Guild Merges


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    check the leaderboards u see 4 of our heroic aat guilds all top 50.

    Click here to join:

    Great players and helpful team oriented environment. get 600/day and have fun

    Haat raids all level players and mergers welcome. We currently have room 20 aat players and another 10 or maybe could fit 20 more haat players in our guild family. All raids last a minimum of 24 hours so everyone gets gear.

    Must have line app to chat with us and join our line room at this link:
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    Hello we are looking for a smaller guild from 7-10 members to merge into our guild. We currently have 47 members with several in active and low active players and are looking to gain a full team to push forward to heroics.

    No rules, Relaxed guild just trying to forward to Heroic Rancor. Plenty of gear to donate to Padawans.

    We are a loyal team and we try to help each other in everything that we do in the guild. Doing Rancor Tier Tier 6 2x per week

    Tank Raid open currently.

    We use Discord

    Phoenixmale66 = 146-153-889 Leader
    Squidbait = 819-635-774 Officer
  • thunder_struck
    6 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Guild: Bacon Gaming

    Members: 29, 20-25 active

    Raids: Heroic Rancor, Normal AAT

    Raid times: 9 pm Central European Time

    We are looking to join or merge with another guild since we have been losing members. We aim at doing the Heroic Rancor at least 3x per week and the Normal AAT at least 2x. Momentarily we are not able to do that due to a lack of members. English Speaking Guild. We currently only use In-Game Chat but most of us have Discord. Rules are only one team per Person for Heroic Rancor and free for all in AAT. We finish the Heroic Rancor in one night and Normal AAT in about 2 days.

    Hit me up here or on Discord, user name: thund3rstruck#2794

    Ally Code: 338-757-518
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    We get to phase 3 in HAAT but we need a full roster of decent players and active players to finish HAAT.

    weak and inactive make a total of around 10-15 players we can get rid of.

    We do raids at 8:30pm
    We are asking for at least 400 daily tickets a day
    Must be HAAT ready as in have a at least a 5 toons with gear 10 and up, with level 85 and good gears.
    Message me if anyone is interested in merging with us. Getting tired of not being able to do HAAT because of players either leaving or just not being active or not growing. It's unfair to the rest of us who want to do HAAT and have grown a lot and steadily.
  • Ugluk199
    295 posts Member
    Thinking of disbanning your guild?

    Knights of Mandaløre is currently looking for active players level 80+ who will contribute 500 energy minimim a day. We do 3 Heroic Pit / 2 NAAT a week and are a very relaxed and fun guild (raid start time's 7:30 PM Est). We recently attempted HAAT and got down to 40% P4, so will be switching over to HAAT in less than a month's time. Therefore, we are looking for players who have strong rosters either HAAT ready or on the verge of being there. We have multiple Zeta teams, can solo P1, and have several members who can do upwards of 1m in each phase. We have a discord channel where you can request additional information and new members are required to join through our recruitment channel.

    We hope to hear from you soon.

    My ally code : 838-881-555
    Leader's ally code : 771-995-699

    We also have a page :
  • Oguleya
    76 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    50 Shades of Green is a guild with 26 of its 34 members are 80+. Need a small motivated guild to join us in crushing the heroic Rancor. We need to fill up with active players. My code is 483 288 296. If you are a lower level guild this your chance to earn rare Solo shards even for posting 0 score. All we require is participation. We need active players of all levels who want tickets. Need about 15 more fighters. Ally me unattached a guild, or pm me. Make this move your last, I promise!!!!!!!
    Post edited by Oguleya on
  • LordMarious75
    311 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Join our lvl 70-85 core players!
    15 spots free atm
    We are running T6 every 4 days. Growing in number and we can do it together more often.
    east zone

    For contact use LINE app, id Sithlordreavon (leader)
    Or ad 184.862.173 officer LordMarious​ to join.
    LINE id LordMarious​ or PM
    (Officer spot after at least 18000 tickets. No leader spot)
    Post edited by LordMarious75 on
  • BoboFoot
    212 posts Member
    Looking to earn yourself some of that phaaaaaat lootz? Ghost Chapel may be the place for you!!!

    We do Heroic Rancor several times a week, beginning with a 24 hour zero damage period. We also do normal AAT but we are actively working towards our first HAAT attempt in the next 2 weeks.

    We are a US PST guild that is mostly F2P. We constantly run both raids and we offer help, support and guidance to our members so they can progress at the best rate for them.

    We are looking for active level 80 + players to fill some spots but will consider lower levels if your mentality matches our own. Ideally you’ll have geared 7* teams with synergy and be able to consistently contribute 450+ tickets a day but we don’t mind if you aren’t there yet, as long as you’re working toward the end goal.

    If this sounds good to you it would be great if you could join us on line.

    Drop me a pm here or message BoboFoot or bowers007 on line
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    Hi everyone!
    My guild, Rogue Scouts, is looking to merge with a smaller guild of currently 10 people (that number might increase, but not as of now) that are level 80+. Our guild is progressively getting stronger and our leadership has finally implemented rules for our raids and raid tickets, but several of our members didn't talk and weren't reading our in-game chat so they continuously weren't following any of the rules, so we had to kick out 10 people recently. We would like to fill our ranks with high level people with at least 1 7* toon (but I'm sure if you're level 80 you'll have plenty), and who communicate with the rest of us. We have a solid core of 15-20 daily active players who all talk and are extremely friendly.

    We generate at least 20k raid tickets/day on average and do exclusively hRancor and nAAT, but would like to start doing hAAT asap.

    Our rules state that we require you to earn at least 300 raid tickets/day AND download the chat app Discord.
    ---Our raid rules are as follows: Heroic rancor will now open at 9:30am est, allowing everyone an opportunity if they want to get on the board with a zero damage attack.
    That means not attacking the middle guard, registering no damage. We recommend sending in a single toon who you don't mind getting killed, and just not attacking the middle boss pig.
    If folks register damage during the 12 hr moratorium, they will get a strike, and possibly more significant penalties. *Three strikes, and you are booted from the guild.*
    Please do not register damage during this window. The whole point is to make sure that everyone is on the board for raid rewards. The officers want everyone with a seven star toon to be getting some rewards from every raid, and this is our effort to make sure this happens.
    We still want the rancor raid to be a competitive battle for the top spots, and that can only happen if the playing field stays level, ie no damage recorded in the 12 hr window. If folks abuse this (by dealing damage during the 12 hour window), it becomes unfair for those who are abiding by the rules, and there will be consequences.
    The only way we improve as a guild is if everybody is getting gear and resources, and lots of that comes from raiding. Thanks.
    You can contact me through the forum PM or in the game, my in-game name is Zzyzx Jak, I am one of the 5 officers in my guild, and my ally code is 494-365-775

    Thanks, and I hope to hear from some of you soon! May the force be with you!
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    Low level guild of 30 members. Level 30-60 only
    Tier 3 rancor
    600/600 daily activity.

    Looking for 20 low level members Level 30-60 only. Daily active players. 600/600 and LINE app required.

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    *** MASS EFFECT N7 SW ***

    Hello we are looking for a smaller guild from 7-10 members to merge into our guild. We currently have 50 members with several inactive and low active players and are looking to gain a full team to push forward to AAT heroic.

    We are a loyal team and we try to help each other in everything that we do in the Guild. Doing Rancor Tier 7 3x per week and NAAT 2x.

    We mostly are Italian players, we normally raid between 7.30pm - 10.30pm (gmt+1), our reset is 7.30pm (gmt+1).
    If your guild has active members that get their raid tickets and you'd like to merge, please contact me here or Pm me or catch me on Line App if you want to discuss further.
    Name: Akeron (Officer)
    Ally code: 864-798-554
    Line ID: 864-798-554
    Name: N7 (Leader)
    Ally code: 237-187-428
    Line ID: n7SW

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    Rebel Rouge's guild is looking for another guild to merge with. We currently have 49 members all active and earn over 23k raid tickets daily. We vary in levels from the mid 70's to 85. We are looking for another guild to merge too make 2 bro/sis guilds. We currently have 30+ players ready for HATT raids. Top players would make our HATT guild while the others would have Herioc rancor and NATT raid guild. Our last attempt on HATT raid ended on tier 4. While we are so close we could do this together with a little help from you. If you are interested or want to talk more about how we would do this send me a PM or contact me via Line app @ ruitenuil.
  • Djsimps93
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Closed thank you
    Post edited by Djsimps93 on
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    Djsimps93 wrote: »
    Small guild of literally 3 looking to join up with bigger guild to progress we have 2 lvl 85 good players and one who is ringing thru levels and I expect will b at our point soon if interested reply and we will arrange to discuss more

    You can join me at the CANTINA SINGERS TEAM post your ally code, I will friend you and you can join

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    We will have 4 free spots for a short period of time.
    Please look below at our description.

    Guild name: The Sons of Dathomir


    * level 80-85
    * install and use Line chat application
    Line it's a chat application for iOS and Android.
    No chat requirements (no need to chat everyday if you don't have time).

    * Language: English
    * We are very active
    * We have 48 members
    * We love the game and Star Wars universe
    * We always try to be better and to learn
    * We are competitive.
    For chat and guides collection we use the application Line.
    * Time zone: CST - Central Standard Time, GMT +7, UTC-5, PST +2

    * Rancor Raid Tier7: o (zero) damage for 24 hours and then free for all
    * Tank Takedown raid Tier 6 : free for all
    * Guild activities: 600 tickets / day

    * To join add my Ally code in game: 826557384

    * Line ID: costahd

    * Message me here at @maullittleson
  • Sarith2017
    686 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Nerfherder Union

    Looking for 15 active members to join our guild.

    We were part of a guild that had management issues so a good number of us left and formed a new guild. The majority of our members are level 75-80+ but we have some lower levels too and are accepting all levels in order to build our guild up to full strength.

    We had been doing T6 Rancor raid and T6 NAAT, and would like to do Heroic Rancor in the not too distant future.

    We operate a 0 damage policy for 24 hours for the T6 Rancor raid.
    We require use of the Line app for communication.
    We're mostly US based though we do have some players from other parts of the world too.

    All we really ask is for active friendly players.
    If you'd like to join us send me an ally request to 741-943-911.
    Or find me on Line: sarith2017
    Post edited by Sarith2017 on
  • Taznik
    3 posts Member
    Looking to invite anywhere from 6-15 mid to high level players to begin HAAT.

    Our guild has a wide range of players, with our top member having 30 G11 characters and our bottom having 0. We are looking to elevate ourselves to HAAT status.

    We would like players HAAT ready or close to ready. Activity and personality are most important. We have created a laid back, drama free environment and would like to keep it that way.

    Guild reset is at 6:30 CST.
    We launch Heroic Rancor as energy is available at the guild reset with 24 hour 0 damage.
    NAAT is currently launched at game reset (midnight CST), although most don't attack until later into the day.

    We require the Discord app and a profile to apply.

    If you have a group or are an individual interested in joining, please PM me here or message me on Discord: Taz#6494
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    We have two sister HAAT guilds that each have about 3 spots open -- currently filled with our players' alternate accounts to generate 600 tickets -- and we would love to have some active near end-game players fill those spots as we prepare for the new content about to be released. Message me if interested for more details.
  • maullittleson
    116 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    We decided to expand so we can make more room for new members.
    We are looking now for 6 new members.
    Please take a look to our description:

    Guild name: The Sons of Dathomir


    * level 80-85
    * install and use Line chat application
    Line it's a chat application for iOS and Android.
    No chat requirements (no need to chat everyday if you don't have time).

    * Language: English
    * We are very active
    * We have 48 members
    * We love the game and Star Wars universe
    * We always try to be better and to learn
    * We are competitive.
    For chat and guides collection we use the application Line.
    * Time zone: CST - Central Standard Time

    Check here you Time Zone

    * HEROIC Rancor Raid Tier7: o (zero) damage for 24 hours and then free for all
    * Tank Takedown raid Tier 6 : free for all
    * Guild activities: 600 tickets / day

    * To join add my Ally code in game: 826557384

    * Line ID: costahd

    * Message me here at @maullittleson
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    Sent By Ravens is looking for members to replace inactives. We're currently at 49/50 members. We are an Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone based guild. We run T7 Rancor raids and Normal tank (NAAT). We're a great team and easy to get along with. If you're a smaller Guild with only a few people, merge here and let's grow stronger together! Join us!

    Add me as an ally for invite. My ally code is 283 958 384, or:
    Send me a PM, or:
    Search for me on LINE. my line ID is PrideOfTheWicked
  • tpw408
    96 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    F2P Warriors is an established and balanced guild with fair rules and responsible leadership. We are currently looking to merge with another guild of similar strength to fast-track our way to hAAT. Currently, we can finish nAAT with no refresh, and our last hAAT attempt stalled in P3.

    Our intent is to find another strong pre-hAAT guild, and then to combine the two stronger halves into the hAAT guild, while the two lower-strength halves would fill out the development guild. Our leadership and officers do not have egos, and always abide by a guild-first attitude. We are well-connected with our membership, who are loyal and motivated. We expect the other merger guild to be the same. Currently, we are not interested in joining large guild alliances that already have hAAT on farm. We have other ideas on how to make this merger equitable and advantageous for all members, and look forward to discussing these ideas with the right guild.

    Also, if you are less than a full guild (a small group of 5 or less), and are hAAT-ready, motivated players who are looking to find a good guild home, we would love to discuss details with you. We don't have a splashy graphic or ad poster; instead, we endeavor to provide real substance by offering a drama-free and balanced guild environment where clear rules and fair play rule the day. No mercs, please.

    We use Discord and in-game chat for comms. Please let me know if you have any questions or interest.

    Discord ID: teng#4812
    Line ID: tpw408
    Post edited by tpw408 on
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    TGY Clan is recruiting!

    hPit and nAAT guild looking for a few good folks to fill our ranks! We're starting on hAAT and have several good teams ready to go, but we have some space available and know we can get closer to GK shards! We're looking for a small group of active players that may be stuck in an underperforming guild and want to join a small chatty bunch of fun players!

    The guild is UK time zoned but we have some US and European folks. We run pit three times a week M/W/F and with enough tickets we bonus run on the weekends. Main pit rule is zero dmg first 24 hours to let everyone get on the board. nAAT is free for all.

    We need tickets for raids so prefer you can do your 600 a day, also we use Discord for chat, so require you to already be on there or willing to get on there!

    Contact myself, Cuzzins on discord as Cuzzins#4474.
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    Ceskoslovenska guilda Skypelníci hleda aktivni cleny.

    Momentalne rotujeme Pit IV, V, VI a ATT (pomalu se bliyime k heroic Pit )

    Vetcina clenu uprednostnuje zivot pred hranim. Vhodne pro novacky i pro ostrilene hrace. Pro nadsence i prilezitostne hrace.

    Netolerujeme podvodniky, jina pravidla nemame.

    CZ / SK guild is looking for new players

    We are rotating Pit IV, V, VI and normal AAT. Slowly progresing towards heroic Pit.

    Cheaters are not welcome. Otherwise there are no rules inside guild.
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    We have two sister guilds easily completing HAAT, and we have about 2 spots in each guild currently filled with alternate accounts. We would love to replace those spots with active rosters! If you have a group of 4/5 looking for a home, message me on discord SippinOn100Proof#7458 if interested.
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    Our guild 'Ball'n Out' is currently looking for 20 daily players to join up. 27 of our 30 are at 85 and most are right around 100 in the squad arena. We run heroic pit raids with a 24 hr no damage rule and are trying to fill our roster to complete HAAT. We all want to work and grow together and will provide advice and gear to anyone at lower levels so we can all get stronger. Any guild looking to join or just groups of people would be happily received.
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    We run a relaxed guild by the name of Knights of Cull. We are currently 30 members who range in level between 50 and 80 with a couple heavy hitters at level 85. We are alternating between 5* and 6* Rancor Raids to help boost up our lower level members and we run 6* AAT raids. We don't use Line or Discord, just chat on the in-game tool. We're a helpful group, with the higher level members sharing tips and offering advice to anyone with a question. We enjoy helping each other and we see each other's improvement as a benefit to us all.

    We are looking for 20 members between level 50 and 80 to help fill out our squad. There are no raid ticket or activity requirements. But if you're not on for a month, we may open up the space for someone else. We're just looking for some active members to help us boost up our daily raid tickets, help us get better daily guild activity rewards, and help move our raids along faster.

    We have some higher members closing in on the Heroic Rancor (though we'll still keep alternating in 5*) and we'd like to boost up all of our members so we can make a run at HAAT at some point. So if you're still working your way up to level 85 greatness and would like a little help along the way, come join us.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, use my ally code of 521-787-381, or just look for us on guilds as Knights of Cull.
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    Our little family has grown with friends and alt accounts so we are looking to extend it a bit more. We are recruiting any and all lvl players looking to grow and develop in our new brother guild. Maybe your recruiting hasn't worked out or you just need a change of pace. We have plenty of tips, guides, and experience to help any lvl player. We are very casual and will look to bring over players as spots open up in our main.

    RULES: Be active (if you miss a day or two no worries we get it life happen), get as much of your daily 600 as you can so we can raid. We want to help everyone move forward not just the few.

    RAIDS: Will begin as the guilds grow. Will start at T4-T5 level and move up accordingly.

    COMMUNICATION: We use Line as our main source. However it isn't required but highly recommended. Communication helps booster the guild as a whole.

    GUILD: Spaceba1ls The Guild
    ALLY CODE:397-867-246
    LINE ID: Emperordoomsday
    Discord ID: Emperordoomsday

    Message or ally me for any questions or interested inquiries.
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    Anthem is looking to merge. We're currently about 25 active members and clear Heroic Rancor within a couple of hours. We aim to do HAAT, but at the moment we're not enough members.
    The majority of us are at lv85 and from Sweden (UTC+02:00) and usually do raids at 19:30 (UTC+02:00). You should preferably be around lv 80-85, honest and fair and it's a plus if you're from or near the same time zone.
    Everything can be discussed if there's interest.

    We use the in game chat and Facebook messenger to communicate.

    Phidion, Guild leader of Anthem
    Ally Code: 831-665-342
  • Joelovepotato
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    No longer looking.
    Post edited by Joelovepotato on
  • iMTooGodllly
    114 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Looking to merge with relaxed guild. We have 12 players at 85. Left our old guild due to too many inactive players. Not looking for anything with a bunch of rules. We can do heroic pit, looking for HAAT or close to players. Message me if interested.

    We have a group of about 15 members that are 80+ that have recently made a new guild due to our leader disbanding the guild and leaving to another one. We all want to stay together and do heroic raids but also be laid back as well! Let me know if you guys are interested! My ally code is
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