at that slick hair and those crimson colore eyes. He is so dang dreamy. I didn't even notice anything else in the room.
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    ^^ haha. We can kind of dispute fan fav forever. It's really what the devs deem fan fav/iconic. Pending his kit- I'm sure most really want Thrawn. Including me.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Regarding the Grey... Let me explain a little bit about the history of the Force as I remember it (It was a long time ago that I read it, and I'm recalling this from memory, so the details may be a little foggy). Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away there existed (on one singular planet) a group of talented individuals who'd just begun to discover the Force and their ability to tap into it. At this point in time there were no Sith, or Jedi, or light vs Dark, there was only the grey, this group of individuals who were becoming adapt at channeling the force (both light and dark) to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. You should go and read their history, it's really quite fascinating. To sum up it up however, over time, a faction of these force wielders broke off from the others and began to forsake the light. If I remember correctly, the others strongly believed in maintaining a balance in the force between the light and the dark, and by forsaking the light, this particular faction had begun to throw off that balance which would eventually result in some serious consequences for the Galaxy. Initially the main group tried to bring this faction back in line, but that led to battles which eventually turned into wars. Over time as that faction grew stronger, the primary group of individuals concluded that in order to maintain the balance in the force that they'd have to forsake the dark. This is what eventually lead to the Sith and the Jedi orders. The efforts of these two orders created a very shaky balance that stood in jeopardy of falling apart the moment either group gained to much control, or to much power over the other. It is my opinion that the prophecy regarding bringing balance to the force had nothing to do with defeating the Dark Side or the Light Side, rather but uniting them instead. The chosen one is destined to end both the light and dark factions and to bring back the grey.

    Consequently, it seems to be suggested in the last Season of Rebels (which is cannon), that Anakin was NOT the chosen one, but instead that that title had always been a reference to Luke all along. Anyone with a knowledge of the history of the force likely understood Luke's cryptic message in the SW8 trailer "It's time for the Jedi to end..." to likely be an indication that he's going to try to truly bring the force back into balance by uniting both the light and darks sides once more, and bringing back the grey order after so long a time.

    Personally it is my opinion that the temple at the end of Episode 7 was the original planet and island where those individuals first discovered the force and the grey order was born. They called it the first Jedi temple in the movie, but the remnants of the Grey Order are those who formed the Jedi Order, so it stands to reason that that temple was created in the very spot where it all began.

    Anyone with a greater history of these events then I do is encouraged to correct anything that I may have gotten wrong
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    Spyda wrote: »
    Regarding the Grey... Let me explain a little bit about the history of the Force as I remember it (It was a long time ago that I read it, and I'm recalling this from memory, so the details may be a little foggy). Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away there existed (on one singular planet) a group of talented individuals who'd just begun to discover the Force and their ability to tap into it. At this point in time there were no Sith, or Jedi, or light vs Dark, there was only the grey, this group of individuals who were becoming adapt at channeling the force (both light and dark) to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. You should go and read their history, it's really quite fascinating. To sum up it up however, over time, a faction of these force wielders broke off from the others and began to forsake the light. If I remember correctly, the others strongly believed in maintaining a balance in the force between the light and the dark, and by forsaking the light, this particular faction had begun to throw off that balance which would eventually result in some serious consequences for the Galaxy. Initially the main group tried to bring this faction back in line, but that led to battles which eventually turned into wars. Over time as that faction grew stronger, the primary group of individuals concluded that in order to maintain the balance in the force that they'd have to forsake the dark. This is what eventually lead to the Sith and the Jedi orders. The efforts of these two orders created a very shaky balance that stood in jeopardy of falling apart the moment either group gained to much control, or to much power over the other. It is my opinion that the prophecy regarding bringing balance to the force had nothing to do with defeating the Dark Side or the Light Side, rather but uniting them instead. The chosen one is destined to end both the light and dark factions and to bring back the grey.

    Consequently, it seems to be suggested in the last Season of Rebels (which is cannon), that Anakin was NOT the chosen one, but instead that that title had always been a reference to Luke all along. Anyone with a knowledge of the history of the force likely understood Luke's cryptic message in the SW8 trailer "It's time for the Jedi to end..." to likely be an indication that he's going to try to truly bring the force back into balance by uniting both the light and darks sides once more, and bringing back the grey order after so long a time.

    Personally it is my opinion that the temple at the end of Episode 7 was the original planet and island where those individuals first discovered the force and the grey order was born. They called it the first Jedi temple in the movie, but the remnants of the Grey Order are those who formed the Jedi Order, so it stands to reason that that temple was created in the very spot where it all began.

    Anyone with a greater history of these events then I do is encouraged to correct anything that I may have gotten wrong
    Spyda wrote: »
    Regarding the Grey... Let me explain a little bit about the history of the Force as I remember it (It was a long time ago that I read it, and I'm recalling this from memory, so the details may be a little foggy). Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away there existed (on one singular planet) a group of talented individuals who'd just begun to discover the Force and their ability to tap into it. At this point in time there were no Sith, or Jedi, or light vs Dark, there was only the grey, this group of individuals who were becoming adapt at channeling the force (both light and dark) to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. You should go and read their history, it's really quite fascinating. To sum up it up however, over time, a faction of these force wielders broke off from the others and began to forsake the light. If I remember correctly, the others strongly believed in maintaining a balance in the force between the light and the dark, and by forsaking the light, this particular faction had begun to throw off that balance which would eventually result in some serious consequences for the Galaxy. Initially the main group tried to bring this faction back in line, but that led to battles which eventually turned into wars. Over time as that faction grew stronger, the primary group of individuals concluded that in order to maintain the balance in the force that they'd have to forsake the dark. This is what eventually lead to the Sith and the Jedi orders. The efforts of these two orders created a very shaky balance that stood in jeopardy of falling apart the moment either group gained to much control, or to much power over the other. It is my opinion that the prophecy regarding bringing balance to the force had nothing to do with defeating the Dark Side or the Light Side, rather but uniting them instead. The chosen one is destined to end both the light and dark factions and to bring back the grey.

    Consequently, it seems to be suggested in the last Season of Rebels (which is cannon), that Anakin was NOT the chosen one, but instead that that title had always been a reference to Luke all along. Anyone with a knowledge of the history of the force likely understood Luke's cryptic message in the SW8 trailer "It's time for the Jedi to end..." to likely be an indication that he's going to try to truly bring the force back into balance by uniting both the light and darks sides once more, and bringing back the grey order after so long a time.

    Personally it is my opinion that the temple at the end of Episode 7 was the original planet and island where those individuals first discovered the force and the grey order was born. They called it the first Jedi temple in the movie, but the remnants of the Grey Order are those who formed the Jedi Order, so it stands to reason that that temple was created in the very spot where it all began.

    Anyone with a greater history of these events then I do is encouraged to correct anything that I may have gotten wrong

    If we are talking about Legends the source material you are looking for is Dawn of the Jedi
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    I bet the devs are really enjoying this, watching us get teased and debate about who the new character will be lol. I just hope we don't get any new rebels for a while.
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    Mzee wrote: »
    I bet the devs are really enjoying this, watching us get teased and debate about who the new character will be lol. I just hope we don't get any new rebels for a while.

    You will in November likely.

    Cant have an Empire based game with no Rebel villians
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Darth_Bruh wrote: »
    We have a transmission coming in

    This is fulcrum, with an urgent message. Thrawn knows abou -

    Yeah it's Kallus or Thrawn. Just felt like putting the actual message in here though.

    Considering Fulcrum is the identity of numerous people (although it was Kallus saying it in this message), the message distinctly names Thrawn - who was a fan favourite in the EU long before his confirmed Cannon appearance in Rebels.

    It's Thrawn - if its either or, bet my life on it.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Omeah wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Omeah wrote: »
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Omeah wrote: »
    Ummm... And what about Grey Jedi/Rebel Ahsoka? She also was Fulcrum

    There are NO GREY JEDI, that's the dumbest theory ever!

    Man, you should really play KOTOR 2. It really worth it.
    Kreya is grey jedi. Never saw anything more persuasive.

    All this 'evil' in nature sith or ****-proud jedis really look ridiculous.

    I played KOTOR 2, that's why I can properly spell Kreia's name. She was a Jedi, then she became a Sith, then she became anti-Force. Never she was even close to the non-canon description of Grey Jedi.
    Honestly I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jolee, whom more ppl consider Grey Jedi, why I do not know, since he was always Light Side himself. There is Light and there is Dark. Star Wars is built on this dichotomy, good vs evil. There is no middle ground, that would destroy the whole thing we love.

    But Anakin brought balance to the force by destroying the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi understanding of the prophecy was skewed.

    If the Chosen One was meant to bring balance to the force and he did so by getting rid of the extremes, then isn't the middle ground the only viable destination?

    The Jedi believed the Force is a companion who you are equal with, "in balance", while the Sith believed the Force is a slave to be ruled. The Jedi believed the Dark Side to be a corruption, not a natural state of the Force, so when a Jedi says "balance in the Force", it actually means returning the Force to its original, Light Side-only state, not making Light and Dark equal. So when the prophecy says the Chosen One brings balance to the Force, it means the total eradication of the Sith. Which Anakin did. Now, we have Snoke and Kylo Ren, who are NOT Sith, therefore probably have different point of views concerning the Force. Balance of the Force is achieved by not trying to rule it, like Sith tried.

    I agree - but that is where the light side was corrupt in its teachings - there can be no light without dark and the dark is every part of the force as the light.

    This is why Anakin was both a Sith and a Jedi - he was to bring balance to the force and he did. Luke was the product of the Chosen One's actions in life and continued on after ROTJ as a Jedi - still following the corrupt teachings of the Jedi as Yoda told him to rebuild the jedi order.

    Kylo destroyed the Jedi order - Snoke is a mystery still (although there are plenty of theories) he is interested in Kylo because of his pull to the light as well as being trained in the darkside - Kylo is actually grey (although 50 shades darker - sorry couldn't resist that one).

    Luke realized that the Jedi were wrong in their teachings and the destruction of his Jedi was the same result as Anakin sacking the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Luke has come to realize that the Jedi are wrong about the perception of what balance in the force is as either strictly light or dark is not balance. This is why he says it is time for the jedi to end and why he will teach Rey the grey force...balance.

    Sidious said it himself that: "one must understand all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the jedi".
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    The jedi code was written by jedi therefore is not a good barometer to determine what "balance in the force" truly is ... u cannont have evil without good so the only true way to bring balance to the force is to eradicate the two extremes darkside AND lightside leaving only the middle ground not to mention this falls in line with thermodynamics .....

    Idk that a "grey jedi" would be accepted into the hedi order however mace windu could be considered a grey jedi with his use of vaapad... personally i think maces mastery of vaapad is also what allowed him to see shatterpoints in the force (only someone using both light and dark could see the true weak points in the force)
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    Fan favorite. Aka a character people actually have heard of. Who the hell is Kallus in the Star Wars universe? I highly doubt anyone outside of Rebels fans know who he is. Meanwhile I've never watched Rebels but know about Thrawn. And he has a large presence in the world of Star Wars.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Boo wrote: »
    This is why Anakin was both a Sith and a Jedi - he was to bring balance to the force and he did. Luke was the product of the Chosen One's actions in life and continued on after ROTJ as a Jedi - still following the corrupt teachings of the Jedi as Yoda told him to rebuild the jedi order.

    Anakin was not the chosen one, nor did he bring any semblance of balance to the force. Rebels Season 3 reveals that Luke Skywalker is the one the Prophecy was referring to. And based upon the teaser for Episode 8, I'd say he's probably going to try and bring back the Grey Order by reuniting the light and the dark sides
  • Options
    Spyda wrote: »
    Boo wrote: »
    This is why Anakin was both a Sith and a Jedi - he was to bring balance to the force and he did. Luke was the product of the Chosen One's actions in life and continued on after ROTJ as a Jedi - still following the corrupt teachings of the Jedi as Yoda told him to rebuild the jedi order.

    Anakin was not the chosen one, nor did he bring any semblance of balance to the force. Rebels Season 3 reveals that Luke Skywalker is the one the Prophecy was referring to. And based upon the teaser for Episode 8, I'd say he's probably going to try and bring back the Grey Order by reuniting the light and the dark sides

    spoiler alert!
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    I doubt he will have ysalamiri since that was from Zahn's trilogy, which was ostracized from the canon.
    Winstar wrote: »
    Is that a vornskr or ysalamiri behind Thrawn?

    Well ysalamiri were sedentary creatures permanently affixed to their preferred tree limbs, like parasites if I recall correctly. I think they got all their nutrients from their host tree. So I doubt they had a mouthful of sharp teeth like those things.
    I would have to say those are vornskr.
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    Deep cuts
  • Metroplex79
    837 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Omeah wrote: »
    Funny thing: ppl think you can't have light without dark, you can't advance without war, you can't have life without death etc.
    Btw dark isn't an existing thing, it's an absence of light. Light exists, but dark does not, so yeah, you can have light without any dark at all.
    You can have life without $€X.

    Death doesn't create life.
    (from a certain point of view)


    Anyways, back on track. If it is indeed Kallus, I'm ok with that.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    Omeah wrote: »
    Funny thing: ppl think you can't have light without dark, you can't advance without war, you can't have life without death etc.
    Btw dark isn't an existing thing, it's an absence of light. Light exists, but dark does not, so yeah, you can have light without any dark at all.
    You can have life without $€X.

    Death doesn't create life.
    (from a certain point of view)


    Anyways, back on track. If it is indeed Kallus, I'm ok with that.

    Actually.... bacteria doesnt have sex
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Anakin was not the chosen one, nor did he bring any semblance of balance to the force. Rebels Season 3 reveals that Luke Skywalker is the one the Prophecy was referring to. And based upon the teaser for Episode 8, I'd say he's probably going to try and bring back the Grey Order by reuniting the light and the dark sides

    That grey force stuff sounds kind of like what happened on Mortis in The Clone Wars series, trying to balance the light in the dark, but it didn't turn out so well for the force users...
    Anakin is clearly the chosen one, he defeated the Sith and brought balance to the force so it could be used selflessly instead of selfishly, like the Jedi and Luke did, and that is kind of why the movie is called Return of the Jedi. Making a movie called The Last Jedi after that doesn't make any sense
  • Options
    "Transmission Incoming"

    Note the Fulcrum symbol turning red. This is the same as:
    at the 20s mark, the scrambling of the Fulcrum machine frequency matches it almost identically.

    Don't cash in your chips yet. It could still be adult Ahsoka.
  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Parableman wrote: »
    1. There's no reason think this Fulcrum tease has to do with the June fan favorite. So it's irrelevant that Kallus might not count as a fan favorite. I doubt Thrawn would count for that, since most people don't read the books or watch Rebels, so they wouldn't even know who he is. He's awesome, but the June fan favorite will be a movie character. You can be sure of that.

    2. Ahsoka isn't in season 3, but they made that comment while it was still season 3. It's season 4 that they're now working on, and they've hinted that she will be in it.

    3. They may have intended it to be red to signal Thrawn, but they may well have just chosen that moment as the last one Fulcrum use that method of communication. Or one that they could easily find. They don't always get things perfect in a fine-tuned way, e.g. Gar Saxon's ship. We can't know that it's Thrawn from the fact that it's red.

    4. George Lucas confirmed that his conception of balance in the Force is balance between light and dark. He says the Jedi get that wrong. Gray Jedi are closer to how he thinks things ought to be than how the Jedi think things ought to be. Jedi on the edge like Qui-Gon and Quinlan Vos are more balanced, in the view of Lucas. There's a danger to flirting with the dark side, but the Jedi are missing something. That doesn't mean the Sith are equally close to balance. They're not. But a character like Tom Baker's in Rebels is probably closer to Lucas' picture of balance.

    The Bendu is Balance. The story of the force is growing more complex and we are learning that the true nature of the force isn't as easy as Light vs. Dark, or Jedi vs. Sith. The sequel trilogy is exploring this more. Snoke and Kylo are dark side force users, TLJ sneak peek has Luke saying it's time for the jedi, to end. Rey saying Light, Dark, The Balance. We are going to get the grown up version and the true nature of the force in this trilogy.

    The Bendu probably wouldn't be in the show if Ezra did the right thing and listened to Kanan while they were at the Sith temple, but Ezra trusted Maul when he shouldn't have and that technically got Kanan blinded, which made Ezra sorry. I haven't finished season 3 of Rebels but I really hope Ezra makes up for his mistakes and starts being more like a Jedi, otherwise he is just hurting everyone around him doing stuff like the Sith and using Sith powers
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    "Transmission Incoming"

    Note the Fulcrum symbol turning red. This is the same as:
    at the 20s mark, the scrambling of the Fulcrum machine frequency matches it almost identically.

    Don't cash in your chips yet. It could still be adult Ahsoka.

    @Barhebraeus supposedly CG is limited to season 3 of Rebels. I finally ended up watching it btw. The episodes with Sabine training with the Darksaber and returning home were by far my favorite. (The end of the one with Kenobi was good too.)
  • Anditesh
    135 posts Member
    For sure it is Thrawn. However, I don't see a problem they releasing Kallus as well since the Dev's didn't nor did say they were going to release more than just the Fan Favorite. Just a thought there. I can see them adding Thrawn as an Event similar to Yoda, R2 and Palpatine, and then have Kallus added as a Marquie event around the time or right before or after Thrawn comes into the game. But, yes this is more towards Thrawn since he is more of a Fan favorite Character. I would like to see it this way. Also, It would be great to see some more Legendary Characters to be added as the Legendary Events and you need 5-10 of one faction to unlock them. I would have thought that would have been a great type of event for Darth Nihilis.
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    It's Thrawn most likely and i wonder if they'll grant him a capital ship.
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    I love how ppl consider themselves Star wars fans because they've seen all the movies, then they're all like "Who's Thrawn" lol... it's great you like the movies, but that doesn't automatically make you a fan...
  • Options
    I doubt he will have ysalamiri since that was from Zahn's trilogy, which was ostracized from the canon.
    Winstar wrote: »
    Is that a vornskr or ysalamiri behind Thrawn?

    I would assume a stylized ysalamiri
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    I love how ppl consider themselves Star wars fans because they've seen all the movies, then they're all like "Who's Thrawn" lol... it's great you like the movies, but that doesn't automatically make you a fan...

    So I'm not a fan because I haven't seen Rebels?? How high and mighty of you...
  • Options
    I love how ppl consider themselves Star wars fans because they've seen all the movies, then they're all like "Who's Thrawn" lol... it's great you like the movies, but that doesn't automatically make you a fan...

    So I'm not a fan because I haven't seen Rebels?? How high and mighty of you...

    Maybe it's more generational. I've not seen Rebels, but Thrawn has been a favorite villain of mine for over twenty years.
  • nulami
    99 posts Member
    Sev74907 wrote: »
    c3pe0n wrote: »
    It's not kallus it's thrawn....you don't find it strange that the one snippet they choose is the one time that thrawn intercepts the transmission because he knows who fulcrum is? You feel for that Hook line and sinker...

    ^This. Plus Thrawn is a fan favorite. Kallus is not

    Never heard of Thrawn until the forums.

    Definitely not this fan's favorite....lol
  • WrathofCaedus
    1880 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Nothermike wrote: »
    I love how ppl consider themselves Star wars fans because they've seen all the movies, then they're all like "Who's Thrawn" lol... it's great you like the movies, but that doesn't automatically make you a fan...

    So I'm not a fan because I haven't seen Rebels?? How high and mighty of you...

    Maybe it's more generational. I've not seen Rebels, but Thrawn has been a favorite villain of mine for over twenty years.

    There is most definitely an increasing generational divide...

    Edit: I've not seen rebels yet myself
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Omeah wrote: »
    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Omeah wrote: »
    Ummm... And what about Grey Jedi/Rebel Ahsoka? She also was Fulcrum

    There are NO GREY JEDI, that's the dumbest theory ever!

    Man, you should really play KOTOR 2. It really worth it.
    Kreya is grey jedi. Never saw anything more persuasive.

    All this 'evil' in nature sith or ****-proud jedis really look ridiculous.

    I played KOTOR 2, that's why I can properly spell Kreia's name. She was a Jedi, then she became a Sith, then she became anti-Force. Never she was even close to the non-canon description of Grey Jedi.
    Honestly I'm surprised you didn't bring up Jolee, whom more ppl consider Grey Jedi, why I do not know, since he was always Light Side himself. There is Light and there is Dark. Star Wars is built on this dichotomy, good vs evil. There is no middle ground, that would destroy the whole thing we love.

    But Anakin brought balance to the force by destroying the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi understanding of the prophecy was skewed.

    If the Chosen One was meant to bring balance to the force and he did so by getting rid of the extremes, then isn't the middle ground the only viable destination?

    +1 he actually balanced it twice.
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